605 research outputs found

    The fossil record of ichthyosaurs, completeness metrics and sampling biases

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    Ichthyosaurs were highly successful marine reptiles with an abundant and well-studied fossil record. However, their occurrences through geological time and space are sporadic, and it is important to understand whether times of apparent species richness and rarity are real or the result of sampling bias. Here, we explore the skeletal completeness of 351 dated and identified ichthyosaur specimens, belonging to all 102 species, the first time that such a study has been carried out on vertebrates from the marine realm. No correlations were found between time series of different skeletal metrics and ichthyosaur diversity. There is a significant geographical variation in completeness, with the well-studied northern hemisphere producing fossils of much higher quality than the southern hemisphere. Medium-sized ichthyosaurs are significantly more complete than small or large taxa: the incompleteness of small specimens was expected, but it was a surprise that larger specimens were also relatively incomplete. Completeness varies greatly between facies, with fine-grained, siliciclastic sediments preserving the most complete specimens. These findings may explain why the ichthyosaur diversity record is low at times, corresponding to facies of poor preservation potential, such as in the Early Cretaceous. Unexpectedly, we find a strong negative correlation between skeletal completeness and sea level, meaning the most complete specimens occurred at times of global low sea level, and vice versa. Completeness metrics, however, do not replicate the sampling signal and have limited use as a global-scale sampling proxy

    Neighborhoods of trees in circular orderings

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    In phylogenetics, a common strategy used to construct an evolutionary tree for a set of species X is to search in the space of all such trees for one that optimizes some given score function (such as the minimum evolution, parsimony or likelihood score). As this can be computationally intensive, it was recently proposed to restrict such searches to the set of all those trees that are compatible with some circular ordering of the set X. To inform the design of efficient algorithms to perform such searches, it is therefore of interest to find bounds for the number of trees compatible with a fixed ordering in the neighborhood of a tree that is determined by certain tree operations commonly used to search for trees: the nearest neighbor interchange (nni), the subtree prune and regraft (spr) and the tree bisection and reconnection (tbr) operations. We show that the size of such a neighborhood of a binary tree associated with the nni operation is independent of the tree’s topology, but that this is not the case for the spr and tbr operations. We also give tight upper and lower bounds for the size of the neighborhood of a binary tree for the spr and tbr operations and characterize those trees for which these bounds are attained

    Fully-automated μMRI morphometric phenotyping of the Tc1 mouse model of Down Syndrome

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    We describe a fully automated pipeline for the morphometric phenotyping of mouse brains from μMRI data, and show its application to the Tc1 mouse model of Down syndrome, to identify new morphological phenotypes in the brain of this first transchromosomic animal carrying human chromosome 21. We incorporate an accessible approach for simultaneously scanning multiple ex vivo brains, requiring only a 3D-printed brain holder, and novel image processing steps for their separation and orientation. We employ clinically established multi-atlas techniques-superior to single-atlas methods-together with publicly-available atlas databases for automatic skull-stripping and tissue segmentation, providing high-quality, subject-specific tissue maps. We follow these steps with group-wise registration, structural parcellation and both Voxel- and Tensor-Based Morphometry-advantageous for their ability to highlight morphological differences without the laborious delineation of regions of interest. We show the application of freely available open-source software developed for clinical MRI analysis to mouse brain data: NiftySeg for segmentation and NiftyReg for registration, and discuss atlases and parameters suitable for the preclinical paradigm. We used this pipeline to compare 29 Tc1 brains with 26 wild-type littermate controls, imaged ex vivo at 9.4T. We show an unexpected increase in Tc1 total intracranial volume and, controlling for this, local volume and grey matter density reductions in the Tc1 brain compared to the wild-types, most prominently in the cerebellum, in agreement with human DS and previous histological findings

    Use of a radiopaque localizer grid to reduce radiation exposure

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    Abstract Background Minimally invasive spine surgery requires placement of the skin incision at an ideal location in the patient's back by the surgeon. However, numerous fluoroscopic x-ray images are sometimes required to find the site of entry, thereby exposing patients and Operating Room personnel to additional radiation. To minimize this exposure, a radiopaque localizer grid was devised to increase planning efficiency and reduce radiation exposure. Results The radiopaque localizer grid was utilized to plan the point of entry for minimally invasive spine surgery. Use of the grid allowed the surgeon to accurately pinpoint the ideal entry point for the procedure with just one or two fluoroscopic X-ray images. Conclusions The reusable localizer grid is a simple and practical device that may be utilized to more efficiently plan an entry site on the skin, thus reducing radiation exposure. This device or a modified version may be utilized for any procedure involving the spine

    Acquisition of the Sda1-encoding bacteriophage does not enhance virulence of the serotype M1 Streptococcus pyogenes strain SF370

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    The resurgence of invasive disease caused by Streptococcus pyogenes (group A Streptococcus [GAS]) in the past 30 years has paralleled the emergence and global dissemination of the highly virulent M1T1 clone. The GAS M1T1 clone has diverged from the ancestral M1 serotype by horizontal acquisition of two unique bacteriophages, encoding the potent DNase Sda1/SdaD2 and the superantigen SpeA, respectively. The phage-encoded DNase promotes escape from neutrophil extracellular traps and is linked to enhanced virulence of the M1T1 clone. In this study, we successfully used in vitro lysogenic conversion to transfer the Sda1-encoding phage from the M1T1 clonal strain 5448 to the nonclonal M1 isolate SF370 and determined the impact of this horizontal gene transfer event on virulence. Although Sda1 was expressed in SF370 lysogens, no capacity of the phage-converted strain to survive human neutrophil killing, switch to a hyperinvasive covRS mutant form, or cause invasive lethal infection in a humanized plasminogen mouse model was observed. This work suggests that the hypervirulence of the M1T1 clone is due to the unique synergic effect of the M1T1 clone bacteriophage-specific virulence factor Sda1 acting in concert with the M1T1 clone-specific genetic scaffold

    An assessment of food supplementation to chronically sick patients receiving home based care in Bangwe, Malawi : a descriptive study

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    BACKGROUND: The effect of food supplementation provided by the World Food Programme to patients and their families enrolled in a predominantly HIV/AIDS home based care programme in Bangwe Malawi is assessed. METHODS: The survival and nutritional status of patients and the nutritional status of their families recruited up to six months before a food supplementation programme started are compared to subsequent patients and their families over a further 12 months. RESULTS: 360 patients, of whom 199 died, were studied. Food supplementation did not improve survival but had an effect (not statistically significant) on nutritional status. Additional oil was given to some families; it may have improved survival but not nutritional status. CONCLUSION: Food supplementation to HIV/AIDS home based care patients and their families does not work well. This may be because the intervention is too late to affect the course of disease or insufficiently targeted perhaps due to problems of distribution in an urban setting. The World Food Programme's emphasis on supplementary feeding for these families needs to be reviewed

    Grupos de pesquisa em enfermagem no Brasil: comparação dos perfis de 2006 e 2016

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    RESUMO Objetivos Comparar o perfil dos grupos de pesquisa em Enfermagem cadastrados no Diretório do CNPq em 2006 e 2016. Métodos Estudo descritivo documental. A coleta de dados aconteceu em 2006 e 2016 a partir de consulta parametrizada com o termo Enfermagem no Diretório dos Grupos de Pesquisa, na página online do CNPq, sendo realizada a análise descritiva. Os dados foram organizados em planilha do Excel. Resultados O número de Grupos de Pesquisa aumentou de 251 em 2006 para 617 em 2016, com incremento no número de participantes. Houve redução do número de grupos sem estudantes, embora 22% permaneçam sem participação de alunos de graduação. Conclusões Os grupos de pesquisa em Enfermagem refletem avanços estruturais e políticos na geração de ciência, tecnologia e inovação da área, entretanto ainda deve ser incentivada a participação de alunos de graduação e pesquisadores estrangeiros, bem como a ampliação de recursos tecnológicos e das parcerias interinstitucionais

    Exploring the effects of replicating shape, weight and recoil effects on VR shooting controllers

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    Commercial Virtual Reality (VR) controllers with realistic force feedback are becoming available, to increase the realism and immersion of first-person shooting (FPS) games in VR. These controllers attempt to mimic not only the shape and weight of real guns but also their recoil effects (linear force feedback parallel to the barrel, when the gun is shot). As these controllers become more popular and affordable, this paper investigates the actual effects that these properties (shape, weight, and especially directional force feedback) have on performance for general VR users (e.g. users with no marksmanship experience), drawing conclusions for both consumers and device manufacturers. We created a prototype replicating the properties exploited by commercial VR controllers (i.e. shape, weight and adjustable force feedback) and used it to assess the effect of these parameters in user performance, across a series of user studies. We first analysed the benefits on user performance of adding weight and shape vs a conventional controller (e.g. Vive controller). We then explore the implications of adding linear force feedback (LFF), as well as replicating the shape and weight. Our studies show negligible effects on the immediate shooting performance with some improvements in subjective appreciation, which are already present with low levels of LFF. While higher levels of LFF do not increase subjective appreciations any further, they lead users to reach their maximum distance skillset more quickly. This indicates that while adding low levels of LFF can be enough to influence user’s immersion/engagement for gaming contexts, controllers with higher levels of LFF might be better suited for training environments and/or when dealing with particularly demanding aiming tasks

    Substantially thinner internal granular layer and reduced molecular layer surface in the cerebellum of the Tc1 mouse model of Down Syndrome - a comprehensive morphometric analysis with active staining contrast-enhanced MRI

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    Down Syndrome is a chromosomal disorder that affects the development of cerebellar cortical lobules. Impaired neurogenesis in the cerebellum varies among different types of neuronal cells and neuronal layers. In this study, we developed an imaging analysis framework that utilizes gadolinium-enhanced ex vivo mouse brain MRI. We extracted the middle Purkinje layer of the mouse cerebellar cortex, enabling the estimation of the volume, thickness, and surface area of the entire cerebellar cortex, the internal granular layer, and the molecular layer in the Tc1 mouse model of Down Syndrome. The morphometric analysis of our method revealed that a larger proportion of the cerebellar thinning in this model of Down Syndrome resided in the inner granule cell layer, while a larger proportion of the surface area shrinkage was in the molecular layer