270 research outputs found

    An Evaluation of Management Placements for nursing students in UK General Practice

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    General practice is facing a shortage of nurses and it can be difficult to recruit and retain staff. Nursing students need exposure to primary care nursing roles if they are to consider them in their future career and to develop the skills needed for this environment. A study was designed explore the experiences and perceptions of students on their final placement in general practice. The data were thematically analysed and three themes were derived from the data: myth busting, the teaching and learning environment, and attaining competency

    Uncertain trajectories in old age and implications for families and for palliative and end-of-life care policy and practice

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    © 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.The provision of high-quality end-of-life care for all is high on national (and international) agendas, but areas of unmet needs identified includes elderly people. This article draws on an autoethnographic account of the dying and death of my father to identify and interrogate disjunctions between end-of-life care policy and commonplace experiences of elderly people who die in a hospital setting. There are significant disjunctions between the “blunt” tools of end-of-life care policy and the everyday experiences of the dying and death of an elderly patient and an urgent need to improve end-of-life care for our oldest generations.Peer reviewe

    Quitting patient care and career break intentions among general practitioners in South West England: findings of a census survey of general practitioners

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    Objective: Given recent concerns regarding general practitioner (GP) workforce capacity, we aimed to describe GPs’ career intentions, especially those which might impact on GP workforce availability over the next 5 years. Design: Census survey, conducted between April and June 2016 using postal and online responses , of all GPs on the National Health Service performers list and eligible to practise in primary care. Two reminders were used as necessary. Setting: South West England (population 3.5  million), a region with low overall socioeconomic deprivation. Participants: Eligible GPs were 2248 out of 3370 (67 % response rate). Main outcome measures: Reported likelihood of permanently leaving or reducing hours spent in direct patient care or of taking a career break within the next 5 years and present morale weighted for non-response. Results: Responders included 217 7 GPs engaged in patient care. Of these, 863 (37% weighted, 95%  CI 35 % to 39 %) reported a high likelihood of quitting direct patient care within the next 5 years. Overall, 1535 (70% weighted, 95%  CI 68 % to 72 %) respondents reported a career intention that would negatively impact GP workforce capacity over the next 5 years, through permanently leaving or reducing hours spent in direct patient care, or through taking a career break. GP age was an important predictor of career intentions; sharp increases in the proportion of GPs intending to quit patient care were evident from 52 years. Only 305 (14% weighted, 95%  CI 13 % to 16 %) reported high morale, while 1195 ( 54 % weighted, 95%  CI 52 % to 56 %) reported low morale. Low morale was particularly common among GP partners. Current morale strongly predicted GPs’ career intentions; those with very low morale were particularly likely to report intentions to quit patient care or to take a career break. Conclusions: A substantial majority of GPs in South West England report low morale. Many are considering career intentions which, if implemented, would adversely impact GP workforce capacity within a short time period. Study registration: NIHR HS&DR - 14/196/02, UKCRN ID 20700

    A strategic assessment of cervical cancer prevention and treatment services in 3 districts of Uttar Pradesh, India

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    BACKGROUND: Despite being a preventable disease, cervical cancer claims the lives of almost half a million women worldwide each year. India bears one-fifth of the global burden of the disease, with approximately 130,000 new cases a year. In an effort to assess the need and potential for improving the quality of cervical cancer prevention and treatment services in Uttar Pradesh, a strategic assessment was conducted in three of the state's districts: Agra, Lucknow, and Saharanpur. METHODS: Using an adaptation of stage one of the World Health Organization's Strategic Approach to Improving Reproductive Health Policies and Programmes, an assessment of the quality of cervical cancer services was carried out by a multidisciplinary team of stakeholders. The assessment included a review of the available literature, observations of services, collection of hospital statistics and the conduct of qualitative research (in-depth interviews and focus group discussions) to assess the perspectives of women, providers, policy makers and community members. RESULTS: There were gaps in provider knowledge and practices, potentially attributable to limited provider training and professional development opportunities. In the absence of a state policy on cervical cancer, screening of asymptomatic women was practically absent, except in the military sector. Cytology-based cancer screening tests (i.e. pap smears) were often used to help diagnose women with symptoms of reproductive tract infections but not routinely screen asymptomatic women. Access to appropriate treatment of precancerous lesions was limited and often inappropriately managed by hysterectomy in many urban centers. Cancer treatment facilities were well equipped but mostly inaccessible for women in need. Finally, policy makers, community members and clients were mostly unaware about cervical cancer and its preventable nature, although with information, expressed a strong interest in having services available to women in their communities. CONCLUSION: To address gaps in services and unmet needs, state policies and integrated interventions have the potential to improve the quality of services for prevention of cervical cancer in Uttar Pradesh

    Visitor expenditure estimation for grocery store location planning: a case study of Cornwall

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    Visitor expenditure is an important driver of demand in many local economies, supporting a range of services and facilities which may not be viable based solely on residential demand. In areas where self-catering accommodation is prevalent visitor demand makes up a considerable proportion of sales and revenue within grocery stores, yet this form of visitor consumption is commonly overlooked in supply and demand-side estimates of visitor spend. As such, store location planning in tourist resorts, decisions about local service provision and the local economic impacts of tourism are based on very limited demand-side estimates of visitor spend. Using Cornwall, South West England as a study area, we outline a methodology and data sources to estimate small-area visitor grocery spend. We use self-catering accommodation provision, utilisation and visitor expenditure rates as key factors driving visitor spend. We identify that the use of visitor accommodation accounts for the spatial and temporal complexities of visitor demand that may be overlooked when using alternative approaches, such as the up-scaling of residential demand. Using a spatial interaction model, we demonstrate that our expenditure estimates can be used to generate store level revenue estimation within tourist resorts, and we make a number of recommendations for service provision and store location planning in these areas

    Performance Issues in U.S.–China Joint Ventures

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    Based on an in-depth study of U.S.-China joint ventures, this article offers some insights into the performance of such international business relationships. While the conventional literature treats government as an amorphous aspea of the political-legal environment, in this case government is an active participant and influence in the performance of international joint ventures (UVs). It has both a constraining and enabling effect on LJV structure, strategy, and performance. For example, limits can be placed on ownership shares of joint ventures and on prices of the output. At the same time, government can cooperate with LJVs and foreign parent companies by creating partners for foreign parent companies, acting as major customers, and improving financial performance by lowering taxes

    Comfort vs risk: a grounded theory about female adolescent behaviour in the sun.

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    AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To generate a grounded theory about female adolescent behaviour in the sun. BACKGROUND: Nurses have key roles in health promotion and skin cancer prevention. Adolescents' resistance to sun safety messages and their vulnerability to sunburn are of concern internationally. Understanding why young women do as they do in the sun may enhance skin cancer prevention, but their behaviour has not been explained before in the UK. DESIGN: The study incorporated a qualitative grounded theory design using the approach of Glaser. METHODS: Qualitative data were gleaned from group and one-to-one, semi-structured interviews with 20 female participants aged 14-17, research memos and literature. Sampling was purposive and theoretical. Data collection, analysis and theory generation occurred concurrently. Data were analysed using the constant comparative method. Data collection ended when a substantive theory had been generated. RESULTS: Data analysis revealed five categories of findings: fitting in, being myself, being physically comfortable, slipping up and being comfortable (the core category). The theory generated around the core explains how young women direct their sun-related activities towards meeting their physical and psychosocial comfort needs. CONCLUSIONS: A contribution of this research is the grounded theory explaining the behaviour of young women in the sun. Further, the theory challenges assumptions that female adolescents necessarily take risks; it explains their sun-related activities in terms of comfort. The theory extends findings from other researchers' descriptive qualitative studies and also appears to apply to young people in countries other than the UK. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: Understanding the sun-related activity of young women in terms of physical and psychosocial comfort may help nurses to develop new approaches to skin cancer prevention. These could complement existing messages and humanise health promotion

    Care and communication between health professionals and patients affected by severe or chronic illness in community care settings: a qualitative study of care at the end of life

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    Background: Advance care planning (ACP) enables patients to consider, discuss and, if they wish, document their wishes and preferences for future care, including decisions to refuse treatment, in the event that they lose capacity to make decisions for themselves. ACP is a key component of UK health policy to improve the experience of death and dying for patients and their families. There is limited evidence about how patients and health professionals understand ACP, or when and how this is initiated. It is evident that many people find discussion of and planning for end of life care difficult, and tend to avoid the topic. Aim: To investigate how patients, their relatives and health professionals initiate and experience discussion of ACP and the outcomes of advance discussions in shaping care at the end of life. Design and data collection: Qualitative study with two workstreams: (1) interviews with 37 health professionals (general practitioners, specialist nurses and community nurses) about their experiences of ACP; and (2) longitudinal case studies of 21 patients with 6-month follow-up. Cases included a patient and, where possible, a nominated key relative and/or health professional as well as a review of medical records. Complete case triads were obtained for 11 patients. Four cases comprised the patient alone, where respondents were unable or unwilling to nominate either a family member or a professional carer they wished to include in the study. Patients were identified as likely to be within the last 6 months of life. Ninety-seven interviews were completed in total. Setting: General practices and community care settings in the East Midlands of England. Findings: The study found ACP to be uncommon and focused primarily on specific documented tasks involving decisions about preferred place of death and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, supporting earlier research. There was no evidence of ACP in nearly half (9 of 21) of patient cases. Professionals reported ACP discussions to be challenging. It was difficult to recognise when patients had entered the last year of life, or to identify their readiness to consider future planning. Patients often did not wish to do so before they had become gravely ill. Consequently, ACP discussions tended to be reactive, rather than pre-emptive, occurring in response to critical events or evidence of marked deterioration. ACP discussions intersected two parallel strands of planning: professional organisation and co-ordination of care; and the practical and emotional preparatory work that patients and families undertook to prepare themselves for death. Reference to ACP as a means of guiding decisions for patients who had lost capacity was rare. Conclusions: Advance care planning remains uncommon, is often limited to documentation of a few key decisions, is reported to be challenging by many health professionals, is not welcomed by a substantial number of patients and tends to be postponed until death is clearly imminent. Current implementation largely ignores the purpose of ACP as a means of extending personal autonomy in the event of lost capacity. Future work: Attention should be paid to public attitudes to death and dying (including those of culturally diverse and ethnic minority groups), place of death, resuscitation and the value of anticipatory planning. In addition the experiences and needs of two under-researched groups should be explored: the frail elderly, including those who manage complex comorbid conditions, unrecognised as vulnerable cases; and those patients affected by stigmatised conditions, such as substance abuse or serious mental illness who fail to engage constructively with services and are not recognised as suitable referrals for palliative and end of life care. Funding: The National Institute for Health Research Health Services and Delivery Research programme

    Implications of climate change for shipping: Ports and supply chains

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    Ports are an important economic actor—at local, national, and international scales—that have been identified as being vulnerable to future changes to the climate. This paper details the findings from an international review of state‐of‐the‐art knowledge concerning climate risks, and adaptation responses, for ports and their supply chains. Evidence from both academic and gray literature indicates that there has already been major damage and disruption to ports across the world from climate‐related hazards and that such impacts are projected to increase in the years and decades to come. Findings indicate that while a substantial—and growing—body of scientific evidence on coastal risks and potential adaptation options is acting as a stimulus for port authorities to explicitly consider the risks for their assets and operations, only a notable few have actually made the next step toward implementing adaptation strategies. This paper concludes by putting forward constructive recommendations for the sector and suggestions for research to address remaining knowledge gaps. It emphasizes a call for collaboration between the research and practice communities, as well as the need to engage a broad range of stakeholders in the adaptation planning process

    REACH: a mixed-methods study to investigate the measurement, prediction and improvement of retention and engagement in outpatient HIV care

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    BACKGROUND Antiretroviral therapy (ART) benefits individuals living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through reduced morbidity and mortality, and brings public health gains through a reduction in HIV transmission. People living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLWH) need to know their HIV status and engage in HIV care in order for these individual and public health benefits to be realised. OBJECTIVE To explore, describe and understand HIV outpatient attendance in PLWH, in order to develop cost-effective interventions to optimise engagement in care. DESIGN A mixed-methods study incorporating secondary analysis of data from the UK Collaborative HIV Cohort (UK CHIC) study and primary data collection. METHODS Phase 1 – an engagement-in-care (EIC) algorithm was developed to categorise patients as in care or out of care for each month of follow-up. The algorithm was used in group-based trajectory analysis to examine patterns of attendance over time and of the association between the proportion of months in care before ART initiation and post-ART mortality and laboratory test costs. Phase 2 – a cross-sectional survey was conducted among patients attending seven London HIV clinics. Regular attenders (all appointments attended in past year), irregular attenders (one or more appointments missed in past year) and non-attenders (recent absence of ≄ 1 year) were recruited. A ‘retention risk tool’ was developed to identify those at risk of disengaging from care. Individual in-depth interviews and focus groups were conducted with PLWH. Phase 3 – key informant interviews were conducted with HIV service providers. Interventions were developed from the findings of phases 2 and 3. RESULTS Plots from group-based trajectory analysis indicated that four trajectories best fitted the data. Higher EIC is associated with reduced mortality but the association between EIC before starting ART, and post-ART mortality [relative hazard (RH) per 10% increase in EIC 0.29, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.18 to 0.47] was attenuated after adjustment for fixed covariates and post-ART cluster of differentiation 4 counts and viral loads (RH 0.74, 95% CI 0.42 to 1.30). Small differences were found in pre-ART EIC and the costs of post-ART lab tests. The final model for the retention risk tool included age at diagnosis, having children, recreational drug use, drug/alcohol dependency, insufficient money for basic needs and use of public transport to get to the clinic. Quantitative and qualitative data showed that a range of psychological, social and economic issues were associated with disengagement from care. The negative impact of stigma on attendance was highlighted. Interventions were proposed that support a holistic approach to care including peer support, address stigma by holding clinics in alternative locations and involve training staff to encourage attendance. CONCLUSIONS The study shows the adverse health impacts of disengaging from HIV care and demonstrates the importance of the wider health and social context in managing HIV effectively. Although phase 1 analysis was based on UK data, phases 2 and 3 were limited to London. The interventions proposed are supported by the data but their cost-effectiveness requires testing. Future research is needed to evaluate the interventions, to validate our retention risk tool across populations and settings, and to fully analyse the economic costs of disengaging from HIV care
