345 research outputs found

    From planes to spheres: About gravitational lens magnifications

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    We discuss the classic theorem according to which a gravitational lens always produces a total magnification greater than unity. This theorem seems to contradict the conservation of total flux from a lensed source. The standard solution to this paradox is based on the exact definition of the reference 'unlensed' situation. We calculate magnifications and amplifications for general lensing scenarios not limited to regions close to the optical axis. In this way the formalism is naturally extended from tangential planes for the source and lensed images to complete spheres. We derive the lensing potential theory on the sphere and find that the Poisson equation is modified by an additional source term that is related to the mean density and to the Newtonian potential at the positions of observer and source. This new term generally reduces the magnification, to below unity far from the optical axis, and ensures conservation of the total photon number received on a sphere around the source. This discussion does not affect the validity of the 'focusing theorem', in which the unlensed situation is defined to have an unchanged affine distance between source and observer. The focusing theorem does not contradict flux conservation, because the mean total magnification directly corresponds to different areas of the source sphere in the lensed and unlensed situation. We argue that a constant affine distance does not define an astronomically meaningful reference. By exchanging source and observer, we confirm that magnification and amplification differ according to Etherington's reciprocity law, so that surface brightness is no longer strictly conserved. [ abridged ]Comment: MNRAS accepted. 15 pages, 6 figure

    Warming and elevated CO2 promote rapid incorporation and degradation of plant-derived organic matter in an ombrotrophic peatland

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    Rising temperatures have the potential to directly affect carbon cycling in peatlands by enhancing organic matter (OM) decomposition, contributing to the release of CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere. In turn, increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration may stimulate photosynthesis, potentially increasing plant litter inputs belowground and transferring carbon from the atmosphere into terrestrial ecosystems. Key questions remain about the magnitude and rate of these interacting and opposing environmental change drivers. Here, we assess the incorporation and degradation of plant- and microbe-derived OM in an ombrotrophic peatland after 4 years of whole-ecosystem warming (+0, +2.25, +4.5, +6.75 and +9°C) and two years of elevated CO2 manipulation (500 ppm above ambient). We show that OM molecular composition was substantially altered in the aerobic acrotelm, highlighting the sensitivity of acrotelm carbon to rising temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentration. While warming accelerated OM decomposition under ambient CO2, new carbon incorporation into peat increased in warming × elevated CO2 treatments for both plant- and microbe-derived OM. Using the isotopic signature of the applied CO2 enrichment as a label for recently photosynthesized OM, our data demonstrate that new plant inputs have been rapidly incorporated into peat carbon. Our results suggest that under current hydrological conditions, rising temperatures and atmospheric CO2 levels will likely offset each other in boreal peatlands

    Boson Stars as Gravitational Lenses

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    We discuss boson stars as possible gravitational lenses and study the lensing effect by these objects made of scalar particles. The mass and the size of a boson star may vary from an individual Newtonian object similar to the Sun to the general relativistic size and mass of a galaxy close to its Schwarzschild radius. We assume boson stars to be transparent which allows the light to pass through them though the light is gravitationally deflected. We assume boson stars of the mass M=1010MM = 10^{10}M_\odot to be on non-cosmological distance from the observer. We discuss the lens equation for these stars as well as the details of magnification. We find that there are typically three images of a star but the deflection angles may vary from arcseconds to even degrees. There is one tangential critical curve (Einstein ring) and one radial critical curve for tangential and radial magnification, respectively. Moreover, the deflection angles for the light passing in the gravitational field of boson stars can be very large (even of the order of degrees) which reflects the fact they are very strong relativistic objects. We also propose a suitable formula for the lens equation for such large deflection angles, and with the reservation that large deflection angle images are highly demagnified but in the area of the tangential critical curve, their existence may help in observational detection of suitable lenses possessing characteristic features of boson stars which could also serve as a direct evidence for scalar fields in the universe.Comment: accepted by Astrophys. J., 31 pages, AASTeX, 6 figure

    Dermanyssus gallinae in layer farms in Kosovo: a high risk for salmonella prevalence

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    Background The poultry red mite (PRM), Dermanyssus gallinae (D.g.) is a serious ectoparasitic pest of poultry and potential pathogen vector. The prevalence of D. g. and the prevalence of Salmonella spp. within mites on infested laying poultry farms were investigated in Kosovo. Findings In total, 14 populated layer farms located in the Southern Kosovo were assessed for D. g. presence. Another two farms in this region were investigated 6 months after depopulation. Investigated flocks were all maintained in cages, a common housing system in Kosovo. A total of eight farms were found to be infested with D. g. (50%) at varying levels, including the two depopulated farms. The detection of Salmonella spp. from D. g. was carried out using PCR. Out of the eight layer farms infested with D. g., Salmonella spp. was present in mites on three farms (37.5%). Conclusions This study confirms the high prevalence of D. g. in layer flocks in Kosovo and demonstrates the link between this mite and the presence of Salmonella spp. on infested farms

    Climate warming and elevated CO2 alter peatland soil carbon sources and stability

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    Peatlands are an important carbon (C) reservoir storing one-third of global soil organic carbon (SOC), but little is known about the fate of these C stocks under climate change. Here, we examine the impact of warming and elevated atmospheric CO2_{2} concentration (eCO2_{2}) on the molecular composition of SOC to infer SOC sources (microbe-, plant- and fire-derived) and stability in a boreal peatland. We show that while warming alone decreased plant- and microbe-derived SOC due to enhanced decomposition, warming combined with eCO2_{2} increased plant-derived SOC compounds. We further observed increasing root-derived inputs (suberin) and declining leaf/needle-derived inputs (cutin) into SOC under warming and eCO2_{2}. The decline in SOC compounds with warming and gains from new root-derived C under eCO2_{2}, suggest that warming and eCO2_{2} may shift peatland C budget towards pools with faster turnover. Together, our results indicate that climate change may increase inputs and enhance decomposition of SOC potentially destabilising C storage in peatlands

    The HRX-BL Lac sample - evolution of BL Lac objects

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    The unification of X-ray and radio selected BL Lacs has been an outstanding problem in the blazar research in the past years. Recent investigations have shown that the gap between the two classes can be filled with intermediate objects and that apparently all differences can be explained by mutual shifts of the peak frequencies of the synchrotron and inverse Compton component of the emission. We study the consequences of this scheme using a new sample of X-ray selected BL Lac objects comprising 104 objects with z<0.9 and a mean redshift z=0.34. 77 BL Lacs, of which the redshift could be determined for 64 (83%) objects, form a complete sample. The new data could not confirm our earlier result, drawn from a subsample, that the negative evolution vanishes below a synchrotron peak frequency log (peak-frequency) = 16.5. The complete sample shows negative evolution at the 2 sigma level ( = 0.42 +- 0.04). We conclude that the observed properties of the HRX BL Lac sample show typical behaviour for X-ray selected BL Lacs. They support an evolutionary model, in which flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQ) with high energetic jets evolve towards low frequency peaked (mostly radio-selected) BL Lac objects and later on to high frequency peaked (mostly X-ray selected) BL Lacs.Comment: 24 pages, 35 figures, accepted by A&

    The WIRCAM Deep Infrared Cluster Survey I: Groups and Clusters at z > 1.1

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    We use CFHTLS deep optical data, WIRCam Deep Survey (WIRDS) NIR data and XMM data to identify z>1.1 clusters in the CFHTLS D1 and D4 fields. Counterparts to such clusters can not be identified without deep NIR data and as such the total of =1deg2 of J , H & Ks band imaging provided by WIRDS is an indispensable tool in such work. Using public XMM X-ray data, we identify extended X-ray sources in the two fields. The resulting catalogue of extended X-ray sources was analyzed for optical/NIR counterparts, using a red-sequence algorithm. Redshifts of candidate groups and clusters were estimated using the median photometric redshifts of detected counterparts and where available spectroscopic data. Additionally, we surveyed X-ray point sources for potential group systems at the limit of our detection range in the X-ray data. A catalogue of z > 1.1 cluster candidates in the two fields has been compiled and cluster masses, radii and temperatures have been estimated using the scaling relations. The catalogue consists of 15 z > 1.1 candidates. Three of the detections are previously published extended X-ray sources. Of note is JKSC 041 for which we identify possible structures at z = 0.8, z = 0.96, z = 1.13 and z = 1.49. We also make an independent detection of the massive cluster, XMMXCS J2215.9-1738. We use the z > 1.1 catalogue to compare the cluster number counts in these fields with models based on WMAP 7-year cosmology and find that the models slightly over-predict the observations, whilst at z>1.5 we do not detect any clusters. We note that cluster number counts at z > 1.1 are highly sensitive to the cosmological model, however a significant reduction in present statistical (due to available survey area) and systematic (due to cluster scaling relations) uncertainties is required in order to confidently constrain cosmological parameters using cluster number counts at high redshift.Comment: 22 pages, 22 figures, Accepted 4 August 201

    Multifocal peliosis hepatis: MR and diffusion-weighted MR-imaging findings of an atypical case

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    Peliosis is a rare benign disorder that is characterized by the presence of diffuse blood-filled cystic spaces and can occur in the liver, spleen, bone-marrow, and lungs. We present a 10-year-old boy with Fanconi anemia who presented with peliosis hepatis due to androgen treatment. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging revealed multiple non-enhancing masses. Some of the lesions revealed fluid-fluid levels and extrahepatic extension on MR images. Diffusion-weighted (DW) imaging showed restricted diffusion. Fluid-fluid levels and extrahepatic extensions are unusual findings for hepatic peliotic lesions. In addition, DW imaging findings of peliosis hepatis have not been reported previously

    XMM-Newton and Suzaku analysis of the Fe K complex in the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 509

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    We report on partially overlapping XMM-Newton (~260 ks) and Suzaku (~100 ks) observations of the iron K band in the nearby, bright Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 509. The source shows a resolved neutral Fe K line, most probably produced in the outer part of the accretion disc. Moreover, the source shows further emission blue-ward of the 6.4 keV line due to ionized material. This emission is well reproduced by a broad line produced in the accretion disc, while it cannot be easily described by scattering or emission from photo-ionized gas at rest. The summed spectrum of all XMM-Newton observations shows the presence of a narrow absorption line at 7.3 keV produced by highly ionized outflowing material. A spectral variability study of the XMM-Newton data shows an indication for an excess of variability at 6.6-6.7 keV. These variations may be produced in the red wing of the broad ionized line or by variation of a further absorption structure. The Suzaku data indicate that the neutral Fe Kalpha line intensity is consistent with being constant on long timescales (of a few years) and they also confirm as most likely the interpretation of the excess blueshifted emission in terms of a broad ionized Fe line. The average Suzaku spectrum differs from the XMM-Newton one for the disappearance of the 7.3 keV absorption line and around 6.7 keV, where the XMM-Newton data alone suggested variability.Comment: MNRAS in pres

    The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey: the faint type-1 AGN sample

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    We present the type-1 active galactic nuclei (AGN) sample extracted from the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey first observations of 21000 spectra in 1.75 square degree. This sample, which is purely magnitude limited, free of morphological or color selection biases, contains 130 broad line AGN (BLAGN) spectra with redshift up to 5. Our data are divided into a wide (Iab < 22.5) and a deep (Iab < 24) subsample containing 56 and 74 objects respectively. Because of its depth and selection criteria, this sample is uniquely suited to study the population of faint type-1 AGN. Our measured surface density (~ 472 +- 48 BLAGN per square degree with Iab < 24) is significantly higher than that of any other optically selected sample of BLAGN with spectroscopic confirmation. By applying a morphological and color analysis to our AGN sample we find that: (1)~23% of the AGN brighter than Iab=22.5 are classified as extended; this percentage increases to ~42% for those with z < 1.6; (2) a non-negligible fraction of our BLAGN are lying close to the color space area occupied by stars in u*-g' versus g'-r' color-color diagram. This leads us to the conclusion that classical optical ultraviolet preselection technique, if employed at such deep magnitudes (Iab=22.5) in conjuction with a preselection of point-like sources, can miss miss up to ~35% of the AGN population. Finally, we present a composite spectrum of our sample of objects. While the continuum shape is very similar to that of the SDSS composite at short wavelengths, it is much redder than it at lambda > 3000 A. We interpret this as due to significant contamination from emission of the host galaxies, as expected from the faint absolute magnitudes sampled by our survey.Comment: Accepted to A&A, 18 pages, 14 figure