401 research outputs found

    Dekadencja moralna społeczeństwa rzymskiego w "Res gestae" Ammiana Marcellina

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    Gratian as optimus princeps – the Literary Image of “an Ideal Emperor” in Gratiarum actio ad Gratianum Imperatorem by D.M. Ausonius and the Laudatio in Gratianum Augustum of Q.A. Symmachus

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    Ausonius and Symmachus addressed their speeches to the emperor Gratian, the son of Valentinian I. Ausonius included in his gratiarum actio two praises of the young emperor in order to express his gratitude for the consulate he received; Symmachus delivered his laudatio in honour of the ruler at a meeting of the Roman senate. In their speeches both authors showed not so much a real image of Gratian as an individual but rather a literary creation of optimus princeps. Gratian is presented as an ideal that is artificial in its perfection: he loses his individual and true characteristics and appears to be pasted into a panegyric-propaganda scheme based on literary convention as well as the slogans of imperial state ideology. In this article we aim to present the literary image of Gratian as “an ideal emperor”, which emerges from both laudatory speeches, as well as to point out the literary devices, motifs, panegyrical techniques and ideological topoi used in its creation

    Fundusz kościelny na tle innych funduszy sektora finansów publicznych

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    "Pojęcie fundusz wywodzi się z języka łacińskiego od słowa fundus oznaczającego dno, podwalinę, podstawę, a w szerszym ujęciu majątek ziemski. Dawniej określenie fundusz używane było również w rozumieniu zapisu, legatu, oznaczało „nadane, odziedziczone dobra lub majątek”. Obecnie pod pojęciem fundusz rozumie się: „wyodrębniony zasób środków majątkowych przeznaczonych na określony cel lub środki pieniężne pochodzące z określonego źródła i przeznaczone na pokrycie określonych wydatków.”"(...

    Translation and ethical values of Polish medieval hagiography

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    This article is focused on two important problems connected with the analysis of documents of Polish medieval hagiography, namely a correct translation from medieval Latin into Polish as well as understanding and interpretation of ethical (that is moral) values of the translated text. In my commentary to the discussion, which is the key teaching and learning technique during a translation course, I deal with the structure and grammar of the medieval text in reference to classical rules and discuss (against the background of the ancient moral tradition) the medieval reinterpretation of these moral values that had appeared in ancient Rome and then became the essence of ethos of Saints in the Middle Ages. Such approach to the analysis and discussion enables me to show pieces of medieval hagiography not only as documents written according to the rules of the medieval religious convention but also as a source of ancient Roman (romanitas) reminiscences (both structural and ethical, mainly moral ones)

    Phenolic and Flavonoid Content in Hericium Erinaceus, Ganoderma Lucidum and Agrocybe Aegerita under Selenium Addition

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    The phenolic and flavonoid contents and composition and the antioxidant ability in Hericium erinaceus, Ganoderma lucidum, and Agrocybe aegerita under selenium (Se) addition to growth medium were studied. The contents of total Se in fruiting bodies of controls (0 mM of Se) were 4.58 (A. aegerita), 8.53 (G. lucidum), and 14.29 (H. erinaceus) mg kg–1 dry weight (DW), and was significantly increased by Se enrichment of substrate. The total phenolics in fruiting bodies of controls of H. erinaceus, G. lucidum, and A. aegerita were significantly lower (17.10, 28.11, and 16.05 mg of gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/g of extract, respectively) than for Se-rich mushrooms (26.29, 40.29, and 20.07 mg GAE/g of extract, respectively). Total flavonoid content for H. erinaceus, G. lucidum, and A. aegerita increased after Se supplementation from 368.6 to 445.6, 469.9 to 627.7, and 318.1 to 393.9 μg g–1 of extract, respectively. The results show that the mushrooms have superior antioxidant properties after Se addition, because the scavenging ability on 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals was improved

    Adjuvant effects of a sequence-engineered mRNA vaccine: translational profiling demonstrates similar human and murine innate response

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    Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Components and assembly of the PTE module for innate responses. (A) Top panel—in vivo monocytes continuously emigrate from the blood into peripheral tissues with a half-life in the blood of ~1 day. Bottom panel: In vitro generation of cytokine derived DCs from monocytes involves the addition of IL-4 and GM-CSF and culture for 7–11 days. (B) Schematic of the components of a MIMIC-PTE module. In the 3D PTE, differentiation occurs in hours to about 2 days triggered by migration into and out of (reverse migration) through the endothelium: a process reminiscent of the movement of cells from tissues into lymphatic vessels

    Novel immunostimulatory effects of osteoclasts and macrophages on human γδ T cells

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    25/10/2014 Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge the Oliver Bird Foundation (RHE/00092/S1 24105) (A.P.) and Arthritis Research UK (18439) (K.T.) for funding this work, and to thank Dr Heather M. Wilson for the helpful comments on the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Evading innate immunity in nonviral mRNA delivery : don't shoot the messenger

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    In de field of non-viral gene therapy, in vitro transcribed (IVT) mRNA has emerged as a promising tool for the delivery of genetic information. Over the past few years it has become widely known the introduction of IVT mRNA into mammalian cells elicits an innate immune response which has favored mRNA use towards immunotherapeutic vaccination strategies. However, for non-immunotherapy related applications this intrinsic immune-stimulatory activity directly interferes with the aimed therapeutic outcome, as it can seriously compromise the expression of the desired protein. This review presents an overview of the immune-related obstacles that limit mRNA advance for non-immunotherapy related applications