17 research outputs found

    Ecological and genetic correlates of long-term population trends in the Park Grass Experiment

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    The Park Grass Experiment (PGE) is the longest observed set of experimental plant communities in existence. Although the gross composition of the vegetation was at equilibrium over the 60-yr period from 1920 to 1979, annual records show that individual species exhibited a range of dynamics. We tested two hypotheses to explain why some species initially increased nd why subsequently some of these (the outbreak species) decreased gain. The study was designed around eight phylogenetically ndependent contrasts (PICs), each containing related species with ifferent dynamics. Our first hypothesis was that persistent increasers and utbreakers have higher intrinsic rates of natural increase than ontrol species (species without trends), allowing them to spread hen interspecific competition is reduced by drought. This was tested by measuring establishment and seed production of species in ield experiments, with and without interspecific competition. Seed production in outbreak species responded more strongly to release from interspecific competition than it did in either of the ther groups of species. Our second hypothesis was that outbreak species eventually declined because they lacked the genetic variation ecessary to adapt to the novel habitats to which they had initially spread. We tested this by measuring mating systems and genetic diversity in persistent and outbreak species in the PGE. In seven out of seven PICs tested, the outbreak species was more selfing than its persistent relative. There was a significant positive correlation between outcrossing rate and gene diversity. These results support roles for both ecological and genetic traits in long-term dynamics

    Citizen Science Reveals Unexpected Continental-Scale Evolutionary Change in a Model Organism

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    Organisms provide some of the most sensitive indicators of climate change and evolutionary responses are becoming apparent in species with short generation times. Large datasets on genetic polymorphism that can provide an historical benchmark against which to test for recent evolutionary responses are very rare, but an exception is found in the brown-lipped banded snail (Cepaea nemoralis). This species is sensitive to its thermal environment and exhibits several polymorphisms of shell colour and banding pattern affecting shell albedo in the majority of populations within its native range in Europe. We tested for evolutionary changes in shell albedo that might have been driven by the warming of the climate in Europe over the last half century by compiling an historical dataset for 6,515 native populations of C. nemoralis and comparing this with new data on nearly 3,000 populations. The new data were sampled mainly in 2009 through the Evolution MegaLab, a citizen science project that engaged thousands of volunteers in 15 countries throughout Europe in the biggest such exercise ever undertaken. A known geographic cline in the frequency of the colour phenotype with the highest albedo (yellow) was shown to have persisted and a difference in colour frequency between woodland and more open habitats was confirmed, but there was no general increase in the frequency of yellow shells. This may have been because snails adapted to a warming climate through behavioural thermoregulation. By contrast, we detected an unexpected decrease in the frequency of Unbanded shells and an increase in the Mid-banded morph. Neither of these evolutionary changes appears to be a direct response to climate change, indicating that the influence of other selective agents, possibly related to changing predation pressure and habitat change with effects on micro-climate

    Justify your alpha

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    Benjamin et al. proposed changing the conventional “statistical significance” threshold (i.e.,the alpha level) from p ≤ .05 to p ≤ .005 for all novel claims with relatively low prior odds. They provided two arguments for why lowering the significance threshold would “immediately improve the reproducibility of scientific research.” First, a p-value near .05provides weak evidence for the alternative hypothesis. Second, under certain assumptions, an alpha of .05 leads to high false positive report probabilities (FPRP2 ; the probability that a significant finding is a false positive

    Justify your alpha

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    In response to recommendations to redefine statistical significance to p ≤ .005, we propose that researchers should transparently report and justify all choices they make when designing a study, including the alpha level

    Regression models for censored serological data

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    This paper aims to assess the impact of censored serological measurements on regression equations fitted to data from panels of sera tested by different laboratories, for the purpose of standardising serosurvey results to common units. Several methods that adjust for censoring were compared, such as deletion, simple substitution, multiple imputation and censored regression. Simulations were generated from different scenarios for varying proportions of data censored. The scenarios were based on serological panel comparisons tested by different national laboratories and assays as part of the European Sero-Epidemiology Network (ESEN2) project. The results showed that the simple substitution and deletion methods worked reasonably well for low proportions of data censored (<20%). However, in general, the censored regression method gave estimates closer to the truth than the other methods examined under different scenarios, such as types of equations used and violation of regression assumptions. Interval censored regression produced the least biased estimates for assay data resulting from dilution series. Censored regression produced the least biased estimates in comparison to the other methods examined. In addition, a case has been made for applying in the future interval censored regression for assay data resulting from dilution series