2,106 research outputs found

    Le contrat notionnel : efficience et causalité.

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    The main topic of this paper is about the overall functionnning of the french futures bonds market. Three mains questions are asked: (1) Is the futures market inefficient? (2) Is there any free lunch between the future market and the spot market? (3) Does one of these markets play a leader role? Econometric tests give globally an negative answer to all these three questions. The arbitrage's opportunities which have been detected in the period 86.12-90.06 can be explained by the restrictions to sell-short bonds in the french cash market. The two tests on the rationality of the expectations which have been undertaken (a time series test and a panel data test) yield the same conclusion : one cannot reject the assumption that the market is efficient. Finally, tests of causality between the future market and the cash market on daily data shows strong instantaneous correlation between them. Concerning delayed causality, the future market have played a leader role during the period 90.01-93.06 during which one has observed an overall stability of the futures prices.Futures markets ; Efficiency ; Causality.

    Haemophilus parasuis : un bacteri amb recursos genètics

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    Mitjançant tècniques de genòmica comparativa, l'article següent intenta dilucidar si les soques patògenes del bacteri Haemophilus parasuis posseeixen gens que puguin induir la malaltia de Glässer. Un mal que afecta habitualment a garrins criats en granges, i que es caracteritza per la disseminació del bacteri a partir del tracte respiratori superior cap a diversos teixits causant greus inflamacions i, sovint, meningitis. Mitjançant l'estudi genòmic comparatiu de gran part del genoma de la soca patògena Nagasaki, i la tècnica d'hibridació del DNA en microarrays, s'ha pogut confirmar que les soques patògenes d'H. parasuis posseeixen proteïnes AT-2, les encarregades de permetre al bacteri adherir-se als teixits i disseminar-se amb facilitat en l'organisme. Aquest resultat, i d'altres, han permès dissenyar un assaig molecular simple que permeti distingir quines són les possibles soques patògenes del bacteri, i desenvolupar futures vacunes.Mediante técnicas de genómica comparativa, el siguiente artículo intenta dilucidar si las cepas patógenas de la bacteria Haemophilus parasuis poseen genes que puedan inducir la enfermedad de Glässer. Un mal que afecta habitualmente a lechones criados en granjas, y que se caracteriza por la diseminación de la bacteria a partir del tracto respiratorio superior hacia diversos tejidos causando graves inflamaciones i, a menudo, meningitis. Mediante el estudio genómico comparativo de gran parte del genoma de la cepa patógena Nagasaki, y la técnica de hibridación de ADN en microarrays, se ha podido confirmar que las cepas patógenas de H. parasuis poseen proteínas AT-2, aquellas que permiten a la bacteria adherirse a los tejidos y diseminarse con facilidad en el organismo. Este resultado, y otros, han permitido diseñar un ensayo molecular simple que permita distinguir cuáles son las posibles cepas patógenas de la bacteria, y desarrollar futuras vacunas

    Transport and energy in India. Energy used by Indian transport systems and consequent emissions: the need for quantitative analyses (Well-to-Wheel, Lifecycle)

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    The purpose of this work is, at first, a general overview on the state-of-art of the transportation system in India outlining the related energy consumption, for the different transport modes, with consequent estimated emissions. These elements are essential for the preparation of a high-level strategic transport planning on the whole energy issue, to help India in the choices of most suitable transportation systems, according to the well-to-wheel analysis (WTW). Pursuing a WTW global index for India that takes into account both the energy and environmental aspects on a uniform basis is an important aim: it allows the best choices to be made as well as enabling the comparison between some of the most important powertrain and fuel options on the Indian market, the results are discussed from three different points of view: energy, environmental and economic impac

    Influence of the solvent and of the reaction concentration for palladium-catalysed direct arylation of heteroaromatics with 4-bromoacetophenone

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    International audienceThe solvent is certainly one of the main sources of wastes during palladium-catalysed direct arylation reactions. We found that such direct arylations of heteroaromatics can be performed using very high concentrations of reactants (0.5 M–5 M). However, the Pd catalyst precursor used must be adapted to both the solvent nature and the concentration of reactants. The reactions performed in DMA, NMP or DMF can be carried out in very concentrated reaction mixtures using 0.1 mol% Pd(OAc)2 catalyst without phosphine ligand. On the other hand, the reactions in CPME, pentan-1-ol or diethylcarbonate should be performed with a palladium catalyst associated with a phosphine ligand. These reaction conditions allow us to reduce the amount of wastes formed in the course of these couplings.Le solvant est certainement l’une des principales sources de déchets lors des réactions d’arylation directes d’hétéroaromatiques catalysées au palladium. Nous avons constaté que ces réactions peuvent être réalisées en utilisant des concentrations très élevées (0,5 M–5 M). Cependant, le catalyseur de palladium utilisé doit être adapté à la fois à la nature du solvant et à la concentration des réactifs. Les réactions effectuées dans le DMA, la NMP ou le DMF peuvent être réalisées dans des mélanges réactionnels très concentrés, en utilisant 0,1 mol % de Pd(OAc)2 sans addition de ligand de type phosphine. En revanche, les réactions dans le CPME, le pentan-1-ol ou le carbonate de diéthyle doivent être effectuée avec un catalyseur de palladium associé à un ligand phosphine. Ces conditions réactionnelles permettent de réduire la quantité de déchets formés au cours de ces couplages

    The roots and constructs of Ibn Khaldūn’s critical thinking

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    Abstract: Many current researches have sought to explore the thought and contributions of Ibn Khaldūn to the various disciplines of human knowledge including philosophy of history, historiography, politics, economics, and education. Little interest, however, is given to his contributions to the theory of critical thinking. This research investigates Ibn Khaldūn’s perspective on critical thinking and critique of intellectual disciplines while exploring its origin and dimensions. The research shows that Ibn Khaldūn’s critical thinking is essentially entrenched in the fundamental vision and origins of Islam, and reflective of the broad Islamic scholarship and the practices of Muslim scholars across the different religious and rational disciplines. What characterises Ibn Khaldūn’s contribution to the field of critical thinking is his ability to apply it across various fields of scholarship yet with a conscious attention to society’s dynamics, particularly the practical dimensions and implications of his theory of human society (‘umrān basharī). Keywords: Critical thinking; Ibn Khaldūn; muqaddimah; ‘umrān; Islamic rationality

    Muslim morality as foundation for social harmony

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    The argument inherent in this study is that the Islamic framework on social coexistence and harmony stipulates moral capital as a bridge for community’s inter-connectivity, interaction, and development, and that, for Muslims, morals act as an effective catalyst for constructing social coexistence and harmony. This study discusses the concept of Islamic social ethics and moral development in the context of society, followed by an inquiry into the ways and means according to which Muslim ethics may contribute and sustain social rapprochement, mutual support and social justice. The study aims to identify the prevalent framework for Muslim social morality, which can be of benefit to effective social policy, increasing civic engagement, developing an inclusive universal moral education, or furthering multicultural tolerance. Using textual approach, this study shows how Islam capitalizes on individual and collective morality towards the effective engineering of sustainable communities’ relations and development. Further empirical studies on the contribution of Muslim morals in lieu of fortifying community development and social harmony would contribute to the way of elucidating the Muslim projection of theoretical moral ideals in real life conditions as well as tracing the convergences and divergences between Muslim theory and practices with regards to the application of morals to personal and communal settings, and more importantly in our context the shaping of communities’ rapprochement, co-existence and harmony

    An Islamic view of human development: special reference to Abdul Rahman Ibn Khaldun

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    A perusal of theories of human development reveals attempts to build a broad platform for growth characterized by an inclusive approach to the religious, historical and cultural diversity of world communities today. A poor representation of the theological tenets and ethical values underlying the perception and undertaking of human development unfortunately persists. This research examines the religious and moral perspective of Islam on human development while exploring the concept and structure of human development and its theological and ‘umranic implications in the framework of Islam. Of particular interest is the perspective of Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406), a Fourteenth-Century Muslim jurist, sociologist and economist who, in his Muqaddimah, dedicates serious discussion to a number of relevant themes including the innate nature of man, and development of human knowledge, skills and craft. His thesis highlights vision of catalyzing sustainable human development set according to fundamental Islamic themes such as stewardship, support and cooperation, defence, protective order or social organization, and the power of thinking. Ibn Khaldun’s perspective also provides some of the crucial keys necessary to understanding the value of human development according to the Islamic worldview while enriching contemporary scholarship with critical insights required for an effective approach to human development in a cross-cultural and multi-religious context. The understanding of the Islamic perspective on the issue of human development is instrumental not only to researchers in social sciences in general and Khaldunian studies in specific, but also to the ongoing discourse on human development in current times, and to topics such as economic productivity, efficiency and management of human resources. Keywords: Ibn Khaldun. Human development. Muqaddimah

    Intertwining relations, commutativity and orbits

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    The density of orbits and commutativity up to a factor of bounded linear operators have become of great interest for Operator Theorists during the last decades. This interest comes from the relationship that exists between the study of orbits and spectral properties of linear operators on Banach spaces and the Invariant Subspace Problem. As a consequence, the research on the Theory of Hyperclicity has increased considerably. In this manuscript, we characterize the hypercyclicity of the Cesàro means of higher-order on Banach spaces. We prove some sufficient conditions on the extended-spectrum of a bounded linear operator that guarantee its non convex-cyclicity. The notion of convex-cyclicity, was introduced by H. Rezaei in 2013 (see \cite{reza}). It is a sufficient condition for cyclicity and a necessary condition for hypercyclicity. We characterize the hypercyclicity of operators commuting up to a factor with the differentiation operator in the space of entire functions equipped with the topology of uniform convergence for compact sets. Our results are an extension of some of the most classical results related to the differentiation operator, that is, the ones of G. Godefroy and J. H. Shapiro \cite{Godefroy1991}, and R. Aron and D. Markose \cite{AronMarkose2004}. Next, we consider some particular operators, such as composition operators in weighted Hardy spaces. These operators have been studied intensely by several mathematicians in the Hardy space, see the recent of \cite{leon4}. Although we know fewer things about these operators in weighted Hardy spaces, we calculated the extended-spectrum of composition operators that are induced by a bilinear transformation that fixes an interior point of the unit disk and an exterior one of its closure. Namely, we treat the elliptic, loxodromic cases and a hyperbolic subcase. Finally, we continue to the study of the more general unbounded operators. After the paper of von Neumann \cite{von-Neumman-historic-Fuglede}, commutativity and intertwining relations of unbounded operators have been developed by many mathematicians. Among these mathematicians, we state Bent Fuglede whose Theorem was an improvement of the Spectral Theorem for Normal Operators. We show a new version of the Fuglede Theorem for unbounded normal operators


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    Reliability analysis of mechatronic systems is one of the most young field and dynamic branches of research. It is addressed whenever we want reliable, available, and safe systems. The studies of reliability must be conducted earlier during the design phase, in order to reduce costs and the number of prototypes required in the validation of the system. The process of reliability is then deployed throughout the full cycle of development; this process is broken down into three major phases: the predictive reliability, the experimental reliability and operational reliability. The main objective of this article is a kind of portrayal of the various studies enabling a noteworthy mastery of the predictive reliability. The weak points are highlighted, in addition presenting an overview of all approaches existing in quantitative and qualitative modeling and evaluating the reliability prediction is so important for the futures reliability studies, and for academic researches to innovate other new methods and tools. the Mechatronic system is a hybrid system; it is dynamic, reconfigurable, and interactive. The modeling carried out of reliability prediction must take into account these criteria. Several methodologies have been developed in this track of research. In this article, we will try to handle them from a critical angle