234 research outputs found

    Existence, energy identity and higher time regularity of solutions to a dynamic visco-elastic cohesive interface model

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    We study the dynamics of visco-elastic materials coupled by a common cohesive interface (or, equivalently, {two single domains separated by} a prescribed cohesive crack) in the anti-plane setting. We consider a general class of traction-separation laws featuring an activation threshold on the normal stress, softening and elastic unloading. In strong form, the evolution is described by a system of PDEs coupling momentum balance (in the bulk) with transmission and Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions (on the interface). We provide a detailed analysis of the system. We first prove existence of a weak solution, employing a time discrete approach and a regularization of the initial data. Then, we prove our main results: the energy identity and the existence of { solutions} with acceleration in L∞(0,T;L2)L^\infty (0,T; L^2)

    Wide flat minima and optimal generalization in classifying high-dimensional Gaussian mixtures

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    We analyze the connection between minimizers with good generalizing properties and high local entropy regions of a threshold-linear classifier in Gaussian mixtures with the mean squared error loss function. We show that there exist configurations that achieve the Bayes-optimal generalization error, even in the case of unbalanced clusters. We explore analytically the error-counting loss landscape in the vicinity of a Bayes-optimal solution, and show that the closer we get to such configurations, the higher the local entropy, implying that the Bayes-optimal solution lays inside a wide flat region. We also consider the algorithmically relevant case of targeting wide flat minima of the (differentiable) mean squared error loss. Our analytical and numerical results show not only that in the balanced case the dependence on the norm of the weights is mild, but also, in the unbalanced case, that the performances can be improved

    Wide flat minima and optimal generalization in classifying high-dimensional Gaussian mixtures

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    We analyze the connection between minimizers with good generalizing properties and high local entropy regions of a threshold-linear classifier in Gaussian mixtures with the mean squared error loss function. We show that there exist configurations that achieve the Bayes-optimal generalization error, even in the case of unbalanced clusters. We explore analytically the error-counting loss landscape in the vicinity of a Bayes-optimal solution, and show that the closer we get to such configurations, the higher the local entropy, implying that the Bayes-optimal solution lays inside a wide flat region. We also consider the algorithmically relevant case of targeting wide flat minima of the (differentiable) mean squared error loss. Our analytical and numerical results show not only that in the balanced case the dependence on the norm of the weights is mild, but also, in the unbalanced case, that the performances can be improved.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2006.0789

    Lu5Pd4Ge8 and Lu3Pd4Ge4: Two more germanides among polar intermetallics

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    In this study, two novel Lu5Pd4Ge8and Lu3Pd4Ge4polar intermetallics were prepared by direct synthesis of pure constituents. Their crystal structures were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis: Lu5Pd4Ge8is monoclinic, P21/m, mP34, a = 5.7406(3), b = 13.7087(7), c = 8.3423(4) \uc5, \u3b2 = 107.8(1), Z = 2; Lu3Pd4Ge4is orthorhombic, Immm, oI22, a = 4.1368(3), b = 6.9192(5), c = 13.8229(9) \uc5, Z = 2. The Lu5Pd4Ge8analysed crystal is one more example of non-merohedral twinning among the rare earth containing germanides. Chemical bonding DFT studies were conducted for these polar intermetallics and showing a metallic-like behavior. Gathered results for Lu5Pd4Ge8and Lu3Pd4Ge4permit to described both of them as composed by [Pd\u2013Ge]\u3b4\u2013three dimensional networks bonded to positively charged lutetium species. From the structural chemical point of view, the studied compounds manifest some similarities to the Zintl phases, containing well-known covalent fragment i.e., Ge dumbbells as well as unique cis-Ge4units. A comparative analysis of molecular orbital diagrams for Ge26\u2013and cis-Ge10\u2013anions with COHP results supports the idea of the existence of complex Pd\u2013Ge polyanions hosting covalently bonded partially polarised Ge units. The palladium atoms have an anion like behaviour and being the most electronegative cause the noticeable variation of Ge species charges from site to site. Lutetium charges oscillate around +1.5 for all crystallographic positions. Obtained results explained why the classical Zintl-Klemm concept can\u2019t be applied for the studied polar intermetallics

    A new glance on R2MGe6 (R = rare earth metal, M = another metal) compounds. An experimental and theoretical study of R2PdGe6germanides

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    The R2PdGe6series (R = rare earth metal) was structurally characterized, and the results achieved were extended for a comprehensive study on R2MGe6(M = another metal) compounds, employing symmetry-based structural rationalization and energy calculations. Directly synthesized R2PdGe6exists for almost all R-components (R = Y, La-Nd, Sm and Gd-Lu) and even if with La is probably metastable. Several single crystal X-ray analyses (R = Y, Ce, Pr, Nd, Er and Lu) indicated oS72-Ce2(Ga0.1Ge0.9)7as the correct structure. The alternative In-flux method, once optimized, produced three good quality R2PdGe6single crystals: La2PdGe6and Pr2PdGe6turned out to be mS36-La2AlGe6-type non-merohedrally twinned crystals and Yb2PdGe6is of oS72-Ce2(Ga0.1Ge0.9)7-type. The vacancy ordering phenomenon was considered as a possible cause of the symmetry reduction relations connecting the most frequently reported 2:1:6 structural models (oS18, oS72 and mS36) with the oS20-SmNiGe3aristotype. The detected twin formation is consistent with the symmetry relations, which are discussed even considering the validity of the different structural models. DFT total energy calculations were performed for R2PdGe6(R = Y and La) in the three abovementioned structural models, and for La2MGe6(M = Pt, Cu, Ag and Au) in the oS18 and oS72 modifications. The results indicate that the oS18-Ce2CuGe6structure, prevalently proposed in the literature, is associated with the highest energy and thus it is not likely to be realized in these series. The oS72 and mS36 polytypes are energetically equivalent, and small changes in the synthetic conditions could easily stabilize any of them, in agreement with experimental results obtained by direct and flux syntheses

    Phytochemical researches and antimicrobial activity of Clinopodium nubigenum Kunth (Kuntze) raw extracts

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    The essential oil of the species Clinopodium nubigenum (Kunth) Kuntze, Lamiaceae, was analyzed by GC-MS and GC-FID, taking into account the more recent literature. Among the seventy compounds identified, the majority are oxygenated monoterpenoids. The essential oil, tested for antimicrobial activity, resulted effective in vitro against Candida albicans. From the aqueous MeOH extract of the aerial parts of the plant two nonvolatile compounds, named schizonepetoside A and schizonepedoside C, have been isolated. They are rare glycosyl terpenoids, which were previously isolated from only one plant, but never found before in the genus Clinopodium

    Association of free-living physical activity measures with metabolic phenotypes in type 2 diabetes at the time of diagnosis. The Verona Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Study (VNDS)

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    Objective: Lifestyle is considered a major determinant of risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D). We investigated whether daily physical activity (DPA) is associated with beta-cell function (BF) and/or insulin sensitivity (IS) in patients with T2D at the time of diagnosis. Methods: In 41 subjects enrolled in the Verona Newly-Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Study we assessed: (1) IS, by euglycaemic insulin clamp; (2) BF, estimated by prolonged-OGTT minimal modeling and expressed as derivative and proportional control; (3) DPA and energy expenditure (EE), assessed over 48-hours monitoring by a validated wearable armband system. Results: Study participants (median[IQR]; age: 62 [53-67] years, BMI: 30.8 [26.5-34.3] Kg c5m-2, HbA1c: 6.7 [6.3-7.3]%; 49.7 [45.4-56.3] mmol/mol) were moderately active (footsteps/day: 7,773 [5,748-10,927]; DPA 653MET: 70 [38-125] min/day), but none of them exercised above 6 metabolic equivalents (MET). EE, expressed as EETOT (total daily-EE) and EE 653MET (EE due to DPA 653MET) were 2,398 [2,226-2,801] and 364 [238-617] Kcal/day, respectively. IS (M-clamp 630 [371-878] \u3bcmol/min/m2) was positively associated with DPA and EE, independent of age, sex and BMI (p<0.05). Among the DPA and EE parameters assessed, DPA 653MET and EETOT were independent predictors of IS in multivariable regression analyses, adjusted for age, sex, BMI (R2=16%, R2=19%, respectively; p<0.01). None of model-derived components of BF was significantly associated with DPA or accompanying EE. Conclusions Our study highlighted moderate levels of DPA and total EE as potential determinants of IS, but not BF, in T2D at the time of diagnosis. Intervention studies are needed to conclusively elucidate the effect of DPA on these features

    Degradation of a photophilic algal community and its associated fauna from eastern Sicily (Mediterranean Sea)

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    The status of the "Biocoenosis of the Infralittoral Algae" of the upper infralittoral zone (at 5 m depth) from two selected stations along the eastern coast of Sicily (Ionian Sea, Mediterranean) was studied with a multiproxy approach involving the study of algae and associated protist and animal organisms, including foraminifers, serpulids, molluscs, bryozoans and ostracods. Scraped samples (40x40 cm) were collected at selected seasons during a 2-year period (2015-2016) in order to identify possible seasonal and spatial differences between the two stations, and to compare present data with historical ones. A community made up of the algae Halopteris scoparia, Padina pavonica, Dictyota dichotoma, Ellisolandia elongata and several other geniculate coralline algae was found in sites historically colonised by a Cystoseira brachycarpa community, which was not found during our study. These algae presently structure the community and provide substratum for several associated epibiotic species. Hierarchical cluster analysis and Non-Metric Multi-Dimensional Scaling Ordination significantly differentiate the communities between the two stations but show no clear seasonal trend. Differences largely relate to changes in the algal vegetation and the impact produced by the regression of structuring species on epibiots (especially serpulids and bryozoans). Comparison with historical algal data from the area indicates the disappearance of Cystoseira brachycarpa, which was present at least until the last '1990s, and a community degradation with a considerable loss in species richness. This parallels observations in other Mediterranean areas, and could be related to the increase in echinoid population density and their heavy grazing activity

    Standalone vertex nding in the ATLAS muon spectrometer

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    A dedicated reconstruction algorithm to find decay vertices in the ATLAS muon spectrometer is presented. The algorithm searches the region just upstream of or inside the muon spectrometer volume for multi-particle vertices that originate from the decay of particles with long decay paths. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated using both a sample of simulated Higgs boson events, in which the Higgs boson decays to long-lived neutral particles that in turn decay to bbar b final states, and pp collision data at √s = 7 TeV collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC during 2011
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