6 research outputs found

    Assessing circadian rhythms in propofol PK and PD during prolonged infusion in ICU patients

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    This study evaluates possible circadian rhythms during prolonged propofol infusion in patients in the intensive care unit. Eleven patients were sedated with a constant propofol infusion. The blood samples for the propofol assay were collected every hour during the second day, the third day, and after the termination of the propofol infusion. Values of electroencephalographic bispectral index (BIS), arterial blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen saturation and body temperature were recorded every hour at the blood collection time points. A two-compartment model was used to describe propofol pharmacokinetics. Typical values of the central and peripheral volume of distribution and inter-compartmental clearance were VC = 27.7 l, VT = 801 l, and CLD = 2.73 l/min. The systolic blood pressure (SBP) was found to influence the propofol metabolic clearance according to Cl (l/min) = 2.65·(1 − 0.00714·(SBP − 135)). There was no significant circadian rhythm detected with respect to propofol pharmacokinetics. The BIS score was assessed as a direct effect model with EC50 equal 1.98 mg/l. There was no significant circadian rhythm detected within the BIS scores. We concluded that the light–dark cycle did not influence propofol pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in intensive care units patients. The lack of night–day differences was also noted for systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and blood oxygenation. Circadian rhythms were detected for heart rate and body temperature, however they were severely disturbed from the pattern of healthy patients

    The mutagenicity analysis of imidapril hydrochloride and its degradant, diketopiperazine derivative, nitrosation mixtures by Ames test with two strains of

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    AimThe evaluation of mutagenic properties of imidapril hydrochloride (IMD) and its degradation impurity, diketopiperazine derivative (DKP), nitrosation mixtures was conducted in order to analyze the carcinogenic risk of IMD long-term treatment in patients. In this study an in vitro Ames test with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium TA 98 and TA 100 strains was used.BackgroundIMD and DKP contain nitrogen atoms, which makes them theoretically vulnerable to in vivo nitrosation with the production of N-nitroso compounds (NOC). NOC, in turn, are known animal mutagens indicating that their endogenous production from nitrosable drugs constitutes a carcinogenic hazard.Materials and methodsPure IMD sample was exposed to forced degradation conditions of increased temperature and dry air in order to achieve a DKP sample. Both samples were then treated with a nitrosating agent and the obtained nitrosation mixtures were subjected to mutagenicity analysis by the Ames test with S. typhimurium TA 98 and TA 100 strains in the presence and absence of metabolic activation system (S9 mix) using a commercial Ames MPF 98/100 microplate format mutagenicity assay kit.ResultsNone of the six concentrations of the investigated nitrosation mixtures exhibited any mutagenic potential in both S. typhimurium strains. The addition of S9 mix did not alter the non-mutagenic properties of the studied compounds.ConclusionsThe nitrite treatment of both studied compounds has no impact on their mutagenic properties under the conditions of the present studies. Hence, IMD and DKP nitrosation mixtures are classified as non-mutagens in this test

    How to stabilize cilazapril-containing solid dosage forms? The optimization of a final drug formulation

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    Cilazapril, a moisture-sensitive compound, is known to undergo rapid degradation which could be additionally facilitated by the presence of excipients that contain or absorb moisture. Hence we investigated the stability of cilazapril in two commercially-available dosage forms and in binary mixtures with the selected excipients used in the studied commercial formulations i.e.: hypromellose, lactose monohydrate, maize starch and talc in order to detect any possible, stability-affecting incompatibilities. Also the impact of the blister made of oriented polyamide/aluminum/polyvinyl chloride//aluminum on cilazapril-containing tablets was researched. A validated HPLC and HPLC-MS methods were used for analysis and the isothermal stress testing conditions were applied (temperature range 318–343 K, relative humidity 76.4% for tablets and temperature 333 K, relative humidity range 50.9–76.4% for binary mixtures). It was shown that the degradation of cilazapril in both, model mixtures and tablets follows the autocatalytic model kinetics and it is more rapid than that observed for pure substance, evidenced by higher degradation rate constants. The immediate packaging protects cilazapril in tablets from degradation only in case of the original drug while in its blistered generic counterpart a slight but statistically insignificant increase of cilazapril decay occurs when compared to bare tablets (p < 0.05). The degradation product of cilazapril in tablets and binary mixtures was identified as cilazaprilat. It was also observed that the increase of relative humidity or the presence of hypromellose, lactose and talc significantly impairs the stability of cilazapril in the aforementioned order. Only maize starch exhibited a positive effect on cilazapril stability (10.8% loss of cilazapril in binary mixture after 360 days of stressing compared to 35% loss of pure cilazapril in analogous test conditions) probably thanks to its moisture-scavenging properties. It was suggested that in the manufacture of cilazapril-containing solid dosage forms the procedure of wet granulation should be avoided while hygroscopic excipients should be substituted by their non-hygroscopic counterparts

    Beyond the boundaries of cardiology: Still untapped anticancer properties of the cardiovascular system-related drugs

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