159 research outputs found

    Mixing Effects in the Finite-Temperature Effective Potential of the MSSM with a Light Stop

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    We incorporate the effects of mixing arising from the trilinear terms in the MSSM potential to the effective three dimensional theory for the MSSM at high temperature in the limit of large mAm_{A}. There are relevant one-loop effects that modify the 3D parameters of the effective theory. We calculate the two-loop effective potential of the 3D theory for the Higgs and the right handed stop to analyse the possible phase transitions and to determine the precise region in the mhm_{h}-mt~2m_{\tilde{t}_{2}} plane for which the sphaleron constraint for preservation of the baryon asymmetry is satisfied. There is an upper bound on the value of the mixing parameter coming from stop searches. We also compare with previous results obtained using 4D calculations of the effective potential for the regime of large mQm_{Q}. A two-stage phase transition persists for a small range of values of mt~2m_{\tilde{t}_{2}} for given values of the mixing parameter and tanβ\tan\beta. This can further constrain the allowed region of parameter space. Electroweak baryogenesis requires a value of m_{\tilde{t}_{2}}\lsi 170 and m_{h} \lsi 105 GeV for mQ=300m_{Q}=300 GeV.Comment: 41 pages, 8 figure

    Electroweak baryogenesis and the Higgs and stop masses

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    In this talk we review the actual situation concerning electroweak phase transition and baryogenesis in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model. A strong enough phase transition requires light Higgs and stop eigenstates. For a Higgs mass in the range 110--115 GeV, there is a stop window in the range 105--165 GeV. If the Higgs is heavier than 115 GeV, stronger constrains are imposed on the space of supersymmetric parameters. A baryon-to-entropy ratio is generated by the chargino sector provided that the μ\mu parameter has a CP-violating phase larger than \sim 0.04.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, uses espcrc2.sty. Contribution to the conferences: Strong Electroweak Matter, Centre de Physique Theorique, Universite de Marseille, Marseilles (France), June 14-17, 2000; and, Thirty years of supersymmetry, Theoretical Physics Institute, School of Physics and Astronomy, Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA), October 16-27, 200

    El conocimiento sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer, la cognición disfuncional y el afrontamiento en la tensión arterial del cuidador

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    Dysfunctional ways of thinking and coping with caregiving have been associated with worse caregivers’ cardiovascular health. The objective of this study is to analyze the associations between caregivers’ knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease, dysfunctional thoughts, experiential avoidance, and blood pressure. Participants were 123 family caregivers of a relative with dementia. Path analysis was used to analyze the association between the assessed variables. The obtained model shows that there is a significant and negative relationship between caregivers’ knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease and systolic blood pressure, potentially mediated by caregivers’ dysfunctional thoughts and experiential avoidance. The findings of this study provide support to the idea that a lack of knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease may contribute to maladaptive ways of thinking about caregiving, increasing caregivers’ cardiovascular risk.El pensamiento disfuncional acerca del cuidado o el inadecuado afrontamiento del mismo han sido asociados con una peor salud física de los cuidadores. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las asociaciones entre el conocimiento de los cuidadores sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer, los pensamientos disfuncionales, la evitación experiencial y la presión arterial. Los participantes de este estudio fueron 123 cuidadores de un familiar con demencia. Un modelo de senderos fue empleado para analizar la relación entre las variables. El modelo obtenido muestra que existe un relación negativa y significativa entre el conocimiento de los cuidadores acerca de la enfermedad d Alzheimer y la presión arterial sistólica, potencialmente medida por los pensamientos disfuncionales y la evitación experiencial de los cuidadores. Los resultados de este estudio apoyan la idea de que una falta de conocimiento acerca de la enfermedad de Alzheimer puede contribuir a cogniciones desadaptativas acerca del cuidado, incrementando el riesgo cardiovascular de los cuidadoresThe preparation of this paper was supported in part by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grants PSI2012-31239 and PSI2015- 65152-C2-1-R, and by the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, through a pre-doctoral scholarship for the first author of this work. Samara Barrero was supported by a FPU grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Spor

    Plataforma Computing@home

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    En este proyecto se han visto dos sistemas de computación distribuida diferentes entre ellos: Condor y BOINC. Se exploran las posibilidades para poder conseguir que ambos sistemas logren trabajar conjuntamente, escogiendo la parte más efectiva de cada uno de los sistemas con el fin de complementarse.En aquest projecte s'han vist dos sistemes de computació distribuïda diferents entre ells: Condor i BOINC. S'exploren les possibilitats per aconseguir que ambdós sistemes puguin treballar de forma conjunta, escollint la part més efectiva de cadascun d'aquests sistemes amb la finalitat que es complementin.In this proyect we have seen two different between them distributed Computing systems: Condor and BOINC. We explore our possibilities to let both systems work together, choosing the most effective part of these systems with the aim to complement each other.Nota: Aquest document conté originàriament altre material i/o programari només consultable a la Biblioteca de Ciència i Tecnologia

    Neutral Higgs Sector of the MSSM without RpR_p

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    We analyse the neutral scalar sector of the MSSM without R-parity. Our analysis is performed for a one-generation model in terms of ``basis-independent'' parameters, and includes one-loop corrections due to large yukawa couplings. We concentrate on the consequences of large RpR_p violating masses in the soft sector, which mix the Higgses with the sleptons, because these are only constrained by their one-loop contributions to neutrino masses. We focus on the effect of RpR_p-violation on the Higgs mass and branching ratios. We find that the experimental lower bound on the lightest CP-even Higgs in this model can be lower than in the MSSM.Comment: minor changes, version to appear in journa

    A narrative review and expert recommendations on the assessment of the clinical manifestations, follow-up, and management of post-OLT patients with ATTRv amyloidosis

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    Orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) was the first treatment able to modify the natural course of hereditary transthyretin (ATTRv) amyloidosis, which is a rare and fatal disorder caused by the accumulation of misfolded transthyretin (TTR) variants in different organs and tissues and which leads to a progressive and multisystem dysfunction. Because the liver is the main source of TTR, OLT dramatically reduces the production of the pathogenic TTR variant, which should prevent amyloid formation and halt disease progression. However, amyloidosis progression may occur after OLT due to wild-type TTR deposition, especially in the nerves and heart. In this review, we discuss the disease features influencing OLT outcomes and the clinical manifestations of ATTRv amyloidosis progression post-OLT to improve our understanding of disease worsening after OLT and optimize the follow-up and clinical management of these patients. By conducting a literature review on the PubMed database, we identified patient characteristics that have been associated with worse post-OLT outcomes, including late-onset V50M and non-V50M variants, age >40 years, long disease duration, advanced neuropathy and autonomic dysfunction, and malnutrition. Regarding post-OLT mortality, deaths occurring within the first year after OLT were mainly associated with fatal graft complications and infectious diseases, whereas cardiovascular-related deaths usually occurred later. Considering the diverse clinical manifestations of ATTRv amyloidosis progression post-OLT, including worsening neuropathy and/or cardiomyopathy, autonomic dysfunction, and oculoleptomeningeal involvement, we present advice on the most relevant tests for assessing disease progression post-OLT. Finally, we discuss the use of new therapies based on TTR stabilizers and TTR mRNA silencers for the treatment of ATTRv amyloidosis patients post-OLT

    Improved Results in Supersymmetric Electroweak Baryogenesis

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    Electroweak baryogenesis provides a very attractive scenario to explain the origin of the baryon asymmetry. The mechanism of electroweak baryogenesis makes use of the baryon number anomaly and relies on physics that can be tested experimentally. It is today understood that, if the Higgs mass is not larger than 120 GeV, this mechanism may be effective within supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model. In this work, we reconsider the question of baryon number generation at the electroweak phase transition within the context of the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model. We derive the relevant diffusion equations, give a consistent definition of the sources, and compare our results with those appearing in the recent literature on this subjectComment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Guía para la evaluación de repositorios institucionales de investigación

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    Esta es la segunda versión de la Guía para la evaluación de repositorios institucionales de investigación, cuya primera edición fue publicada por RECOLECTA en Diciembre de 2010.La presente versión de la Guía para la evaluación de repositorios institucionales de investigación ofrece a toda la comunidad nacional un conjunto de directrices, basadas en criterios internacionales ya existentes, que garantizan la interoperabilidad de todos los recursos de acceso abierto y aseguran un acceso de calidad a sus contenidos. Además, en esta guía también se recogen los criterios obligatorios que marca RECOLECTA para ingresar en su plataforma.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT); RECOLECTA ; Conferencia de Rectores de la Universidades Españolas (CRUE

    The MSSM Electroweak Phase Transition on the Lattice

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    We study the MSSM finite temperature electroweak phase transition with lattice Monte Carlo simulations, for a large Higgs mass (m_H ~ 95 GeV) and light stop masses (m_tR ~ 150...160 GeV). We employ a 3d effective field theory approach, where the degrees of freedom appearing in the action are the SU(2) and SU(3) gauge fields, the weakly interacting Higgs doublet, and the strongly interacting stop triplet. We determine the phase diagram, the critical temperatures, the scalar field expectation values, the latent heat, the interface tension and the correlation lengths at the phase transition points. Extrapolating the results to the infinite volume and continuum limits, we find that the transition is stronger than indicated by 2-loop perturbation theory, guaranteeing that the MSSM phase transition is strong enough for baryogenesis in this regime. We also study the possibility of a two-stage phase transition, in which the stop field gets an expectation value in an intermediate phase. We find that a two-stage transition exists non-perturbatively, as well, but for somewhat smaller stop masses than in perturbation theory. Finally, the latter stage of the two-stage transition is found to be extremely strong, and thus it might not be allowed in the cosmological environment.Comment: 43 pages, 17 figure

    Effects of Large CP-violating Soft Phases on Supersymmetric Electroweak Baryogenesis

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    We revisit the results of recent electroweak baryogenesis calculations and include all allowed large CP-violating supersymmetric phases. If the phases are large, the resulting baryon asymmetry can be considerably larger than the observed value nB/s4×1011n_B/s \sim 4 \times 10^{-11}. Much of the asymmetry must therefore be washed out, and we argue that the upper bound on the light Higgs mass is larger than the value reported in previous work.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure