13 research outputs found

    Phylogeography and Genetic Variation of Triatoma dimidiata, the Main Chagas Disease Vector in Central America, and Its Position within the Genus Triatoma

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    Chagas disease is a serious parasitic disease of Latin America. Human contamination in poor rural or periurban areas is mainly attributed to haematophagous triatomine insects. Triatoma includes important vector species, as T. dimidiata in Central and Meso-America. DNA sequences, phylogenetic methods and genetic variation analyses are combined in a large interpopulational approach to investigate T. dimidiata and its closest relatives within Triatoma. The phylogeography of Triatoma indicates two colonization lineages northward and southward of the Panama isthmus during ancient periods, with T. dimidiata presenting a large genetic variability related to evolutionary divergences from a Mexican-Guatemalan origin. One clade remained confined to Yucatan, Chiapas, Guatemala and Honduras, with extant descendants deserving species status: T. sp. aff. dimidiata. The second clade gave rise to four subspecies: T. d. dimidiata in Guatemala and Mexico (Chiapas) up to Honduras, Nicaragua, Providencia island, and introduced into Ecuador; T. d. capitata in Panama and Colombia; T. d. maculipennis in Mexico and Guatemala; and T. d. hegneri in Cozumel island. This taxa distinction may facilitate the understanding of the diversity of vectors formerly included under T. dimidiata, their different transmission capacities and the disease epidemiology. Triatoma dimidiata will offer more problems for control than T. infestans in Uruguay, Chile and Brazil, although populations in Ecuador are appropriate targets for insecticide-spraying

    Formation and deformation of hyperextended rift systems: Insights from rift domain mapping in the Bay of Biscay-Pyrenees

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    International audienceThe Bay of Biscay and the Pyrenees correspond to a Lower Cretaceous rift system including both oceanic and hyperextended rift domains. The transition from preserved oceanic and rift domains in the West to their complete inversion in the East enables us to study the progressive reactivation of a hyperextended rift system. We use seismic interpretation, gravity inversion, and field mapping to identify and map former rift domains and their subsequent reactivation. We propose a new map and sections across the system illustrating the progressive integration of the rift domains into the orogen. This study aims to provide insights on the formation of hyperextended rift systems and discuss their role during reactivation. Two spatially and temporally distinct rift systems can be distinguished: the Bay of Biscay-Parentis and the Pyrenean-Basque-Cantabrian rifts. While the offshore Bay of Biscay represent a former mature oceanic domain, the fossil remnants of hyperextended domains preserved onshore in the Pyrenean-Cantabrian orogen record distributed extensional deformation partitioned between strongly segmented rift basins. Reactivation initiated in the exhumed mantle domain before it affected the hyperthinned domain. Both domains accommodated most of the shortening. The final architecture of the orogen is acquired once the conjugate necking domains became involved in collisional processes. The complex 3-D architecture of the initial rift system may partly explain the heterogeneous reactivation of the overall system. These results have important implications for the formation and reactivation of hyperextended rift systems and for the restoration of the Bay of Biscay and Pyrenean domain

    The ITS-2 of the nuclear rDNA as a molecular marker for populations, species, and phylogenetic relationships in Triatominae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), vectors of Chagas disease.

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    The nucleotide sequences of the rDNA second internal transcribed spacer (ITS-2) of 31 populations of 12 and 3 species of the two main Triatominae tribes Triatomini and Rhodniini, including the most important Chagas disease vectors, were obtained. Sequence comparisons and parsimony, distance, and maximum-likelihood analyses indicate that ITS-2 is a useful marker for resolving supraspecific, specific, subspecific, and even sometimes population-level relationships in Triatominae. Results were markedly different between species of Triatomini and Rhodniini, suggesting polyphyly. Phylogenetic trees support an old divergence between South American and North-Central American Triatomini and query the validity of some genera (Dipetalogaster, Psammolestes). The very low sequence variation between species of the phyllosoma complex suggests that subspecific ranking would be more appropriate. Triatoma dimidiata proves to be a clearly differentiated species, with several populations evidencing a clinal variation along a north-south axis and a population from Yucatan showing differences consistent with specific status

    Genome size determination in chagas disease transmitting bugs (Hemiptera-Triatominae) by flow cytometry

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    Because information about genome size in triatomines is scarce and contradictory, we performed DNA quantification by flow cytometry in 13 species belonging to five genera (Dipetalogaster, Eratyrus, Panstrongylus, Rhodnius, and Triatoma) to infer overall tendencies and phylogenetic associations. The results show that the haploid DNA content of the subfamily Triatominae varies nearly 4-fold, from < 0.7 pg in Rhodnius species (0.6 x 10(9) bp) to 2.7 pg in Triatoma delpontei (2.6 x 10(9) bp). Considering that triatomines present similar chromosome numbers, we suggest that genome size differences are the result of variation in the quantity of repetitive DNA sequences localized in hetero and euchromatin. Changes in heterochromatin are particularly important when considering populations or closely related specie

    Extreme Mesozoic Crustal Thinning in the Eastern Iberia Margin: The Example of the Columbrets Basin (Valencia Trough)

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    International audienceEastern Iberia preserves a complex succession of Mesozoic rifts partly or completely inverted during the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic in relation with Africa-Eurasia convergence. Notably, the Valencia Trough, classically viewed as part of the Cenozoic West Mediterranean basins, preserves in its southwestern part a thick Mesozoic succession (locally ≈10 km thick) over a highly thinned continental basement (locally only ≈3.5 km thick). This subbasin, referred to as the Columbrets Basin, represents a Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous hyperextended rift basin weakly overprinted by subsequent events. Its initial configuration is well preserved allowing us to unravel its 3-D architecture and tectonostratigraphic evolution in the frame of the Mesozoic evolution of eastern Iberia. The Columbrets Basin benefits from an extensive data set combining high-resolution seismic reflection profiles, drill holes, seismic refraction data, and expanding spread profiles. The interactions between halokinesis, involving the Upper Triassic salt, and extensional deformation controlled the architecture of the Mesozoic basin. The thick uppermost Triassic to Cretaceous succession displays a large-scale "syncline" shape, progressively stretched and dismembered toward the basin borders. We propose that the SE border of the basin is characterized by a large extensional detachment fault acting at crustal scale and interacting locally with the Upper Triassic décollement. This extensional structure accommodates the exhumation of the continental basement and part of the crustal thinning. Eventually, our results highlight the complex interaction between extreme crustal thinning and occurrence of a prerift salt level for the deformation style and tectonostratigraphic evolution of hyperextended rift basins

    Pathophysiology of somatosensory abnormalities in Parkinson disease.

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    Changes in sensory function that have been described in patients with Parkinson disease (PD) can be either 'pure' disorders of conscious perception such as elevations in sensory threshold, or disorders of sensorimotor integration, in which the interaction between sensory input and motor output is altered. In this article, we review the extensive evidence for disrupted tactile, nociceptive, thermal and proprioceptive sensations in PD, as well as the influences exerted on these sensations by dopaminergic therapy and deep brain stimulation. We argue that abnormal spatial and temporal processing of sensory information produces incorrect signals for the preparation and execution of voluntary movement. Sensory deficits are likely to be a consequence of the dopaminergic denervation of the basal ganglia that is the hallmark of PD. A possible mechanism to account for somatosensory deficits is one in which disease-related dopaminergic denervation leads to a loss of response specificity, resulting in transmission of noisier and less-differentiated information to cortical regions. Changes in pain perception might have a different explanation, possibly involving disease-related effects outside the basal ganglia, including involvement of peripheral pain receptors, as well as structures such as the periaqueductal grey matter and non-dopaminergic neurotransmitter systems

    Novel process windows for enabling, speeding-up and uplifting chemistry

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    Formation and deformation of hyperextended rift systems: Insights from rift domain mapping in the Bay of Biscay-Pyrenees

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