147 research outputs found

    Dispersal of the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) over southern Spain from its breeding grounds

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    Dispersión de la mariposa monarca (Danaus plexippus) en el sur de España desde las zonas de apareamiento Durante el período comprendido entre los años 2000 y 2016, se detectaron mariposas monarca en 127 lugares fuera de las zonas costeras donde se reproducen habitualmente en el sur de la península ibérica. Estos datos se obtuvieron en verano e invierno, coincidiendo con la máxima abundancia de individuos y la mayor proporción de sitios ocupados en sus zonas de reproducción cercanas al estrecho de Gibraltar. Los individuos que se dispersan no tienen ninguna posibilidad de establecer nuevas colonias en estos sitios porque las plantas en las que ponen los huevos no crecen en las localidades en las que fueron detectados. Sin embargo, estos movimientos de dispersión podrían ser la causa de la colonización de plantas alimentarias que crecen en otras zonas de la península ibérica y en otros países del Mediterráneo.From 2000–2016, monarch butterflies were detected at 127 locations away from their usual coastal breeding areas in the south of the Iberian peninsula. These findings were recorded in the summer–autumn period, coinciding with the highest abundance of individuals and the highest proportion of patches occupied in their reproduction areas near the Strait of Gibraltar. These dispersing individuals have no chance of successfully establishing new colonies at these sites because the food plants for egg laying do not grow in the localities where they were detected. However, these dispersive movements could be the source of their successful colonisation on food plants growing in other areas of the Iberian peninsula and in other Mediterranean countries.Dispersión de la mariposa monarca (Danaus plexippus) en el sur de España desde las zonas de apareamiento Durante el período comprendido entre los años 2000 y 2016, se detectaron mariposas monarca en 127 lugares fuera de las zonas costeras donde se reproducen habitualmente en el sur de la península ibérica. Estos datos se obtuvieron en verano e invierno, coincidiendo con la máxima abundancia de individuos y la mayor proporción de sitios ocupados en sus zonas de reproducción cercanas al estrecho de Gibraltar. Los individuos que se dispersan no tienen ninguna posibilidad de establecer nuevas colonias en estos sitios porque las plantas en las que ponen los huevos no crecen en las localidades en las que fueron detectados. Sin embargo, estos movimientos de dispersión podrían ser la causa de la colonización de plantas alimentarias que crecen en otras zonas de la península ibérica y en otros países del Mediterráneo

    Grandes branquiópodos (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anostraca, Notostraca) en la provincia de Málaga (España) (año hidrológico 2012/2013)

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    Grans branquiòpodes (Crustacea, Branchiopoda: Anostraca, Notostraca) a la província de Màlaga, Espanya (any hidrològic 2012/2013) S'enumeren les cites d'una campanya de mostratge de grans branquiòpodes portada a terme a la província de Màlaga (Andalusia, sud d'Espanya) que ha permès la detecció de cinc espècies (Branchipus cortesi, Chirocephalus diaphanus, Streptocephalus torvicornis, Triops mauritanicus aggr. i Phallocryptus spinosa) en 90 masses d'aigua mostrejades.Large branchiopods (Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anostraca, Notostraca) from Málaga province, Spain (2012/2013 hydrological year) This paper presents the occurrence of the large branchiopods detected during a survey carried out in the province of Málaga (Andalusia, southern Spain). Five species (Branchipus cortesi, Chirocephalus diaphanus, Streptocephalus torvicornis, Triops mauritanicus aggr. and Phallocryptus spinosa) were recorded at 90 sampled wetlands.Se enumeran las citas de una campaña de muestreo de grandes branquiópodos realizada en la provincia de Málaga (Andalucía, sur de España) que ha permitido la detección de cinco especies (Branchipus cortesi, Chirocephalus diaphanus, Streptocephalus torvicornis, Triops mauritanicus aggr. y Phallocryptus spinosa) en 90 masas de agua muestreadas

    Cross sections for proton induced high energy γ-ray emission (PIGE) in reaction 19F(p,αγ)16O at incident proton energies between 1.5 and 4 MeV

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    Plan I2C 2013 by Xunta de Galicia (ES) PEstOE/Fis/UI0275/2014 Sem PDF conforme despacho.We have studied the high energy gamma-rays produced in the reaction 19F(p,αγ)16O for incident proton energies from 1.5 to 4.0 MeV over NaF/Ag and CaF2/Ag thin targets in two different sets of data. Gamma-rays were detected with a High Purity Ge detector with an angle of 130° with respect to the beam axis. The cross-sections for the high energy gamma-rays of 6.129, 6.915 and 7.115 MeV have been measured for the whole group between 5 and 7.2 MeV with accuracy better than 10%. A new energy range was covered and more points are included in the cross-sections data base expanding the existing set of data. Results are in agreement with previous measurements in similar conditions.preprintpublishe

    Lower Aptian ammonite and carbon isotope stratigraphy in the eastern Prebetic Domain (Betic Cordillera, southeastern Spain)

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    Major global palaeobiologic and palaeoenvironmental changes occurred during the Early Aptian. Precise dating and timing of the different events is crucial to determine possible cause-effect relationships between them. In this regard, the combination of biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic data can provide a very useful tool for time control. So far attempts to correlate the Lower Aptian carbon isotope record and the ammonite zonation yielded contradictory conclusions. In this paper, we present the results of an integrated analysis of the ammonite stratigraphic distribution and highresolution carbon isotope profiles from Lower Aptian sections of the eastern Prebetic Domain (Betic Cordillera, southeastern Spain). We recognized, in ascending order, the Deshayesites oglanlensis, Deshayesites forbesi, Deshayesites deshayesi, and Dufrenoyia furcata Zones. This succession is the same as that recently identified in the eastern Iberian Chain, and it closely correlates with both standard Mediterranean and Boreal zonations. The carbon isotope record displays the trends globally recognized for the Early Aptian, with two long positive shifts separated by a pronounced negative excursion. Calibration of this isotopic record with the ammonite zonation shows that the age of OAE 1a, which corresponds to the negative excursion and subsequent positive shift, is constrained to the middle/upper part of the Deshayesites forbesi Zone

    PICOSS: Python Interface for the Classification of Seismic Signals

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    Over the last decade machine learning has become increasingly popular for the analysis and characterization of volcano-seismic data. One of the requirements for the application of machine learning methods to the problem of classifying seismic time series is the availability of a training dataset; that is a suite of reference signals, with known classification used for initial validation of the machine outcome. Here, we present PICOSS (Python Interface for the Classification of Seismic Signals), a modular data-curator platform for volcano-seismic data analysis, including detection, segmentation and classification. PICOSS has exportability and standardization at its core; users can select automatic or manual workflows to select and label seismic data from a comprehensive suite of tools, including deep neural networks. The modular implementation of PICOSS includes a portable and intuitive graphical user interface to facilitate essential data labelling tasks for large-scale volcano seismic studies

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñaña

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    Comportamiento reproductor del camaleón común (Chamaeleo chamaeleon L.) en el sur de EspañaDistribución de los reptiles en la provincia de Granada (SE. Península Ibérica)Datos sobre la reproducción y el crecimientode Psammodromus hispanicus Fitzinger, 1826 en un medio adehesado de la España CentralVariación en la colocación y orientación del nido del Alzacola (Cercotrichas galactotes) en dos especies de árbolesOrganización de la comunidad de aves reproductora en las landas montanas del País Vasco AtlánticoEcología de una población ibérica de lobos (Canis Lupus)Etude biométrique des Crosidures (Soricidae, Insectivora) de la región de Massa (Souss, Maroe).Variación geográfica del género Eliomys en la Península IbéricaTendencias gregarias del Ciervo (Cervus elaphus) en Doñana.Data on the autumn diet of the red deer (Cervus elaphus L. 1758) in the Montes de Toledo (Central Spain)Nota sobre la coexistencia de Hyla arborea (L. 1758E Hyla meridionalis (Boettger 1874) rn rl Valle del TiétarCalendario reproductivo y tamaño de las puesta en el galápago leproso, Mauremys leprosa (Shweigger, 1812), en Doñana, HuelvaPelícola (Felicola) inaqualis Piager, 1880 (MALLOPHAGA:TRICHODECTIDAE) parásito deE Herpestes ichneumon L (CARNIVORA: HERPESTIDAE)Abundancia y amplitud de los desplazamientos de Apodemus sylvaticus en cuatro biotopos de Doñana que difieren en cobertura vegetalPeer reviewe

    The mini-JPAS: A study of the wavelength dependence of the photon response nonuniformity of the JPAS-pathfinder camera

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    Understanding the origins of small-scale flats of CCDs and their wavelength-dependent variations plays an important role in high-precision photometric, astrometric, and shape measurements of astronomical objects. Based on the unique flat data of 47 narrowband filters provided by JPAS-Pathfinder, we analyze the variations of small-scale flats as a function of wavelength. We find moderate variations (from about 1.0% at 390 nm to 0.3% at 890 nm) of small-scale flats among different filters, increasing toward shorter wavelengths. Small-scale flats of two filters close in central wavelengths are strongly correlated. We then use a simple physical model to reproduce the observed variations to a precision of about ±0.14% by considering the variations of charge collection efficiencies, effective areas, and thicknesses between CCD pixels. We find that the wavelength-dependent variations of the small-scale flats of the JPAS-Pathfinder camera originate from inhomogeneities of the quantum efficiency (particularly charge collection efficiency), as well as the effective area and thickness of CCD pixels. The former dominates the variations in short wavelengths, while the latter two dominate at longer wavelengths. The effects on proper flat-fielding, as well as on photometric/flux calibrations for photometric/slitless spectroscopic surveys, are discussed, particularly in blue filters/wavelengths. We also find that different model parameters are sensitive to flats of different wavelengths, depending on the relations between the electron absorption depth, photon absorption length, and CCD thickness. In order to model the wavelength-dependent variations of small-scale flats, a small number (around 10) of small-scale flats with well-selected wavelengths are sufficient to reconstruct small-scale flats in other wavelengths. © 2021. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.he PRNU model adopted in this work was developed as part of Mr. Baocun Chen's undergraduate thesis work under the supervision of H.Z. This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China through projects NSFC 12173007 and 11603002, the National Key Basic R&D Program of China via 2019YFA0405503, and Beijing Normal University grant No. 310232102. We acknowledge the science research grants from the China Manned Space Project with Nos. CMS-CSST-2021-A08 and CMS-CSST2021-A09. Based on observations made with the JST/T250 telescope and JPCam at the Observatorio Astrofisico de Javalambre (OAJ) in Teruel, owned, managed, and operated by the Centro de Estudios de Fisica del Cosmos de Aragon (CEFCA). We acknowledge the OAJ Data Processing and Archiving Unit (UPAD) for reducing and calibrating the OAJ data used in this work. Funding for the JPAS Project has been provided by the Governments of Spain and Aragon through the Fondo de Inversion de Teruel, European FEDER funding, and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, as well as by the Brazilian agencies FINEP, FAPESP, and FAPERJ and the National Observatory of Brazil. Additional funding was also provided by the Tartu Observatory and the JPAS Chinese Astronomical Consortium. With funding from the Spanish government through the Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence accreditation SEV-2017-0709

    VAMOS: a Pathfinder for the HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory

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    VAMOS was a prototype detector built in 2011 at an altitude of 4100m a.s.l. in the state of Puebla, Mexico. The aim of VAMOS was to finalize the design, construction techniques and data acquisition system of the HAWC observatory. HAWC is an air-shower array currently under construction at the same site of VAMOS with the purpose to study the TeV sky. The VAMOS setup included six water Cherenkov detectors and two different data acquisition systems. It was in operation between October 2011 and May 2012 with an average live time of 30%. Besides the scientific verification purposes, the eight months of data were used to obtain the results presented in this paper: the detector response to the Forbush decrease of March 2012, and the analysis of possible emission, at energies above 30 GeV, for long gamma-ray bursts GRB111016B and GRB120328B.Comment: Accepted for pubblication in Astroparticle Physics Journal (20 pages, 10 figures). Corresponding authors: A.Marinelli and D.Zaboro

    Database of multiparametric geophysical data from the TOMO-DEC experiment on Deception Island, Antarctica

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    We are grateful to the officers and crew of the Spanish vessels 'R/V Hesperides' and 'R/V Las Palmas', the personnel of the Marine Technology Unit (UTM), the military personnel of the 'Gabriel de Castilla' Spanish base, and the members of the TOMODEC Working Group. This manuscript has been partially funded by the following research projects: the Spanish project TEC2015-68752-R (MINECO/FEDER); KNOWAVES; the Spanish Education and Research Ministry grants REN 2001-3833, CGL2005-05789-C02-02/ANT, POL2006-08663, and CGL2008-01660; the U.S. National Science Foundation grant ANT-0230094; the European project MED-SUV funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Program for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 308665; the European project EPOS; the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 676564; and the U.S. National Science Foundation grant NSF-1521855 Hazard SEES project. Ocean bottom seismometers were provided by the U.S National Oceanographic Instrument Pool. This publication reflects only the authors' views. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.Deception Island volcano (Antarctica) is one of the most closely monitored and studied volcanoes on the region. In January 2005, a multi-parametric international experiment was conducted that encompassed both Deception Island and its surrounding waters. We performed this experiment from aboard the Spanish oceanographic vessel 'Hesperides', and from five land-based locations on Deception Island (the Spanish scientific Antarctic base 'Gabriel de Castilla' and four temporary camps). This experiment allowed us to record active seismic signals using a large network of seismic stations that were deployed both on land and on the seafloor. In addition, other geophysical data were acquired, including bathymetric high precision multi-beam data, and gravimetric and magnetic profiles. To date, the seismic and bathymetric data have been analysed but the magnetic and gravimetric data have not. We provide P-wave arrival-time picks and seismic tomography results in velocity and attenuation. In this manuscript, we describe the main characteristics of the experiment, the instruments, the data, and the repositories from which data and information can be obtained.MINECO/FEDER TEC2015-68752-RKNOWAVESSpanish Education and Research Ministry REN 2001-3833 CGL2005-05789-C02-02/ANT POL2006-08663 CGL2008-01660National Science Foundation (NSF) ANT-0230094 NSF-1521855European project MED-SUV - European Union's Seventh Framework Program 308665European project EPOSEuropean Union (EU) 67656

    Evaluation of a candidate breast cancer associated SNP in ERCC4 as a risk modifier in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Results from the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/BRCA2 (CIMBA)

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    Background: In this study we aimed to evaluate the role of a SNP in intron 1 of the ERCC4 gene (rs744154), previously reported to be associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer in the general population, as a breast cancer risk modifier in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Methods: We have genotyped rs744154 in 9408 BRCA1 and 5632 BRCA2 mutation carriers from the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 (CIMBA) and assessed its association with breast cancer risk using a retrospective weighted cohort approach. Results: We found no evidence of association with breast cancer risk for BRCA1 (per-allele HR: 0.98, 95% CI: 0.93–1.04, P=0.5) or BRCA2 (per-allele HR: 0.97, 95% CI: 0.89–1.06, P=0.5) mutation carriers. Conclusion: This SNP is not a significant modifier of breast cancer risk for mutation carriers, though weak associations cannot be ruled out. A Osorio1, R L Milne2, G Pita3, P Peterlongo4,5, T Heikkinen6, J Simard7, G Chenevix-Trench8, A B Spurdle8, J Beesley8, X Chen8, S Healey8, KConFab9, S L Neuhausen10, Y C Ding10, F J Couch11,12, X Wang11, N Lindor13, S Manoukian4, M Barile14, A Viel15, L Tizzoni5,16, C I Szabo17, L Foretova18, M Zikan19, K Claes20, M H Greene21, P Mai21, G Rennert22, F Lejbkowicz22, O Barnett-Griness22, I L Andrulis23,24, H Ozcelik24, N Weerasooriya23, OCGN23, A-M Gerdes25, M Thomassen25, D G Cruger26, M A Caligo27, E Friedman28,29, B Kaufman28,29, Y Laitman28, S Cohen28, T Kontorovich28, R Gershoni-Baruch30, E Dagan31,32, H Jernström33, M S Askmalm34, B Arver35, B Malmer36, SWE-BRCA37, S M Domchek38, K L Nathanson38, J Brunet39, T Ramón y Cajal40, D Yannoukakos41, U Hamann42, HEBON37, F B L Hogervorst43, S Verhoef43, EB Gómez García44,45, J T Wijnen46,47, A van den Ouweland48, EMBRACE37, D F Easton49, S Peock49, M Cook49, C T Oliver49, D Frost49, C Luccarini50, D G Evans51, F Lalloo51, R Eeles52, G Pichert53, J Cook54, S Hodgson55, P J Morrison56, F Douglas57, A K Godwin58, GEMO59,60,61, O M Sinilnikova59,60, L Barjhoux59,60, D Stoppa-Lyonnet61, V Moncoutier61, S Giraud59, C Cassini62,63, L Olivier-Faivre62,63, F Révillion64, J-P Peyrat64, D Muller65, J-P Fricker65, H T Lynch66, E M John67, S Buys68, M Daly69, J L Hopper70, M B Terry71, A Miron72, Y Yassin72, D Goldgar73, Breast Cancer Family Registry37, C F Singer74, D Gschwantler-Kaulich74, G Pfeiler74, A-C Spiess74, Thomas v O Hansen75, O T Johannsson76, T Kirchhoff77, K Offit77, K Kosarin77, M Piedmonte78, G C Rodriguez79, K Wakeley80, J F Boggess81, J Basil82, P E Schwartz83, S V Blank84, A E Toland85, M Montagna86, C Casella87, E N Imyanitov88, A Allavena89, R K Schmutzler90, B Versmold90, C Engel91, A Meindl92, N Ditsch93, N Arnold94, D Niederacher95, H Deißler96, B Fiebig97, R Varon-Mateeva98, D Schaefer99, U G Froster100, T Caldes101, M de la Hoya101, L McGuffog49, A C Antoniou49, H Nevanlinna6, P Radice4,5 and J Benítez1,3 on behalf of CIMB