79 research outputs found

    Henry James, « The Turn of the Screw » : l’angoisse au temps de l’Autre qui n’existe pas

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    Dans la préface qu’il rédigea à l’occasion de la publication en un même volume de « The Aspem Papers » et « The Turn of the Screw », Henry James situe à l’origine de la composition de la seconde nouvelle, le souvenir d’une conversation portant sur la nostalgie d’un genre à jamais disparu : The good, the really effective and heart-shaking ghost-stories (roughly to term them) appeared all to have been told, and neither new crop nor new type in any quarter awaited us. The new type indeed, the me..

    Limnological variations of a reservoir during two successive years: one wet, another dry

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    Changes in environmental variables, as well as in planktonic algae and in crustacean zooplankton abundance, were investigated in a meso-eutrophic reservoir during two successive years: one wet, another dry. In the wet winter, both total phosphorus and soluble reactive phosphorus reached their maxima, whereas water transparency achieved the minimum during the same period. The obtained data suggest that total phosphorus and soluble reactive phosphorus peaks were related to the increase in nutrient loading as a consequence of the intense rainfall which occurred during this period. Phytoplankton composition was dominated by Cyclotella spp., except during the dry winter when Anabaena became dominant. The dominance of this alga seemed to be related to nitrate depletion. The establishment of more stable environmental conditions (e.g. low water turbulence, longer water retention time) and the increase of irradiance during the dry period (summer 2001 and winter 2001/2002) also favoured growth of this cyanobacterium. Concomitant to Anabaena dominance, Ceriodaphnia abundance decreased while nauplii increased. Although variation between the two years of study seemed to be related to the sequence of a pluvial and a dry year, further research is needed to evaluate whether variations in precipitation intensity influence reservoir ecological processes

    The dinoflagellate cyst genera Achomosphaera Evitt 1963 and Spiniferites Mantell 1850 in Pliocene to modern sediments: a summary of round table discussions

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    Source at https://doi.org/10.1080/01916122.2018.1465739. We present a summary of two round-table discussions held during two subsequent workshops in Montreal (Canada) on 16 April 2014 and Ostend (Belgium) on 8 July 2015. Five species of the genus Achomosphaera Evitt 1963 and 33 of the genus Spiniferites Mantell 1850 emend. Sarjeant 1970 occuring in Pliocene to modern sediments are listed and briefly described along with remarks made by workshop participants. In addition, several holotypes and topotypes are reillustrated. Three species previously assigned to Spiniferites are here considered/accepted as belonging to other genera: Impagidinium inaequalis (Wall and Dale in Wall et al.1973) Londeix et al. 2009, Spiniferites? rubinus (Rossignol 1962 ex Rossignol 1964) Sarjeant 1970, and Thalassiphora balcanica Baltes ̧ 1971. This summary forms the basis for a set of papers that follows, where points raised during the workshops are explored in greater detail

    Weight change during chemotherapy changes the prognosis in non metastatic breast cancer for the worse

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Weight change during chemotherapy is reported to be associated with a worse prognosis in breast cancer patients, both with weight gain and weight loss. However, most studies were conducted prior to the common use of anthracycline-base chemotherapy and on North American populations with a mean BMI classified as overweight. Our study was aimed to evaluate the prognostic value of weight change during anthracycline-based chemotherapy on non metastatic breast cancer (European population) with a long term follow-up.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Patients included 111 women diagnosed with early stage breast cancer and locally advanced breast cancer who have been treated by anthracycline-based chemotherapy regimen between 1976 and 1989. The relative percent weight variation (WV) between baseline and postchemotherapy treatment was calculated and categorized into either weight change (WV > 5%) or stable (WV < 5%). The median follow-up was 20.4 years [19.4 - 27.6]. Cox proportional hazard models were used to evaluate any potential association of weight change and known prognostic factors with the time to recurrence and overall survival.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Baseline BMI was 24.4 kg/m2 [17.1 - 40.5]. During chemotherapy treatment, 31% of patients presented a notable weight variation which was greater than 5% of their initial weight.</p> <p>In multivariate analyses, weight change (> 5%) was positively associated with an increased risk of both recurrence (RR 2.28; 95% CI: 1.29-4.03) and death (RR 2.11; 95% CI: 1.21-3.66).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest that weight change during breast-cancer chemotherapy treatment may be related to poorer prognosis with higher reccurence and higher mortality in comparison to women who maintained their weight.</p

    Patient-directed self-management of pain (PaDSMaP) compared to treatment as usual following total knee replacement; a randomised controlled trial

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    Background Self-administration of medicines by patients whilst in hospital is being increasingly promoted despite little evidence to show the risks and benefits. Pain control after total knee replacement (TKR) is known to be poor. The aim of the study was to determine if patients operated on with a TKR who self-medicate their oral analgesics in the immediate post-operative period have better pain control than those who receive their pain control by nurse-led drug rounds (Treatment as Usual (TAU)). Methods A prospective, parallel design, open-label, randomised controlled trial comparing pain control in patient-directed self-management of pain (PaDSMaP) with nurse control of oral analgesia (TAU) after a TKR. Between July 2011 and March 2013, 144 self-medicating adults were recruited at a secondary care teaching hospital in the UK. TAU patients (n = 71) were given medications by a nurse after their TKR. PaDSMaP patients (n = 73) took oral medications for analgesia and co-morbidities after two 20 min training sessions reinforced with four booklets. Primary outcome was pain (100 mm visual analogue scale (VAS)) at 3 days following TKR surgery or at discharge (whichever came soonest). Seven patients did not undergo surgery for reasons unrelated to the study and were excluded from the intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis. Results ITT analysis did not detect any significant differences between the two groups’ pain scores. A per protocol (but underpowered) analysis of the 60% of patients able to self-medicate found reduced pain compared to the TAU group at day 3/discharge, (VAS -9.9 mm, 95% CI -18.7, − 1.1). One patient in the self-medicating group over-medicated but suffered no harm. Conclusion Self-medicating patients did not have better (lower) pain scores compared to the nurse-managed patients following TKR. This cohort of patients were elderly with multiple co-morbidities and may not be the ideal target group for self-medication

    De Prométhée à Frankenstein, ou d’un mythe à l’autre

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    Fruit de la conjonction d’un rêve, d’un jeu littéraire et de conversations philosophiques entre Lord Byron et Percy Bysshe Shelley auxquelles Mary Shelley assista en silence, Frankenstein naquit, non du vide mais du chaos, à l’instar de la conception que défend l’auteur dans la préface quant à l’origine de toute invention : « Invention, it must be humbly admitted, does not consist in creating out of void, but out of chaos ». « Everything must have a beginning, to speak in Sanchean phrase ; an..

    Mémoire et création dans l'œuvre de Lewis Carroll

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    Durch die Gegenüberstellung der wissenschaftlichen und literarischen Werke von Lewis Carroll kann man die Bedeutung der Erinnerung an die Ordnung (die Kindheit wird als die Zeit der Ordnung, des Rationalen aufgefaßt) erkennen, die der Schreibprozeß im Rahmen eines als rational betrachteten Gedächtnisses an Worte wiederzugeben sucht. Das literarische Schaffen wehrt sich gegen das Eingreifen der Subjektivität eines individuellen Gedächtnisses, das mit einem Sinnverlust verbunden ist und doch allein triumphiert, wenn die Wörter in den Alice Books unaufhörlich das Scheitern einer Festlegung der Ordnung als rationales Gedächtnis der Wörter wiederholen. Die Alice Books , die zum Gedächtnis-Werk einer bestimmten historischen und literarischen Periode geworden sind, Träger philosophischer Fragestellungen, erforschen den Bereich des Schaffens, seines Ursprungs in der Begegnung einer Sensibilität und einer philoso¬ phischen Situation, die zugänglich ist durch die Möglichkeit, die dem Leser geboten wird, sie immer wieder zu reproduzieren, zu wiederholen und seine Erinnerung darin festzuhalten.A comparative analysis of both the literary and scientific works of Lewis Carroll reveals what is at stake in the rememberance of order — where childhood is the time of rational order — that writing tries to recreate through some rational memory posited in words. Then, creation arises at the expense of the involvment of subjectivity, of individual memory linked with the loss of rational meaning. Nevertheless, individual memory alone triumphs when in the Alice Books words unceasingly repeat the failure to assert order as the rational memory of meaning. Having come to embody the memory of a given historical and literary period, bearing its philosophical questions, the Alice Books explore the field of creation, from its origins in the meeting of a sensibility and a philosophical conjecture to its import through the revelation of die possibility offered to the reader always to reproduce and rewrite the work and therein always to inscribe and construct his own memory.C'est par la confrontation des œuvres scientifiques et littéraires de Lewis Carroll que l'on peut saisir l'enjeu de la mémoire de l'ordre (l'enfance étant conçue comme le temps de l'ordre, du rationnel) que l'écriture cherche à reproduire à travers une supposée mémoire rationnelle des mots. La création se joue alors contre l'intervention de la subjectivité, d'une mémoire individuelle qui s'articule à la perte du sens rationnel et qui est pourtant la seule triomphante quand dans les Alice Books les mots ne cessent de répéter l'échec de la fixation de l'ordre comme mémoire rationnelle des mots. Devenue œuvre-mémoire d'une période historique et littéraire donnée, porteuse de ses interrogations philosophiques, les Alice Books explorent le champ de la création, de son origine dans la rencontre d'une sensibilité et d'une conjoncture philosophique, à sa portée par l'aveu de la possibilité ouverte au lecteur de toujours la reproduire, la refaire et de toujours y inscrire et constituer sa mémoire.Una comparación de las obras literarias y científicas de Lewis Carroll revelan cuán importante es la memoria del orden — siendo la infancia el tiempo del orden racional — que trata de reproducir la escritura a través de ima supuesta memoria racional de las palabras. Así la creación se manifiesta a expensas de la incursión de la subjetividad, de una memoria individual articulada con la pérdida del sentido racional. Y sin embargo, dicha memoria individual es la única que triunfa al repetir las palabras, en los Alice Books, su fracaso en fijar al orden como memoria racional del sentido. Obra-memoria de un período histórico, y literario, vehículo de sus interrogaciones filosóficas, los Atíce Books exploran el campo de la creación, desde sus orígenes al encontrarse una sensibilidad con una coyuntura filosófica, hasta su actualización al revelarse que el lector siempre podrá reproducirla, rehacerla y así construir su propia memoria.Marret Sophie. Mémoire et création dans l'œuvre de Lewis Carroll. In: Cahiers de Fontenay, n°53-54, 1989. Mémoire et création. pp. 51-59

    Lire et écrire le mythe

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    Fruit de la décision de chercheurs d’écrire ensemble un ouvrage qui rendrait compte de leur réflexion au cours des réunions de leur laboratoire, l’ouvrage interroge les rapports d’écart et de proximité de la littérature avec le mythe. Il part d’un examen de la notion de mythe dont la complexité et les définitions divergentes ne manquent pas de frapper. L’ambiguïté commence avec le support du mythe, peu interrogé par les anthropologues quand ils renvoient à un ensemble de récits à caractère sa..

    De l’aporie signifiante à l’impossible à dire : Waiting for the Barbarians de J. M. Coetzee, un roman victime de son propre discours

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    This article concerns questions of significatory aporia and Freudian theory in J.M. Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians

    Metalanguage in Lewis Carroll

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