55 research outputs found

    An injured person in a traffic accident and a criminal proceedings

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    Poškozený při dopravní nehodě a trestní řízení Abstrakt Tato rigorózní práce pojednává obecně o postavení poškozeného v současném trestním řízení, jeho procesních právech se zaměřením se na poškozeného z dopravní nehody a dopravní kriminalitu. Rigorózní práce je členěna mimo úvod a závěr do šesti kapitol. První kapitola rigorózní práce se zabývá obecně pojmem poškozeného, a to nejen v současné právní úpravě, ale i jeho historickým vývojem, zejména pokud jde o novelizace trestního řádu, které se významně dotkly osoby poškozeného a jeho postavení v trestním řízení. V rámci této kapitoly jsou vysvětlovány pojmy ublížení na zdraví, majetková škoda, nemajetková újma a bezdůvodné obohacení. Část této kapitoly je věnována i odlišení pojmu oběti od poškozeného. Na první kapitolu systematicky navazuje kapitola druhá, která se zabývá právní subjektivitou poškozeného, jeho postavením v trestním řízení a zastupováním, zejména pokud jde o zastupování zákonným zástupcem, opatrovníkem a zmocněncem. Pozornost je věnována i problematice společného zmocněnce. Třetí kapitola představuje jednotlivá procesní práva poškozeného s tím, že tato práva jsou rozdělena dle toho, zda náleží všem poškozeným nebo pouze poškozeným s nárokem na náhradu škody, nemajetkové újmy či vydání bezdůvodného obohacení. Rozebíráno je i právo...An injured party in a traffic accident and criminal proceedings Abstract This rigorosum thesis deals in general with the position of the injured party in the current criminal proceedings and its procedural rights, focusing on the victim of a traffic accident and traffic crime. The rigorosum thesis is divided into six chapters and the introduction and conclusion. The first chapter of the rigorosum thesis deals with the concept of injured party in general, not only in the current legislation, but also its historical development, especially in terms of amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, which significantly affected the victim and his or her position in criminal proceedings. This chapter explains the concepts of bodily harm, material damage, non-material damage and unjust enrichment. Part of this chapter is also devoted to distinguishing the concept of "victim" from the concept of "injured party". The first chapter is systematically followed by the second chapter, which deals with the legal subjectivity of the injured party, its position in criminal proceedings and representation, especially as regards representation by a legal representative, guardian and agent. Attention is also paid to the problematics of a joint representative. The third chapter presents the individual procedural rights of the...Katedra trestního právaDepartment of Criminal LawPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La

    Alteration of the serum levels of the epidermal growth factor receptor and its ligands in patients with non-small cell lung cancer and head and neck carcinoma

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    Serum levels of the soluble epidermal growth factor receptor (sEGFR) and its ligands epidermal growth factor (EGF), transforming growth factor-α (TGF-α) and amphiregulin (AR) were measured in healthy donors and patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and head and neck carcinoma (HNC). In NSCLC, we found sEGFR and EGF levels significantly lowered in patients with respect to healthy donors. In HNC patients, significantly diminished levels were found in the case of sEGFR, EGF and also AR. In both malignancies, no significant association was found between the serum levels of the molecules and the patients' gender, age or smoking habit. Only a significant association was found between the decrease of sEGFR and the absence of distant metastasis in NSCLC and the tumour stage in HNC. The most interesting result was that combining sEGFR and EGF, sensitivities of 88% in NSCLC and 100% in HNC were reached without losing specificity (97.8% in both cases). The use of discriminant analysis and logistic regression improved the sensitivity for NSCLC and the specificity for HNC. These data demonstrate a potentially interesting value of the serum levels of sEGFR and EGF, especially when combined, as markers for NSCLC and HNC

    The quality of the public transport in Pardubice from the view of passengers

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    Autorka se v práci zabývá problematikou kvality v dopravě. Vymezuje pojem kvalita, představuje různé modely a metody měření a vyhodnocování kvality. V závěrečné části představuje Dopravní podnik města Pardubic, jeho program kvality a systém komunikace se zákazníkem.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    The iconography of Jewish tombstones

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    This thesis deals with symbols on tombstones in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. It is divided into two parts and includes an introduction and conclusion. Introduction deals with the reason why the author chose the topic, a brief outlining the procedures that have decided to use, and defines goals. The first part deals with topics that are closely associated with the symbols on the gravestones and tombstones themselves. The chapters in this section describes the association Chevra Kadisha, burial, tombstones and epitaphs. The second part, which is divided into seven chapters, contains a summary of all symbols along with their meanings, origin, relationship to the biblical text, dating etc. The main areas are motifs associated with the name of the deceased, symbols of functions, activities and work, ways of expressing the Torah, motives of crown, symbols associated with the origin, religious obligations and charity, symbols of grief and motifs associated with the olam ha-ba. The conclusion sums up the importance of the topic and the goal of the work, along with the director's evaluation her work with literature and her own ideas, with which she decided for the subject of The iconography of Jewish tombstones