87 research outputs found

    Acquisition of uropygial gland microbiome by hoopoe nestlings

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    Mutualistic symbioses between animals and bacteria depend on acquisition of appropriate symbionts while avoiding exploitation by non-beneficial microbes. The mode of acquisition of symbionts would determine, not only the probability of encountering but also evolutionary outcomes of mutualistic counterparts. The microbiome inhabiting the uropygial gland of the European hoopoe (Upupa epops) includes a variety of bacterial strains, some of them providing antimicrobial benefits. Here, the mode of acquisition and stability of this microbiome is analyzed by means of Automated rRNA Intergenic Spacer Analysis and two different experiments. The first experiment impeded mothers’ access to their glands, thus avoiding direct transmission of microorganisms from female to offspring secretions. The second experiment explored the stability of the microbiomes by inoculating glands with secretions from alien nests. The first experiment provoked a reduction in similarity of microbiomes of mother and nestlings. Interestingly, some bacterial strains were more often detected when females had not access to their glands, suggesting antagonistic effects among bacteria from different sources. The second experiment caused an increase in richness of the microbiome of receivers in terms of prevalence of Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) that reduced differences in microbiomes of donors and receivers. That occurred because OTUs that were present in donors but not in receivers incorporated to the microbiome of the latter, which provoked that cross-inoculated nestlings got similar final microbiomes that included the most prevalent OTUs. The results are therefore consistent with a central role of vertical transmission in bacterial acquisition by nestling hoopoes and support the idea that the typical composition of the hoopoe gland microbiome is reached by the incorporation of some bacteria during the nestling period. This scenario suggests the existence of a coevolved core microbiome composed by a mix of specialized vertically transmitted strains and facultative symbionts able to coexist with them. The implications of this mixed mode of transmission for the evolution of the mutualism are discussedMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (España)Junta de Andalucí

    Performance of the CMS Cathode Strip Chambers with Cosmic Rays

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    The Cathode Strip Chambers (CSCs) constitute the primary muon tracking device in the CMS endcaps. Their performance has been evaluated using data taken during a cosmic ray run in fall 2008. Measured noise levels are low, with the number of noisy channels well below 1%. Coordinate resolution was measured for all types of chambers, and fall in the range 47 microns to 243 microns. The efficiencies for local charged track triggers, for hit and for segments reconstruction were measured, and are above 99%. The timing resolution per layer is approximately 5 ns

    Microbiomes of ant castes implicate new microbial roles in the fungus-growing ant Trachymyrmex septentrionalis

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    Fungus-growing ants employ several defenses against diseases, including disease-suppressing microbial biofilms on their integument and in fungal gardens. Here, we compare the phenology of microbiomes in natural nests of the temperate fungus-growing ant Trachymyrmex septentrionalis using culture-dependent isolations and culture-independent 16S-amplicon 454-sequencing. 454-sequencing revealed diverse actinobacteria associated with ants, including most prominently Solirubrobacter (12.2–30.9% of sequence reads), Pseudonocardia (3.5–42.0%), and Microlunatus (0.4–10.8%). Bacterial abundances remained relatively constant in monthly surveys throughout the annual active period (late winter to late summer), except Pseudonocardia abundance declined in females during the reproductive phase. Pseudonocardia species found on ants are phylogenetically different from those in gardens and soil, indicating ecological separation of these Pseudonocardia types. Because the pathogen Escovopsis is not known to infect gardens of T. septentrionalis, the ant-associated microbes do not seem to function in Escovopsis suppression, but could protect against ant diseases, help in nest sanitation, or serve unknown functions

    Balanced Synaptic Input Shapes the Correlation between Neural Spike Trains

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    Stimulus properties, attention, and behavioral context influence correlations between the spike times produced by a pair of neurons. However, the biophysical mechanisms that modulate these correlations are poorly understood. With a combined theoretical and experimental approach, we show that the rate of balanced excitatory and inhibitory synaptic input modulates the magnitude and timescale of pairwise spike train correlation. High rate synaptic inputs promote spike time synchrony rather than long timescale spike rate correlations, while low rate synaptic inputs produce opposite results. This correlation shaping is due to a combination of enhanced high frequency input transfer and reduced firing rate gain in the high input rate state compared to the low state. Our study extends neural modulation from single neuron responses to population activity, a necessary step in understanding how the dynamics and processing of neural activity change across distinct brain states

    HIV-1 Tat Promotes Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus (KSHV) vIL-6-Induced Angiogenesis and Tumorigenesis by Regulating PI3K/PTEN/AKT/GSK-3β Signaling Pathway

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    Kaposi's sarcoma (KS)-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is etiologically associated with KS, the most common AIDS-related malignancy. KS is characterized by vast angiogenesis and hyperproliferative spindle cells. We have previously reported that HIV-1 Tat can trigger KSHV reactivation and accelerate Kaposin A-induced tumorigenesis. Here, we explored Tat promotion of KSHV vIL-6-induced angiogenesis and tumorigenesis. Tat promotes vIL-6-induced cell proliferation, cellular transformation, vascular tube formation and VEGF production in culture. Tat enhances vIL-6-induced angiogenesis and tumorigenesis of fibroblasts and human endothelial cells in a chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model. In an allograft model, Tat promotes vIL-6-induced tumorigenesis and expression of CD31, CD34, SMA, VEGF, b-FGF, and cyclin D1. Mechanistic studies indicated Tat activates PI3K and AKT, and inactivates PTEN and GSK-3β in vIL-6 expressing cells. LY294002, a specific inhibitor of PI3K, effectively impaired Tat's promotion of vIL-6-induced tumorigenesis. Together, these results provide the first evidence that Tat might contribute to KS pathogenesis by synergizing with vIL-6, and identify PI3K/AKT pathway as a potential therapeutic target in AIDS-related KS patients. Š 2013 Zhou et al

    Original Article

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    The pancreas taken from the frog (Rana nigromaculata) was fixed in 1% OsO_4 and sliced into ultrathin sections for electron microscopic studies. The following observations were made: 1. A great \u27number of minute granules found in the cytoplasm of a pancreatic cell were called the microsomes, which were divided into two types, the C-microsome and S-microsome. 2. Electron microsopic studies of the ergastoplasm showed that it is composed of the microsome granules and A-substance. The microsomes were seen embedded in the A-substance which was either filamentous or membranous. The membranous structure, which was called the Am-membrane, was seen to form a sac, with a cavity of varying sizes, or to form a lamella. 3. The Am-membrane has close similarity to Îą-cytomembrane of Sjostrand, except that the latter is rough-surfaced. It was deduced that the Am-membrane, which is smooth-surfaced, might turn into the rough-surfaced Îą-cytomembrane. 4. There was the Golgi apparatus in the supranuclear region of a pancreatic cell. It consisted of the Golgi membrane, Golgi vacuole and. Golgi vesicle. 5. The mitochondria of a pancreatic cell appeared like long filaments, and some of them were seen to ramify. 6. The membrane of mitochondria, i. e. the limiting membrane, consisted of the Ammembrane. The mitochondria contained a lot of A-substances, as well as the C-microsomes and S-microsomes. When the mitochondria came into being, there appeared inside them chains of granules, which appeared like strips of beads, as the outgrowths of the A-substance and the microsome granules attached to the Am-membrane. They are the so-called cristae mitochondriales. 7. The secretory granules originate in the microsomes. They came into being when the microsomes gradually thickened and grew in size as various substances became adhered to them. Some of the secretory granules were covered with a membrane and appeared like what they have called the intracisternal granule of Palade.It seemed that this was a phenomenon attendant upon the dissolution and liqutefaction of the secretory granule. 8. Comparative studies were made of the ergastoplasm of the pancreatic cells from the frogs in hibernation, the frogs artificially hungered, the frogs which were given food after a certain period of fasting, the frogs to which pilocarpine was given subcutaneously, and the very young, immature frogs. The studies revealed that the ergastoplasm of the pancreatic cells greatly varied in form with the difference in nutritive condition and with different developmental stages of the cell. The change in form and structure occured as a result of transformation of the microsomes and A-substance. The ergastoplasm, even after it has come into being, might easily be inactivated if nutrition is defective. The ergastoplasm is concerned in the secretory mechanism, which is different from the secretory phenomenon of the secretory granules. It would seem that structurally the mitochondria have no direct relation to this mechanism

    Genome analysis and physiological comparison of Alicycliphilus denitrificans strains BC and K601T

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    The genomes of the Betaproteobacteria Alicycliphilus denitrificans strains BC and K601T have been sequenced to get insight into the physiology of the two strains. Strain BC degrades benzene with chlorate as electron acceptor. The cyclohexanol-degrading denitrifying strain K601T is not able to use chlorate as electron acceptor, while strain BC cannot degrade cyclohexanol. The 16S rRNA sequences of strains BC and K601T are identical and the fatty acid methyl ester patterns of the strains are similar. Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) analysis of predicted open reading frames of both strains showed most hits with Acidovorax sp. JS42, a bacterium that degrades nitro-aromatics. The genomes include strain-specific plasmids (pAlide201 in strain K601T and pAlide01 and pAlide02 in strain BC). Key genes of chlorate reduction in strain BC were located on a 120 kb megaplasmid (pAlide01), which was absent in strain K601T. Genes involved in cyclohexanol degradation were only found in strain K601T. Benzene and toluene are degraded via oxygenase-mediated pathways in both strains. Genes involved in the meta-cleavage pathway of catechol are present in the genomes of both strains. Strain BC also contains all genes of the ortho-cleavage pathway. The large number of mono- and dioxygenase genes in the genomes suggests that the two strains have a broader substrate range than known thus far.This research was supported by the Technology Foundation, the Applied Science Division (STW) of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), project number 08053, the graduate school WIMEK (Wageningen Institute for Environment and Climate Research, which is part of SENSE Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment, www.wimek-new.wur.nl and www.sense.nl), SKB (Dutch Centre for Soil Quality Management and Knowledge Transfer, www.skbodem.nl) and the Consolider project CSD-2007-00055. The research was incorporated in the TRIAS (TRIpartite Approaches 469 toward Soil systems processes) program (http://www.nwo.nl/en/research-and-results/programmes/alw/trias-tripartite-approach-to-soil-system-processes/index. html). FlĂĄvia Talarico Saia was supported by a FAPESP (the State of SĂŁo Paulo Research Foundation) scholarship (2006-01997/5). The work conducted by the DOE JGI is supported by the Office of Science of the United States Department of Energy under contract number DE-AC02-05CH11231. Alfons Stams acknowledges support by an ERC (European Research Counsil) advanced grant (project 323009). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    CMS Data Processing Workflows during an Extended Cosmic Ray Run

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    Aligning the CMS Muon Chambers with the Muon Alignment System during an Extended Cosmic Ray Run

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    Commissioning of the CMS high-level trigger with cosmic rays

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    This is the Pre-print version of the Article. The official published version of the paper can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2010 IOPThe CMS High-Level Trigger (HLT) is responsible for ensuring that data samples with potentially interesting events are recorded with high efficiency and good quality. This paper gives an overview of the HLT and focuses on its commissioning using cosmic rays. The selection of triggers that were deployed is presented and the online grouping of triggered events into streams and primary datasets is discussed. Tools for online and offline data quality monitoring for the HLT are described, and the operational performance of the muon HLT algorithms is reviewed. The average time taken for the HLT selection and its dependence on detector and operating conditions are presented. The HLT performed reliably and helped provide a large dataset. This dataset has proven to be invaluable for understanding the performance of the trigger and the CMS experiment as a whole.This work is supported by FMSR (Austria); FNRS and FWO (Belgium); CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, and FAPESP (Brazil); MES (Bulgaria); CERN; CAS, MoST, and NSFC (China); COLCIENCIAS (Colombia); MSES (Croatia); RPF (Cyprus); Academy of Sciences and NICPB (Estonia); Academy of Finland, ME, and HIP (Finland); CEA and CNRS/IN2P3 (France); BMBF, DFG, and HGF (Germany); GSRT (Greece); OTKA and NKTH (Hungary); DAE and DST (India); IPM (Iran); SFI (Ireland); INFN (Italy); NRF (Korea); LAS (Lithuania); CINVESTAV, CONACYT, SEP, and UASLP-FAI (Mexico); PAEC (Pakistan); SCSR (Poland); FCT (Portugal); JINR (Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan); MST and MAE (Russia); MSTDS (Serbia); MICINN and CPAN (Spain); Swiss Funding Agencies (Switzerland); NSC (Taipei); TUBITAK and TAEK (Turkey); STFC (United Kingdom); DOE and NSF (USA)
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