72 research outputs found

    The Impact Spectrum of Head Injuries on the Sport of Hockey

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    The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates there are between 1.6-3.8 million sports and recreation related concussions per year. In fact there are over 4 million concussions (including non-sports related) in total each year. A concussion is defined as a serious brain injury caused by the rapid movement (linear front-to-back, side-to-side) or rotational (angular) movement of the brain inside the skull, which results in damage and disruption to the brain cell function, causing brain trauma (sports concussion library). Sports-related concussions (SRCs) are concussions that are specifically sustained during a sporting event. The sport with the highest incidence of concussions is actually biking; among team sports the highest are football and hockey. The literature shows concussions result in a wide range of cognitive, somatic, and neurological symptoms. As of now, there is no specific treatment for concussions, other than rest until the patient is completely asymptomatic. Then a graded return-to-play (normal activities) protocol is followed. Concussions are looked at as a “silent epidemic” not only in the National Hockey League (NHL), but also in the entire hockey community. For children, hockey has the highest concussion rate in team sports, even more than football. Estimates show that concussions account for 15% of injuries in hockey players ages 9-16. Rule 48 of the NHL, which was established to eliminate body checks (or hits) that target the head, was implemented during the 2010-2011 season. However the incidence of concussions in the NHL has steadily risen from 2009 until the present. There have been seven NHL fighters/enforcers (players whose role on the ice is to fight or body check, not to score goals) who have passed away since 2009 and have donated their brains to science to be studied for Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) and other concussive disorders. The growing number of educational programs for hockey players, coaches, and parents, aimed to reduce aggressive behavior and injury rates, has also increased the awareness of the potential danger of head injuries. Studies indicate that concussions have been shown to play a role in starting or catalyzing the neurological cascade leading to negative long-term neurological and neurodegenerative issues. Studies done by the NFL show that there is a large increase in the number of suicides in retired NFL players (and other contact athletes such as hockey) compared to the rest of the population. Furthermore, depression is the most prominent psychological disturbance after suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Research shows that athletes with a single concussion or multiple concussions in early adulthood are more likely to develop depression than the general population. This literature review will cover concussions, with a focus on head injuries in hockey. Also, the review will look at concussion symptoms, diagnosis, testing, treatment, and will focus on long-term effects such as depression and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). The main focus of this paper is concussions in the NHL, the incidence rates, the mechanism for concussions, why the incidence rates continue to climb, and the long-term effects that plague these athletes

    The Influence of Airway Closure Technique for Right Pneumonectomy on Wall Tension During Positive Pressure Ventilation: An Experimental Study

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    Bronchopleural fistula (BPF) remains a significant source of morbidity and mortality after right pneumonectomy (RPN). Postoperative mechanical ventilation represents a primary risk factor for BPF. We undertook an experiment to determine the influence of airway diameter on suture line tension during mechanical ventilation after RPN. RPN was performed in 6 fresh human adult cadavers. After initial standard bronchial stump closure (BSC), the airway suture lines were subjected to 5 cm H2O incremental increases in airway pressures beginning at 5–40 cm H2O. To minimize airway diameter, a carinal resection was then performed with trachea to left main bronchial anastomosis and the airway suture lines subjected to similar incremental airway pressures. Wall tension (N/m) at the suture lines was measured using piezoresistive sensors at each pressure point. As delivered airway pressure increased, there was a concomitant increase in wall tension after BSC and carinal resection. At every point of incremental positive pressure, wall tension was however significantly lower after carinal resection when compared to BSC (P < 0.05). Additionally the differences in airway tension became even more significant with higher delivered airway pressure (P < 0.001). Airway diverticulum after BSC leads to significantly increased tension on the bronchial closure with positive airway pressure as compared to a closure which minimize airway diameter after RPN. This supports the role of Laplacian Law where small increases in airway diameter result in significant increases on closure site tension. Techniques which reduce airway diameter at the airway closure will more reliably reduce the incidence of BPF following RPN

    Hematopoiesis under telomere attrition at the single-cell resolution

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    The molecular mechanisms that drive hematopoietic stem cell functional decline under conditions of telomere shortening are not completely understood. In light of recent advances in single-cell technologies, we sought to redefine the transcriptional and epigenetic landscape of mouse and human hematopoietic stem cells under telomere attrition, as induced by pathogenic germline variants in telomerase complex genes. Here, we show that telomere attrition maintains hematopoietic stem cells under persistent metabolic activation and differentiation towards the megakaryocytic lineage through the cell-intrinsic upregulation of the innate immune signaling response, which directly compromises hematopoietic stem cells’ self-renewal capabilities and eventually leads to their exhaustion. Mechanistically, we demonstrate that targeting members of the Ifi20x/IFI16 family of cytosolic DNA sensors using the oligodeoxynucleotide A151, which comprises four repeats of the TTAGGG motif of the telomeric DNA, overcomes interferon signaling activation in telomere-dysfunctional hematopoietic stem cells and these cells’ skewed differentiation towards the megakaryocytic lineage. This study challenges the historical hypothesis that telomere attrition limits the proliferative potential of hematopoietic stem cells by inducing apoptosis, autophagy, or senescence, and suggests that targeting IFI16 signaling axis might prevent hematopoietic stem cell functional decline in conditions affecting telomere maintenance

    The Global Trachoma Mapping Project: Methodology of a 34-Country Population-Based Study.

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    PURPOSE: To complete the baseline trachoma map worldwide by conducting population-based surveys in an estimated 1238 suspected endemic districts of 34 countries. METHODS: A series of national and sub-national projects owned, managed and staffed by ministries of health, conduct house-to-house cluster random sample surveys in evaluation units, which generally correspond to "health district" size: populations of 100,000-250,000 people. In each evaluation unit, we invite all residents aged 1 year and older from h households in each of c clusters to be examined for clinical signs of trachoma, where h is the number of households that can be seen by 1 team in 1 day, and the product h × c is calculated to facilitate recruitment of 1019 children aged 1-9 years. In addition to individual-level demographic and clinical data, household-level water, sanitation and hygiene data are entered into the purpose-built LINKS application on Android smartphones, transmitted to the Cloud, and cleaned, analyzed and ministry-of-health-approved via a secure web-based portal. The main outcome measures are the evaluation unit-level prevalence of follicular trachoma in children aged 1-9 years, prevalence of trachomatous trichiasis in adults aged 15 + years, percentage of households using safe methods for disposal of human feces, and percentage of households with proximate access to water for personal hygiene purposes. RESULTS: In the first year of fieldwork, 347 field teams commenced work in 21 projects in 7 countries. CONCLUSION: With an approach that is innovative in design and scale, we aim to complete baseline mapping of trachoma throughout the world in 2015

    Multiplex qPCR Discriminates Variants of Concern to Enhance Global Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2

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    With the emergence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variants that may increase transmissibility and/or cause escape from immune responses, there is an urgent need for the targeted surveillance of circulating lineages. It was found that the B.1.1.7 (also 501Y.V1) variant, first detected in the United Kingdom, could be serendipitously detected by the Thermo Fisher TaqPath COVID-19 PCR assay because a key deletion in these viruses, spike Δ69-70, would cause a spike gene target failure (SGTF) result. However, a SGTF result is not definitive for B.1.1.7, and this assay cannot detect other variants of concern (VOC) that lack spike Δ69-70, such as B.1.351 (also 501Y.V2), detected in South Africa, and P.1 (also 501Y.V3), recently detected in Brazil. We identified a deletion in the ORF1a gene (ORF1a Δ3675-3677) in all 3 variants, which has not yet been widely detected in other SARS-CoV-2 lineages. Using ORF1a Δ3675-3677 as the primary target and spike Δ69-70 to differentiate, we designed and validated an open-source PCR assay to detect SARS-CoV-2 VOC. Our assay can be rapidly deployed in laboratories around the world to enhance surveillance for the local emergence and spread of B.1.1.7, B.1.351, and P.1

    Combining genomic and epidemiological data to compare the transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 variants Alpha and Iota.

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    SARS-CoV-2 variants shaped the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic and the discourse around effective control measures. Evaluating the threat posed by a new variant is essential for adapting response efforts when community transmission is detected. In this study, we compare the dynamics of two variants, Alpha and Iota, by integrating genomic surveillance data to estimate the effective reproduction number (Rt) of the variants. We use Connecticut, United States, in which Alpha and Iota co-circulated in 2021. We find that the Rt of these variants were up to 50% larger than that of other variants. We then use phylogeography to show that while both variants were introduced into Connecticut at comparable frequencies, clades that resulted from introductions of Alpha were larger than those resulting from Iota introductions. By monitoring the dynamics of individual variants throughout our study period, we demonstrate the importance of routine surveillance in the response to COVID-19

    Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences

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    The question whether taxonomic descriptions naming new animal species without type specimen(s) deposited in collections should be accepted for publication by scientific journals and allowed by the Code has already been discussed in Zootaxa (Dubois & NemĂ©sio 2007; Donegan 2008, 2009; NemĂ©sio 2009a–b; Dubois 2009; Gentile & Snell 2009; Minelli 2009; Cianferoni & Bartolozzi 2016; Amorim et al. 2016). This question was again raised in a letter supported by 35 signatories published in the journal Nature (Pape et al. 2016) on 15 September 2016. On 25 September 2016, the following rebuttal (strictly limited to 300 words as per the editorial rules of Nature) was submitted to Nature, which on 18 October 2016 refused to publish it. As we think this problem is a very important one for zoological taxonomy, this text is published here exactly as submitted to Nature, followed by the list of the 493 taxonomists and collection-based researchers who signed it in the short time span from 20 September to 6 October 2016
