211 research outputs found

    Skötselmetoder för bestånd med produktions- och naturvårdsmål

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    This study is made on assignment by the local board of forestry in Skåne, Blekinge and Halland. The change of the forest law 1994 brought a new type of management plan. A more active planning was introduced in order to equate the environment goal with the production goal. The purpose with this study is to give a better picture of how planning for nature conservation in production forest is made and to develop support for selection of silviculture methods for stands with combined goals. With combined goals means production forestry with a reinforced consideration to both nature and culture, called PF-classified stands. This was done by: • Describing silviculture models from the literature that are possible to use for stands with combined goals. • Describing silviculture models that is used in practice in stands with combined goals. • Describing how the classification of stands with combined goals is used. Which means, were in the terrain, with which frequency and in which type of forest PF-classification is used. • Comparing differences and similarities of theoretical and practical used models. The study was done partly as a literature study and partly as an interview study of forest planners. These planners were active in Halland, Skåne and Blekinge. In order to get as large amount of data as possible planners from local board of forestry , Södra and Skogssällskapet were interviewed. Through the literature study a number of possible silviculture models were developed, for stands with combined goals. It resulted in singletree cutting, selective cutting, regeneration with shelterwood and stands with mixed tree species composition. The results from the analysis of the local forestry boards data shows that all tree-species apart from spruce occurs relatively more often in PF-stands than average. The interviews resulted in five main types of stands with combined goals. The stands are mixed noble deciduous tree, 8 %, older beech stands, 11 %, stand-zones, 14 %, shelterwood of pine, 18 % and production stands of spruce with specific natural or cultural objects 27%. There is an uncertainty among the interviewed forest planners how the different types with combined goals should be managed. They agree that the stands should be managed with continues cover forestry or regeneration under shelterwood. The exeption is spruce with specific natural or cultural objects. This stand type is still managed with traditionally spruce silviculture but with small areas of nature consideration to maintain the protection area.Den här studien gjordes på uppdrag av Skogssvårdsstyrelsen Södra Götaland som innefattar Halland, Skåne och Blekinge. Förändringen av skogsvårdslagen 1994 medförde en ny typ av skogsbruksplan. En aktivare planering infördes för att jämställa miljömålet med produktionsmålet. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att ge en bättre bild av hur naturvårdsplanläggningen görs i produktionsskog, samt att ta fram ett underlag för urval av skötselmetoder för bestånd med kombinerade mål i sydligaste delarna av Sverige. Med kombinerade mål menas då produktion med förstärkt hänsyn till både natur och kultur, kallas PF-klassade bestånd. Detta ska genomföras genom: • Att beskriva skötselmodeller som är tänkbara att använda för bestånd med • Att beskriva skötselmodeller som används i praktiken i bestånd med kombinerade mål. • Att beskriva hur målklassningen av PF används. Det vill säga, var i terrängen, vilken frekvens och i vilken typ av skog PF-klassning förekommer. • Att jämföra skillnader och likheter av teoretiska och praktiskt använda modeller. Studien har genomförts dels genom en förberedande litteraturstudie och därefter en intervju av planläggare. Dessa planläggare är verksamma i Halland, Skåne och Blekinge. För att få så stor spridning som möjligt intervjuades planläggare från Skogsvårdsstyrelsen, Södra och Skogssällskapet. Genom litteraturstudien togs ett antal tänkbara skötselprogram fram, för bestånd med kombinerade mål. Det resulterade i blädningsbruk, plockhuggning och skärmskogsbruk. Resultaten från analysen av Skogsvårdsstyrelsens planläggnings data visar att alla trädslag förutom gran förekommer i större utsträckning i PFbestånd än i den totalt planlagda arealen. Intervjuerna resulterade i fem huvudtyper av bestånd för PF-målklassning. De fem olika typbestånden står tillsammans för 75 procent av den PF-klassade arealen, från SVS planlagda areal under 2000-2001. De bestånden betecknas blandskog av ädellöv, 8 %, äldre bokskog, 11 %, kantzoner, 14 %, överbestånd av grov tall, 18 % och produktionsbestånd av gran med skyddsvärda natur- eller kulturobjekt 27 %. Bland de intervjuade planläggarna finns en osäkerhet hur flera av dessa typbestånd ska skötas. De är dock tämligen överens om att bestånden ska skötas med ett kontinuerligt krontak eller föryngras i mindre skala under skärm. Undantaget är produktionsbestånd av gran med skyddsvärda natur- eller kulturobjekt. Här dominerar den traditionella skötseln men små hänsynsytor lämnas för att bevara skyddsobjektet

    Putatively novel serotypes and the potential for reduced vaccine effectiveness: capsular locus diversity revealed among 5405 pneumococcal genomes.

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    The pneumococcus is a leading global pathogen and a key virulence factor possessed by the majority of pneumococci is an antigenic polysaccharide capsule ('serotype'), which is encoded by the capsular (cps) locus. Approximately 100 different serotypes are known, but the extent of sequence diversity within the cps loci of individual serotypes is not well understood. Investigating serotype-specific sequence variation is crucial to the design of sequence-based serotyping methodology, understanding pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) effectiveness and the design of future PCVs. The availability of large genome datasets makes it possible to assess population-level variation among pneumococcal serotypes and in this study 5405 pneumococcal genomes were used to investigate cps locus diversity among 49 different serotypes. Pneumococci had been recovered between 1916 and 2014 from people of all ages living in 51 countries. Serotypes were deduced bioinformatically, cps locus sequences were extracted and variation was assessed within the cps locus, in the context of pneumococcal genetic lineages. Overall, cps locus sequence diversity varied markedly: low to moderate diversity was revealed among serogroups/types 1, 3, 7, 9, 11 and 22; whereas serogroups/types 6, 19, 23, 14, 15, 18, 33 and 35 displayed high diversity. Putative novel and/or hybrid cps loci were identified among all serogroups/types apart from 1, 3 and 9. This study demonstrated that cps locus sequence diversity varied widely between serogroups/types. Investigation of the biochemical structure of the polysaccharide capsule of major variants, particularly PCV-related serotypes and those that appear to be novel or hybrids, is warranted.This work was supported by a Wellcome Trust Biomedical Research Fund award (04992/Z/14/Z) to M. J. C. M., K. A. J., and A. B. B.; a Wellcome Trust career development fellowship (083511/Z/07/Z) to A. B. B; and a University of Oxford John Fell Fund award (123/734) to A. B. B. Core funding for the Sanger Institute was provided by the Wellcome Trust (098051). Funding for the Icelandic vaccine impact study was provided by GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA and the Landspítali University Hospital Research Fund to K. G. K., A. H., H. E., S. D. B., and A. B. B

    Genomics Reveals the Worldwide Distribution of Multidrug-Resistant Serotype 6E Pneumococci.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files. This article is open access.The pneumococcus is a leading pathogen infecting children and adults. Safe, effective vaccines exist, and they work by inducing antibodies to the polysaccharide capsule (unique for each serotype) that surrounds the cell; however, current vaccines are limited by the fact that only a few of the nearly 100 antigenically distinct serotypes are included in the formulations. Within the serotypes, serogroup 6 pneumococci are a frequent cause of serious disease and common colonizers of the nasopharynx in children. Serotype 6E was first reported in 2004 but was thought to be rare; however, we and others have detected serotype 6E among recent pneumococcal collections. Therefore, we analyzed a diverse data set of ∼1,000 serogroup 6 genomes, assessed the prevalence and distribution of serotype 6E, analyzed the genetic diversity among serogroup 6 pneumococci, and investigated whether pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-induced serotype 6A and 6B antibodies mediate the killing of serotype 6E pneumococci. We found that 43% of all genomes were of serotype 6E, and they were recovered worldwide from healthy children and patients of all ages with pneumococcal disease. Four genetic lineages, three of which were multidrug resistant, described ∼90% of the serotype 6E pneumococci. Serological assays demonstrated that vaccine-induced serotype 6B antibodies were able to elicit killing of serotype 6E pneumococci. We also revealed three major genetic clusters of serotype 6A capsular sequences, discovered a new hybrid 6C/6E serotype, and identified 44 examples of serotype switching. Therefore, while vaccines appear to offer protection against serotype 6E, genetic variants may reduce vaccine efficacy in the longer term because of the emergence of serotypes that can evade vaccine-induced immunity

    Genomic Analyses of >3,100 Nasopharyngeal Pneumococci Revealed Significant Differences Between Pneumococci Recovered in Four Different Geographical Regions.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadUnderstanding the structure of a bacterial population is essential in order to understand bacterial evolution. Estimating the core genome (those genes common to all, or nearly all, strains of a species) is a key component of such analyses. The size and composition of the core genome varies by dataset, but we hypothesized that the variation between different collections of the same bacterial species would be minimal. To investigate this, we analyzed the genome sequences of 3,118 pneumococci recovered from healthy individuals in Reykjavik (Iceland), Southampton (United Kingdom), Boston (United States), and Maela (Thailand). The analyses revealed a "supercore" genome (genes shared by all 3,118 pneumococci) of 558 genes, although an additional 354 core genes were shared by pneumococci from Reykjavik, Southampton, and Boston. Overall, the size and composition of the core and pan-genomes among pneumococci recovered in Reykjavik, Southampton, and Boston were similar. Maela pneumococci were distinctly different in that they had a smaller core genome and larger pan-genome. The pan-genome of Maela pneumococci contained several >25 Kb sequence regions (flanked by pneumococcal genes) that were homologous to genomic regions found in other bacterial species. Overall, our work revealed that some subsets of the global pneumococcal population are highly heterogeneous, and our hypothesis was rejected. This is an important finding in terms of understanding genetic variation among pneumococci and is also an essential point of consideration before generalizing the findings from a single dataset to the wider pneumococcal population.Wellcome Trust Biomedical Research Fund award Wellcome Trust Research Fellowship University of Oxford John Fell Fund award Wellcome Trust Eimskipa University Fund GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA Landspitali University Hospital Research Fun

    Population structure of Streptococcus oralis

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    Streptococcus oralis is a member of the normal human oral microbiota, capable of opportunistic pathogenicity; like related oral streptococci, it exhibits appreciable phenotypic and genetic variation. A multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme for S. oralis was developed and the resultant data analysed to examine the population structure of the species. Analysis of 113 isolates, confirmed as belonging to the S. oralis/mitis group by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, characterized the population as highly diverse and undergoing inter- and intra-species recombination with a probable clonal complex structure. ClonalFrame analysis of these S. oralis isolates along with examples of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus mitis and Streptococcus pseudopneumoniae grouped the named species into distinct, coherent populations and did not support the clustering of S. pseudopneumoniae with S. mitis as reported previously using distance-based methods. Analysis of the individual loci suggested that this discrepancy was due to the possible hybrid nature of S. pseudopneumoniae. The data are available on the public MLST website (http://pubmlst.org/soralis/)

    CRIM1 is localized to the podocyte filtration slit diaphragm of the adult human kidney

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    Background. CRIM1 is a plasma membrane bound protein containing six cysteine-rich repeats (CRR). Through these, CRIM1 has been shown to interact with a subgroup of the TGF-β superfamily, the bone morphogenic proteins (BMP) isoforms 2, 4 and 7. The probable action is to modulate the signalling properties of these factors. CRIM1 has also been shown to regulate the release of VEGFA by podocytes during renal organogenesis. Knock-out studies in mice have shown that CRIM1 is critically involved in the development of the central nervous system, eye and kidney. Replacement of CRIM1 with a defective version leads to renal dysgenesis and perinatal death. We have analysed the distribution of CRIM1 in adult human renal tissue

    談話における結束性とその指導(1) : 同一物指示について

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    英語の話し手は,ある一節を読んだり,聞いたりすると,それがテクストを成しているか,そうでないか容易に判断することができる。このことから,テクストには,そのまとまりを保証している何らかの特徴が存在し,話し手はこれを手がかりにして判断していると考えることができる。それでは,何がテクストであり,何がテクストでないかを判断する客観的な言語的特徴とはどのようなものなのか。本稿では,英語の文章を正しく理解したり,さらに進んで英語で話をしたり,文章を書いたりするときに,まとまりのあるものにするために必要な言語的な手段を具体例を挙げて見ていくことにする。This paper presents a comparative pragmatic analysis of cohesion in English and Japanese discourse. If a speaker of English or Japanese hears or reads a passage of the language which is more than one sentence in length, the speaker usually identifies without difficulty whether it forms a text or is just a collection of fragments of sentences. This paper inquires into what makes the difference between the two with special reference to reference in the framework of Halliday and Hasan (1976)

    A DHODH inhibitor increases p53 synthesis and enhances tumor cell killing by p53 degradation blockage

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    ML, CD, IvL, GP, TM, SD, MS, APF, CT, DL, MAH, KL and SL: project grants from the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Cancer Society and the Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation. MHi and JC: Cancer Research UK (C8/A6613). MC, EP and WE: Wellcome Trust (073915). MN and BV: projects MEYS-NPS-LO1413 and GACR P206/12/G151. EMC, MP, MMS, ZF and PG: Norwegian Cancer Society (182735, 732200) and Helse Vest (911884, 911789). RB and SC: NIH (R01 CA95684), the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and the Waxman Foundation. NW, AH, Ad’H: Cancer Research UK (C21383/A6950) and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Doctoral Training Program. JL and YZ: Cancer Research UK (C240/A15751). MH and BW: SARomics Biostructures ABUY, KF: DDDP SciLife, Sweden. LJ, MHa, RS and A-LG: CBCS, Sweden. VP: SciLife fellowship. AT: Breast Cancer Research Scotland.The development of non-genotoxic therapies that activate wild-type p53 in tumors is of great interest since the discovery of p53 as a tumor suppressor. Here we report the identification of over 100 small-molecules activating p53 in cells. We elucidate the mechanism of action of a chiral tetrahydroindazole (HZ00), and through target deconvolution, we deduce that its active enantiomer (R)-HZ00, inhibits dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH). The chiral specificity of HZ05, a more potent analog, is revealed by the crystal structure of the (R)-HZ05/DHODH complex. Twelve other DHODH inhibitor chemotypes are detailed among the p53 activators, which identifies DHODH as a frequent target for structurally diverse compounds. We observe that HZ compounds accumulate cancer cells in S-phase, increase p53 synthesis, and synergize with an inhibitor of p53 degradation to reduce tumor growth in vivo. We, therefore, propose a strategy to promote cancer cell killing by p53 instead of its reversible cell cycle arresting effect.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Large Mesopelagic Fishes Biomass and Trophic Efficiency in the Open Ocean

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    With a current estimate of B1,000 million tons, mesopelagic fishes likely dominate the world total fishes biomass. However, recent acoustic observations show that mesopelagic fishes biomass could be significantly larger than the current estimate. Here we combine modelling and a sensitivity analysis of the acoustic observations from the Malaspina 2010 Circumnavigation Expedition to show that the previous estimate needs to be revised to at least one order of magnitude higher. We show that there is a close relationship between the open ocean fishes biomass and primary production, and that the energy transfer efficiency from phytoplankton to mesopelagic fishes in the open ocean is higher than what is typically assumed. Our results indicate that the role of mesopelagic fishes in oceanic ecosystems and global ocean biogeochemical cycles needs to be revised as they may be respiring B10% of the primary production in deep water