785 research outputs found

    Mesoscale magnetism at the grain boundaries in colossal magnetoresistive films

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    We report the discovery of mesoscale regions with distinctive magnetic properties in epitaxial La1x_{1-x}Srx_{x}MnO3_{3} films which exhibit tunneling-like magnetoresistance across grain boundaries. By using temperature-dependent magnetic force microscopy we observe that the mesoscale regions are formed near the grain boundaries and have a different Curie temperature (up to 20 K {\it higher}) than the grain interiors. Our images provide direct evidence for previous speculations that the grain boundaries in thin films are not magnetically and electronically sharp interfaces. The size of the mesoscale regions varies with temperature and nature of the underlying defect.Comment: 4 pages of text, 4 figure

    The VEPP-5 injection complex modulator revision and operational experience

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    For the VEPP-5 injection complex klystrons (5045, SLAC Lab., USA) power supply the four modulators producing a pulse voltage of 23.5 kV, a current of 6.3 kA, a pulse-top-duration of 3.7 µs are used. The modulator scheme designed over ten years ago has proved its reliability and let us to find out and study the weak spots of the modulators. The output voltage stability and pulse-to-pulse time jitter improvements are made. The results of the thyratrons TGI1-2500/50 and TGI1-5000/50A long-term exploitation in the VEPP-5 injection complex modulators are presented. The test results of the thyratron TGI1-2500/50 operating in the mode of more then twice pulse current overload at the nominal mode of modulator operation are also presented.Для живлення клістронів 5045 (виробництво SLAC) інжекційного комплексу ВЕПП-5 використовуються модулятори, що формують імпульси напругою 23,5 кВ, струмом 6,3 кА, тривалістю 3,7 мкс у кількості 4 штук. Конструкція модуляторів, розроблена близько 10 років тому, довела свою надійність і, разом з тим, дозволила вивчити і виявити слабкі місця модуляторів. Проведена робота з підвищення стабільності напруги на клістроні, зменшенню часового розкиду від імпульсу до імпульсу. Приводяться результати тривалої експлуатації тиратронів ТГІ1-2500/50 і ТГІ1-5000/50 у модуляторах для живлення клістронів 5045. Викладено результати ресурсних іспитів тиратрона ТГІ1-2500/50 при більш ніж подвійному перевантаженню по амплітуді струму в номінальному режимі роботи модулятора.Для питания клистронов 5045 (производство SLAC) инжекционного комплекса ВЭПП-5 используются модуляторы, формирующие импульсы напряжением 23,5 кВ, током 6,3 кА, длительностью 3,7 мкс в количестве 4 штук. Конструкция модуляторов, разработанная около 10 лет назад, доказала свою надежность и, вместе с тем, позволила изучить и выявить слабые места модуляторов. Проведена работа по повышению стабильности напряжения на клистроне, уменьшению временного разброса от импульса к импульсу. Приводятся результаты длительной эксплуатации тиратронов ТГИ1-2500/50 и ТГИ1-5000/50 в модуляторах для питания клистронов 5045. Изложены результаты ресурсных испытаний тиратрона ТГИ1-2500/50 при более чем двойной перегрузке по амплитуде тока в номинальном режиме работы модулятора

    Comparative Study of Multifragmentation of Gold Nuclei Induced by Relativistic Protons, 4^4He, and 12^{12}C

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    Multiple emission of intermediate-mass fragments has been studied for the collisions of p, 4^4He and 12^{12}C on Au with the 4π4\pi setup FASA. The mean IMF multiplicities (for the events with at least one IMF) are saturating at the value of 2.2±0.22.2\pm0.2 for the incident energies above 6 GeV. The observed IMF multiplicities cannot be described in a two-stage scenario, a fast cascade followed by a statistical multifragmentation. Agreement with the measured IMF multiplicities is obtained by introducing an intermediate phase and modifying empirically the excitation energies and masses of the remnants. The angular distributions and energy spectra from the p-induced collisions are in agreement with the scenario of ``thermal'' multifragmentation of a hot and diluted target spectator. In the case of 12^{12}C+Au(22.4 GeV) and 4^4He(14.6 GeV)+Au collisions, deviations from a pure thermal break-up are seen in the energy spectra of the emitted fragments, which are harder than those both from model calculations and from the measured ones for p-induced collisions. This difference is attributed to a collective flow.Comment: 33 pages 15 figures, accepted in Nucl. Phys.

    Pion light-cone wave function and pion distribution amplitude in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

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    We compute the pion light-cone wave function and the pion quark distribution amplitude in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. We use the Pauli-Villars regularization method and as a result the distribution amplitude satisfies proper normalization and crossing properties. In the chiral limit we obtain the simple results, namely phi_pi(x)=1 for the pion distribution amplitude, and = -M / f_pi^2 for the second moment of the pion light-cone wave function, where M is the constituent quark mass and f_pi is the pion decay constant. After the QCD Gegenbauer evolution of the pion distribution amplitude good end-point behavior is recovered, and a satisfactory agreement with the analysis of the experimental data from CLEO is achieved. This allows us to determine the momentum scale corresponding to our model calculation, which is close to the value Q_0 = 313 MeV obtained earlier from the analogous analysis of the pion parton distribution function. The value of is, after the QCD evolution, around (400 MeV)^2. In addition, the model predicts a linear integral relation between the pion distribution amplitude and the parton distribution function of the pion, which holds at the leading-order QCD evolution.Comment: mistake in Eq.(38) correcte

    Heavy quarkonium: progress, puzzles, and opportunities

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    A golden age for heavy quarkonium physics dawned a decade ago, initiated by the confluence of exciting advances in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and an explosion of related experimental activity. The early years of this period were chronicled in the Quarkonium Working Group (QWG) CERN Yellow Report (YR) in 2004, which presented a comprehensive review of the status of the field at that time and provided specific recommendations for further progress. However, the broad spectrum of subsequent breakthroughs, surprises, and continuing puzzles could only be partially anticipated. Since the release of the YR, the BESII program concluded only to give birth to BESIII; the BB-factories and CLEO-c flourished; quarkonium production and polarization measurements at HERA and the Tevatron matured; and heavy-ion collisions at RHIC have opened a window on the deconfinement regime. All these experiments leave legacies of quality, precision, and unsolved mysteries for quarkonium physics, and therefore beg for continuing investigations. The plethora of newly-found quarkonium-like states unleashed a flood of theoretical investigations into new forms of matter such as quark-gluon hybrids, mesonic molecules, and tetraquarks. Measurements of the spectroscopy, decays, production, and in-medium behavior of c\bar{c}, b\bar{b}, and b\bar{c} bound states have been shown to validate some theoretical approaches to QCD and highlight lack of quantitative success for others. The intriguing details of quarkonium suppression in heavy-ion collisions that have emerged from RHIC have elevated the importance of separating hot- and cold-nuclear-matter effects in quark-gluon plasma studies. This review systematically addresses all these matters and concludes by prioritizing directions for ongoing and future efforts.Comment: 182 pages, 112 figures. Editors: N. Brambilla, S. Eidelman, B. K. Heltsley, R. Vogt. Section Coordinators: G. T. Bodwin, E. Eichten, A. D. Frawley, A. B. Meyer, R. E. Mitchell, V. Papadimitriou, P. Petreczky, A. A. Petrov, P. Robbe, A. Vair

    Demonstration of the temporal matter-wave Talbot effect for trapped matter waves

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    We demonstrate the temporal Talbot effect for trapped matter waves using ultracold atoms in an optical lattice. We investigate the phase evolution of an array of essentially non-interacting matter waves and observe matter-wave collapse and revival in the form of a Talbot interference pattern. By using long expansion times, we image momentum space with sub-recoil resolution, allowing us to observe fractional Talbot fringes up to 10th order.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Kaon Production and Kaon to Pion Ratio in Au+Au Collisions at \snn=130 GeV

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    Mid-rapidity transverse mass spectra and multiplicity densities of charged and neutral kaons are reported for Au+Au collisions at \snn=130 GeV at RHIC. The spectra are exponential in transverse mass, with an inverse slope of about 280 MeV in central collisions. The multiplicity densities for these particles scale with the negative hadron pseudo-rapidity density. The charged kaon to pion ratios are K+/π=0.161±0.002(stat)±0.024(syst)K^+/\pi^- = 0.161 \pm 0.002 {\rm (stat)} \pm 0.024 {\rm (syst)} and K/π=0.146±0.002(stat)±0.022(syst)K^-/\pi^- = 0.146 \pm 0.002 {\rm (stat)} \pm 0.022 {\rm (syst)} for the most central collisions. The K+/πK^+/\pi^- ratio is lower than the same ratio observed at the SPS while the K/πK^-/\pi^- is higher than the SPS result. Both ratios are enhanced by about 50% relative to p+p and pˉ\bar{\rm p}+p collision data at similar energies.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Phi meson production in Au+Au and p+p collisions at sqrt (s)=200 GeV

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    We report the STAR measurement of Phi meson production in Au+Au and p+p collisions at sqrt (s)=200 GeV. Using the event mixing technique, the Phi spectra and yields are obtained at mid-rapidity for five centrality bins in Au+Au collisions and for non-singly-diffractive p+p collisions. It is found that the Phi transverse momentum distributions from Au+Au collisions are better fitted with a single-exponential while the p+p spectrum is better described by a double-exponential distribution. The measured nuclear modification factors indicate that Phi production in central Au+Au collisions is suppressed relative to peripheral collisions when scaled by the number of binary collisions. The systematics of versus centrality and the constant Phi/K- ratio versus beam species, centrality, and collision energy rule out kaon coalescence as the dominant mechanism for Phi production.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Azimuthal anisotropy at RHIC: the first and fourth harmonics

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    We report the first observations of the first harmonic (directed flow, v_1), and the fourth harmonic (v_4), in the azimuthal distribution of particles with respect to the reaction plane in Au+Au collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). Both measurements were done taking advantage of the large elliptic flow (v_2) generated at RHIC. From the correlation of v_2 with v_1 it is determined that v_2 is positive, or {\it in-plane}. The integrated v_4 is about a factor of 10 smaller than v_2. For the sixth (v_6) and eighth (v_8) harmonics upper limits on the magnitudes are reported.Comment: 6 pages with 3 figures, as accepted for Phys. Rev. Letters The data tables are at http://www.star.bnl.gov/central/publications/pubDetail.php?id=3