48 research outputs found

    Shapes of Stellar Systems and Dark Halos from Simulations of Galaxy Major Mergers

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    Using a sample of 89 snapshots from 58 hydrodynamic binary galaxy major merger simulations, we find that stellar remnants are mostly oblate while dark matter halos are mostly prolate or triaxial. The stellar minor axis and the halo major axis are almost always nearly perpendicular. This can be understood by considering the influence of angular momentum and dissipation during the merger. If binary mergers of spiral galaxies are responsible for the formation of elliptical galaxies or some subpopulation thereof, these galaxies can be expected to be oblate and inhabit their halos with the predicted shapes and orientations. These predictions are potentially relevant to observational studies of weak gravitational lensing, where one must stack many optically aligned galaxies in order to determine the shape of the resulting stacked mass distribution. The simple relationship between the dark and luminous matter presented here can be used to guide the stacking of galaxies to minimize the information lost.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Minor changes to match published versio

    Potentiostatic Electrodeposition of Cu2O under Light and Dark for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Generation Applications

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    Potentiostatic electrodeposition conducted at various deposition voltages from lactate-stabilized copper sulfate electrolyte was used for preparation of Cu2O layers for Photoelectrochemical (PEC) production of hydrogen. A novel approach based on an application of light during the electrodeposition is utilized to suppress the potential drop in the Cu2O layer during the potentiostatic deposition. Structures prepared under dark and light on an Ag substrate are analyzed by X-Ray Diffraction analysis (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV). It was shown that the application of light increases the deposition rate due to the contribution of the photogenerated carriers. The deposition voltage affects the photoresponse of light deposited structures but causes only a negligible change in dark deposited structures. The light deposited samples exhibited a higher photoresponse for all deposition voltages. The presented study suggests the light potentiostatic electrodeposition as an attractive approach for the preparation of Cu2O structures for cheap and efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting applications

    Overlap microtubules link sister k-fibres and balance the forces on bi-oriented kinetochores

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    During metaphase, forces on kinetochores are exerted by k fibres, bundles of microtubules that end at the kinetochore. Interestingly, non-kinetochore microtubules have been observed between sister kinetochores, but their function is unknown. Here we show by laser- cutting of a k-fibre in HeLa and PtK1 cells that a bundle of non- kinetochore microtubules, which we term ‘bridging fibre’, bridges sister k-fibres and balances the interkinetochore tension. We found PRC1 and EB3 in the bridging fibre, suggesting that it consists of antiparallel dynamic microtubules. By using a theoretical model that includes a bridging fibre, we show that the forces at the pole and at the kinetochore depend on the bridging fibre thickness. Moreover, our theory and experiments show larger relaxation of the interkinetochore distance for cuts closer to kinetochores. We conclude that the bridging fibre, by linking sister k-fibres, withstands the tension between sister kinetochores and enables the spindle to obtain a curved shape

    Feedback in simulations of disc-galaxy major mergers

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    Using hydrodynamic simulations of disc-galaxy major mergers, we investigate the star formation history and remnant properties when various parametrizations of a simple stellar feedback model are implemented. The simulations include radiative cooling, a density-dependent star formation recipe and a model for feedback from massive stars. The feedback model stores supernova feedback energy within individual gas particles and dissipates this energy on a time-scale specified by two free parameters; tau_fb, which sets the dissipative time-scale, and n, which sets the effective equation of state in star-forming regions. Using a self-consistent disc galaxy, modelled after a local Sbc spiral, in both isolated and major-merger simulations, we investigate parametrizations of the feedback model that are selected with respect to the quiescent disc stability. These models produce a range of star formation histories that are consistent with the star formation relation found by Kennicutt. All major mergers produce a population of new stars that is highly centrally concentrated, demonstrating a distinct break in the r1/4 surface density profile, consistent with previous findings. The half-mass radius and one-dimensional velocity dispersion are affected by the feedback model used. Finally, we compare our results to those of previous simulations of star formation in disc-galaxy major mergers, addressing the effects of star formation normalization, the version of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) employed and assumptions about the interstellar medium.Comment: update to match published versio

    Creation and implementation of a digital marketing plan for company aALU PNT Ltd.

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    Digitalni se marketing smatra komunikacijom kao i uobičajeni razgovor, samo što se odvija internetom, točnije na društvenim mrežama, portalima, mobitelima, internetskim tražilicama i sl. U ovom radu su se prezentirale i pojasnile različite mogućnosti digitalnog marketinga općenito, ali i posebno za poduzeće ALU PNT. Kada se oglašava, kod digitalnog marketingu treba znati segmentirati i odrediti potencijalne kupce. Nije isto kada se oglas namijenjen muškoj populaciji prikazuje ženskim osobama, ili obrnuto. Upravo se to smatra najvećom prednošću digitalnog marketinga. Marketinški proračun se troši samo na ljude koji su zainteresirani za proizvod ili uslugu koja se prodaje, ali treba znati napraviti dobru kampanju. Prema nekim istraživanjima, poduzeća danas troše od 20 do 35 % svojih proračuna na digitalni marketing, ovisno o robi ili usluzi koja se prodaje. Poduzeće ALU PNT. čiji primjer je korišten u ovom radu, pruža svoje usluge samo u Sloveniji pa se je tako marketinški plan radio samo za tu zemlju. Donedavno ALU PNT nije imao web-stranicu ni bilo koji oblik digitalnog oglašavanja. Danas gotovo da i nema industrije koja nije na neki način uključena u digitalni marketing kako bi se mogla što više i bolje promovirati. U ovom se radu koristio daleko manji proračun od prosječnog, ali i s manjim se proračunom može napraviti prilično dobra kampanja ako se znaju iskoristiti kanali promocije i ako se znaju prepoznati potencijalni kupci na internetu. Digitalni su mediji postali vrlo važna točka dodira prodavatelja s kupcima na njihovu putu do konačne kupnje. Velika je prednost digitalnog marketinga što se gotovo svaka kampanja može mjeriti pa će oglašivači imati izravne povratne informacije o uspješnosti svojih kampanja. Primjerice, ako kampanja nema dobre statističke pokazatelje koji bi neku tvrtku zadovoljili, oglasi se mogu mijenjati svaki dan. Jedan od ciljeva ovog rada je bio vidjeti kako povećati prepoznatljivost poduzeća ALU PNT na internetu. Ovaj se završni rad usmjerio na teme Google Ads-a, Google Analyticsa, SEO-a, remarketinga te drugih bitnih stvari za digitalni marketing. Sama kampanja rada je provedena s vrlo dobrim konačnim rezultatima za samo poduzeće i najvjerojatnije će se i dalje provoditi u budućnosti

    Angioplasty of Dysfunctional Dialysis Fistula or Graft with Resveratrol-Excipient and Paclitaxel-Coated Balloon Improves Primary Patency Rates Compared to Plain Angioplasty Alone

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    In this prospective randomized single-blinded study (reg. ISRCTN11414306), 76 patients with a dysfunctional dialysis fistula or graft due to a single de novo or recurrent stenosis in the access circuit were randomized to receive either conventional PTA (POBA) as a standard of care (n = 38) or PTA + adjunctive PTA with a drug-coated (paclitaxel–resveratrol matrix) SeQuent® Please OTW balloon (n = 38, DCB). Patients were scheduled for follow-up PTA at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. The time of clinically driven target-lesion reintervention rate (primary patency rate) after the index procedure was analyzed using the log-rank test. The primary patency rates at 12 months after the index procedure were 17% (DCB) vs. 11% (POBA). At 3 months, they were 87% vs. 74%, at 6 months they were 53% vs. 26%, and at 9 months they were 22% vs. 11%. The hazard ratio for DCB was 0.55 (95%CI 0.32 to 0.95). The median time needed for target-lesion reintervention was longer in the DCB group (181 days) than in the conventional PTA group (98 days, p = 0.019). We conclude that PTA with the paclitaxel–resveratrol drug-coated SeQuent® Please OTW balloon in patients with de novo or recurrent stenosis in dialysis arteriovenous fistulas or grafts prolongs the time needed for target lesion reintervention and improves primary patency rates in the first year after the index procedure

    Multistage Malware Detection Method for Backup Systems

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    This paper proposes an innovative solution to address the challenge of detecting latent malware in backup systems. The proposed detection system utilizes a multifaceted approach that combines similarity analysis with machine learning algorithms to improve malware detection. The results demonstrate the potential of advanced similarity search techniques, powered by the Faiss model, in strengthening malware discovery within system backups and network traffic. Implementing these techniques will lead to more resilient cybersecurity practices, protecting essential systems from hidden malware threats. This paper’s findings underscore the potential of advanced similarity search techniques to enhance malware discovery in system backups and network traffic, and the implications of implementing these techniques include more resilient cybersecurity practices and protecting essential systems from malicious threats hidden within backup archives and network data. The integration of AI methods improves the system’s efficiency and speed, making the proposed system more practical for real-world cybersecurity. This paper’s contribution is a novel and comprehensive solution designed to detect latent malware in backups, preventing the backup of compromised systems. The system comprises multiple analytical components, including a system file change detector, an agent to monitor network traffic, and a firewall, all integrated into a central decision-making unit. The current progress of the research and future steps are discussed, highlighting the contributions of this project and potential enhancements to improve cybersecurity practices