13 research outputs found

    Análisis y aplicaciones de las técnicas CRM y su incorporación a las nuevas tecnologías

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    Marketing CRM techniques are increasingly linked to today's technology. This project proposes, on the one hand, a theoretical analysis of these techniques, making a tour of its main theoretical concepts and the bases of definition of a correct strategy according to the type of business for which its use is required. On the other hand, we find a second part focused on the study of one of the main softwares specialized in CRM, Salesforce CRM, which represents the perfect union between technology and Customer Relationship Management.Las técnicas de CRM de marketing están cada vez más vinculadas a la tecnología actual. En este trabajo se plantea, por un lado, un análisis teórico de dichas técnicas, haciendo un recorrido por sus principales conceptos teóricos y las bases de definición de una correcta estrategia según el tipo de negocio para el cual se requiera su uso. Por otro lado, encontramos una segunda parte centrada en el estudio de uno de los principales softwares especializados en CRM, el Salesforce CRM, que representa la perfecta unión entre la tecnología y las Customer Relationship Management.Calabuig Orti, L. (2017). Análisis y aplicaciones de las técnicas CRM y su incorporación a las nuevas tecnologías. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/91599TFG

    Selection of resistance by antimicrobial coatings in the healthcare setting

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    Antimicrobial touch surfaces have been introduced in healthcare settings with the aim of supporting existing hygiene procedures, and to help combat the increasing threat of antimicrobial resistance. However, concerns have been raised over the potential selection pressure exerted by such surfaces, which might drive the evolution and spread of antimicrobial resistance. In this review, we highlight studies that indicate risks associated with resistance on antimicrobial surfaces by different processes including evolution by de novo mutations and horizontal gene transfer, and species sorting of inherently resistant bacteria dispersed onto antimicrobial surfaces. We focus on antimicrobial surfaces made of copper, silver and antimicrobial peptides because of the practical application of the former two and the promising characteristics of the latter. The available data point to a potential for resistance selection and a subsequent increase of resistant strains via cross-resistance and co-resistance conferred by metal and antibiotic resistance traits. However, translational studies describing resistance development to antimicrobial touch surfaces in healthcare-related environments are rare and will be needed to assess whether and how antimicrobial surfaces lead to resistance selection in these settings. Such studies will need to consider numerous variables, including the antimicrobial concentrations present in coatings, the occurrence of biofilms on surfaces, and the humidity relevant to dry-surface environments. On-site tests on the efficacy of antimicrobial coatings should routinely evaluate the selection risk associated with their use