121 research outputs found

    Le statut du nom Hippopotamus madagascariensis Guldberg, 1883. Réponse à Rakotovao et al. 2014

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    International audienceM. Rakatovao, Y. Lignereux et al. (2014) viennent de publier une étude anatomique crânio-dentaire des spécimens d'hippopotames malgaches de la Collection Galliéni conservés au Museum d'Histoire naturelle de Toulouse. Cette étude a, dans un premier temps, fait l'objet d'un mémoire de Master 2 réalisé sous la direction de Y. Lignereux, F. Duranthon & P. O. Antoine, et soutenu en 2007 (Rakotovao 2007). Dans ce travail, que Rakotovao et al. (2014) n'ont pas jugé utile de citer, Rakotovao conclut « Nos recherches ont montré que, essentiellement sur la base des caractères crâniens, (…), les spécimens du MHNT appartiennent à l'espèce H. lemerlei. Dans leur publication récente, ces auteurs considèrent maintenant, toujours à partir des seuls caractères crâniens, que les deux petites espèces malgaches sont présentes dans la collection du Muséum de Toulouse. [...

    Animal biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie animales Well known does not mean well studied: Morphological and molecular support for existence of sibling species in the Javanese gliding frog Rhacophorus reinwardtii (Amphibia, Anura)

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    Abstract Morphological, morphometrical and molecular data support the existence of two sibling species in the taxon previously known as Rhacophorus reinwardtii. The two species can be distinguished by the coloration pattern of webbing, the size of adult specimens and the relative size of various morphometric characters. This long and commonly known taxon should be separated into two species. As a consequence, the conservation status of the new species Rhacophorus kio n. sp. as well as of the redefined species Rhacophorus reinwardtii must be re-evaluated and, considering the new distribution data and the particular ecological demands, both species should be considered as 'endangered'. Résumé Être connu ne signifie pas être étudié : évidence de l'existence d'espèces jumelles dans la rainette parachute Rhacophorus reinwardtii (Amphibiens, Anoures). Des études morphologiques, morphométriques et moléculaires appuient l'existence de deux espèces jumelles dans le taxon connu auparavant comme Rhacophorus reinwardtii. Les deux espèces peuvent être séparées par la coloration de la palmure, de la taille des spécimens adultes et de la taille relative de divers caractères morphométriques. Ce taxon, connu largement et depuis longtemps, doit être séparé en deux espèces. En conséquence, le statut de conservation de la nouvelle espèce Rhacophorus kio n. sp., comme celui de l'espèce redéfinie Rhacophorus reinwardtii, doit être réévalué et, prenant en considération la nouvelle distribution et les exigences écologiques particulières, toutes deux doivent être considérées comme « menacées d'extinction ». Pour citer cet article : A. Ohler, M. Delorme, C. R. Biologies 329 (2006)

    Pushing Taxonomy to Extiction?

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    Can we describe all species on Earth before they disappear? We argue that this is possible only by endowing taxonomy with professional manpower and appropriate material resources as required by big science. Contrary to Costello et al.’s (CMS) (1) statements, taxonomy is not an easy discipline accessible to all through a smartphone. It requires exhaustive training and long familiarity with field, specimens and literature (2). CMS’s argument is framed in terms of species numbers, but different, non-overlapping species concepts apply to bacteria, brambles and birds (3,4,5): “the species” as common unit of biodiversity does not exist (6). Even ignoring this conceptual and semantic issue, CMS’s estimates of undescribed biodiversity and extinction rates are based on insufficient evidence and poorly supported models. Biodiversity hotspots steadily emerge in geographic areas where diversity was long assumed to be largely described (7,8). The number of species, whatever species are, cannot be easily estimated because of the historical, rather than deterministic or teleological, nature of biological evolution (9,10). Extinction rates are highly context-sensitive (11), lineage- and region-dependant, thus generally difficult to ascertain (12) without thorough analyses of data such as IUCN’s estimates of threats and extinctions (13). However, evidence being mainly restricted to vertebrates, the extinction risks in most other groups remain terra incognita. Furthermore, recent surveys (14,15) do not support CMS’s optimistic predictions regarding extinction rates. CMS’s agenda emphasizes technology, voluntary work and recognition of subjective “morphospecies” (16). However, improvement of data storage and retrieval cannot substitute for the production of sound data. Serious taxonomists cannot describe two new species per week, as suggested by CMS’s calculations. Describing new species, even with the help of molecular data and especially in best-investigated groups, is increasingly demanding, following the “law of diminishing returns” (17). More than anything else, taxonomy requires professional manpower, unrestricted fieldwork and permanent collections

    New insights on phylogeography and distribution of painted frogs (Discoglossus) in northern Africa and the Iberian Peninsula

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    Painted frogs (Discoglossus) contain five to six species of Western Palearctic anurans that are mainly distributed in allopatry. We here provide the first comprehensive assessment of the phylogeography of the Moroccan species D. scovazzi and geographically characterize its contact zone with D. pictus in Eastern Morocco. Discoglossus scovazzi shows, in general, a weak phylogeographic structure across Morocco on the basis of mitochondrial DNA sequences of the cytochrome b gene, with only populations centered in the Atlas Mountains characterized by the presence of slightly divergent haplotypes. In eastern Morocco, all populations east of the Moulouya River were clearly assignable to D. pictus. This species was also found along the Mediterranean coast west of the Moulouya, in the cities of Nador and Melilla, suggesting that not the river itself but the wide arid valley extending along much of the river (except close to the estuary) acts as a possible distributional barrier to these frogs. No sympatry of D. scovazzi with D. pictus was observed, and all specimens were concordantly assigned to either species by DNA sequences of cytochrome b and of the nuclear marker RAG1. Species distribution models of the two taxa show largely overlapping areas of suitable habitat, and the two species’ niches are significantly more similar than would be expected given the underlying environmental differences between the regions in which they occur. Comparative data are also presented from the southern Iberian contact zone of D. galganoi galganoi and D. g. jeanneae. These taxa showed less clear-cut distributional borders, extensively shared RAG1 haplotypes, and had instances of sympatric occurrence on the basis of cytochrome b haplotypes, in agreement with the hypothesis of a yet incomplete speciation. In this wide contact zone area we found mitochondrial sequences containing double peaks in electropherograms, suggesting nuclear pseudogenes or (less likely) heteroplasmy, possibly related to the ongoing admixture among the lineagesPeer reviewe

    Tracing a toad invasion: lack of mitochondrial DNA variation, haplotype origins, and potential distribution of introduced Duttaphrynus melanostictus in Madagascar

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    The black-spined toad, Duttaphrynus melanostictus, is widespread in South and South-East (SE) Asia, although recent molecular analyses have revealed that it represents a species complex (here called the D. melanostictus complex). Invasive populations of this toad have been detected in Madagascar since, at least, 2014. We here trace the origin of this introduction based on mitochondrial DNA sequences of 340 samples. All 102 specimens from Madagascar have identical sequences pointing to a single introduction event. Their haplotype corresponds to a lineage occurring in Cambodia, China, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, and some locations of eastern Myanmar and northern Malaysia, here named the SE Asian lineage. Within this lineage, specimens from one location in Cambodia and three locations in Vietnam have the same haplotype as found in Madagascar. This includes Ho Chi Minh City, which has a major seaport and might have been the source for the introduction. Species distribution models suggest that the current range of the Madagascan invasive population is within the bioclimatic space occupied by the SE Asian lineage in its native range. The potential invasion zone in Madagascar is narrower than suggested by models from localities representing the full range of the D. melanostictus complex. Thus, an accurate taxonomy is essential for such inferences, but it remains uncertain if the toad might be able to spread beyond the potential suitable range because (1) knowledge on species-delimitation of the complex is insufficient, and (2) the native range in SE Asia might be influenced by historical biogeography or competition

    Communicative competence as a basis for the creative interaction of the professional (vocational-technical) education institution's subjects: the special course for the audience members of the advanced training classes of professional education administra

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    Матеріали спецкурсу присвячено проблемі комунікативної компетентності керівників, новопризначених керівників та педагогічних працівників обласних навчально-(науково)-методичних центрів (кабінетів), закладів професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти для удосконалення власного досвіду та педагогічної майстерності. Зміст спецкурсу спрямовано на розвиток комунікативної взаємодії суб’єктів освітнього процесу, професійно-особистісного розвитку педагогічних кадрів. Спецкурс підготовлений для слухачів курсів підвищення кваліфікації керівних та педагогічних кадрів професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти у Центральному інституті післядипломної освіти ДВНЗ «Університет менеджменту освіти».The materials of special course are devoted to the problem of communicative competence of managers, newly appointed managers and pedagogical workers of regional educational (scientific) -methodic centers (offices), institutions of professional (vocational-technical) education for improving their own experience and pedagogical skills. The content of the special course aims to develop the communicative interaction between the subjects of the educational process, professional and personal development of teaching staff. The special course has been developed for management and pedagogical staff of vocational (vocational-technical) education refresher training at the Central Institute of Postgraduate Education "University of Education Management"

    Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences

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    The question whether taxonomic descriptions naming new animal species without type specimen(s) deposited in collections should be accepted for publication by scientific journals and allowed by the Code has already been discussed in Zootaxa (Dubois & Nemésio 2007; Donegan 2008, 2009; Nemésio 2009a–b; Dubois 2009; Gentile & Snell 2009; Minelli 2009; Cianferoni & Bartolozzi 2016; Amorim et al. 2016). This question was again raised in a letter supported by 35 signatories published in the journal Nature (Pape et al. 2016) on 15 September 2016. On 25 September 2016, the following rebuttal (strictly limited to 300 words as per the editorial rules of Nature) was submitted to Nature, which on 18 October 2016 refused to publish it. As we think this problem is a very important one for zoological taxonomy, this text is published here exactly as submitted to Nature, followed by the list of the 493 taxonomists and collection-based researchers who signed it in the short time span from 20 September to 6 October 2016

    Identification of Hylarana tytleri (Theobald, 1868): elements for the systematics of the genus Hylarana Tschudi, 1838 (Anura, Ranidae)

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