77 research outputs found

    Recoiling Supermassive Black Hole Escape Velocities from Dark Matter Halos

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    We simulate recoiling black hole trajectories from z=20z=20 to z=0z=0 in dark matter halos, quantifying how parameter choices affect escape velocities. These choices include the strength of dynamical friction, the presence of stars and gas, the accelerating expansion of the universe (Hubble acceleration), host halo accretion and motion, and seed black hole mass. Λ\LambdaCDM halo accretion increases escape velocities by up to 0.6 dex and significantly shortens return timescales compared to non-accreting cases. Other parameters change orbit damping rates but have subdominant effects on escape velocities; dynamical friction is weak at halo escape velocities, even for extreme parameter values. We present formulae for black hole escape velocities as a function of host halo mass and redshift. Finally, we discuss how these findings affect black hole mass assembly as well as minimum stellar and halo masses necessary to retain supermassive black holes.Comment: 10 pages, 17 figures. Updated to correct a typo (sign error) in fit to escape velocity, for return by z=0 (eq. 19

    Stellar Disks in Aquarius Dark Matter Haloes

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    We investigate the gravitational interactions between live stellar disks and their dark matter halos, using LCDM haloes similar in mass to that of the Milky Way taken from the Aquarius Project. We introduce the stellar disks by first allowing the haloes to respond to the influence of a growing rigid disk potential from z = 1.3 to z = 1.0. The rigid potential is then replaced with star particles which evolve self-consistently with the dark matter particles until z = 0.0. Regardless of the initial orientation of the disk, the inner parts of the haloes contract and change from prolate to oblate as the disk grows to its full size. When the disk normal is initially aligned with the major axis of the halo at z=1.3, the length of the major axis contracts and becomes the minor axis by z=1.0. Six out of the eight disks in our main set of simulations form bars, and five of the six bars experience a buckling instability that results in a sudden jump in the vertical stellar velocity dispersion and an accompanying drop in the m=2 Fourier amplitude of the disk surface density. The bars are not destroyed by the buckling but continue to grow until the present day. Bars are largely absent when the disk mass is reduced by a factor of two or more; the relative disk-to-halo mass is therefore a primary factor in bar formation and evolution. A subset of the disks is warped at the outskirts and contains prominent non-coplanar material with a ring-like structure. Many disks reorient by large angles between z=1 and z=0, following a coherent reorientation of their inner haloes. Larger reorientations produce more strongly warped disks, suggesting a tight link between the two phenomena. The origins of bars and warps appear independent: some disks with strong bars show no disturbances at the outskirts, while the disks with the weakest bars show severe warps.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, accepted MNRAS; fixed compatibility problem in figures 8,

    Galaxy clustering in the NEWFIRM Medium Band Survey: the relationship between stellar mass and dark matter halo mass at 1 < z < 2

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    We present an analysis of the clustering of galaxies as a function of their stellar mass at 1 < z < 2 using data from the NEWFIRM Medium Band Survey (NMBS). The precise photometric redshifts and stellar masses that the NMBS produces allows us to define a series of mass limited samples of galaxies more massive than 0.7, 1 and 3x10^10 Msun in redshift intervals centered on z = 1.1, 1.5 and 1.9 respectively. In each redshift interval we show that there exists a strong dependence of clustering strength on the stellar mass limit of the sample, with more massive galaxies showing a higher clustering amplitude on all scales. We further interpret our clustering measurements in the LCDM cosmological context using the halo model of galaxy clustering. We show that the typical halo mass of central and satellite galaxies increases with stellar mass, whereas the satellite fraction decreases with stellar mass, qualitatively the same as is seen at z < 1. We see little evidence of any redshift dependence in the stellar mass-to-halo mass relationship over our narrow redshift range. However, when we compare with similar measurements at z~0, we see clear evidence for a change in this relation. If we assume a universal baryon fraction, the ratio of stellar mass to halo mass reveals the fraction of baryons that have been converted to stars. We see that the peak in this star formation efficiency for central galaxies shifts to higher halo masses at higher redshift, moving from ~7x10^11 Msun at z~0 to ~3x10^12 Msun at z~1.5, revealing evidence of `halo downsizing'. Finally we show that for highly biased galaxy populations at z > 1 there may be a discrepancy between the measured space density and clustering and that predicted by the halo model. This could imply that there is a problem with one or more ingredients of the halo model at these redshifts, for instance the halo bias relation or the halo profile.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Correction made to typo in halo masses in conclusion

    Dissecting the roles of mass and environment quenching in galaxy evolution with EAGLE

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    We exploit the pioneering cosmological hydrodynamical simulation, EAGLE, to study how the connection between halo mass (M_halo), stellar mass (M*) and star-formation rate (SFR) evolves across redshift. Using Principal Component Analysis we identify the key axes of correlation between these physical quantities, for the full galaxy sample and split by satellite/central and low/high halo mass. The first principal component of the z=0 EAGLE galaxy population is a positive correlation between M_halo, M* and SFR. This component is particularly dominant for central galaxies in low mass haloes. The second principal component, most significant in high mass haloes, is a negative correlation between M_halo and SFR, indicative of environmental quenching. For galaxies above M*~10^10M_solar, however, the SFR is seen to decouple from the M_halo-M* correlation; this result is found to be independent of environment, suggesting that mass quenching effects are also in operation. We find extremely good agreement between the EAGLE principal components and those of SDSS galaxies; this lends confidence to our conclusions. Extending our study to EAGLE galaxies in the range z=0-4, we find that, although the relative numbers of galaxies in the different subsamples change, their principal components do not change significantly with redshift. This indicates that the physical processes that govern the evolution of galaxies within their dark matter haloes act similarly throughout cosmic time. Finally, we present halo occupation distribution model fits to EAGLE galaxies and show that one flexible 6-parameter functional form is capable of fitting a wide range of different mass- and SFR-selected subsamples.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Satellite abundances around bright isolated galaxies

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    We study satellite galaxy abundances in SDSS by counting photometric galaxies around isolated bright primaries. We present results as a function of the luminosity, stellar mass and colour of the satellites, and of the stellar mass and colour of the primaries. For massive primaries the luminosity and stellar mass functions of satellites are similar in shape to those of field galaxies, but for lower mass primaries they are significantly steeper. The steepening is particularly marked for the stellar mass function. Satellite abundance increases strongly with primary stellar mass, approximately in proportion to expected dark halo mass. Massive red primaries have up to a factor of 2 more satellites than blue ones of the same stellar mass. Satellite galaxies are systematically redder than field galaxies of the same stellar mass. Satellites are also systematically redder around more massive primaries. At fixed primary mass, they are redder around red primaries. We select similarly isolated galaxies from mock catalogues based on the simulations of Guo et al.(2011) and analyze them in parallel with the SDSS data. The simulation reproduces all the above trends qualitatively, except for the steepening of the satellite luminosity and stellar mass functions. Model satellites, however, are systematically redder than in the SDSS, particularly at low mass and around low-mass primaries. Simulated haloes of a given mass have satellite abundances that are independent of central galaxy colour, but red centrals tend to have lower stellar masses, reflecting earlier quenching of their star formation by feedback. This explains the correlation between satellite abundance and primary colour in the simulation. The correlation between satellite colour and primary colour arises because red centrals live in haloes which are more massive, older and more gas-rich, so that satellite quenching is more efficient.Comment: 29 pages, 24 figure

    Cosmological Constraints from a Combination of Galaxy Clustering and Lensing -- III. Application to SDSS Data

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    We simultaneously constrain cosmology and galaxy bias using measurements of galaxy abundances, galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing taken from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We use the conditional luminosity function (which describes the halo occupation statistics as function of galaxy luminosity) combined with the halo model (which describes the non-linear matter field in terms of its halo building blocks) to describe the galaxy-dark matter connection. We explicitly account for residual redshift space distortions in the projected galaxy-galaxy correlation functions, and marginalize over uncertainties in the scale dependence of the halo bias and the detailed structure of dark matter haloes. Under the assumption of a spatially flat, vanilla {\Lambda}CDM cosmology, we focus on constraining the matter density, {\Omega}m, and the normalization of the matter power spectrum, {\sigma}8, and we adopt WMAP7 priors for the spectral index, the Hubble parameter, and the baryon density. We obtain that \Omegam = 0.278_{-0.026}^{+0.023} and {\sigma}8 = 0.763_{-0.049}^{+0.064} (95% CL). These results are robust to uncertainties in the radial number density distribution of satellite galaxies, while allowing for non-Poisson satellite occupation distributions results in a slightly lower value for {\sigma}8 (0.744_{-0.047}^{+0.056}). These constraints are in excellent agreement (at the 1{\sigma} level) with the cosmic microwave background constraints from WMAP. This demonstrates that the use of a realistic and accurate model for galaxy bias, down to the smallest non-linear scales currently observed in galaxy surveys, leads to results perfectly consistent with the vanilla {\Lambda}CDM cosmology.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, submitted to MNRA

    Gas Accretion and Galactic Chemical Evolution: Theory and Observations

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    This chapter reviews how galactic inflows influence galaxy metallicity. The goal is to discuss predictions from theoretical models, but particular emphasis is placed on the insights that result from using models to interpret observations. Even as the classical G-dwarf problem endures in the latest round of observational confirmation, a rich and tantalizing new phenomenology of relationships between MM_*, ZZ, SFR, and gas fraction is emerging both in observations and in theoretical models. A consensus interpretation is emerging in which star-forming galaxies do most of their growing in a quiescent way that balances gas inflows and gas processing, and metal dilution with enrichment. Models that explicitly invoke this idea via equilibrium conditions can be used to infer inflow rates from observations, while models that do not assume equilibrium growth tend to recover it self-consistently. Mergers are an overall subdominant mechanism for delivering fresh gas to galaxies, but they trigger radial flows of previously-accreted gas that flatten radial gas-phase metallicity gradients and temporarily suppress central metallicities. Radial gradients are generically expected to be steep at early times and then flattened by mergers and enriched inflows of recycled gas at late times. However, further theoretical work is required in order to understand how to interpret observations. Likewise, more observational work is needed in order to understand how metallicity gradients evolve to high redshifts.Comment: Invited review to appear in Gas Accretion onto Galaxies, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, eds. A. J. Fox & R. Dav\'e, to be published by Springer. 29 pages, 2 figure

    Spontaneous Abortion and Preterm Labor and Delivery in Nonhuman Primates: Evidence from a Captive Colony of Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)

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    Preterm birth is a leading cause of perinatal mortality, yet the evolutionary history of this obstetrical syndrome is largely unknown in nonhuman primate species.We examined the length of gestation during pregnancies that occurred in a captive chimpanzee colony by inspecting veterinary and behavioral records spanning a total of thirty years. Upon examination of these records we were able to confidently estimate gestation length for 93 of the 97 (96%) pregnancies recorded at the colony. In total, 78 singleton gestations resulted in live birth, and from these pregnancies we estimated the mean gestation length of normal chimpanzee pregnancies to be 228 days, a finding consistent with other published reports. We also calculated that the range of gestation in normal chimpanzee pregnancies is approximately forty days. Of the remaining fifteen pregnancies, only one of the offspring survived, suggesting viability for chimpanzees requires a gestation of approximately 200 days. These fifteen pregnancies constitute spontaneous abortions and preterm deliveries, for which the upper gestational age limit was defined as 2 SD from the mean length of gestation (208 days).The present study documents that preterm birth occurred within our study population of captive chimpanzees. As in humans, pregnancy loss is not uncommon in chimpanzees, In addition, our findings indicate that both humans and chimpanzees show a similar range of normal variation in gestation length, suggesting this was the case at the time of their last common ancestor (LCA). Nevertheless, our data suggest that whereas chimpanzees' normal gestation length is ∼20-30 days after reaching viability, humans' normal gestation length is approximately 50 days beyond the estimated date of viability without medical intervention. Future research using a comparative evolutionary framework should help to clarify the extent to which mechanisms at work in normal and preterm parturition are shared in these species

    Mergers in Lambda-CDM: Uncertainties in Theoretical Predictions and Interpretations of the Merger Rate

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    Different methodologies lead to order-of-magnitude variations in predicted galaxy merger rates. We examine and quantify the dominant uncertainties. Different halo merger rates and subhalo 'destruction' rates agree to within a factor ~2 given proper care in definitions. If however (sub)halo masses are not appropriately defined or are under-resolved, the major merger rate can be dramatically suppressed. The dominant differences in galaxy merger rates owe to baryonic physics. Hydrodynamic simulations without feedback and older models that do not agree with the observed galaxy mass function propagate factor ~5 bias in the resulting merger rates. However, if the model matches the galaxy mass function, properties of central galaxies are sufficiently converged to give small differences in merger rates. But variations in baryonic physics of satellites also have dramatic effects. The known problem of satellite 'over-quenching' in most semi-analytic models (SAMs), whereby SAM satellites are too efficiently stripped of gas, could lead to order-of-magnitude under-estimates of merger rates for low-mass, gas-rich galaxies. Fixing the satellite properties to observations tends to predict higher merger rates, but with factor ~2 empirical uncertainties. Choice of mass ratio definition matters: at low masses, most true major mergers (in baryonic/dynamical galaxy mass) will appear to be minor mergers in their stellar or luminosity mass ratio. Observations and models using these criteria may underestimate major merger rates by factors ~5. Orbital parameters and gas fractions also introduce factor ~3 differences in amount of bulge formed by mergers, even for fixed mass ratio encounters.Comment: 32 Pages, 15 figures, accepted to ApJ (revised to match accepted version and correct Fig. 12