18 research outputs found

    Expectant parents’ experiences of parental education within the antenatal health service

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    Being an expectant parent is a life changing event and it is something that most people will experience in their lifetime. Many people who are parents for the first time will participate in parenting education. Most of the previous studies associated with parenting education focus on subjects such as birth outcome and breastfeeding. The purpose of this study is to focus on the less investigated aspect of the parents’ experience of participating in parenting education with Maternal Healthcare Services (MVC). A qualitative, phenomenological, hermeneutical method was selected to be used to analyze our findings and we used the statements of twenty participants to accumulate enough material to develop it into twelve sub-themes and five themes. The results of this study show that these expectant parents had few or no expectations of the parenting education that they were going to participate in. Generally speaking the parents seemed to be satisfied with the program. They described their reasons for participating as a chance to get together with other people in similar circumstances and to share information and they found a midwife to be a trustworthy professional person to confirm the information that was available to them from other sources

    How do informal information sources influence women’s decision-making for birth? A meta-synthesis of qualitative studies

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    Background: Women approach birth using various methods of preparation drawing from conventional healthcare providers alongside informal information sources (IIS) outside the professional healthcare context. An investigation of the forms in which these informal information sources are accessed and negotiated by women, and how these disconnected and often conflicting elements influence women’s decision-making process for birth have yet to be evaluated. The level of antenatal preparedness women feel can have significant and long lasting implications on their birth experience and transition into motherhood and beyond. The aim of this study was to provide a deeper understanding of how informal information sources influence women’s preparation for birth. Methods: Seven electronic databases were searched with predetermined search terms. No limitations were imposed for year of publication. English language studies using qualitative methods exploring women’s experiences of informal information sources and their impact upon women’s birth preparation were included, subject to a quality appraisal framework. Searches were initiated in February 2016 and completed by March 2016. Studies were synthesised using an interpretive meta-ethnographic approach. Results: Fourteen studies were included for the final synthesis from Great Britain, Australia, Canada and the United States. Four main themes were identified: Menu Birth; Information Heaven/Hell; Spheres of Support; and Trust. It is evident that women do not enter pregnancy as empty vessels devoid of a conceptual framework, but rather have a pre-constructed embodied knowledge base upon which other information is superimposed. Allied to this, it is clear that informal information was sought to mitigate against the widespread experience of discordant information provided by maternity professionals. Conclusion: Women’s access to the deluge of informal information sources in mainstream media during pregnancy have significant impact on decision making for birth. These informal sources redefine the power dynamic between women and maternal healthcare providers, simultaneously increasing levels of anxiety and challenging women’s pre- existing ideations and aspirations of personal birth processes. A lack of awareness by some professionals of women’s information seeking behaviours generates barriers to women-centred support, leaving an experience expectation mismatch unchecked

    Marine biodiversity and ecosystem function relationships: The potential for practical monitoring applications

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    Patients' experience of nursing : In an Emergency Department

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    Bakgrund: Hög omsĂ€ttning av patienter och ett högt arbetstempo pĂ„ en akutmottagning gör det svĂ„rt att etablera en relation. Det har visat sig att det tekniska genomförandet gĂ„r före omvĂ„rdnaden. Mötet spelar en central roll för omhĂ€ndertagandet vilket bör prĂ€glas av medmĂ€nsklighet, trygghet och omtanke.Även god kommunikation Ă€r en förutsĂ€ttning för god omvĂ„rdnad. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters upplevelse av omvĂ„rdnad pĂ„ en akutmottagning. Metod:En allmĂ€n litteraturstudie, dĂ€r vetenskapliga studier sökts i databaser varav 13 stycken valts ut.Studierna granskades, analyserades och resultatet delades in i fyra teman. Resultat: De fyra teman Ă€r: Patienters upplevelser av medverkan, upplevelser av information, upplevelser av stöd och upplevelser av miljö. Medverkan pĂ„verkades framförallt av av hur vĂ„rdpersonal vĂ€ljer att integrera patienter i vĂ„rden. Upplevelsen av information handlar om och hur informationen ges till patienter. Stöd innebĂ€r hur vĂ„rdpersonalen visar intresse och uppmĂ€rksammar patienters behov, Ă€ven vĂ„rdpersonalens attityder. Upplevelse av miljö innefattar bland annat hur miljön pĂ„verkar patienters integritet. Slutsats: Patienters upplevelse av omvĂ„rdnad pĂ„ en akutmottagning har visats sig pĂ„verkas av de fyra identifierade teman. VĂ„rdpersonal kan förvĂ€ntas ha ett holistiskt synsĂ€tt och anvĂ€nda personcentrerad vĂ„rd för att patienters upplevelse ska bli sĂ„ bra som möjligt.Background: High turnover of patients and high working pace in an emergency department makes it difficult to establish a good relationship. It proved that the technical accomplishment is more important than nursing. The meeting has an important role of nursing and should be characterized by humane behaviour, safety and concern. Good communication is also a requirement for good care. Aim: The aim was to describe patient’s experiences of caring in an emergency department. Method: A literature review with articles done in a scholarly manner. A total of 13 articles were reviewed, analyzed, and subsequently divided into four categories. Results: The four topics: experience of participation, experience of information, experience of support and experience of environment. Participation is influenced by how nursing staff chooses to interact with the patientÂŽs. The experience of information is about if and how the information was given. Support refers to the nursing staff showing interest, notice the patientÂŽs needs and the behaviour of the nursing staff. Experience of environment is about how the environments influence the patientÂŽs integrity. Conclusion: PatientÂŽs experience of nursing in an emergency department depends on the four identified topics. Nursing staff should have a holistic approach and individual caring which makes the patientÂŽs experience as good as possible

    HR-funktionens förÀndrade roll : En studie om linjechefers uppfattning av HR-funktionen i Falu och Avesta kommun

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    Traditionellt har HR-arbetet frĂ€mst varit fokuserat pĂ„ administrativa uppgifter och inte ansetts vara tillrĂ€ckligt effektivt och vĂ€rdeskapande. För att HR-arbetet ska bli mer strategiskt behöver funktionen organiseras sĂ„ att den tillgodoser dessa behov (Boglind et al, 2013). Vi menar att HR-funktionens relation till ledare och linjechefer Ă€r avgörande för hur framgĂ„ngsrikt deras arbete blir. Syftet med detta arbete Ă€r dĂ€rför att undersöka hur chefer uppfattar HR-funktionens förĂ€ndrade roll och vilken typ av stöd de förvĂ€ntar sig av den. Vi vill ocksĂ„ undersöka om uppfattningen av HR-funktionen skiljer sig Ă„t beroende pĂ„ hur den Ă€r organiserad. Undersökningen Ă€r baserad pĂ„ en multipel fallstudie utförd pĂ„ Falu och Avesta kommun. Totalt har tretton djupintervjuer genomförts, dĂ€r fem personer representerar HR-avdelningarna och Ă„tta personer representerar linjecheferna. Falu kommun började genomföra en HR-transformation vid Ă„rsskiftet 2013/2014, Avesta kommun har inte genomfört en HR-transformation utan har funktionen uppdelad i tvĂ„ team. Av empirin framkommer att linjecheferna i bĂ„da kommunerna har en ganska vag uppfattning om HR-funktionens organisation och trots de strukturella skillnaderna mellan kommunerna efterfrĂ„gar linjecheferna nĂ„got mer. I Avesta Ă€r samtliga respondenter överens om att en samsyn kring HR-funktionens arbetsuppgifter inte finns pĂ„ grund av att en tydlig strategi för HR-funktionen saknas. Cheferna i Avesta efterfrĂ„gar ett arbete med personalfrĂ„gor frĂ„n grunden samt ett mer strategiskt arbete. I Falun visar empirin att linjechefer och HR-personer har olika Ă„sikter kring huruvida det finns en samsyn. Även om flera linjechefer i Falun anser att HR-funktionen fungerar bĂ€ttre efter transformationen efterfrĂ„gar samtliga en kontakt med en specifik HR-person istĂ€llet för att kontakta ett HR-center. Trots att de organisationer vi studerat har HR-funktioner som skiljer sig Ă„t i storlek och struktur kan vi konstatera mĂ„nga likheter. Vi drar dĂ€rför slutsatsen att de problem som linjecheferna beskriver inte Ă€r relaterade till HR-avdelningens organisering, utan snarare kan kopplas till en obalans i HR-arbetets inneboende dualitet som uppstĂ„tt i och med ett mer strategiskt fokus. Vi anser att bĂ„da kommunernas HR-funktioner bör ha en tydlig och kontinuerlig dialog med linjecheferna för att maximera vĂ€rdeskapandet dem emellan. Sammanfattningsvis menar vi att kommunerna bör lĂ€gga fokus pĂ„ att identifiera vilka aspekter av personalarbetet som Ă€r vĂ€rdefulla och unika för just deras organisation samt arbeta strategiskt utifrĂ„n dessa.Traditionally, HR work has not been considered sufficiently effective and value creating because of its main focus on administrative tasks. For HR work to become more strategic the function has to organize in a way that meet the new needs (Boglind et al, 2013). We believe that the success of the HR function depends on their relationships to leaders and line managers. The purpose of this essay is to examine how line managers perceive the changing role of the HR function and what kind of support they expect from them. We also want to investigate whether the perception of the HR function is related to how it’s organized. The survey is based on a multiple case study conducted in Falu and Avesta municipality. A total of thirteen in-depth interviews were conducted where five respondents represented the HR departments and eight respondents represented the line managers. Falun municipality began implementing an HR transformation at the turn of 2013/2014. Avesta municipality has an HR function divided into two teams and hasn’t performed an HR transformation. Our empirical data reveals that line managers in both municipalities have a rather vague idea of the HR function and its organization. Despite structural differences between the municipalities line managers in both organizations demand something more. All respondents in Avesta municipality agree to a lack of consensus regarding the duties of the HR function, due to an absence of a distinct strategy. The line managers of Avesta requests a more fundamental and strategic HR management. Empirical data from Falun municipality reveals that line managers and HR respondents disagree on whether there is a consensus regarding the tasks of the HR function. Although several line managers in Falun mentions that the HR function have improved from the transformation, they still prefer close relations to a specific HR person over contacting the HR call center. Although the studied HR functions differ in size and structure, we observe many similarities. We therefore conclude that the difficulties described by line managers isn’t related to the structure of the HR function, but instead relates to an imbalance in the immanent duality of the HR work that emerge from a more strategic focus. We believe that the HR function in both municipalities should have a consistent and continuous dialogue with line managers to maximize the exchange of value. In conclusion we suggest that the municipalities should focus on identifying the aspects of HR work that is most valuable and unique to their organization and build their strategies from these