37 research outputs found

    Den hierarkiske anarkisme: Indflydelsen af politiske overbevisninger på Volksbühnes infrastruktur

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    How did the Volksbühne Theatre arise and which values does it embrace? To which degree has the artistic content and the organisational structure been influenced by politics? By using examples and witness reports, a picture of Volksbühne’s identity in the political landscape is drawn

    Thinking like a fish: a key ingredient for development of effective fish passage facilities at river obstructions

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    Worldwide, obstructions on watercourses have interfered with migratory pathways of fish species, reducing life‐cycle success and often eliminating diadromous fish species altogether from river basins. Over the last century, efforts to mitigate these effects were initially directed at developing fishways for upstream, high‐value migrant adult salmon. In more recent years, efforts have turned to developing fishways for other species. Results of past research suggest that the development of effective fishways requires biological knowledge of fish behaviour when encountering variable flows, velocity and turbulence, combined with hydraulic and civil engineering knowledge and expertise to develop facilities that provide ppropriate hydraulic conditions that fish will exploit. Further, it often requires substantial financial resources for biological and hydraulic testing as well as engineering design, particularly where prior knowledge of the behaviour of target fish species does not exist. Where biological or engineering knowledge (or both) is absent, development of effective passage facilities must take on a trial and error approach that will almost certainly require years to attain success. Evaluations of existing adult and juvenile fish passage facilities, where they have been carried out, suggest that migrant fish reject areas with hydraulic conditions they determine unsuitable. Even well designed fish ladders or nature‐like bypass channels for upstream migrants, even those with good attraction flows, will fail if incorrectly sited. Although progress has been made, developing successful installations for downstream migrants remains much more difficult, probably because downstream fish move with the flow and have less time to assess cues at entrances to any bypasses that they encounter

    Prymnesins: Toxic Metabolites of the Golden Alga, Prymnesium parvum Carter (Haptophyta)

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    Increasingly over the past century, seasonal fish kills associated with toxic blooms of Prymnesium parvum have devastated aquaculture and native fish, shellfish, and mollusk populations worldwide. Protracted blooms of P. parvum can result in major disturbances to the local ecology and extensive monetary losses. Toxicity of this alga is attributed to a collection of compounds known as prymnesins, which exhibit potent cytotoxic, hemolytic, neurotoxic and ichthyotoxic effects. These secondary metabolites are especially damaging to gill-breathing organisms and they are believed to interact directly with plasma membranes, compromising integrity by permitting ion leakage. Several factors appear to function in the activation and potency of prymnesins including salinity, pH, ion availability, and growth phase. Prymnesins may function as defense compounds to prevent herbivory and some investigations suggest that they have allelopathic roles. Since the last extensive review was published, two prymnesins have been chemically characterized and ongoing investigations are aimed at the purification and analysis of numerous other toxic metabolites from this alga. More information is needed to unravel the mechanisms of prymnesin synthesis and the significance of these metabolites. Such work should greatly improve our limited understanding of the physiology and biochemistry of P. parvum and how to mitigate its blooms

    Strukturerte intervju som verktøy i kartlegging av alkoholbruk ved kronisk leversykdom

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    ABSTRACT Background: Alcoholism and alcohol-related diseases are a big problem worldwide, accounting for 3,8% of deaths. There are different structured interviews to estimate the total amount of alcohol consumed during lifetime and the degree of alcohol-dependency. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the feasibility of structured interviews in patients with chronic liver disease, and to see if they make the diagnosis of chronic liver disease more accurate. Method: All data in this project is taken from a clinical trial on patients with established liver disease or suspected liver disease in the liver out-patient clinic at Aker university hospital, Norway. A total of 139 patients were included, with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic etiologies. Patient history was obtained and the degree of fibrosis was determined. Alcohol history was obtained either by interview or by self-report, by use of lifetime drinking history (LDH) and The alcohol use disorder identification test (AUDIT). The validity of each form was determined, the etiologic diagnosis was compared to the total amount of alcohol consumed during a lifetime and the correlation between AUDIT and LDH was assessed. The alcohol consumption was evaluated both in units of alcohol, and by total kilograms of alcohol per kilogram of body weight. Result: Of the 139 included patients, 136 filled out LDH. 114 of these patients had valid LDH. There was an over-representation of non-valid forms among the patients who had not been interviewed. Among the 27 patients with alcoholic liver disease (ALD), 10 had lower estimated alcohol intake than the expected threshold for advanced liver damage, however all had advanced liver fibrosis. Among the 80 patients with non-ALD, eleven patients had an estimated alcohol intake higher than the expected threshold for advanced liver damage. By comparing LDH and AUDIT, we found that LDH is more sensitive to detect alcohol related liver disease than AUDIT

    Hepatitis B co-infection among people living with HIV/AIDS in rural Tanzania

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    Background: Both human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection are highly prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa, and co-infection is likely to occur. Co-infection raises several challenges: there are changes to the natural history of HBV infection, resistance may emerge in HBV as a result of HIV treatment, and changes should be made to the treatment regimens to take both infections into account. Epidemiological data on this problem is therefore needed. Methods: This study was conducted in Haydom hospital in rural Tanzania. The HIV Care and Treatment Clinic (CTC) at this hospital provides free HIV treatment according to national Tanzanian guidelines. The patients included in the study were HIV infected attending this clinic. 120 patients were tested for HBV infection and evidence of previous HBV exposure, using a five parameter HBV rapid test (OnSite HBV 5-Parameter Rapid Test). The parameters used were HBsAg, HBeAg, anti-HBs, anti-HBc and anti-HBe. Patient files were studied for information about HIV treatment and most recent lab results, including CD4, platelets and ALT. The association between lab results and HBV infection was calculated using a two sample independent t-test. Results: 11 (9%) of the 120 participants tested positive for HBsAg, as a marker of HBV infection. 47 (39 %) patients showed serological evidence of HBV exposure. 62 (52 %) patients tested negative for all parameters. There were no significant difference in ALT, platelets and CD4 between HBsAg-positives and HBsAg-negatives

    Analyse av menneske-induserte vibrasjoner i dekker

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    Master's thesis in Structural engineeringOppgava omhandler menneske-induserte vibrasjoner i dekker. Ulike lastmodeller for modellering av aerobiklaster blir presentert, og gjeldende regelverk blir gjennomgått. De ulike lastmodellene blir så benytta til å gjennomføre en vibrasjonsanalyse for et eksempeldekke og et stort flerbruksbygg

    Innføring av en standardisert elektronisk epikrisemal for å sikre bedre epikrisekvalitet ved Infeksjonsmedisinsk avdeling, Medisinsk divisjon, Akershus Universitetssykehus (Ahus)

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    Bakgrunn I følge Helsepersonelloven har alle pasienter rett på en epikrise ved utskrivelse fra en helseinstitusjon. Loven definerer imidlertid ingen krav til epikrisens oppbygning eller innhold. På bakgrunn av dette er det i dag varierende praksis for hvordan epikrisene utformes. Dette gjelder også ved Akershus Universitetssykehus (Ahus), der vi finner at dagens elektroniske epikrisemal ikke er tilstrekkelig for å sikre god kvalitet på innholdet i epikrisen. Med dette som utgangspunkt ønsker vi å innføre en standardisert elektronisk epikrisemal ved infeksjonsmedisinsk avdeling på Ahus. Slik vil vi kvalitetssikre epikriseinnholdet og således bedre kommunikasjonen mellom sekundær- og primærhelsetjenesten. Kunnskapsgrunnlag Flere studier avdekker at det foreligger store mangler ved epikriseinnholdet, spesielt når det gjelder informasjon om videre oppfølging og medikamenter. Å ta i bruk en standardisert elektronisk epikrisemal er et tiltak som har vist seg å bedre kvaliteten på epikriseinnholdet, samt å redusere tidsbruken ved utarbeidelse av epikrisen. Flere studier viser at mottakeren er mer tilfreds med epikriser i et standardisert elektronisk format fordi disse er kortere og mer oversiktlige. Tiltak og indikatorer Vårt kvalitetsforbedringsprosjekt vil være et pilotprosjekt ved infeksjonsmedisinsk avdeling, Ahus. Tiltaket er å utforme og innføre en standardisert elektronisk epikrisemal i journalsystemet DIPS. Epikrisemalen skal være brukervennlig og strukturert, og informasjonen i epikrisen skal i størst mulig grad samsvare med pasientforløpet på sykehuset. Vi definerer vår kvalitetsindikator som en resultatindikator, der vi vil vurdere effekten av tiltaket ved å sammenligne epikriser før og etter innføringen av den elektroniske epikrisemalen. Prosess og organisering Med utgangspunktet i de fire trinnene i PUKK-sirkelen (planlegge, utføre, kontrollere, korrigere) har vi skissert en framgangsplan for vårt pilotprosjekt. To ulike prosjektgrupper skal opprettes, hvorav den ene skal utforme den standardiserte elektroniske epikrisemalen og den andre skal evaluere kvaliteten på epikrisene før og etter innføring av malen. Resultatet av pilotprosjektet vil avgjøre hvorvidt den elektroniske epikrisemalen egner seg for implementering og videre bruk ved andre avdelinger. Konklusjon På bakgrunn av vårt arbeid vurderer vi innføringen av en standardisert elektronisk epikrisemal som gjennomførbar og nødvendig for å bedre kvaliteten på dagens epikriser. Prosjektet medfører likevel store utfordringer knyttet til økonomi, IT-systemer og motstand blant ansatte. En nøye planlagt prosess, med forankring i både ledelse og ansatte, er derfor vesentlig for gjennomføringen av prosjektet