9 research outputs found

    The origin of erratic calcite speleothems in the Dangcheomul Cave (lava tube cave), Jeju Island, Korea

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    Dangcheomul Cave in Jeju Island, Korea, is a lava tube about 110 m long. The cave is located only a few meters below the surface under alkali basalt, and contains numerous and various calcite speleothems such as soda straws, stalactites, stalagmites, columns, cave corals, curtains, flowstones, rimstones, carbonate powders, and shelfstones. Carbonate sand dunes overlying the lava tube are responsible for the formation of calcite speleothems. The sand dunes were formed from the carbonate sediments transported from adjacent shallow seas and beaches, and are composed of mollusks, echinoderms, coralline algae, benthic foraminifers, bryozoans, etc. Oxygen isotopic compositions of some speleothems and cave water indicate that the spelothems have grown mostly by evaporation of cave water. Also, carbon isotopic compositions suggest that the majority of carbon was derived from overlying carbonates with a minor contribution of organic carbon from the overlying soil. Most speleothems in Dangcheomul Cave do not show typical morphology as can be commonly seen in limestone caves. These erratic forms imply a different mode of speleothem formation. High density of soda straws, stalactites, and columns as well as erratic morphology may also provide the evidence that the plant roots are responsible for their growth

    Reconstruction of the Northeast Asian monsoon climate history for the past 400 years based on textural, carbon and oxygen isotope record of a stalagmite from Yongcheon lava tube cave, Jeju Island, Korea

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    Paleoclimatic changes over the past 400 years were investigated based on textural and geochemical characteristics of the YC-2 stalagmite which grew in Yongcheon Cave (lava tube cave) on Jeju Island, Korea. The stalagmite is about 68 mm long and annual growth laminae are distinctively identified. The age of the stalagmite was mainly determined by counting annual growth laminae supplemented by other radiometric dating methods, and it is estimated that the stalagmite grew at least for ca. 242 years including the hiatus. This hiatus is located at about 15 mm from the base and is present in the form of one thick brown growth lamina which was formed when the stalagmite stopped to grow. Texturally, the stalagmite can be divided into two phases: Fluid inclusion-poor, compact columnar calcite (Phase A) and fluid inclusion-rich, sparse columnar calcite (Phase B). This textural division is intimately related to the spacing of growth laminae, that is, Phase A is characterized by narrower spacing of growth laminae. Phase A with narrow-spaced growth laminae indicates the slower growth rate due to lower amount of rainfall when Northeast Asian summer monsoon intensity was relatively lower. Based on high resolution carbon isotope trend, the stalagmite can be divided into three stages (Stages I, II and III). The relatively more positive carbon isotopic compositions of the Stage I (ÎŽ13C = −3.3–0.4‰, PDB) in the lower part indicate that it grew during the Little Ice Age (LIA) under cold and dry climate with less vegetation. The Stage II is a transitional period from cold and dry to warm and wet climate with a continuous decrease in carbon isotope values (from 0.6 to −9.6‰ in ÎŽ13C). This stage shows the gradual weakening of the LIA climate. Carbon isotope trend also suggests that the LIA interval was terminated near middle 1870\u27s around Korean peninsula. Relatively low carbon isotopic compositions during Stage III (ÎŽ13C = −11.0 ∌ −8.0‰) in the upper part should indicate that climate was changed to the warm and wet Current Warm Perio

    Diagenesis or dire genesis? The origin of columnar spar in tufa stromatolites of central Greece and the role of Chironomid larvae

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    Two Greek Pleistocene tufa stromatolites were examined petrographically and with stable isotope geochemistry to determine whether calcite spar is of primary or diagenetic origin. The younger (ca 100 ka) tufa from Zemeno primarily is micritic, with primary columnar calcite spar restricted to areas immediately above chironomid larval tubes. This relationship suggests that chironomid larval feeding behaviour is responsible for the development of Zemeno tufa columnar calcite, probably involving biological substances smeared onto the tufa surface. Most micritic crystals are not suitably oriented to allow later post-depositional growth resulting in columnar fabrics. The older (ca 1 Ma) predominantly sparry tufa from Nemea contains some chironomid tubes and organic cyanobacterial filaments preserved in crystal fans but also contains many fabrics found in primary speleothem spar. Columnar spar here is unlikely to be the result of post-depositional crystal growth. A comparison of stable isotopic trends between the two tufa deposits suggests that both contain interpretable seasonal trends and implies little or minor post-depositional alteration of either tufa. Consequently, there is no basis for the common assumption that sparry tufa fabrics must be of diagenetic origin

    Patterns in Microbialites Throughout Geologic Time: Is the Present Really the Key to the Past?

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