18 research outputs found

    Solar Occultation Satellite Data and Derived Meteorological Products: Sampling Issues and Comparisons with Aura MLS

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    Derived Meteorological Products (DMPs, including potential temperature (theta), potential vorticity, equivalent latitude (EqL), horizontal winds and tropopause locations) have been produced for the locations and times of measurements by several solar occultation (SO) instruments and the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS). DMPs are calculated from several meteorological analyses for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment-Fourier Transform Spectrometer, Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment II and III, Halogen Occultation Experiment, and Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement II and III SO instruments and MLS. Time-series comparisons of MLS version 1.5 and SO data using DMPs show good qualitative agreement in time evolution of O3, N2O, H20, CO, HNO3, HCl and temperature; quantitative agreement is good in most cases. EqL-coordinate comparisons of MLS version 2.2 and SO data show good quantitative agreement throughout the stratosphere for most of these species, with significant biases for a few species in localized regions. Comparisons in EqL coordinates of MLS and SO data, and of SO data with geographically coincident MLS data provide insight into where and how sampling effects are important in interpretation of the sparse SO data, thus assisting in fully utilizing the SO data in scientific studies and comparisons with other sparse datasets. The DMPs are valuable for scientific studies and to facilitate validation of non-coincident measurements

    Stratospheric aerosol - Observations, processes, and impact on climate

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    Interest in stratospheric aerosol and its role in climate have increased over the last decade due to the observed increase in stratospheric aerosol since 2000 and the potential for changes in the sulfur cycle induced by climate change. This review provides an overview about the advances in stratospheric aerosol research since the last comprehensive assessment of stratospheric aerosol was published in 2006. A crucial development since 2006 is the substantial improvement in the agreement between in situ and space-based inferences of stratospheric aerosol properties during volcanically quiescent periods. Furthermore, new measurement systems and techniques, both in situ and space based, have been developed for measuring physical aerosol properties with greater accuracy and for characterizing aerosol composition. However, these changes induce challenges to constructing a long-term stratospheric aerosol climatology. Currently, changes in stratospheric aerosol levels less than 20% cannot be confidently quantified. The volcanic signals tend to mask any nonvolcanically driven change, making them difficult to understand. While the role of carbonyl sulfide as a substantial and relatively constant source of stratospheric sulfur has been confirmed by new observations and model simulations, large uncertainties remain with respect to the contribution from anthropogenic sulfur dioxide emissions. New evidence has been provided that stratospheric aerosol can also contain small amounts of nonsulfate matter such as black carbon and organics. Chemistry-climate models have substantially increased in quantity and sophistication. In many models the implementation of stratospheric aerosol processes is coupled to radiation and/or stratospheric chemistry modules to account for relevant feedback processes

    All change at the World Bank: The new procurement framework

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    Reliability of transcardiopulmonary thermodilution cardiac output measurement in experimental aortic valve insufficiency.

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    Monitoring cardiac output (CO) is important to optimize hemodynamic function in critically ill patients. The prevalence of aortic valve insufficiency (AI) is rising in the aging population. However, reliability of CO monitoring techniques in AI is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of AI on accuracy, precision, and trending ability of transcardiopulmonary thermodilution-derived COTCPTD in comparison with pulmonary artery catheter thermodilution COPAC.Sixteen anesthetized domestic pigs were subjected to serial simultaneous measurements of COPAC and COTCPTD. In a novel experimental model, AI was induced by retraction of an expanded Dormia basket in the aortic valve annulus. The Dormia basket was delivered via a Judkins catheter guided by substernal epicardial echocardiography. High (HPC), moderate (MPC) and low cardiac preload conditions (LPC) were induced by fluid unloading (20 ml kg-1 blood withdrawal) and loading (subsequent retransfusion of the shed blood and additional infusion of 20 ml kg-1 hydroxyethyl starch). Within each preload condition CO was measured before and after the onset of AI. For statistical analysis, we used a mixed model analysis of variance, Bland-Altman analysis, the percentage error and concordance analysis.Experimental AI had a mean regurgitant volume of 33.6 ± 12.0 ml and regurgitant fraction of 42.9 ± 12.6%. The percentage error between COTCPTD and COPAC during competent valve function and after induction of substantial AI was: HPC 17.7% vs. 20.0%, MPC 20.5% vs. 26.1%, LPC 26.5% vs. 28.1% (pooled data: 22.5% vs. 24.1%). The ability to trend CO-changes induced by fluid loading and unloading did not differ between baseline and AI (concordance rate 95.8% during both conditions).Despite substantial AI, transcardiopulmonary thermodilution reliably measured CO under various cardiac preload conditions with a good ability to trend CO changes in a porcine model. COTCPTD and COPAC were interchangeable in substantial AI