112 research outputs found

    Neural Circuits and Synapses for Early Stage Visual Processing.

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    Ganglion cells are the output neurons of the retina and send visual information through the optic nerve to various targets in the brain. There are ~20 types of ganglion cell, and most types encode contrast, the variance in light intensity around the mean level. This thesis investigates how retinal circuits and synapses encode contrast. At the first level of light processing, cone photoreceptors release glutamate onto ON and OFF bipolar cells, which respond to objects brighter or darker than the background and release glutamate onto the corresponding type of ganglion cell. This thesis demonstrates how excitatory and inhibitory synapses work in concert to encode light information in three ganglion cell types: ON Alpha, OFF Alpha, and OFF Delta cells. First, I demonstrate that excitatory synapses adapt following prolonged stimulation. Following a switch from high to low contrast, a ganglion cell rapidly decreases its responsiveness and recovers slowly over several seconds. This slow adaptation arises from reduced glutamate release from presynaptic bipolar cells. Glutamate released from bipolar cells binds to α-amino-3-hydroxyl-5- methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate (AMPA) and N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptors on ganglion cell dendrites. NMDA-mediated responses were present in multiple ganglion cell types but absent in one type, the ON Alpha cell. OFF Alpha and Delta cells used NMDA receptors for encoding different contrast ranges: the full range (Alpha), including near-threshold responses, versus a high range (Delta). The Delta cell expresses the NR2B subunit, consistent with an extra-synaptic NMDA receptor location that is activated by glutamate spillover during high contrast stimulation. The contrast-independent role for NMDA receptors in OFF Alpha cells correlated with two circuit properties: high contrast sensitivity and low presynaptic basal glutamate release. In addition to excitatory glutamate synapses, OFF ganglion cells are driven by the removal of synaptic inhibition (disinhibition). Experiments implicate the AII amacrine cell, better known for its role in rod vision, as a critical circuit element through the following pathway: cone -> ON cone bipolar cell -> AII cell -> OFF ganglion cell. These results show a new role for disinhibition in the retina and suggest a new role for the AII amacrine cell in daylight vision.Ph.D.NeuroscienceUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64637/1/manookin_1.pd

    Photopharmacologic Vision Restoration Reduces Pathological Rhythmic Field Potentials in Blind Mouse Retina

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    Photopharmacology has yielded compounds that have potential to restore impaired visual responses resulting from outer retinal degeneration diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa. Here we evaluate two photoswitchable azobenzene ion channel blockers, DAQ and DAA for vision restoration. DAQ exerts its effect primarily on RGCs, whereas DAA induces light-dependent spiking primarily through amacrine cell activation. Degeneration-induced local field potentials remain a major challenge common to all vision restoration approaches. These 5-10 Hz rhythmic potentials increase the background firing rate of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and overlay the stimulated response, thereby reducing signal-to-noise ratio. Along with the bipolar cell-selective photoswitch DAD and second-generation RGC-targeting photoswitch PhENAQ, we investigated the effects of DAA and DAQ on rhythmic local field potentials (LFPs) occurring in the degenerating retina. We found that photoswitches targeting neurons upstream of RGCs, DAA (amacrine cells) and DAD (bipolar cells) suppress the frequency of LFPs, while DAQ and PhENAQ (RGCs) had negligible effects on frequency or spectral power of LFPs. Taken together, these results demonstrate remarkable diversity of cell-type specificity of photoswitchable channel blockers in the retina and suggest that specific compounds may counter rhythmic LFPs to produce superior signal-to-noise characteristics in vision restoration

    General features of the retinal connectome determine the computation of motion anticipation

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    Motion anticipation allows the visual system to compensate for the slow speed of phototransduction so that a moving object can be accurately located. This correction is already present in the signal that ganglion cells send from the retina but the biophysical mechanisms underlying this computation are not known. Here we demonstrate that motion anticipation is computed autonomously within the dendritic tree of each ganglion cell and relies on feedforward inhibition. The passive and non-linear interaction of excitatory and inhibitory synapses enables the somatic voltage to encode the actual position of a moving object instead of its delayed representation. General rather than specific features of the retinal connectome govern this computation: an excess of inhibitory inputs over excitatory, with both being randomly distributed, allows tracking of all directions of motion, while the average distance between inputs determines the object velocities that can be compensated for

    Crossover inhibition generates sustained visual responses in the inner retina

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    In daylight, the input to the retinal circuit is provided primarily by cone photoreceptors acting as band-pass filters, but the retinal output also contains neuronal populations transmitting sustained signals. Using in vivo imaging of genetically encoded calcium reporters, we investigated the circuits that generate these sustained channels within the inner retina of zebrafish. In OFF bipolar cells, sustained transmission was found to depend on crossover inhibition from the ON pathway through GABAergic amacrine cells. In ON bipolar cells, the amplitude of low-frequency signals was regulated by glycinergic amacrine cells, while GABAergic inhibition regulated the gain of band-pass signals. We also provide the first functional description of a subset of sustained ON bipolar cells in which synaptic activity was suppressed by fluctuations at frequencies above ∼0.2 Hz. These results map out the basic circuitry by which the inner retina generates sustained visual signals and describes a new function of crossover inhibition

    General features of inhibition in the inner retina

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    Visual processing starts in the retina. Within only two synaptic layers, a large number of parallel information channels emerge, each encoding a highly processed feature like edges or the direction of motion. Much of this functional diversity arises in the inner plexiform layer, where inhibitory amacrine cells modulate the excitatory signal of bipolar and ganglion cells. Studies investigating individual amacrine cell circuits like the starburst or A17 circuit have demonstrated that single types can possess specific morphological and functional adaptations to convey a particular function in one or a small number of inner retinal circuits. However, the interconnected and often stereotypical network formed by different types of amacrine cells across the inner plexiform layer prompts that they should be also involved in more general computations. In line with this notion, different recent studies systematically analysing inner retinal signalling at a population level provide evidence that general functions of the ensemble of amacrine cells across types are critical for establishing universal principles of retinal computation like parallel processing or motion anticipation. Combining recent advances in the development of indicators for imaging inhibition with large-scale morphological and genetic classifications will help to further our understanding of how single amacrine cell circuits act together to help decompose the visual scene into parallel information channels. In this review, we aim to summarise the current state-of-the-art in our understanding of how general features of amacrine cell inhibition lead to general features of computation
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