679 research outputs found

    Experimental and numerical model studies of frictional instability seismic sources

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, 1986.Microfiche copy available in Archives and ScienceBibliography: leaves 157-162.Paul G. Okubo.Ph.D

    Shear-Wave Velocity Characterization of the USGS Hawaiian Strong-Motion Network on the Island of Hawaii and Development of an NEHRP Site-Class Map

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    To assess the level and nature of ground shaking in Hawaii for the purposes of earthquake hazard mitigation and seismic design, empirical ground-motion prediction models are desired. To develop such empirical relationships, knowledge of the subsurface site conditions beneath strong-motion stations is critical. Thus, as a first step to develop ground-motion prediction models for Hawaii, wspectral-analysis-of-surface-waves (SASW) profiling was performed at the 22 free-field U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) strong-motion sites on the Big Island to obtain shear-wave velocity (V(S)) data. Nineteen of these stations recorded the 2006 Kiholo Bay moment magnitude (M) 6.7 earthquake, and 17 stations recorded the triggered M 6.0 Mahukona earthquake. V(S) profiling was performed to reach depths of more than 100 ft. Most of the USGS stations are situated on sites underlain by basalt, based on surficial geologic maps. However, the sites have varying degrees of weathering and soil development. The remaining strong-motion stations are located on alluvium or volcanic ash. V(S30) (average V(S) in the top 30 m) values for the stations on basalt ranged from 906 to 1908 ft/s [National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) site classes C and D], because most sites were covered with soil of variable thickness. Based on these data, an NEHRP site-class map was developed for the Big Island. These new V(S) data will be a significant input into an update of the USGS statewide hazard maps and to the operation of ShakeMap on the island of Hawaii.George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) under NSF CMS-0086605FEMA HSFEHQ-06-D-0162, HSFEHQ-04-D-0733U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior 08HQGR0036Geotechnical Engineering Cente

    Isoscalar-isovector mass splittings in excited mesons

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    Mass splittings between the isovector and isoscalar members of meson nonets arise in part from hadronic loop diagrams which violate the Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka rule. Using a model for these loop processes which works qualitatively well in the established nonets, I tabulate predictions for the splittings and associated isoscalar mixing angles in the remaining nonets below about 2.5 GeV, and explain some of their systematic features. The results for excited vector mesons compare favorably with experiment.Comment: 8 RevTeX pages, including 1 LaTeX figure. CMU-HEP93-23/DOE-ER-40682-4

    GenDOM: Generalizable One-shot Deformable Object Manipulation with Parameter-Aware Policy

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    Due to the inherent uncertainty in their deformability during motion, previous methods in deformable object manipulation, such as rope and cloth, often required hundreds of real-world demonstrations to train a manipulation policy for each object, which hinders their applications in our ever-changing world. To address this issue, we introduce GenDOM, a framework that allows the manipulation policy to handle different deformable objects with only a single real-world demonstration. To achieve this, we augment the policy by conditioning it on deformable object parameters and training it with a diverse range of simulated deformable objects so that the policy can adjust actions based on different object parameters. At the time of inference, given a new object, GenDOM can estimate the deformable object parameters with only a single real-world demonstration by minimizing the disparity between the grid density of point clouds of real-world demonstrations and simulations in a differentiable physics simulator. Empirical validations on both simulated and real-world object manipulation setups clearly show that our method can manipulate different objects with a single demonstration and significantly outperforms the baseline in both environments (a 62% improvement for in-domain ropes and a 15% improvement for out-of-distribution ropes in simulation, as well as a 26% improvement for ropes and a 50% improvement for cloths in the real world), demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach in one-shot deformable object manipulation.Comment: Extended version of arXiv:2306.0987

    GenORM: Generalizable One-shot Rope Manipulation with Parameter-Aware Policy

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    Due to the inherent uncertainty in their deformability during motion, previous methods in rope manipulation often require hundreds of real-world demonstrations to train a manipulation policy for each rope, even for simple tasks such as rope goal reaching, which hinder their applications in our ever-changing world. To address this issue, we introduce GenORM, a framework that allows the manipulation policy to handle different deformable ropes with a single real-world demonstration. To achieve this, we augment the policy by conditioning it on deformable rope parameters and training it with a diverse range of simulated deformable ropes so that the policy can adjust actions based on different rope parameters. At the time of inference, given a new rope, GenORM estimates the deformable rope parameters by minimizing the disparity between the grid density of point clouds of real-world demonstrations and simulations. With the help of a differentiable physics simulator, we require only a single real-world demonstration. Empirical validations on both simulated and real-world rope manipulation setups clearly show that our method can manipulate different ropes with a single demonstration and significantly outperforms the baseline in both environments (62% improvement in in-domain ropes, and 15% improvement in out-of-distribution ropes in simulation, 26% improvement in real-world), demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach in one-shot rope manipulation

    A retrospective analysis of antimicrobial resistance in pathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. isolates from poultry in Uganda

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    There are increasing reports of antimicrobial treatment failures for bacterial diseases of poultry in Uganda. The paucity of data on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) of pathogenic bacteria in Uganda is a major setback to AMR control. This study investigated the occurrence of fowl typhoid, colibacillosis, and AMR in associated pathogens from 2012 to 2018. Laboratory records from the Central Diagnostic Laboratory (CDL), a National Veterinary Diagnostic Facility located at Makerere University, were reviewed. Archived isolates of the causative bacteria for the two diseases were also evaluated for AMR. The frequencies of the two disease conditions, their clinical and necropsy presentations and the demographic data of the diagnostic samples were summarized from the records. Archived bacterial isolates were revived before antimicrobial susceptibility testing. This was done on Mueller Hinton agar using the disk diffusion method, against 16 antimicrobials of medical and veterinary importance according to the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines. A total of 697 poultry cases were presented for bacteriological investigations in the review period. Colibacillosis and salmonellosis had prevalence rates of 39.7% (277/697) and 16.2% (113/697), respectively. A total of 63 and 92 isolates of Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp., respectively, were archived but 43 (68.3%) E. coli and 47 (51.1%) Salmonella spp. isolates were recovered and evaluated for AMR. Multidrug resistance was more frequent in E. coli (38; 88.4%) than salmonellae (25; 53.2%), (p < 0.001). The high prevalence of colibacillosis, salmonellosis and the AMR of associated pathogens warrants immediate institution of appropriate disease control measures

    vProtein: Identifying Optimal Amino Acid Complements from Plant-Based Foods

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    Background: Indispensible amino acids (IAAs) are used by the body in different proportions. Most animal-based foods provide these IAAs in roughly the needed proportions, but many plant-based foods provide different proportions of IAAs. To explore how these plant-based foods can be better used in human nutrition, we have created the computational tool vProtein to identify optimal food complements to satisfy human protein needs. Methods: vProtein uses 1251 plant-based foods listed in the United States Department of Agriculture standard release 22 database to determine the quantity of each food or pair of foods required to satisfy human IAA needs as determined by the 2005 daily recommended intake. The quantity of food in a pair is found using a linear programming approach that minimizes total calories, total excess IAAs, or the total weight of the combination. Results: For single foods, vProtein identifies foods with particularly balanced IAA patterns such as wheat germ, quinoa, and cauliflower. vProtein also identifies foods with particularly unbalanced IAA patterns such as macadamia nuts, degermed corn products, and wakame seaweed. Although less useful alone, some unbalanced foods provide unusually good complements, such as Brazil nuts to legumes. Interestingly, vProtein finds no statistically significant bias toward grain/ legume pairings for protein complementation. These analyses suggest that pairings of plant-based foods should be based on the individual foods themselves instead of based on broader food group-food group pairings. Overall, the most efficien

    Close-to-threshold Meson Production in Hadronic Interactions

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    Studies of meson production at threshold in the hadron--hadron interaction began in the fifties when sufficient energies of accelerated protons were available. A strong interdependence between developments in accelerator physics, detector performance and theoretical understanding led to a unique vivid field of physics. Early experiments performed with bubble chambers revealed already typical ingredients of threshold studies, which were superseded by more complete meson production investigations at the nucleon beam facilities TRIUMF, LAMPF, PSI, LEAR and SATURNE. Currently, with the advent of the new cooler rings as IUCF, CELSIUS and COSY the field is entering a new domain of precision and the next step of further progress. The analysis of this new data in the short range limit permits a more fundamental consideration and a quantitative comparison of the production processes for different mesons in the few--body final states. The interpretation of the data take advantage of the fact that production reactions close-to-threshold are characterized by only a few degrees of freedom between a well defined combination of initial and exit channels. Deviations from predictions of phase-space controlled one-meson-exchange models are indications of new and exciting physics. Precision data on differential cross sections, isospin and spin observables -- partly but by no means adequately available -- are presently turning up on the horizon. There is work for the next years and excitement of the physics expected. Here we try to give a brief and at the same time comprehensive overview of this field of hadronic threshold production studies.Comment: 100 pages, Review article to be published in Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. Vol. 49, issue 1 (2002


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    Hawaiian volcanoes are formed by the eruption of large quantities of basaltic magma related to hot- spot activity below the Pacific Plate(1,2). Despite the apparent simplicity of the parent process emission of magma onto the oceanic crust - the resulting edifices display some topographic complexity(3-5). Certain features, such as rift zones and large flank slides, are common to all Hawaiian volcanoes, indicating similarities in their genesis; however, the underlying mechanism controlling this process remains unknown(6,7). Here we use seismological investigations and finite-element mechanical modelling to show that the load exerted by large Hawaiian volcanoes can be sufficient to rupture the oceanic crust. This intense deformation, combined with the accelerated subsidence of the oceanic crust and the weakness of the volcanic edifice/ oceanic crust interface, may control the surface morphology of Hawaiian volcanoes, especially the existence of their giant flank instabilities(8-10). Further studies are needed to determine whether such processes occur in other active intraplate volcanoes
