24 research outputs found

    Crop Updates 2004 - Cereals

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    This session covers twenty eight papers from different authors: PLENARY 1. Declining profitability in continuous cropping systems. Is more wheat the answer on Duplex soil? Dr Wal Anderson, Department of Agriculture 2. Disease implications of extending the wheat phase in low-medium rainfall areas, Dr Vivian Vanstone and Dr Robert Loughman, Department of Agriculture 3. Prolonged wheat phase on duplex soils – where do weeds set the boundary? Vanessa Stewart, Department of Agriculture WHEAT AGRONOMY 4. Management of small grain screenings in wheat, Dr Wal Anderson and Dr Darshan Sharma, Department of Agriculture 5. Agronomic responses of new wheat varieties, Christine Zaicou-Kunesch, Dr Darshan Sharma, Brenda Shackley, Dr Mohammad Amjad, Dr Wal Anderson and Steve Penny,Department of Agriculture 6. Managing wheat yield reduction from wide rows, Dr Mohammad Amjad and Dr Wal Anderson, Department of Agriculture 7. Row spacing and stubble effect on wheat yield and ryegrass seed set, Glen Riethmuller, Department of Agriculture 8. Grain protein management – lessons learnt on the south coast, Jeremy Lemon, Department of Agriculture 9. Unravelling the mysteries of optimum seed rates, Dr Wal Anderson, Dr Darshan Sharma, Brenda Shackley and Mario D’Antuono, Department of Agriculture 10. Agronomic features for growing better wheat – south east agricultural region 2003, Dr Mohammad Amjad, Veronika Reck and Ben Curtis, Department of Agriculture 11. Agronomic responses of new wheat varieties – great southern agricultural region 2003, Brenda Shackley and Judith Devenish, Department of Agriculture 12. Variety specific responses of new wheat varieties – central agricultural region 2003, Dr Darshan Sharma and Dr Wal Anderson, Department of Agriculture 13. Agronomic responses of new wheat varieties – northern agricultural region 2003, Christine Zaicou-Kunesch, Melaine Kupsch and Anne Smith, Department of Agriculture BARLEY AND OAT AGRONOMY 14. Gairdner for high rainfall – where does Baudin fit in? Blakely Paynter, Roslyn Jettnerand Leanne Schulz, Department of Agriculture 15. Oaten hay – varieties and agronomy, Blakely Paynter, Jocelyn Ball and Tom Sweeny, Department of Agriculture NUTRITION 16. In-furrow fungicide applications in liquid fertiliser, Dr Stephen Loss, CSBP Ltd 17. Elemental sulphur as a fertiliser source in Western Australia, Ashleigh Brooks1A, Justin Fuery2, Geoff Anderson3 and Prof Zed Rengel1,1UWA, 2Summit FertilizerFertilisers and 3Department of Agriculture 18. Genetic variation in potassium efficiency of barley, Paul Damon and Prof. Zed Rengel, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, UWA 19. Managing protein through strategic N applications, Eddy Pol and Dr Stephen Loss, CSBP Ltd 20. Nitrogen management for wheat in high rainfall cropping areas, Narelle Hill1, Ray Tugwell1, Dr Wal Anderson1, Ron McTaggart1and Nathan Moyes2, 1Department of Agriculture and 2Landmark 21. Flag smut resistance in current WA wheat varieties, John Majewski and Dr Manisha Shankar, Department of Agriculture 22. Rust resistance update for wheat varieties in WA, Dr Manisha Shankar, John Majewski and Jamie Piotrowski, Department of Agriculture PESTS AND DISEASES 23. Stripe rust in WA – where was it and what can we learn from 2003? Dr Robert Loughman and Ciara Beard, Department of Agriculture 24. Foliar disease management – a key factor in the adoption of Baudin and Hamlin barley, Dr Kithsiri Jayasena, Dr Rob Loughman, Kazue Tanaka and Grey Poulish, Department of Agriculture 25. Validating aphid and virus risk forecasts for cereals, Dr Debbie Thackray, Rohan Prince and Dr Roger Jones, Department of Agriculture and Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture HARVESTING 26. Swathing Gairdner barley at 30% moisture, Peter Nelson¹ and Nigel Metz², ¹Cooperative Bulk Handling and ² Fitzgerald Biosphere Group MODELLING 27. Development of a web based grower decision aid application for cereal growers, Dr Leisa Armstrong1, Yee Leong (Alex) Yung1and Dr Moin Salam2 1School of Computer and Information Science, Edith Cowan University; and 2Department of Agriculture 28. Wheat varieties updated in ‘Flowering Calculator’ – a model predicting flowering time, Brenda Shackley, Dr David Tennant, Dr Darshan Sharma and Christine Zaicou‑Kunesch, Department of Agricultur

    Multivariate visualization and analysis of photomapped artifact scatters

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    Simultaneous analysis of relationships between multiple artifact classes is required for characterization of many types of activity areas. This paper illustrates improved forms of multivariate visualization, spatial analysis and integration of experimental results that are possible with GIS based photomapping. Techniques are demonstrated through analysis of a hearth associated artifact scatter exposed during excavations of a Late Archaic pithouse at Jiskairumoko, Peru. A multivariate density raster is created and additive color visualization is used for simultaneous display of three artifact distributions. Performing unconstrained clustering in a GIS, space is classified by simultaneous relative density relationships between multiple object types

    The Critical Role of Positive Incentives for Reducing Insider Threats

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    <p>Traditional insider threat practices involve negative incentives that attempt to force employees to act in the interests of the organization and, when relied on excessively, can result in negative unintended consequences that exacerbate insider threats. Positive incentives that attempt to encourage employees to act in the interests of the organization can complement negative incentives. In our research, we identified and analyzed three avenues for aligning the interests of the employee and the organization: job engagement, perceived organizational support, and connectedness with co-workers. Based on an analysis of three insider threat incidents and an exploratory survey of organizations, we developed a model of the disgruntled insider threat problem as it relates to dissatisfaction with the employing organization and the potential benefits associated with positive incentives that improve perceived organizational support and justice. To help organizations understand their options for using positive incentives as part of their insider threat program, we outline workforce management practices to improve employees’ feelings of being supported by the organization. This research is a first step toward creating a well-grounded foundation on which insider threat programs can establish a more balanced and effective means of reducing insider threats, one that is a net positive for both the employee and the organization.</p

    Human ES-cell-derived cardiomyocytes electrically couple and suppress arrhythmias in injured hearts

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    Transplantation studies in mice and rats have shown that human embryonic-stem-cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hESC-CMs) can improve the function of infarcted hearts, but two critical issues related to their electrophysiological behaviour in vivo remain unresolved. First, the risk of arrhythmias following hESC-CM transplantation in injured hearts has not been determined. Second, the electromechanical integration of hESC-CMs in injured hearts has not been demonstrated, so it is unclear whether these cells improve contractile function directly through addition of new force-generating units. Here we use a guinea-pig model to show that hESC-CM grafts in injured hearts protect against arrhythmias and can contract synchronously with host muscle. Injured hearts with hESC-CM grafts show improved mechanical function and a significantly reduced incidence of both spontaneous and induced ventricular tachycardia. To assess the activity of hESC-CM grafts in vivo, we transplanted hESC-CMs expressing the genetically encoded calcium sensor, GCaMP3 (refs 4, 5). By correlating the GCaMP3 fluorescent signal with the host ECG, we found that grafts in uninjured hearts have consistent 1:1 host-graft coupling. Grafts in injured hearts are more heterogeneous and typically include both coupled and uncoupled regions. Thus, human myocardial grafts meet physiological criteria for true heart regeneration, providing support for the continued development of hESC-based cardiac therapies for both mechanical and electrical repair