18 research outputs found

    Alzheimer disease models and human neuropathology: similarities and differences

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    Animal models aim to replicate the symptoms, the lesions or the cause(s) of Alzheimer disease. Numerous mouse transgenic lines have now succeeded in partially reproducing its lesions: the extracellular deposits of Aβ peptide and the intracellular accumulation of tau protein. Mutated human APP transgenes result in the deposition of Aβ peptide, similar but not identical to the Aβ peptide of human senile plaque. Amyloid angiopathy is common. Besides the deposition of Aβ, axon dystrophy and alteration of dendrites have been observed. All of the mutations cause an increase in Aβ 42 levels, except for the Arctic mutation, which alters the Aβ sequence itself. Overexpressing wild-type APP alone (as in the murine models of human trisomy 21) causes no Aβ deposition in most mouse lines. Doubly (APP × mutated PS1) transgenic mice develop the lesions earlier. Transgenic mice in which BACE1 has been knocked out or overexpressed have been produced, as well as lines with altered expression of neprilysin, the main degrading enzyme of Aβ. The APP transgenic mice have raised new questions concerning the mechanisms of neuronal loss, the accumulation of Aβ in the cell body of the neurons, inflammation and gliosis, and the dendritic alterations. They have allowed some insight to be gained into the kinetics of the changes. The connection between the symptoms, the lesions and the increase in Aβ oligomers has been found to be difficult to unravel. Neurofibrillary tangles are only found in mouse lines that overexpress mutated tau or human tau on a murine tau −/− background. A triply transgenic model (mutated APP, PS1 and tau) recapitulates the alterations seen in AD but its physiological relevance may be discussed. A number of modulators of Aβ or of tau accumulation have been tested. A transgenic model may be analyzed at three levels at least (symptoms, lesions, cause of the disease), and a reading key is proposed to summarize this analysis

    Dentate gyrus volume is reduced before onset of plaque formation in PDAPP mice: A magnetic resonance microscopy and stereologic analysis

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    High-resolution magnetic resonance microscopy (MRM) was used to determine regional brain volumetric changes in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. These transgenic (Tg) mice overexpress human mutant amyloid precursor protein (APP) V717F under control of platelet-derived growth factor promoter (PDAPP mice), and cortical and hippocampal β-amyloid (Aβ) deposits accumulate in heterozygotes after 8–10 mos. We used MRM to obtain 3D volumetric data on mouse brains imaged in their skulls to define genotype- and age-related changes. Hippocampal, cerebellar, and brain volumes and corpus callosum length were quantified in 40-, 100-, 365-, and 630-day-old mice. Measurements taken at age 100 days, before Aβ deposition, revealed a 12.3% reduction of hippocampus volume in Tg mice compared with WT controls. This reduction persisted without progression to age 21 mos. A significant 18% increase in hippocampal volume occurred between 40 and 630 days in WT mice, and no corresponding significant increase occurred in Tg mice. Cavalieri volume estimates of hippocampal subfields from 100-day-old Tg mice further localized a 28% volume deficit in the dentate gyrus. In addition, corpus callosum length was reduced by ≈25% in Tg mice at all ages analyzed. In summary, reduced hippocampal volume and corpus callosum length can be detected by MRM before Aβ deposition. We conclude that overexpression of APP and amyloid may initiate pathologic changes before the appearance of plaques, suggesting novel targets for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and further reinforcing the need for early diagnosis and treatment