2,335 research outputs found

    Measurements of solids concentration and axial solids velocity in gas-solid two-phase flows.

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    Several techniques reported in the literature for measuring solids concentration and solids velocity in (dense) gas-solid two-phase flow have been briefly reviewed. An optical measuring system, based on detection of light reflected by the suspended particles, has been developed to measure local solids concentration and local axial solids velocity in dense gas-solid two phase flows. This system has been applied to study hydrodynamics of a cold-flow circulating fluidized bed unit operated in the dense flow regime (uD: 7.5¿15 m s¿1 and Gs = 100¿400 kg m¿2 s¿). With increasing solids mass flux, at constant superficial gas velocity, lateral solids segregation became more pronounced (i.e. extent of development of core-annulus structure) while the radial profiles of axial solids velocity hardly changed. A decrease in superficial gas velocity, at constant solids mass flux, also augmented the lateral solids segregation. The axial solids velocity decreased over the entire tube radius, although the shape of the profiles showed no strong dependence with respect to the superficial gas velocity. Average solids mass fluxes calculated from the measured local values of solids concentration and solids velocity exceeded the imposed solids mass flux, a finding which could be explained by the downflow observed visually of solid particles close to the tube wall. In addition, cross-sectional averaged solids concentrations obtained on the basis of the optical measuring system and those obtained from the pressure gradient measurements showed satisfactory agreement

    Hydrodynamic modelling of circulating fluidised beds

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    A one-dimensional model for the riser section of a circulating fluidised bed has been developed which describes the steady-state hydrodynamic key variables in the radial direction for fully developed axisymmetric flow. Both the gas and the solid phase are considered as two continuous media, fully penetrating each other. As a first approximation gas phase turbulence has been incorporated in our hydrodynamic model by applying a slightly modified version of the well-known Prandtl mixing length model. To solve the resulting set or transport equations, the solids distribution along the tube radius is required. Several strategies are given to obtain this information. In addition the effect of clusters on the momentum transfer between both phases has been modelled using an empirical correlation. Theoretically calculated results agree well with reported experimental data of different author

    Hydrodynamic modelling of gas-particle flows in riser reactors.

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    Complex hydrodynamic behavior of circulating fluidized beds makes their scale-up very complicated. In particular, large-scale lateral solids segregation causes a complex two-phase flow pattern which influences significantly their performance. Lateral solids segregation has been attributed to direct collisional interactions between particles as well as to interaction between gas-phase eddies and dispersed particles. However, these phenomena have not been investigated thoroughly. \ud This article discusses an advanced 2-D hydrodynamic model developed for circulating fluidized beds based on the two-fluid concept. Because theory to model the interaction between gas-phase eddies and dispersed particles is not available, turbulence was modeled on a macroscopic scale using a modified Prandtl mixing length model. To model the influence of direct particle-particle collisions the kinetic theory for granular flow was applied based on the Chapman-Enskog theory of dense gases. For model validation purposes, a cold flow circulating fluidized bed was employed in which sand was transported with air as fluidizing agent. The column is equipped with pressure transducers to measure the axial pressure profile and with a reflective optical fiber probe to measure the local solids concentration and axial solids velocity. Theoretically calculated solids concentration and axial solids velocity agree satisfactorily with experiment, especially when one realizes that the model contains no adjustable parameters. In general, however, the model slightly underpredicted the experimentally observed lateral solids segregation and yielded a more peaked velocity profile compared to its experimental counterpar

    The ARKO labour-cost model

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    Beschrijving van het herziene EIM-Arbeidskostenmodel. De herziening was noodzakelijk door de drastische aanpassingen in het socialezekerheidsstelsel in de afgelopen jaren. Met het model is het mogelijk inzicht te verschaffen in de ontwikkeling van de afzonderlijke elementen van de loonkosten naar sector en grootteklasse op de korte termijn. Ook is het mogelijk de effecten op de loonkosten van beleidsmaatregelen in de socialezekerheidssfeer door te rekenen (naar grootteklasse en sector). Ook de ontwikkeling van de loonkosten in de jaren negentig komt aan de orde, waarbij de aandacht is toegespitst op de werkgeverswig.

    Live like a local revisited:A study on sustainable tourism development in cities

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    How ‘rational’ is semantic prediction? A critique and re-analysis of

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    In a recent article in Cognition, Delaney-Busch et al. (2019) claim evidence for ‘rational’, Bayesian adaptation of semantic predictions, using ERP data from Lau, Holcomb, and Kuperberg (2013). Participants read associatively related and unrelated prime-target word pairs in a first block with only 10% related trials and a second block with 50%. Related words elicited smaller N400s than unrelated words, and this difference was strongest in the second block, suggesting greater engagement in predictive processing. Using a rational adaptor model, Delaney-Busch et al. argue that the stronger N400 reduction for related words in the second block developed as a function of the number of related trials, and concluded therefore that participants predicted related words more strongly when their predictions were fulfilled more often. In this critique, I discuss two critical flaws in their analyses, namely the confounding of prediction effects with those of lexical frequency and the neglect of data from the first block. Re-analyses suggest a different picture: related words by themselves did not yield support for their conclusion, and the effect of relatedness gradually strengthened in othe two blocks in a similar way. Therefore, the N400 did not yield evidence that participants rationally adapted their semantic predictions. Within the framework proposed by Delaney-Busch et al., presumed semantic predictions may even be thought of as ‘irrational’. While these results yielded no evidence for rational or probabilistic prediction, they do suggest that participants became increasingly better at predicting target words from prime words

    Live like a local revisited:A study on sustainable tourism development in cities

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