178 research outputs found

    Análisis estructural y modal de las placas adaptación para martillos hidráulicos y minicargadores en condiciones reales de operación

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    En Perú, la necesidad de proyectos de servicios como la instalación de redes de gas para los residentes, ha incrementado la demanda del uso de martillos hidráulicos (HH) con cargadores compactos debido a la baja inversión en comparación con otros equipos de maquinaria y la versatilidad. La facilidad para intercambiar martillos hidráulicos con cucharones para completar las etapas de demolición y limpieza ofrecen para los contratistas una alta productividad en comparación con una operación manual. Por esa razón, el software de diseño virtual Inventor Professional fue usado para diseñar una placa de adaptación con la resistencia y durabilidad adecuadas, lo cual tiene un impacto directo sobre la estructura del martillo hidráulico y el brazo hidráulico del cargador compacto. Simultáneamente, se desarrolló una animación básica para explicar el efecto del estilo de operación sobre los martillos hidráulicos y las placas de adaptación. Finalmente, para este desarrollo, se consideró la construcción de la placa de adaptación como un fusible en el sistema, en caso de que los operadores excedan la capacidad de resistencia de la estructura del martillo hidráulico.//In Perú the need for utility projects such as gas network installation for residents has increased the demand for the use of Hydraulic Hammers (HH) with mini-loaders, due to the low investment required compared to other machinery equipment and to the versatility. The easiness to interchange hydraulic hammers with buckets to complete the demolition and cleaning stages offers for contractors a higher productivity than manual operations. For that reason, the virtual design software Inventor Professional was used to design a suitable adapter plate with adequate resistance and durability, which has a direct impact on the structure of the hydraulic hammer and the hydraulic arm of the skid steers. Simultaneously, a basic animation was developed to explain the effect of the operation style over the hydraulic hammers and the adapter plates. Finally, for this development, it was considered the construction of an adapter plate as a fuse in the system, in case operators exceed the resistance capacity of the hydraulic hammer structure

    Análisis estructural y modal de las placas adaptación para martillos hidráulicos y minicargadores en condiciones reales de operación

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    In Perú the necessity of facility projects such as gas line installation for residents has increased the demand for use of Hydraulic Hammers (HH) with Skid Steers due to the lower amount of investment needed in comparison to other packs of machinery and the versatility. The ability to interchange hydraulic hammers and buckets to complete the demolition and cleaning stages offers higher productivity than manual operations for contractors. For that reason, the virtual design software Inventor Professional was used to design a suitable adapter plate with adequate resistance and durability which has a direct impact on the structure of the hydraulic hammer and the hydraulic arm of the skid steers. Simultaneously, a basic animation was developed to explain the effect of the operation style over the hydraulic hammer and the adapter plate. Finally, for this development, the construction of an adapter plate as a fuse in the system was considered in case operators exceed the resistance capacity of the hydraulic hammer structure.En Perú la necesidad de proyectos de servicios como la instalación de redes de gas para los residentes ha incrementado la demanda del uso de martillos hidráulicos (HH) con minicargadores debido a la baja inversión en comparación con otros equipos de maquinaria y la versatilidad. La facilidad para intercambiar martillos hidráulicos con cucharones para completar las etapas de demolición y limpieza ofrecen una alta productividad en comparación con una operación manual para los contratistas. Por esa razón, el software de diseño virtual Inventor Professional fue usado para diseñar una placa de adaptación con la resistencia y durabilidad adecuadas lo cual tiene un impacto directo sobre la estructura del martillo hidráulico y el brazo hidráulico del minicargador. Simultáneamente, se desarrolló una animación básica para explicar el efecto del estilo de operación sobre los martillos hidráulicos y las placas de adaptación. Finalmente, para este desarrollo, se consideró la construcción de la placa de adaptación como un fusible en el sistema en caso de que los operadores excedan la capacidad de resistencia de la estructura del martillo hidráulico

    Economic challenges and success in the post-COVID era: A CAGE Policy Report

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    In 2008 there was an expectation of major reform to social and economic structures following the financial crisis. The European Union (EU) referendum of 2016, and the UK’s subsequent exit from the EU in 2020, was also signalled as a turning point that would bring about epochal change. Now, in the waning of the coronavirus pandemic, we are experiencing a similar rhetoric. There is widespread agreement that the pandemic will usher in big changes for the economy and society, with the potential for major policy reform. But what will be the long-term impacts of the pandemic on the UK economy? Is the right response a “new settlement” or is some alternative approach likely to be more beneficial? This report puts forward a new perspective on the pandemic-related changes that could be ahead. The central theme is assessing the viability of epochal reform in policymaking. There seems to be a relentless desire for making big changes; however, there is arguably not enough recognition of how current settings and history can hold back these efforts. Foreword by: Dame Frances Cairncross, CBE, FRSE

    Cell and matrix response of temporomandibular cartilage to mechanical loading

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    OBJECTIVES: The generation of transgenic mice expressing green fluorescent proteins (GFPs) has greatly aided our understanding of the development of connective tissues such as bone and cartilage. Perturbation of a biological system such as the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) within its adaptive remodeling capacity is particularly useful in analyzing cellular lineage progression. The objectives of this study were to determine: (i) if GFP reporters expressed in the TMJ indicate the different stages of cell maturation in fibrocartilage and (ii) how mechanical loading affects cellular response in different regions of the cartilage. DESIGN/METHODS: Four-week-old transgenic mice harboring combinations of fluorescent reporters (Dkk3-eGFP, Col1a1(3.6 kb)-GFPcyan, Col1a1(3.6 kb)-GFPtpz, Col2a1-GFPcyan, and Col10a1-RFPcherry) were used to analyze the expression pattern of transgenes in the mandibular condylar cartilage (MCC). To study the effect of TMJ loading, animals were subjected to forced mouth opening with custom springs exerting 50 g force for 1 h/day for 5 days. Dynamic mineralization and cellular proliferation (EdU-labeling) were assessed in loaded vs control mice. RESULTS: Dkk3 expression was seen in the superficial zone of the MCC, followed by Col1 in the cartilage zone, Col2 in the prehypertrophic zone, and Col10 in the hypertrophic zone at and below the tidemark. TMJ loading increased expression of the GFP reporters and EdU-labeling of cells in the cartilage, resulting in a thickness increase of all layers of the cartilage. In addition, mineral apposition increased resulting in Col10 expression by unmineralized cells above the tidemark. CONCLUSION: The TMJ responded to static loading by forming thicker cartilage through adaptive remodeling

    Roxborough park community wildfire evacuation drill: data collection and model benchmarking

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    Wildfires are increasing in scale, frequency and longevity, and are affecting new locations as environmental conditions change. This paper presents a dataset collected during a community evacuation drill performed in Roxborough Park, Colorado (USA) in 2019. This is a wildland-urban interface community including approximately 900 homes. Data concerning several aspects of community response were collected through observations and surveys: initial population location, pre-evacuation times, route use, and arrival times at the evacuation assembly point. Data were used as inputs to benchmark two evacuation models that adopt different modelling approaches. The WUI-NITY platform and the Evacuation Management System model were applied across a range of scenarios where assumptions regarding pre-evacuation delays and the routes used were varied according to original data collection methods (and interpretation of the data generated). Results are mostly driven by the assumptions adopted for pre-evacuation time inputs. This is expected in communities with a low number of vehicles present on the road and relatively limited traffic congestion. The analysis enabled the sensitivity of the modelling approaches to different datasets to be explored, given the different modelling approaches adopted. The performance of the models were sensitive to the data employed (derived from either observations or self-reporting) and the evacuation phases addressed in them. This indicates the importance of monitoring the impact of including data in a model rather than simply on the data itself, as data affects models in different ways given the modelling methods employed. The dataset is released in open access and is deemed to be useful for future wildfire evacuation modelling calibration and validation efforts.This study was supported by National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce under award 60NANB18D255. The EMS was developed by the University of Cantabria within the ASSISTANCE project funded by the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 832576

    Risk factors that affect the recurrence of violence in children and adolescents in Cuenca, Ecuador. Period 2009-2016

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    En América Latina, la región más desigual del mundo, existen demasiados niños, niñas y adolescentes que sufren violencia en sus entornos de protección, es decir en sus familias, aulas, espacios comunitarios u otros. A pesar del marco legal e institucional existentes, la violencia contra la niñez y adolescencia se profundiza. El objetivo de la investigación es identificar los factores de riesgo que inciden en la recurrencia de la violencia contra niños, niñas y adolescentes en Cuenca, en Ecuador en el período 2009-2016. Para ello, se aplica una investigación documental a través de un proceso sistemático de recuperación del archivo de la Junta Cantonal de Protección de Derechos del cantón Cuenca, en Ecuador y que contiene 9441 denuncias de violencia contra la población objeto de investigación. Los resultados muestran, que el 40% de denuncias, corresponden a casos de violencia recurrente, es decir, niños, niñas y adolescentes, cuya agresión fue denunciada, volvieron a sufrirla, dos o más veces; y, en más del 50% de casos, los principales agresores fueron sus progenitores; por otro lado, se identifican factores de riesgo socioeconómicos en los entornos familiar, educativo y comunitario, que inciden en la recurrencia de la violencia. Los hallazgos más relevantes desde lo local, constituyen un insumo para repensar la política pública nacional; y por otro, un aporte desde la interdisciplinariedad.In Latin America, the most unequal region in the world, there are too many children and adolescents who suffer violence in their protective environments, that is, in their families, classrooms, community spaces or others. Despite the existing legal and institutional framework, violence against children and adolescents is deepening. The objective of the research is to identify the risk factors that influence the recurrence of violence against children and adolescents in Cuenca, Ecuador in the period 2009-2016. For this, a documentary investigation is applied through a systematic process of recovering the file of the Cantonal Board for the Protection of Rights of the Cuenca canton, in Ecuador, which contains 9441 complaints of violence against the population under investigation. The results show that 40% of complaints correspond to cases of recurrent violence, that is, children and adolescents, whose aggression was reported, suffered it again, two or more times; and, in more than 50% of cases, the main aggressors were their parents; On the other hand, socio-economic risk factors are identified in family, educational and community settings, which influence the recurrence of violence. The most relevant findings from the local level constitute an input to rethink national public policy; and on the other, a contribution from interdisciplinarity

    Simultaneous Planck, Swift, and Fermi observations of X-ray and gamma-ray selected blazars

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    We present simultaneous Planck, Swift, Fermi, and ground-based data for 105 blazars belonging to three samples with flux limits in the soft X-ray, hard X-ray, and gamma-ray bands. Our unique data set has allowed us to demonstrate that the selection method strongly influences the results, producing biases that cannot be ignored. Almost all the BL Lac objects have been detected by Fermi-LAT, whereas ~40% of the flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) in the radio, soft X-ray, and hard X-ray selected samples are still below the gamma-ray detection limit even after integrating 27 months of Fermi-LAT data. The radio to sub-mm spectral slope of blazars is quite flat up to ~70GHz, above which it steepens to ~-0.65. BL Lacs have significantly flatter spectra than FSRQs at higher frequencies. The distribution of the rest-frame synchrotron peak frequency (\nupS) in the SED of FSRQs is the same in all the blazar samples with =10^13.1 Hz, while the mean inverse-Compton peak frequency, , ranges from 10^21 to 10^22 Hz. The distributions of \nupS and of \nupIC of BL Lacs are much broader and are shifted to higher energies than those of FSRQs and strongly depend on the selection method. The Compton dominance of blazars ranges from ~0.2 to ~100, with only FSRQs reaching values >3. Its distribution is broad and depends strongly on the selection method, with gamma-ray selected blazars peaking at ~7 or more, and radio-selected blazars at values ~1, thus implying that the assumption that the blazar power is dominated by high-energy emission is a selection effect. Simple SSC models cannot explain the SEDs of most of the gamma-ray detected blazars in all samples. The SED of the blazars that were not detected by Fermi-LAT may instead be consistent with SSC emission. Our data challenge the correlation between bolometric luminosity and \nupS predicted by the blazar sequence.Comment: Version accepted by A&A. Joint Planck, Swift, and Fermi collaborations pape