82 research outputs found

    Sosiaalinen osallistuminen mahdollisuutena edistää oppilaiden sosiaalista integraatiota : kvalitatiivinen tutkimus viidestä draamatunnista

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    Aikaisemmassa tutkimuksessa sosiaalisen integraation tutkimiseen on pääsääntöisesti käytetty kysely- ja haastattelumenetelmiä. Oppilaiden sosiaalista integraatiota ei ole aiemmin juuri tutkittu havainnoimalla todellisia opetustilanteita eikä varsinkaan draamatunteja. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että sosiaalinen osallistuminen on keskeisessä asemassa, kun tutkitaan sosiaalisen integraation toteutumista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten draamatunnit tarjoavat mahdollisuuksia oppilaiden sosiaalisen integraation toteutumiselle. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on myös antaa toisenlainen näkökulma oppilaiden sosiaalisen integraation tutkimiseen koulukontekstissa. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat seuraavat: (1) millaista oppilaiden osallistumista esiintyy videoiduilla draamatunneilla ja missä määrin, sekä (2) millä tavoin draamatunnit voivat antaa mahdollisuuksia oppilaiden sosiaalisen integraation edistämiselle. Tämä tutkielma kuuluu KEHU-hankkeen osatutkimuksiin (www.kehuprogram.fi). Tätä tutkimusta varten on käytetty valmista, viiden oppitunnin videoaineistoa, kolmen opettajan pitämistä draamatunneista. Aineisto on kerätty vuonna 2014 Helsingin yliopiston Haasteena tyhjä tila -hankkeessa. Tutkimusmenetelmäksi valikoitui kvalitatiivinen aineiston havainnointi ja tutkimusotteena on käytetty tutkivan (aineistolähtöisen ja teoriaohjaavan) sisällönanalyysin elementtejä sekä aineiston kvantifiointia. Tulokset osoittavat, että oppilaiden osallistuminen voidaan luokitella kolmeen tyyppiin: osallistumattomuus, osittainen osallistuminen ja kokoaikainen osallistuminen. Oppilaiden sosiaalinen osallistuminen määriteltiin osittaisen ja kokoaikaisen osallistumisen avulla. Analyysi osoittaa, että oppilaat osallistuvat sosiaalisesti keskimäärin puolet ajasta jokaisen tutkitun draamatunnin aikana. Draamatunnit tarjoavat mahdollisuuden edistää oppilaiden sosiaalista integraatiota aktiviteettien avulla, jotka edellyttävät yhdessä leikkimistä ja yhteistyötä, sekä yhdistämällä aktiviteetteja, jotka edellyttävät oppilaiden pakollista ja vapaaehtoista osallistumista. Lisätutkimusta tarvittaisiin vielä, jotta voitaisiin tutkia myös oppilaiden henkilökohtaista näkemystä siitä, miten sosiaalinen integraatio toteutuu draamatunneilla.Common methods of social integration research are questionnaires and interviews. Pupils’ social integration has not been studied much through observation of drama lessons. Previous literature shows that social participation is a key aspect when studying the occurrence of social integration. The aim of this study is to investigate whether drama lessons can possibly support the occurrence of pupils’ social integration. The research questions were (1) what kind of pupils’ participation occur in the videotaped data and to what degree, and (2) in what ways could the videotaped drama lessons provide opportunities to promote pupils’ social integration. This thesis is part of the KEHU program (www.kehuprogram.fi). The archived data used in this study was five videotaped drama lessons of three teachers, and it was conducted for the purposes of the Challenge of empty space -program of University of Helsinki in the year 2014. The research method was secondary analysis based on observation of videotaped data and the research design was based on elements of exploratory content analysis (data-driven and theory-driven) and data quantification. The analysis provided information about pupils’ participation type and degree. Pupils’ participation can be defined as non-participative, partially participative, and fully participative. Pupils’ social participation was defined through partial and full participation, and the analysis shows that pupils participate socially almost half of the time of each drama lesson. The drama lessons provide opportunities of promoting pupils’ social integration through activities that require pupils to play and work together, and by combining activities that require mandatory and voluntary pupil participation. Further research is needed to study pupils’ personal perspective of social integration occurrence in drama lessons

    How to characterize the health of an Open Source Software project? A snowball literature review of an emerging practice

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    Motivation: Society's dependence on Open Source Software (OSS) and the communities that maintain the OSS is ever-growing. So are the potential risks of, e.g., vulnerabilities being introduced in projects not actively maintained. By assessing an OSS project's capability to stay viable and maintained over time without interruption or weakening, i.e., the OSS health, users can consider the risk implied by using the OSS as is, and if necessary, decide whether to help improve the health or choose another option. However, such assessment is complex as OSS health covers a wide range of sub-topics, and existing support is limited. Aim: We aim to create an overview of characteristics that affect the health of an OSS project and enable the assessment thereof. Method: We conduct a snowball literature review based on a start set of 9 papers, and identify 146 relevant papers over two iterations of forward and backward snowballing. Health characteristics are elicited and coded using structured and axial coding into a framework structure. Results: The final framework consists of 104 health characteristics divided among 15 themes. Characteristics address the socio-technical spectrum of the community of actors maintaining the OSS project, the software and other deliverables being maintained, and the orchestration facilitating the maintenance. Characteristics are further divided based on the level of abstraction they address, i.e., the OSS project-level specifically, or the project's overarching ecosystem of related OSS projects. Conclusion: The framework provides an overview of the wide span of health characteristics that may need to be considered when evaluating OSS health and can serve as a foundation both for research and practice.Comment: Accepted for publication at Open Source Systems (OSS) Conference 202

    Integrating Human Factors and Semantic Mark-ups in Adaptive Interactive Systems

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    This paper focuses on incorporating individual differences in cognitive processing and semantic mark-ups in the context of adaptive interactive systems. In particular, a semantic Web-based adaptation framework is proposed that enables Web content providers to enrich content and functionality of Web environments with semantic mark-ups. The Web content is created using a Web authoring tool and is further processed and reconstructed by an adaptation mechanism based on cognitive factors of users. Main aim of this work is to investigate the added value of personalising content and functionality of Web environments based on the unique cognitive characteristics of users. Accordingly, a user study has been conducted that entailed a psychometric-based survey for extracting the users' cognitive characteristics, combined with a real usage scenario of an existing commercial Web environment that was enriched with semantic mark-ups and personalised based on different adaptation effects. The paper provides interesting insights in the design and development of adaptive interactive systems based on cognitive factors and semantic mark-ups

    PaaSword: A Data Privacy and Context-aware Security Framework for Developing Secure Cloud Applications - Technical and Scientific Contributions

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    Most industries worldwide have entered a period of reaping the benefits and opportunities cloud offers. At the same time, many efforts are made to address engineering challenges for the secure development of cloud systems and software.With the majority of software engineering projects today relying on the cloud, the task to structure end-to-end secure-by-design cloud systems becomes challenging but at the same time mandatory. The PaaSword project has been commissioned to address security and data privacy in a holistic way by proposing a context-aware security-by-design framework to support software developers in constructing secure applications for the cloud. This chapter presents an overview of the PaaSword project results, including the scientific achievements as well as the description of the technical solution. The benefits offered by the framework are validated through two pilot implementations and conclusions are drawn based on the future research challenges which are discussed in a research agenda

    Mapping the systematic literature studies about software ecosystems

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    There is a need to improve the definition and development of technological ecosystems in order to solve the main problems detected in previous studies. To achieve this goal, it is required to identify and analyse the solutions available in the literature in the field of software engineering applied to ecosystems. The research in software ecosystems is a relatively young research area, but there are already several works that analyse the literature associated. To conduct a new systematic literature review is necessary to ensure that there are no studies that do the same, namely, that do not answer the same research questions. The identification of the need for a review was done through a study focused on systematic literature reviews and mapping studies about software ecosystems. This work aims to describe the mapping conducted as part of that study. It provides a global state of the art of this kind of studies in the area of software ecosystems

    Case Survey Studies in Software Engineering Research

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    Background: Given the social aspects of Software Engineering (SE), in the last twenty years, researchers from the field started using research methods common in social sciences such as case study, ethnography, and grounded theory. More recently, case survey, another imported research method, has seen its increasing use in SE studies. It is based on existing case studies reported in the literature and intends to harness the generalizability of survey and the depth of case study. However, little is known on how case survey has been applied in SE research, let alone guidelines on how to employ it properly. Aims: This article aims to provide a better understanding of how case survey has been applied in Software Engineering research. Method: To address this knowledge gap, we performed a systematic mapping study and analyzed 12 Software Engineering studies that used the case survey method. Results: Our findings show that these studies presented a heterogeneous understanding of the approach ranging from secondary studies to primary inquiries focused on a large number of instances of a research phenomenon. They have not applied the case survey method consistently as defined in the seminal methodological papers. Conclusions: We conclude that a set of clearly defined guidelines are needed on how to use case survey in SE research, to ensure the quality of the studies employing this approach and to provide a set of clearly defined criteria to evaluate such work.Comment: Accepted for presentation at ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM) (ESEM '20
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