13 research outputs found

    Orbital eccentricities of binary systems with a former AGB star

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    Many binary stellar systems in which the primary star is beyond the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) evolutionary phase show significant orbital eccentricities whereas current binary interaction models predict their orbits to be circularised. We analyse how the orbital parameters in a system are modified under mass loss and mass exchange among its binary components and propose a model for enhanced mass-loss from the AGB star due to tidal interaction with its companion, which allows a smooth transition between the wind and Roche-lobe overflow mass-loss regimes. We explicitly follow its effect along the orbit on the change of eccentricity and orbital semi-major axis, as well as the effect of accretion by the companion. We calculate timescales for the variation of these orbital parameters and compare them to the tidal circularisation timescale. We find that in many cases, due to the enhanced mass loss of the AGB component at orbital phases closer to the periastron, the net eccentricity growth rate in one orbit is comparable to the rate of tidal circularisation. We show that with this eccentricity enhancing mechanism it is possible to reproduce the orbital period and eccentricity of the Sirius system, which under the standard assumptions of binary interaction is expected to be circularised. We also show that this mechanism may provide an explanation for the eccentricities of most barium star systems, which are expected to be circularised due to tidal dissipation. By proposing a tidally enhanced model of mass loss from AGB stars we find a mechanism which efficiently works against the tidal circularisation of the orbit, which explains the significant eccentricities observed in binary systems containing a white dwarf and a less evolved companion, such as Sirius and systems with barium stars.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics on 24th of October of 200

    Type Ia Supernovae: An Examination of Potential Progenitors and the Redshift Distribution

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    We examine the possibility that supernovae type Ia (SN Ia) are produced by white dwarfs accreting from Roche-lobe filling evolved companions, under the assumption that a strong optically thick stellar wind from accretor is able to stabilize the mass transfer. We show that if a mass transfer phase on a thermal timescale precedes a nuclear burning driven phase, then such systems (of which the supersoft X-ray sources are a subgroup) can account for about 10% of the inferred SN Ia rate. In addition, we examine the cosmic history of the supernova rate, and we show that the ratio of the rate of SN Ia to the rate of supernovae produced by massive stars (supernovae of types II, Ib, Ic) should increase from about z = 1 towards lower redshifts.Comment: 29 pages, Latex, 6 figures, aasms4.sty, psfig.sty, to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    Jets and Tori in Proto-Planetary Nebulae

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    We investigate the time sequence for the appearance of jets and molecular tori in the transition of stars from the Asymptotic Giant Branch to the planetary nebula phase. Jets and tori are prominent features of this evolution, but their origins are uncertain. Using optical and millimeter line kinematics, we determine the ejection history in a sample of well-observed cases. We find that jets and tori develop nearly simultaneously. We also find evidence that jets typically appear slightly later than tori, with a lag time of a few hundred years. These characteristics provide strong evidence that jets and tori are physically related, and they set new constraints on theories of jet formation. The ejection of a discrete torus followed by jets on a short time scale favors the class of models in which a companion interacts with the central star. Models with long time scales, or with jets followed by a torus, are ruled out.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Ap

    Transients Among Binaries with Evolved Low-Mass Companions

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    We show that stable disk accretion should be very rare among low-mass X-ray binaries and cataclysmic variables whose evolution is driven by the nuclear expansion of the secondary star on the first giant branch. Stable accretion is confined to neutron-star systems where the secondary is still relatively massive, and some supersoft white dwarf accretors. All other systems, including all black-hole systems, appear as soft X-ray transients or dwarf novae. All long-period neutron-star systems become transient well before most of the envelope mass is transferred, and remain transient until envelope exhaustion. This complicates attempts to compare the numbers of millisecond pulsars in the Galactic disk with their LMXB progenitors, and also means that the pulsar spin rates are fixed in systems which are transient rather than steady, contrary to common assumption. The long-period persistent sources Sco X-2, LMC X-2, Cyg X-2 and V395 Car must have minimum companion masses > 0.75 Msun if they contain neutron stars, and still larger masses if they contain black holes. The companion in the neutron-star transient GRO J1744-2844 must have a mass <0.87 Msun. The existence of any steady sources at all at long periods supports the ideas that (a) the accretion disks in many, if not all, LMXBs are strongly irradiated by the central source, and (b) mass transfer is thermally unstable in long-period supersoft X-ray sources.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, 1 ps figure, Ap.J., accepted Feb. 15, 199

    Spectroscopic binaries among Hipparcos M giants III. The eccentricity-period diagram and mass-transfer signatures

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    This paper is the third one in a series devoted to studying the properties of binaries involving M giants. We use a new set of orbits to construct the first (e-logP) diagram of an extensive sample of M giant binaries, to obtain their mass-function distribution, and to derive evolutionary constraints for this class of binaries and related systems. The orbital properties of binaries involving M giants were analysed and compared with those of related families of binaries (K giants, post-AGB stars, barium stars, Tc-poor S stars). The orbital elements of post-AGB stars and M giants are not different, which may very indicate that, for the considered sample of post-AGB binaries, the post-AGB star left the AGB at quite an early stage (M4 or so). Neither are the orbital elements of post-mass-transfer binaries like barium stars very different from those of M giants, suggesting that the mass transfer did not alter the orbital elements much, contrary to current belief. Finally, we show that binary systems with e < 0.4 log P - 1 (with periods expressed in days) are predominantly post-mass-transfer systems, because (i) the vast majority of barium and S systems match this condition, and (ii) these systems have companion masses peaking around 0.6 solar mass, as expected for white dwarfs. The latter property has been shown to hold as well for open-cluster binaries involving K giants, for which a lower bound on the companion mass may easily be set.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, language editing changes onl

    Spitzer Mid-Infrared Observations of Seven Bipolar Planetary Nebulae

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    We have investigated the mid-infrared (MIR) and visual structures of seven bipolar planetary nebulae (BPNe), using imaging and spectroscopy acquired using the Spitzer Space Telescope (SST), and the Observatorio Astronomico Nacional in Mexico. The results show that the sources are more extended towards longer MIR wavelengths, as well as having higher levels of surface brightness in the 5.8 and 8.0 microns bands. It is also noted that the 5.8/4.5 and 8.0/4.5 microns flux ratios increase with increasing distance from the nuclei of the sources. All of these latter trends may be attributable to emission by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and/or warm dust continua within circum-nebular photo-dissociation regions (PDRs). A corresponding decrease in the flux ratios 8.0/5.8 microns may, by contrast, arise due to changes in the properties of the PAH emitting grains. We note evidence for possible 8.0 microns ring-like structures in the envelope of NGC 2346, located in a region beyond the minor axis limits of the ionized envelope. An analysis of the inner two rings shows that whilst they have higher surface brightnesses at longer MIR wavelengths, they are relatively stronger (compared to underlying emission) at 3.6 and 4.5 microns. There is also evidence for point reflection symmetry along the major axis of the outflow.Comment: 27 pages, 22 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 69 pages in arXi

    Formation of contact in massive close binaries

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    We present evolutionary calculations for 74 close binaries systems with initial primary masses in the range 12...25 M_sun, and initial secondary masses between 6 and 24 M_sun. The initial periods were chosen such that mass overflow starts during the core hydrogen burning phase of the primary (Case A), or shortly thereafter (Case B). We assume conservative evolution for contact-free systems, i.e., no mass or angular momentum loss from those system except due to stellar winds. We investigate the borderline between contact-free evolution and contact, as a function of the initial system parameters. We also investigate the effect of the treatment of convection, and found it relevant for contact and supernova order in Case A systems, particularly for the highest considered masses. For Case B systems we find contact for initial periods above approximate 10 days and below. However, in that case (and for not too large periods) contact occurs only after the mass ratio has been reversed, due to the increased fraction of the donor's convective envelope. As most In all Cases we find contact for mass ratios below approximate 0.65. We derive the observable properties of our systems after the major mass transfer event, where the mass gainer is a main sequence or supergiant O or early B type star, and the mass loser is a helium star. We point out that the assumption of conservative evolution for contact-free systems could be tested by finding helium star companions to O stars.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, accepted by A&

    An incisive look at the symbiotic star SS Leporis -- Milli-arcsecond imaging with PIONIER/VLTI

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    Context. Determining the mass transfer in a close binary system is of prime importance for understanding its evolution. SS Leporis, a symbiotic star showing the Algol paradox and presenting clear evidence of ongoing mass transfer, in which the donor has been thought to fill its Roche lobe, is a target particularly suited to this kind of study. Aims. Since previous spectroscopic and interferometric observations have not been able to fully constrain the system morphology and characteristics, we go one step further to determine its orbital parameters, for which we need new interferometric observations directly probing the inner parts of the system with a much higher number of spatial frequencies. Methods. We use data obtained at eight different epochs with the VLTI instruments AMBER and PIONIER in the H- and K-bands. We performed aperture synthesis imaging to obtain the first model-independent view of this system. We then modelled it as a binary (whose giant is spatially resolved) that is surrounded by a circumbinary disc. Results. Combining these interferometric measurements with previous radial velocities, we fully constrain the orbit of the system. We then determine the mass of each star and significantly revise the mass ratio. The M giant also appears to be almost twice smaller than previously thought. Additionally, the low spectral resolution of the data allows the flux of both stars and of the dusty disc to be determined along the H and K bands, and thereby extracting their temperatures. Conclusions. We find that the M giant actually does not stricto sensus fill its Roche lobe. The mass transfer is more likely to occur through the accretion of an important part of the giant wind. We finally rise the possibility for an enhanced mass loss from the giant, and we show that an accretion disc should have formed around the A star.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, published in A&A Appendix presenting reduced data and extracted parameters Reduced data can be found on the CD

    BINSTAR: a new binary stellar evolution code. Tidal interactions

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    We provide a detailed description of a new stellar evolution code, BINSTAR, which has been developed to study interacting binaries. Based on the stellar evolution code STAREVOL, it is specifically designed to study low- and intermediate-mass binaries. We describe the state-of-the-art input physics, which includes treatments of tidal interactions, mass transfer and angular momentum exchange within the system. A generalised Henyey method is used to solve simultaneously the stellar structure equations of each component as well as the separation and eccentricity of the orbit. Test simulations for cases A and B mass transfer are presented and compared with available models. The results of the evolution of Algol systems are in remarkable agreement with the calculations of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) group, thus validating our code.We also computed a large grid of models for various masses (2 ≤ M/M ≤ 20) and seven metallicities (Z = 0.0001, 0.001, 0.004, 0.008, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03) to provide a useful analytical parameterisation of the tidal torque constant E2, which allows the determination of the circularisation and synchronisation timescales for stars with a radiative envelope and convective core. The evolution of E2 during the main sequence shows noticeable differences compared to available models. In particular, our new calculations indicate that the circularisation timescale is constant during core hydrogen burning. We also show that E2 weakly depends on core overshooting but is substantially increased when the metallicity becomes lower. © ESO 2013.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe