420 research outputs found

    Empreendedorismo feminino: um estudo exploratório sobre a perspetiva de mulheres brasileiras empreendedoras em Portugal

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    O empreendedorismo foi, durante muito tempo, relacionado apenas com o universo masculino e só depois da década de 70 é que se começou a investigar também as mulheres empreendedoras. A grande maioria dos estudos encontrados centram-se em comparações entre homens e mulheres empreendedores/as, bem como nas motivações que fazem as mulheres empreender e as dificuldades e limitações que elas encontram ao procurar empreender. Além disso, percebe-se a pouca investigação existente sobre outros assuntos que perpassam as mulheres empreendedoras, sendo ainda menor a investigação com mulheres empreendedoras imigrantes. É a partir deste facto que a presente investigação se tornou pertinente: investigar as mulheres brasileiras que estão a empreender em Portugal. Então, procurou-se conhecer os motivos que as fizeram empreender, descrever as maiores dificuldades e identificar os processos psicossociológicos mais salientes. Foi desenvolvido um guião semiestruturado, utilizado na realização de 13 entrevistas a mulheres brasileiras empreendedoras em Portugal, com idades entre os 20 e os 48 anos. Os resultados revelaram cinco grandes temas, centrados: nas motivações que perpassam as mulheres a empreender; nas adversidades que estas empreendedoras enfrentam; no ser imigrante; no ser empreendedora; e no ser mulher. Em geral, percebe-se que as participantes iniciaram o empreendimento por uma realização pessoal. As dificuldades destacadas foram a pandemia da Covid-19 e as diferenças culturais existentes entre Brasil e Portugal. Mas estas são mulheres fortes e resilientes, e mesmo que o facto de ser imigrante e ser mulher infira no empreendimento, elas procuram sempre o melhor para a sua empresa e para os/as clientes.Entrepreneurship was, for a long time, related only to the male universe and it was only after the 1970s that women entrepreneurs also began to be investigated. Most of the studies found focus on comparisons between men and women entrepreneurs, as well as on the motivations that make women entrepreneurs and the difficulties and limitations they encounter when seeking to become entrepreneurs. Furthermore, it is noticeable how little research there is on other subjects that permeate women entrepreneurs, and there is even less research on immigrant women entrepreneurs. It is based on this fact that the present research became pertinent: to investigate Brazilian women who are entrepreneurs in Portugal. To this end, we sought to know the reasons that made them become entrepreneurs, describe their biggest difficulties, and identify the psychosociological processes most prominent in them. A semi-structured script was developed and used in 13 interviews with Brazilian women entrepreneurs in Portugal, aged between 20 and 48 years old. The results revealed five major themes: the motivations that drive women to become entrepreneurs; the adversities that these entrepreneurs face; being an immigrant; being an entrepreneur; and being a woman. In general, it is perceived that the participants started the enterprise for personal fulfillment. The difficulties highlighted were the Covid-19 Pandemic and the cultural differences between Brazil and Portugal. They are strong and resilient women, and even though being an immigrant and being a woman influences the enterprise, they always seek the best for their company and for the clients

    O golpe do Estado Novo (1937)

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    Bibliografia: p. 189

    Hydration and blood volume effects on human thermoregulation in the heat: Space applications

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    Astronauts exposed to prolonged weightlessness will experience deconditioning, dehydration, and hypovolemia which all adversely affect thermoregulation. These thermoregulatory problems can be minimized by several countermeasures that manipulate body water and vascular volumes. USARIEM scientists have extensively studied dehydration effects and several possible countermeasures including hyperhydration, plasma and erythrocyte volume expansion. This paper reviews USARIEM research into these areas

    Prediction modeling of physiological responses and human performance in the heat with application to space operations

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    This institute has developed a comprehensive USARIEM heat strain model for predicting physiological responses and soldier performance in the heat which has been programmed for use by hand-held calculators, personal computers, and incorporated into the development of a heat strain decision aid. This model deals directly with five major inputs: the clothing worn, the physical work intensity, the state of heat acclimation, the ambient environment (air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and solar load), and the accepted heat casualty level. In addition to predicting rectal temperature, heart rate, and sweat loss given the above inputs, our model predicts the expected physical work/rest cycle, the maximum safe physical work time, the estimated recovery time from maximal physical work, and the drinking water requirements associated with each of these situations. This model provides heat injury risk management guidance based on thermal strain predictions from the user specified environmental conditions, soldier characteristics, clothing worn, and the physical work intensity. If heat transfer values for space operations' clothing are known, NASA can use this prediction model to help avoid undue heat strain in astronauts during space flight

    Development of an Extra-vehicular (EVA) Infrared (IR) Camera Inspection System

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    Designed to fulfill a critical inspection need for the Space Shuttle Program, the EVA IR Camera System can detect crack and subsurface defects in the Reinforced Carbon-Carbon (RCC) sections of the Space Shuttle s Thermal Protection System (TPS). The EVA IR Camera performs this detection by taking advantage of the natural thermal gradients induced in the RCC by solar flux and thermal emission from the Earth. This instrument is a compact, low-mass, low-power solution (1.2cm3, 1.5kg, 5.0W) for TPS inspection that exceeds existing requirements for feature detection. Taking advantage of ground-based IR thermography techniques, the EVA IR Camera System provides the Space Shuttle program with a solution that can be accommodated by the existing inspection system. The EVA IR Camera System augments the visible and laser inspection systems and finds cracks and subsurface damage that is not measurable by the other sensors, and thus fills a critical gap in the Space Shuttle s inspection needs. This paper discusses the on-orbit RCC inspection measurement concept and requirements, and then presents a detailed description of the EVA IR Camera System design

    Effect of permissive dehydration on induction and decay of heat acclimation, and temperate exercise performance

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    Purpose: It has been suggested that dehydration is an independent stimulus for heat 32 acclimation (HA), possibly through influencing fluid-regulation mechanisms and increasing 33 plasma volume (PV) expansion. There is also some evidence that HA may be ergogenic in 34 temperate conditions and that this may be linked to PV expansion. We investigated: i) the 35 influence of dehydration on the time-course of acquisition and decay of HA; ii) whether 36 dehydration augmented any ergogenic benefits in temperate conditions, particularly those related to PV expansion. Methods: Eight males (VO2max: 56.9(7.2) mL·kg-1 ·min-1 37 ) undertook 38 two HA programmes (balanced cross-over design), once drinking to maintain euhydration 39 (HAEu) and once with restricted fluid-intake (HADe). Days 1, 6, 11 and 18 were 60 min exercise- 40 heat stress tests (HST [40°C; 50%RH]), days 2-5 and 7-10 were 90 min, isothermal-strain 41 (Tre~38.5°C), exercise-heat sessions. Performance parameters (VO2max, lactate threshold, 42 efficiency, peak power output [PPO]) were determined pre and post HA by graded exercise test 43 (22°C; 55 %RH). Results: During isothermal-strain sessions hypohydration was achieved in 44 HADe and euhydration maintained in HAEu (average body mass loss -2.71(0.82)% vs. - 45 0.56(0.73)%, P<0.001), but aldosterone concentration, power output and cardiovascular strain 46 were unaffected by dehydration. HA was evident on day 6 (reduced end-exercise Tre [- 0.30°C(0.27)] and exercise heart rate [-12(15) beats.min-1 47 ], increased PV [+7.2(6.4)%] and sweat-loss [+0.25(0.22) L.hr-1 48 ], P<0.05) with some further adaptations on day 11 (further reduced end-exercise Tre [-0.25(0.19)°C] and exercise heart rate [-3(9) beats.min-1 49 ], P<0.05). 50 These adaptations were not notably affected by dehydration and were generally maintained 7- 51 days post HA. Performance parameters were unchanged, apart from increased PPO (+16(20) 52 W, irrespective of condition). Conclusions: When thermal-strain is matched, permissive 53 dehydration which induces a mild, transient, hypohydration does not affect the acquisition and 54 decay of HA, or endurance performance parameters. Irrespective of hydration, trained 55 individuals require >5 days to optimise HA

    Reliability-Based Electronics Shielding Design Tools

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    Shielding design on large human-rated systems allows minimization of radiation impact on electronic systems. Shielding design tools require adequate methods for evaluation of design layouts, guiding qualification testing, and adequate follow-up on final design evaluation

    Incidence of sleep disorders in patients with Alzheimer disease

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    Objetivo: Determinar a incidência de distúrbios do sono em seguimento de 1 a 4 anos em pacientes com demência diagnosticada na primeira consulta, além de analisar características demográfcas e comorbidades associadas. Métodos: Cento e vinte e dois idosos com 60 anos ou mais e com o diagnóstico de demência (Alzheimer e outras) foram seguidos em um centro de referência geriátrico para demência. O protocolo clínico incluiu entrevista com o paciente e o cuidador, exame físico, laboratorial e de imagem. Os critérios para diagnóstico dos distúrbios do sono incluíram queixa de insônia pelo paciente ou cuidador utilizando o item sobre comportamentos noturnos do Inventário Neuropsiquiátrico. Resultados: A densidade de incidência de distúrbios do sono foi de 18,7/100 pessoas/ano. O risco de desenvolver distúrbios do sono no primeiro e quarto anos de seguimento foi de 9,8% e 50,9%, respectivamente. Análise multivariada de Cox revelou que o nível educacional menor que 8 anos e a presença de agressividade na primeira consulta foram fatores preditores independentes para desenvolver distúrbios do sono no seguimento, aumentando o risco em 3,1 (IC95%: 1,30-9,22) e 2,1 (IC95%: 1,16-4,17) vezes, respectivamente. Conclusão: A incidência de distúrbios do sono em pacientes dementes foi elevada e, neste estudo, particularmente associada ao baixo nível educacional e à agressividade na admissão. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTObjective: To determine the incidence of sleep disorder at a follow-up examination from 1 to 4 years, in demented patients diagnosed at frst visit, besides analyzing associated demographic and comorbidities characteristics. Methods: A total of 122 elderly patients aged 60 years or older and diagnosed with dementia (Alzheimer and other) were followed in a reference geriatric center for dementia. The clinical protocols included interviews with patient and caregiver, complete physical examination, laboratory and imaging tests. Criteria for the diagnosis of sleep disorder included complain of insomnia from the patient or caregiver using the Neuropsychiatric Inventory nighttime. Results: The incidence density of sleep disorder among dements was 18.7/100 person/years. The risk of developing sleep disorder within the frst and fourth years of follow-up was 9.8% and 50.9%, respectively. Multivariate Cox regression analysis revealed that educational level less than 8 years and report of aggressiveness at baseline were an independent predictor of sleep disorder, increased risk in 3.1 (95%CI: 1.30-9.22) and 2.1 times (95%CI: 1.16-4.17), respectively. Conclusion: The incidence of sleep disorder in demented patients was elevated, and was particularly associated to low educational level and aggressiveness at admission

    Electronics Shielding and Reliability Design Tools

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    It is well known that electronics placement in large-scale human-rated systems provides opportunity to optimize electronics shielding through materials choice and geometric arrangement. For example, several hundred single event upsets (SEUs) occur within the Shuttle avionic computers during a typical mission. An order of magnitude larger SEU rate would occur without careful placement in the Shuttle design. These results used basic physics models (linear energy transfer (LET), track structure, Auger recombination) combined with limited SEU cross section measurements allowing accurate evaluation of target fragment contributions to Shuttle avionics memory upsets. Electronics shielding design on human-rated systems provides opportunity to minimize radiation impact on critical and non-critical electronic systems. Implementation of shielding design tools requires adequate methods for evaluation of design layouts, guiding qualification testing, and an adequate follow-up on final design evaluation including results from a systems/device testing program tailored to meet design requirements

    Construção de um Web Service REST para aplicativos de gestão na pecuária de corte

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    A tecnologia está em constante evolução e está disseminada em diversas áreas, auxiliando pessoas em suas atividades diárias, principalmente no sentido de tornar o cotidiano mais fácil, o trabalho mais produtivo e as decisões mais efetivas. Para um produtor rural, as tecnologias podem ser exploradas como vantagem competitiva em suas áreas de negócio, tais como produção e comercialização. Dentre estas tecnologias, os smartphones têm ocupado um papel de destaque, devido à sua disseminação entre a população, tendo um grande potencial para auxiliar o pequenos, médios e grandes produtores. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo a criação de uma solução para permitir o uso de dispositivos móveis como recurso para a gestão de propriedades rurais. A metodologia envolveu a criação de um Web Service para criar uma comunicação padronizada entre um banco de dados remoto e um conjunto de aplicativos de gestão pecuária produzidos pela Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária. Para o desenvolvimento da solução, utilizou-se o padrão REST (Representational State Transfer) como modelo de arquitetura do Web Service.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ
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