70 research outputs found

    Identificació d'estratègies d'atenció a la diversitat als centres educatius de Pistoia

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    Curs 2012-2013El treball Identificació d’estratègies d’atenció a la diversitat als centres educatius de Pistoia, pretén mostrar i donar a conèixer diverses estratègies que fomenten i enriqueixen la diversitat que trobem dins les aules. S’explica a través de l’anàlisi de diferents situacions educatives, com es tracta la diversitat, entesa com una escola per a tots, i com a través de les metodologies que utilitzen inclouen a tots els infants.The work of Identifying strategies for diversity in schools of Pistoia, aims to show and publicize various strategies that promote and enhance diversity found in classrooms. Explained through the analysis of different educational situations, such diversity is seen as a school for all and through the methodologies used include all children

    Projecte de seguretat integral per a una nau industrial

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    El present document es un projecte de seguretat integral per a una nau industrial on s’ubicaran els serveis de l’Àrea d’hisenda i recursos interns de la Diputació de Barcelona, la qual te funcions de recaptació d’impostos, gestió de loteries i serveis a l’administració local. El principal repte que planteja aquest projecte es la justificació d’una forta inversió en elements de seguretat (Càmeres de vídeo vigilància, detectors, incendis, etc) donat els serveis essencials que s’ubicaran al interior de la nau industrial. També esdevé la justificació de tota la normativa que es verificada mitjançant llicencies d’activitat i obres a nivell local i autonòmic. La primera part que s’abordarà es la seguretat contra incendis, amb el fi de donar compliment normatiu, avaluar el risc i definir els elements necessaris a nivell passiu i actiu. La segona part avaluarà la seguretat contra delictes a la propietat i en definirà els elements correctors i de funcionament de tota la instal·lació en conjunt. Per a la avaluació s’ha creat un mètode d’anàlisis del risc mitjançant la definició dels factor que componen la probabilitat i la severitat del furt, per a cadascuna de les zones a protegir, segons horaris. Un cop avaluat podrem establir quins elements son necessaris per reduir-ne el risc, variant els factors que componen la probabilitat i la severitat del furt. També es comprovarà, mitjançant un anàlisis de temps d’intrusió, que el delinqüent sigui interceptat per els cossos de seguretat ciutadana durant el furt. En els dos últims apartats es definirà l’esquema unifilar per subministrar electricitat a la instal·lació i es desenvoluparà un pla d’autoprotecció per a la activitat, que harmonitzarà totes les parts anteriors. Tota la documentació de la memòria comptarà amb referències als plànols i pressupostos per a cada instal·lació no existent prèviament

    Diseño de un manual de gestión de la seguridad para buques off-shore

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    Distinct Distribution of Archaea From Soil to Freshwater to Estuary: Implications of Archaeal Composition and Function in Different Environments

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    In addition to inhabiting extreme territories, Archaea are widely distributed in common environments spanning from terrestrial to aquatic environments. This study investigated and compared archaeal community structures from three different habitats (representing distinct environments): agriculture soils (from farming system trials FST, PA, United States), freshwater biofilms (from White Clay Creek, PA, United States), and estuary water (Chesapeake Bay, United States). High-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA genes indicated that Thaumarchaeota, Euryarchaeota, Nanoarchaeota, Crenarchaeota, and Diapherotrites were the commonly found dominant phyla across these three environments. Similar to Bacteria, distinct community structure and distribution patterns for Archaea were observed in soils vs. freshwater vs. estuary. However, the abundance, richness, evenness, and diversity of archaeal communities were significantly greater in soils than it was in freshwater and estuarine environments. Indicator species (or amplicon sequence variants, ASVs) were identified from different nitrogen and carbon cycling archaeal groups in soils (Nitrososphaerales, Nitrosotaleales, Nitrosopumilales, Methanomassiliicoccales, Lainarchaeales), freshwater biofilms (Methanobacteria, Nitrososphaerales) and Chesapeake Bay (Marine Group II, Nitrosopumilales), suggesting the habitat-specificity of their biogeochemical contributions to different environments. Distinct functional aspects of Archaea were also confirmed by functional predictions (PICRUSt2 analysis). Further, co-occurrence network analysis indicated that only soil Archaea formed stable modules. Keystone species (ASVs) were identified mainly from Methanomassiliicoccales, Nitrososphaerales, Nitrosopumilales. Overall, these results indicate a strong habitat-dependent distribution of Archaea and their functional partitions within the local environments

    A global synthesis of human impacts on the multifunctionality of streams and rivers

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    Human impacts, particularly nutrient pollution and land-use change, have caused significant declines in the quality and quantity of freshwater resources. Most global assessments have concentrated on species diversity and composition, but effects on the multifunctionality of streams and rivers remain unclear. Here, we analyse the most comprehensive compilation of stream ecosystem functions to date to provide an overview of the responses of nutrient uptake, leaf litter decomposition, ecosystem productivity, and food web complexity to six globally pervasive human stressors. We show that human stressors inhibited ecosystem functioning for most stressor-function pairs. Nitrate uptake efficiency was most affected and was inhibited by 347% due to agriculture. However, concomitant negative and positive effects were common even within a given stressor-function pair. Some part of this variability in effect direction could be explained by the structural heterogeneity of the landscape and latitudinal position of the streams. Ranking human stressors by their absolute effects on ecosystem multifunctionality revealed significant effects for all studied stressors, with wastewater effluents (194%), agriculture (148%), and urban land use (137%) having the strongest effects. Our results demonstrate that we are at risk of losing the functional backbone of streams and rivers if human stressors persist in contemporary intensity, and that freshwaters are losing critical ecosystem services that humans rely on. We advocate for more studies on the effects of multiple stressors on ecosystem multifunctionality to improve the functional understanding of human impacts. Finally, freshwater management must shift its focus toward an ecological function-based approach and needs to develop strategies for maintaining or restoring ecosystem functioning of streams and rivers

    Sediment-Nitrogen (N) connectivity: suspended sediments in streams as N exporters and reactors for denitrification and assimilatory N uptake during storms

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    Nitrogen (N) pollution in riverine ecosystems has substantial environmental, economic, and policy consequences. Various riverine N removal processes include permanent dissimilatory sinks such as denitrification (Uden) and temporary assimilatory sink such as microbial N uptake (Uassim). Both processes have been extensively evaluated in benthic sediments but only sparsely in the water column, particularly for storm flows producing high suspended sediment (SS) concentrations. Stormflows also increase the sediment bound N (Sed-N) export, and in turn, the overall N exports from watersheds. The balance between N removal by Uden and Uassim vs. Sed-N export has not been studied and is a key knowledge gap. We assessed the magnitude of Uden and Uassim against stormflow Sed-N exports for multiple storm events of varying magnitude and across two drainage areas (750 ha and 15,330 ha) in a mixed landuse mid-Atlantic US watershed. We asked: How do the Uden and Uassim sinks compare with Sed-N exports and how do these N fluxes vary across the drainage areas for sampled storms on the rising and falling limbs of the discharge hydrograph? Mean Uden and Uassim as % of the Sed-N exports ranged between 0.1–40% and 0.6–22%, respectively. Storm event Uassim fluxes were generally slightly lower than the corresponding Uden fluxes. Similarly, comparable but slightly higher Uden fluxes were observed for the second order vs. the fourth order stream, while Uassim fluxes were slightly higher in the fourth-order stream. Both of these N sinks were higher on the falling vs. rising limbs of the hydrograph. This suggests that while the N sinks are not trivial, sediment bound N exports during large stormflows will likely overshadow any gains in N removal by SS associated denitrification. Understanding these N source-sink dynamics for storm events is critical for accurate watershed nutrient modeling and for better pollution mitigation strategies for downstream aquatic ecosystems. These results are especially important within the context of climate change as extreme hydrological events including storms are becoming more and more frequent

    Trophic positioning of meiofauna revealed by stable isotopes and food-web analyses

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    Despite important advances in the ecology of river food-webs, the strength and nature of the connection between the meio- and macrofaunal components of the web are still debated. Some unresolved issues are the effects of the inclusion of meiofaunal links and their temporal variations on the overall river food web properties, and the significance of autochtonous and allochtonous material for these components. In the present study we conducted gut content of macro- and meiofauna, and stable isotope analyses of meiofauna to examine seasonal food webs of a chalk stream. The results of the gut content analyses, confirmed by the δ13C signatures, revealed a seasonal shift from a dependence on autochthonous (biofilm) to allochthonous food sources. Here, we demonstrate that aggregating basal or meiofaunal species into single categories affects key web properties such as web size, links, linkage density, and predator-prey ratios. More importantly, seasonal variation in attributes characterized the entire web and these changes persist regardless of taxonomic resolution. Furthermore, our analyses evidenced discrete variations in δ15N across the meiofauna community with a trophic structure that confirms gut content analyses, placing the meiofauna high in the food web. We, therefore, conclude that small body-sized taxa can occur high in dynamic river food webs, questioning assumptions that trophic position increases with body size and that webs are static

    Impacts of water level on metabolism and transient storage in vegetated lowland rivers: insights from a mesocosm study

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    Transient storage zones for water represent potential hot spots for metabolic activity in streams. In lowland rivers, the high abundance of submerged vegetation can increase water transient storage, bioreactive surface areas and, ultimately, in-stream metabolic activity. Changes in flow resulting from climatic and anthropogenic factors that influence the presence of aquatic vegetation can also, thereby, impact in-stream metabolism and nutrient cycling. We investigated the effects of water column depth on aquatic vegetation cover and its implications on water transient storage and associated metabolic activity in stream mesocosms (n=8) that represent typical conditions of lowland streams. Continuous injections of metabolically reactive (resazurin-resorufin) tracers were conducted and used to quantify hydraulic transport and whole-mesocosm aerobic respiration. Acetate, a labile carbon source, was added during a second stage of the tracer injection to investigate metabolic responses. We observed both higher vegetation coverage and resazurin uptake velocity, used as a proxy of mesocosm respiration, with increasing water column depth. The acetate injection had a slight, positive effect on metabolic activity. A hydrodynamic model estimated the water transport and retention characteristics and first-order reactivity for three mesocosms. These results suggest that both the vegetated surface water and sediments contribute to metabolically active transient storage within the mesocosms, with vegetation having a greater influence on ecosystem respiration. Our findings suggest that climate and external factors that affect flow and submerged vegetation of lowland rivers will result in changes in stream respiration dynamics and that submerged vegetation are a particularly important and sensitive location for stream respiration

    The role of Primary Uptake Compartments on stream Nitrogen cycling = El paper dels Compartiments Primaris en el ciclatge del Nitrogen als ecosistemes fluvials

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    [eng] The main goal of this thesis is to investigate how (15)N natural abundances can help understanding the role of different primary uptake compartments (i.e., biofilm, filamentous algae, bryophytes, macrophytes; PUCs) on stream nutrient retention. The experimental design of this thesis involved the examination of patterns of variability in the (15)N signatures of Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN) and PUCs at three different spatial scales: the watershed/global scale, the reach scale, and the habitat scale; as well as the (15)N transfer between them. At each level of organization, a common goal of examining how intrinsic (i.e., among PUCs) and extrinsic (i.e., environmental) factors influence (15)N signatures of DIN and PUCs was addressed, but quite different tools and experimental approaches were used depending on each scale. At the global scale, results showed that land use in the catchment is a key driver of the variability in (15)N signatures of both DIN and PUCs. In particular, (15)N signatures of DIN and PUC are higher in streams draining catchments with agriculture and urban activities than in those draining forested catchments; whereas within each stream, major among-compartments differences in (15)N signatures are between photoautotrophic and detrital-based compartments. At the reach scale, results for the different functional groups of macrophytes in streams indicate that direct assimilation of stream water DIN is occurring by submersed and amphibious species; while species of macrophytes located at the stream-riparian edge most likely rely on DIN sources other than those provided by stream water DIN. Moreover, in streams influenced by inputs from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), DIN uptake by submersed and amphibious macrophytes seems to be mainly in the form of N03• On the other hand, results for the (15)N transfer between photoautotrophic PUCs and stream water DIN showed that variation in DIN uptake of photoautotrophic PUCs is principally driven by nutrient concentration and light incidence, rather than by the particular characteristics of each PUc. On the contrary, variation in autotrophic N turnover is more remarkable among photoautotrophic PUCs than among study reaches, suggesting an intrinsic control by the particular characteristics of each PUC on N turnover, and being relatively independent of environmental influences. Finally, results from tracer (15)N additions at the habitat and microhabitat scales revealed that spatial heterogeneity of microbial N uptake at the microhabitat scale is characterized by a mosaic of patches dominated by microhabitats of low N, with hot spots of highly active N uptake accounting for the 20% of the reach coverage. Particularly, spatial variation of epilithon N uptake at microhabitat scale is principally driven by flow velocity, while spatial variation of N uptake by detrital compartments is controlled bya combination of biophysical factors, indicating the relevance of organic matter characteristics on their role of stream water N uptake. Overall, these results indicate that the extent to which spatial variation in microbial N uptake at fine scales is integrated at the whole-reach scale is potentially affected by factors operating at the ecosystem level, such as the degree of canopy cover, which determines the relative abundance of each PUc. Results from this present thesis highlights that changes in the major land uses within the catchment, changes in the degree of riparian vegetation and/or in the DIN loads of stream ecosystems caused by WWTP inputs, or losses of spatial heterogeneity in the stream channel can have a significant incidence on the way that PUCs contribute to N cycling at the reach scale, which ultimately dictates the N dynamics of stream ecosystems

    Projecte de seguretat integral per a una nau industrial

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    El present document es un projecte de seguretat integral per a una nau industrial on s’ubicaran els serveis de l’Àrea d’hisenda i recursos interns de la Diputació de Barcelona, la qual te funcions de recaptació d’impostos, gestió de loteries i serveis a l’administració local. El principal repte que planteja aquest projecte es la justificació d’una forta inversió en elements de seguretat (Càmeres de vídeo vigilància, detectors, incendis, etc) donat els serveis essencials que s’ubicaran al interior de la nau industrial. També esdevé la justificació de tota la normativa que es verificada mitjançant llicencies d’activitat i obres a nivell local i autonòmic. La primera part que s’abordarà es la seguretat contra incendis, amb el fi de donar compliment normatiu, avaluar el risc i definir els elements necessaris a nivell passiu i actiu. La segona part avaluarà la seguretat contra delictes a la propietat i en definirà els elements correctors i de funcionament de tota la instal·lació en conjunt. Per a la avaluació s’ha creat un mètode d’anàlisis del risc mitjançant la definició dels factor que componen la probabilitat i la severitat del furt, per a cadascuna de les zones a protegir, segons horaris. Un cop avaluat podrem establir quins elements son necessaris per reduir-ne el risc, variant els factors que componen la probabilitat i la severitat del furt. També es comprovarà, mitjançant un anàlisis de temps d’intrusió, que el delinqüent sigui interceptat per els cossos de seguretat ciutadana durant el furt. En els dos últims apartats es definirà l’esquema unifilar per subministrar electricitat a la instal·lació i es desenvoluparà un pla d’autoprotecció per a la activitat, que harmonitzarà totes les parts anteriors. Tota la documentació de la memòria comptarà amb referències als plànols i pressupostos per a cada instal·lació no existent prèviament