1,378 research outputs found

    Advertising with art. The art infusion as a branding strategy for premium brands

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    El arte y la publicidad se influyen y, a día de hoy, confluyen. La dimensión artística de la publicidad se impone en un mercado altamente competitivo y con un consumidor cada vez más informado y sobreexpuesto a los mensajes publicitarios. En este contexto, las marcas premium recurren al efecto de transfusión del arte para diferenciarse, ganar prestigio y posicionarse como alternativa a las marcas de lujo. El artículo propone una reflexión teórica que valida dicha estrategia de branding mediante una revisión bibliográfica exploratoria y descriptiva del estado actual de la cuestión que pueda resultar de interés para futuros análisis sobre este campo de estudio.Art and advertising are influenced and, today, come together. Artistic dimension of advertising prevails in a highly competitive market with an increasingly informed and overexposed consumer to the advertising messages. In this context, premium brands resort to the art infusion to differentiate, gain prestige and position in the mind of the consumer as an alternative to luxury brands. The article proposes a theoretical reflection that validates this branding strategy through an exploratory and descriptive bibliographical review of the current state of the art that may be of interest for future analyzes in this field of study

    Una Experiencia en el diseño y la impartición de una asignatura en torno a la metodología del aprendizaje basado en proyectos

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    En este artículo presentamos nuestra experiencia en la creación e impartición de una asignatura sobre Arquitecturas Software que aplica la metodología del aprendizaje basado en proyectos. La asignatura pertenece a una joven titulación de Máster Oficial creada bajo los principios del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) y actualmente ofrecida por la Universidad de Sevilla como parte de su oferta de estudios de postgrado. Las decisiones tomadas en el diseño de la asignatura en torno a una metodología activa y las conclusiones extraídas de su impartición pueden ser de ayuda a otros profesores durante el proceso de adaptación de las diferentes titulaciones al EEES.Peer Reviewe

    Manual Borehole Drilling as a Cost-Effective Solution for Drinking Water Access in Low-Income Contexts

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    Water access remains a challenge in rural areas of low-income countries. Manual drilling technologies have the potential to enhance water access by providing a low cost drinking water alternative for communities in low and middle income countries. This paper provides an overview of the main successes and challenges experienced by manual boreholes in the last two decades. A review of the existing methods is provided, discussing their advantages and disadvantages and comparing their potential against alternatives such as excavated wells and mechanized boreholes. Manual boreholes are found to be a competitive solution in relatively soft rocks, such as unconsolidated sediments and weathered materials, as well as and in hydrogeological settings characterized by moderately shallow water tables. Ensuring professional workmanship, the development of regulatory frameworks, protection against groundwater pollution and standards for quality assurance rank among the main challenges for the future

    Preparing for generation Z:how can technology enhanced learning be firmly embedded in our students' learning experience? A case study from Abertay University

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    Abertay is a relatively small, modern university (undergraduate population of around 4000) with a wide portfolio and a diverse student population. Around 35% of our students are direct entry from local partner colleges to years 2 and 3 of our programmes and a significant number are first generation higher education within their families. As such, partnership working with colleges and support to aid student transitions are key aspects of Abertay’s provision. Since 2013/14, the university has developed and implemented a new Teaching and Learning Enhancement strategy that has catalysed wholescale transformation across the institution. This paper provides an overview of technology enhanced learning at the university with the drivers for change being to the quality of our students' learning experience, improve student retention and progression and enhance learners’ engagement

    Modulation instability-induced fading in phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometry

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    Phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometry (?OTDR) is a simple and effective tool allowing the distributed monitoring of vibrations along single-mode fibers. We show in this Letter that modulation instability (MI) can induce a position-dependent signal fading in long-range ?OTDR over conventional optical fibers. This fading leads to a complete masking of the interference signal recorded at certain positions and therefore to a sensitivity loss at these positions. We illustrate this effect both theoretically and experimentally. While this effect is detrimental in the context of distributed vibration analysis using ?OTDR, we also believe that the technique provides a clear and insightful way to evidence the Fermi?Pasta?Ulam recurrence associated with the MI process

    Quantum-information engines with many-body states attaining optimal extractable work with quantum control

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    We introduce quantum information engines that extract work from quantum states and a single thermal reservoir. They may operate under three general conditions—(1) unitarily steered evolution (US), driven by a restricted set of available Hamiltonians; (2) irreversible thermalization (IT), and (3) isothermal relaxation (IR)—and hence are called USITIR machines. They include novel engines without traditional feedback control mechanisms, as well as versions which also include them. Explicit constructions of USITIR engines are presented for oneand two-qubit states and their maximum extractable work is computed, which is optimal. Optimality is achieved when the notions of controllable thermalizability and density matrix controllability are fulfilled. Then many-body extensions of USITIR engines are also analyzed and conditions for optimal work extraction are identified. When they are not met, we measure their lack of optimality by means of newly defined uncontrollable entropies, which are explicitly computed for some selected examples. This includes cases of distinguishable and indistinguishable particles

    Measuring the desire for control: a Spanish version of Burger and Cooper's Scale

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    The following study will present findings on the validity of the adaptation of the Burger and Cooper’s Desirability of Control Scale into Spanish. Two samples are present: the first involving 1,999 people to study their psychometric properties. In the second sample, 111 people were included to estimate test/ retest reliability. Cultural adaptation was performed using the translation & back-translation method. Item analysis, internal consistency and test/retest reliability were assessed, then evidence of the validity of the internal structure was determined by using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Subject recruitment was performed to gather the 1,999 subjects stratified by age, gender quotas as designed in the sampling plan. Of the subjects, 51% were female, average age of 45 years old (SD = 17.5). All items from the original scale were understood correctly, while five items presented ceiling effect. Cronbach’s alpha = .736 and a test-retest correlation r = .713 were obtained. The factor structure indicated the presence of four dimensions: forecast, autonomy, power and influence and reactance which were reassured in the confirmatory analysis (χ2/df = 4.805, CFI =.932, TLI =.954, RMSEA = .062). The basic dimensions of the scale have shown to be stable and well-defined, though not perfect. The scope, possible applications of the scale and further research are later proposed and discussed.Se presenta la adaptación y validación al español de la Escala de Deseo de Control de Burger y Cooper. Se emplearon dos muestras. Para estudiar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala se contó con una primera muestra de 1999 (Medad = 45 años, DS = 17,5; 51% mujeres). Para estimar la fiabilidad test-retest se contó con una segunda muestra de 111 personas. La adaptación cultural se llevó a cabo mediante el procedimiento de traducción–retrotraducción. Se presentan las evidencias de validez de la estructura interna de la escala mediante los resultados de sendos análisis factoriales, exploratorio y confirmatorio. El análisis de ítems reveló que todos los elementos presentaron unos valores aceptables, aunque cinco de ellos mostraron efecto techo. El Alfa de Cronbach fue de .736 y la Fiabilidad test–retest fue de .713. La estructura factorial indicó la presencia de cuatro dimensiones: previsión, autonomía, poder e influencia y reactancia. La estructura fue corroborada en el análisis confirmatorio (χ2/df = 4.805, CFI = .932, TLI = .954, RMSEA = .062). Las dimensiones de la escala son estables y específicas, aunque no perfectas. Se discute el alcance y posibles aplicaciones de la escala y se proponen futuras investigaciones