116 research outputs found

    Transcript quantification with RNA-Seq data

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    Motivation Novel high-throughput sequencing technologies open exciting new approaches to transcriptome profiling. Sequencing transcript populations of interest, e.g. from different tissues or variable stress conditions, with RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) [1] generates millions of short reads. Accurately aligned to a reference genome, they provide digital counts and thus facilitate transcript quantification. As the observed read counts only provide the summation of all expressed sequences at one locus, the inference of the underlying transcript abundances is crucial for further quantitative analyses. Methods To approach this problem, we have developed a new technique, called rQuant, based on quadratic programming. Given a gene annotation and position-wise exon/intron read coverage from read alignments, we determine the abundances for each annotated transcript by minimising a suitable loss function. It penalises the deviation of the observed from the expected read coverage given the transcript weights. The observed read coverage is typically non-uniformly distributed over the transcript due to several biases in the generation of the sequencing libraries and the sequencing. This leads to distortions of the transcript abundances, if not corrected properly. We therefore extended our approach to jointly optimise transcript profiles, modeling the coverage deviations depending on the position in the transcript. Our method can be applied without knowledge of the underlying transcript abundances and equally benefits from loci with and without alternative transcripts. Results To quantitatively evaluate the quality of our abundance predictions, we used a set of simulated reads from transcripts with known expression as a benchmark set. It was generated using the Flux Simulator [2] modeling biases in RNA-Seq as well as preparation experiments. Table 1 shows preliminary results with segment- and position-based loss as well as with and without the transcript profiles. Our results indicate that the position-based modeling together with transcript profiles allows us to accurately infer the underlying expression of single transcripts as well as of multiple isoforms of one gene locus

    Symposium on the Scottish labour market

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    In the post-war period, up to the late 1960s, Britain enjoyed a modicum of unemployment and government policies which were geared to producing Full Employment were considered a success. It was simple - boost demand and more people would find work. But the mid 1970s the economic regency enjoyed by those advocating demand sided policies fell into disrepute as the OPEC nations raised prices dramatically and brought in a new era of both rising prices and unemployment. The laws of economics, which previously had viewed policy decisions as the choice between lower unemployment and higher inflation were now redundant. Both unemployment and inflation were moving in the same direction. The era of stagflation had begun

    TRStalker: an efficient heuristic for finding fuzzy tandem repeats

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    Motivation: Genomes in higher eukaryotic organisms contain a substantial amount of repeated sequences. Tandem Repeats (TRs) constitute a large class of repetitive sequences that are originated via phenomena such as replication slippage and are characterized by close spatial contiguity. They play an important role in several molecular regulatory mechanisms, and also in several diseases (e.g. in the group of trinucleotide repeat disorders). While for TRs with a low or medium level of divergence the current methods are rather effective, the problem of detecting TRs with higher divergence (fuzzy TRs) is still open. The detection of fuzzy TRs is propaedeutic to enriching our view of their role in regulatory mechanisms and diseases. Fuzzy TRs are also important as tools to shed light on the evolutionary history of the genome, where higher divergence correlates with more remote duplication events

    Evolution of Exon-Intron Structure and Alternative Splicing

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    Despite significant advances in high-throughput DNA sequencing, many important species remain understudied at the genome level. In this study we addressed a question of what can be predicted about the genome-wide characteristics of less studied species, based on the genomic data from completely sequenced species. Using NCBI databases we performed a comparative genome-wide analysis of such characteristics as alternative splicing, number of genes, gene products and exons in 36 completely sequenced model species. We created statistical regression models to fit these data and applied them to loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.), an example of an important species whose genome has not been completely sequenced yet. Using these models, the genome-wide characteristics, such as total number of genes and exons, can be roughly predicted based on parameters estimated from available limited genomic data, e.g. exon length and exon/gene ratio

    Comparative Analysis of Human Protein-Coding and Noncoding RNAs between Brain and 10 Mixed Cell Lines by RNA-Seq

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    In their expression process, different genes can generate diverse functional products, including various protein-coding or noncoding RNAs. Here, we investigated the protein-coding capacities and the expression levels of their isoforms for human known genes, the conservation and disease association of long noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) with two transcriptome sequencing datasets from human brain tissues and 10 mixed cell lines. Comparative analysis revealed that about two-thirds of the genes expressed between brain and cell lines are the same, but less than one-third of their isoforms are identical. Besides those genes specially expressed in brain and cell lines, about 66% of genes expressed in common encoded different isoforms. Moreover, most genes dominantly expressed one isoform and some genes only generated protein-coding (or noncoding) RNAs in one sample but not in another. We found 282 human genes could encode both protein-coding and noncoding RNAs through alternative splicing in the two samples. We also identified more than 1,000 long ncRNAs, and most of those long ncRNAs contain conserved elements across either 46 vertebrates or 33 placental mammals or 10 primates. Further analysis showed that some long ncRNAs differentially expressed in human breast cancer or lung cancer, several of those differentially expressed long ncRNAs were validated by RT-PCR. In addition, those validated differentially expressed long ncRNAs were found significantly correlated with certain breast cancer or lung cancer related genes, indicating the important biological relevance between long ncRNAs and human cancers. Our findings reveal that the differences of gene expression profile between samples mainly result from the expressed gene isoforms, and highlight the importance of studying genes at the isoform level for completely illustrating the intricate transcriptome

    Sequence variation between 462 human individuals fine-tunes functional sites of RNA processing

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    A. Palotie on työryhmän GEUVADIS Consortium jäsen.Recent advances in the cost-efficiency of sequencing technologies enabled the combined DNA-and RNA-sequencing of human individuals at the population-scale, making genome-wide investigations of the inter-individual genetic impact on gene expression viable. Employing mRNA-sequencing data from the Geuvadis Project and genome sequencing data from the 1000 Genomes Project we show that the computational analysis of DNA sequences around splice sites and poly-A signals is able to explain several observations in the phenotype data. In contrast to widespread assessments of statistically significant associations between DNA polymorphisms and quantitative traits, we developed a computational tool to pinpoint the molecular mechanisms by which genetic markers drive variation in RNA-processing, cataloguing and classifying alleles that change the affinity of core RNA elements to their recognizing factors. The in silico models we employ further suggest RNA editing can moonlight as a splicing-modulator, albeit less frequently than genomic sequence diversity. Beyond existing annotations, we demonstrate that the ultra-high resolution of RNA-Seq combined from 462 individuals also provides evidence for thousands of bona fide novel elements of RNA processing-alternative splice sites, introns, and cleavage sites-which are often rare and lowly expressed but in other characteristics similar to their annotated counterparts.Peer reviewe

    A General Definition and Nomenclature for Alternative Splicing Events

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    Understanding the molecular mechanisms responsible for the regulation of the transcriptome present in eukaryotic cells is one of the most challenging tasks in the postgenomic era. In this regard, alternative splicing (AS) is a key phenomenon contributing to the production of different mature transcripts from the same primary RNA sequence. As a plethora of different transcript forms is available in databases, a first step to uncover the biology that drives AS is to identify the different types of reflected splicing variation. In this work, we present a general definition of the AS event along with a notation system that involves the relative positions of the splice sites. This nomenclature univocally and dynamically assigns a specific “AS code” to every possible pattern of splicing variation. On the basis of this definition and the corresponding codes, we have developed a computational tool (AStalavista) that automatically characterizes the complete landscape of AS events in a given transcript annotation of a genome, thus providing a platform to investigate the transcriptome diversity across genes, chromosomes, and species. Our analysis reveals that a substantial part—in human more than a quarter—of the observed splicing variations are ignored in common classification pipelines. We have used AStalavista to investigate and to compare the AS landscape of different reference annotation sets in human and in other metazoan species and found that proportions of AS events change substantially depending on the annotation protocol, species-specific attributes, and coding constraints acting on the transcripts. The AStalavista system therefore provides a general framework to conduct specific studies investigating the occurrence, impact, and regulation of AS

    A User's Guide to the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE)

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    The mission of the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project is to enable the scientific and medical communities to interpret the human genome sequence and apply it to understand human biology and improve health. The ENCODE Consortium is integrating multiple technologies and approaches in a collective effort to discover and define the functional elements encoded in the human genome, including genes, transcripts, and transcriptional regulatory regions, together with their attendant chromatin states and DNA methylation patterns. In the process, standards to ensure high-quality data have been implemented, and novel algorithms have been developed to facilitate analysis. Data and derived results are made available through a freely accessible database. Here we provide an overview of the project and the resources it is generating and illustrate the application of ENCODE data to interpret the human genome.National Human Genome Research Institute (U.S.)National Institutes of Health (U.S.