29 research outputs found

    Recent trend reversal for declining European seagrass meadows

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    Seagrass meadows, key ecosystems supporting fisheries, carbon sequestration and coastal protection, are globally threatened. In Europe, loss and recovery of seagrasses are reported, but the changes in extent and density at the continental scale remain unclear. Here we collate assessments of changes from 1869 to 2016 and show that 1/3 of European seagrass area was lost due to disease, deteriorated water quality, and coastal development, with losses peaking in the 1970s and 1980s. Since then, loss rates slowed down for most of the species and fastgrowing species recovered in some locations, making the net rate of change in seagrass area experience a reversal in the 2000s, while density metrics improved or remained stable in most sites. Our results demonstrate that decline is not the generalised state among seagrasses nowadays in Europe, in contrast with global assessments, and that deceleration and reversal of declining trends is possible, expectingly bringing back the services they provide

    A global approach to mapping the environmental risk of commercial harbours on aquatic systems

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    The goal of this paper is to propose a screening method for assessing the environmental risk to aquatic systems in harbours worldwide. A semi-quantitative method is based on environmental pressures, environmental conditions and societal response. The method is flexible enough to be applied to 15 harbours globally distributed through a multinational test using standardised and homogenised open data that can be obtained for any port worldwide. The method emerges as a useful approach towards the foundation of a global environmental risk atlas of harbours that should guide the harbour sector to develop a more globally informed strategy of sustainable development

    Uniendo ingeniería y ecología: la protección costera basada en ecosistemas

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    En un contexto de crecientes impactos y riesgos socio-económicos en las costas del planeta, la protección costera basada en ecosistemas surge como un nuevo paradigma que une los principios de protección, sostenibilidad y resiliencia, a la vez que proporciona múltiples beneficios. Este artículo ofrece una perspectiva sobre qué son y cómo se pueden utilizar las defensas naturales en el diseño, planificación y gestión de costas. La política pública muestra un creciente interés por su implementación general y el cuerpo de conocimiento y experiencia alrededor de la también denominada infraestructura ?verde? es creciente, pero aún existen importantes barreras que salvar. Una de ellas es estandarizar su diseño en términos ingenieriles, así como reconocer los aspectos que los diferencian respecto a enfoques tradicionales. La adaptación climática y la reducción de riesgos son áreas en las que su utilización puede ser más significativa, debido a la variedad de servicios que ofrecen. Tanto desde el punto de vista técnico como económico, existen argumentos sólidos para evitar la degradación de los ecosistemas, avanzando su restauración y conservación, como también desde la perspectiva de la defensa de las costas.In a context of increasing socio-economic impacts and risks in the coastal areas of the planet, coastal protection based on ecosystem features becomes a new paradigm that combines the principles of conservation, sustainability and resilience, while providing multiple benefits. This paper provides a perspective on what these are and how they can be used in the design, planning and management of the coastal zones. Policy-makers are calling for further uptake and implementation across the board and the body of knowledge and experience around the socalled ?green? infrastructure is growing, but there are still major barriers for a widespread uptake. One of them is to standardize designs in engineering terms, recognizing the different characteristics compared to traditional engineering solutions. Climate adaptation and risk reduction are areas where its use may be more significant, for the variety of services they offer. Both technically and economically, there are strong arguments to prevent degradation of ecosystems and to advance in their restoration and conservation, as well as from a coastal defense perspective

    Atlas de las praderas marinas de España

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    Knowledge of the distribution and extent of seagrass habitats is currently the basis of management and conservation policies of the coastal zones in most European countries. This basic information is being requested through European directives for the establishment of monitoring programmes and the implementation of specific actions to preserve the marine environment. In addition, this information is crucial for the quantification of the ecological importance usually attributed to seagrass habitats due to, for instance, their involvement in biogeochemical cycles, marine biodiversity and quality of coastal waters or global carbon budgets. The seagrass atlas of Spain represents a huge collective effort performed by 84 authors across 30 Spanish institutions largely involved in the scientific research, management and conservation of seagrass habitats during the last three decades. They have contributed to the availability of the most precise and realistic seagrass maps for each region of the Spanish coast which have been integrated in a GIS to obtain the distribution and area of each seagrass species. Most of this information has independently originated at a regional level by regional governments, universities and public research organisations, which explain the elevated heterogeneity in criteria, scales, methods and objectives of the available information. On this basis, seagrass habitats in Spain occupy a total surface of 1,541,63 km2, 89% of which is concentrated in the Mediterranean regions; the rest is present in sheltered estuarine areas of the Atlantic peninsular regions and in the open coastal waters of the Canary Islands, which represents 50% of the Atlantic meadows. Of this surface, 71.5% corresponds to Posidonia oceanica, 19.5% to Cymodocea nodosa, 3.1% to Zostera noltii (=Nanozostera noltii), 0.3% to Zostera marina and 1.2% to Halophila decipiens. Species distribution maps are presented (including Ruppia spp.), together with maps of the main impacts and pressures that has affected or threatened their conservation status, as well as the management tools established for their protection and conservation. Despite this considerable effort, and the fact that Spain has mapped wide shelf areas, the information available is still incomplete and with weak precision in many regions, which will require an investment of major effort in the near future to complete the whole picture and respond to demands of EU directives

    Atlas de las praderas marinas de España

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    Knowledge of the distribution and extent of seagrass habitats is currently the basis of management and conservation policies of the coastal zones in most European countries. This basic information is being requested through European directives for the establishment of monitoring programmes and the implementation of specific actions to preserve the marine environment. In addition, this information is crucial for the quantification of the ecological importance usually attributed to seagrass habitats due to, for instance, their involvement in biogeochemical cycles, marine biodiversity and quality of coastal waters or global carbon budgets. The seagrass atlas of Spain represents a huge collective effort performed by 84 authors across 30 Spanish institutions largely involved in the scientific research, management and conservation of seagrass habitats during the last three decades. They have contributed to the availability of the most precise and realistic seagrass maps for each region of the Spanish coast which have been integrated in a GIS to obtain the distribution and area of each seagrass species. Most of this information has independently originated at a regional level by regional governments, universities and public research organisations, which explain the elevated heterogeneity in criteria, scales, methods and objectives of the available information. On this basis, seagrass habitats in Spain occupy a total surface of 1,541,63 km2, 89% of which is concentrated in the Mediterranean regions; the rest is present in sheltered estuarine areas of the Atlantic peninsular regions and in the open coastal waters of the Canary Islands, which represents 50% of the Atlantic meadows. Of this surface, 71.5% corresponds to Posidonia oceanica, 19.5% to Cymodocea nodosa, 3.1% to Zostera noltii (=Nanozostera noltii), 0.3% to Zostera marina and 1.2% to Halophila decipiens. Species distribution maps are presented (including Ruppia spp.), together with maps of the main impacts and pressures that has affected or threatened their conservation status, as well as the management tools established for their protection and conservation. Despite this considerable effort, and the fact that Spain has mapped wide shelf areas, the information available is still incomplete and with weak precision in many regions, which will require an investment of major effort in the near future to complete the whole picture and respond to demands of EU directives.Versión del edito

    Large-scale 3-D experiments of wave and current interaction with real vegetation. Part 2: Experimental analysis

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    This paper assesses the influence of different flow and vegetation parameters on the wave attenuation providedby two contrasting salt marsh species: Puccinellia maritima and Spartina anglica. Differentwater depths and waveparameters (height and period) are considered for both regular and irregular waves with and without an underlyinguniform current coming from different directions. The study of the submergence ratio (h/hv) influenceshows that wave damping coefficient rapidly decreases as the plant submergence ratio increases. The highnonlinearities found in the wave–current interaction lead to different wave damping patterns in comparisonto wave-only conditions. A smaller wave damping is found for waves and current acting in the same directionand an increase in the wave damping rate is obtained for waves and current flowing in the opposite direction.These wave and current tests allow for the studying of the energy dissipation produced by the vegetation,increasing our knowledge about flowand plant interaction in estuarine conditions. The biomechanical propertiesof the two real salt marshes used in the experiments are also evaluated and related to wave damping revealing ahigher attenuation for stiffer vegetation. Both, the vegetation density and the biomass strongly influence wavedamping. Higher density and biomass values lead to higher attenuation rates for both species

    Archaeal RNA polymerase: the influence of the protruding stalk in crystal packing and preliminary biophysical analysis of the Rpo13 subunit.

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    We review recent results on the complete structure of the archaeal RNAP (RNA polymerase) enzyme of Sulfolobus shibatae. We compare the three crystal forms in which this RNAP packs (space groups P2₁2₁2₁, P2₁2₁2 and P2₁) and provide a preliminary biophysical characterization of the newly identified 13-subunit Rpo13. The availability of different crystal forms for this RNAP allows the analysis of the packing degeneracy and the intermolecular interactions that determine this degeneracy. We observe the pivotal role played by the protruding stalk composed of subunits Rpo4 and Rpo7 in the lattice contacts. Aided by MALLS (multi-angle laser light scattering), we have initiated the biophysical characterization of the recombinantly expressed and purified subunit Rpo13, a necessary step towards the understanding of Rpo13's role in archaeal transcription

    Large-scale 3-D experiments of wave and current interaction with realvegetation. Part 1: Guidelines for physical modeling

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    The growing interest in incorporating nature-based solutions and ecosystemservices as part of coastal protectionschemes has recently increased in the literature and focused on the understanding and modeling of wave andcurrent interactions with natural coastal landforms, such as salt marshes. With this purpose, using flumes orbasins has been one of the preferred options in experimental modeling under controlled conditions. However,due to the inherent complexities associated with this approach, most of the previously published experimentsare based on wave-flume experiments using vegetation mimics. The current demand for understanding therelevant processes requires a step forward, which includes experimental modeling with real vegetation onboth a relevant large scale and at a sufficiently large water depth. In response to foreseen needs, this studyprovides useful guidance based on the experience gained from a unique set of experiments conducted in alarge wave basin, including wave and current interaction with real salt marsh vegetation. This study reports onplant collection and growing strategies, plant properties, physical set-up, instrumentation, and experimentalstrategy and dismantling, providing guidelines aimed at being helpful for future experimental efforts at theinterface of engineering and ecology

    The role of seagrasses in coastal protection in a changing climate

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    The contribution of seagrasses to coastal protection is examined through the review of the most relevant existing knowledge. Seagrasses are the largest submerged aquatic vegetation ecosystem protected in Europe and it is worth examining their contribution to coastal protection. The review performed highlights incident energy flux, density, standing biomass and plant stiffness as the main physical and biological factors influencing the efficiency of the protection provided by seagrasses. The main conclusion achieved is that seagrass meadows cannot protect shorelines in every location and/or scenario. The optimal conditions for enhancing the protection supplied might be achieved in shallow waters and low wave energy environments, with high interaction surface, at the vertical and horizontal dimension, between water flow and seagrasses. Likewise, the most favorable protection might be provided by large, long living and slow growing seagrass species, with biomass being largely independent of seasonal fluctuations and with the maximum standing biomass reached under the highest hydrodynamic forcings. It is shown that seawater warming, increasing storms and sea level rise, together with the increasing population and anthropogenic threats in the coastal area may lead to rates of change too fast to allow seagrasses to adapt and keep their coastal defense service. Finally, to amend the decline of seagrasses and consequent coastal protection loss, different artificial and natural adaptation measures are provided