75 research outputs found


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    The present paper shows a current review of the Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis (MJBA). The review includes a brief historical summary of the Mexican Society of Behavior Analysis, along with some aspects about the academic and social context of behavior analysis in Mexico which are mentioned in order to understand the origin of MJBA. The paper presents the number of articles published in English and Spanish, an analysis of the articles related to human and non-human behavior, basic and applied research. The paper also reports the first authors’ university affiliation with higher percentage of articles published.Keywords: behavior analysis in Mexico, Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, Mexican Society of Behavior Analysi

    Spatial Gradients of Intensity and Persistence of Soil Water Repellency Under Different Forest Types in Central Mexico

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    Organic residues release hydrophobic compounds to the soil that may induce soil water repellency (WR), which may inhibit infiltration andincrease runoff and soil loss rates. Although there are many studies on soil WR through the world, very few investigations have been con-ducted in Mexican areas. This paper studies the natural background of soil WR in soils from central Mexico under representative forest types,analyzing the spatial distribution of soil WR in relation with tree canopy, vegetation cover and main soil chemical (pH, CaCO3, organic Ccontent and exchangeable cations) and physical properties (texture). The water drop penetration time and the ethanol tests were used to assesspersistence and intensity of soil WR, respectively. Although soil WR was not related with soil properties, it decreased strongly from soil be-low the canopy of conifers to soil below oaks. When different types of vegetation cover were considered, the proportion of water-repellentsoil increased following the sequence: bare soil < shrubs and herbaceous plants < shrubs < trees from fir, fir-pine-oak and pine-oak forest.We found an inverse relation with distance to the tree trunks, contributing to create a patchy pattern of soil WR, with soils under the canopyof conifers showing the most severe WR levels. The spatial distribution of soil WR is also conditioned by microclimatic gradients, as per-sistence and intensity of soil WR were usually lower in shaded areas (upslope transects from the tree trunks), where soil moisture contentis expected to be higher on average through the year. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, LtdMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad CGL2013-47862-C2-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad CGL 2012-38655-C04-0

    Dietary Intake, Nutritional Adequacy and Food Sources of Total Fat and Fatty Acids, and Relationships with Personal and Family Factors in Spanish Children Aged One to <10 Years: Results of the EsNuPI Study

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    We aimed to determine the usual intake of total fat, fatty acids (FAs), and their main food sources in a representative cohort of the Spanish pediatric population aged 1 to <10 years (n = 707) who consumed all types of milk and an age-matched cohort who consumed adapted milk over the last year (including follow-on formula, toddler’s milk, growing-up milk, and fortified and enriched milks) (n = 741) who were participants in the EsNuPI study (in English, Nutritional Study in the Spanish Pediatric Population). Dietary intake, measured through two 24 h dietary recalls, was compared to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UN-FAO) recommendations. Both cohorts showed a high intake of saturated fatty acids (SFAs), according to FAO recommendations, as there are no numerical recommendations for SFAs at EFSA. Also, low intake of essential fatty acids (EFAs; linoleic acid (LA) and -linolenic acid (ALA)) and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) of the n-3 series, mainly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) were observed according to EFSA and FAO recommendations. The three main sources of total fat and di erent FAs were milk and dairy products, oils and fats, and meat and meat products. The consumption of adapted milk was one of the main factors associated with better adherence to the nutritional recommendations of total fat, SFAs, EFAs, PUFAs; and resulted as the main factor associated with better adherence to n-3 fatty acids intake recommendations. Knowledge of the dietary intake and food sources of total fat and FAs in children could help in designing and promoting e ective and practical age-targeted guidelines to promote the consumption of EFA- and n-3 PUFA-rich foods in this stage of life.Instituto Puleva de Nutricion (IPN) - dairy company Lactali

    Intracellular inflammatory and antioxidant pathways in postmortem frontal cortex of subjects with major depression: effect of antidepressants

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    Background: Studies show that Toll-like receptors (TLRs), members of the innate immune system, might participate in the pathogenesis of the major depressive disorder (MDD). However, evidence of this participation in the brain of patients with MDD has been elusive. Methods: This work explores whether the protein expression by immunodetection assays (Western blot) of elements of TLR-4 pathways controlling inflammation and the oxidative/nitrosative stress are altered in postmortem dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of subjects with MDD. The potential modulation induced by the antidepressant treatment on these parameters was also assessed. Thirty MDD subjects (15 antidepressant-free and 15 under antidepressant treatment) were matched for gender and age to 30 controls in a paired design. Results: No significant changes in TLR-4 expression were detected. An increased expression of the TLR-4 endogenous ligand Hsp70 (+ 33%), but not of Hsp60, and the activated forms of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) p38 (+ 47%) and JNK (+ 56%) was observed in MDD. Concomitantly, MDD subjects present a 45% decreased expression of DUSP2 (a regulator of MAPKs) and reduced (- 21%) expression of the antioxidant nuclear factor Nrf2. Antidepressant treatment did not modify the changes detected in the group with MDD and actually increased (+ 25%) the expression of p11, a protein linked with the transport of neurotransmitters and depression. Conclusion: Data indicate an altered TLR-4 immune response in the brain of subjects with MDD. Additional research focused on the mechanisms contributing to the antidepressant-induced TLR-4 pathway modulation is warranted and could help to develop new treatment strategies for MDD.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) through the Plan Estatal de I+D+i 2013-2016 (FIS-PI13/01102 and SAF2016-75500-R to JCL), the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (SAF2017-83053-R to JRC), the Basque Government (IT-616-13), CIBERSAM and the EDR Funds. JRC and BGB are Ramon y Cajal fellows (MINECO)

    Clustering of Dietary Patterns and Lifestyles Among Spanish Children in the EsNuPI Study

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    Dietary patterns (DPs) are known to be tied to lifestyle behaviors. Understanding DPs and their relationships with lifestyle factors can help to prevent children from engaging in unhealthy dietary practices. We aimed to describe DPs in Spanish children aged 1 to <10 years and to examine their associations with sociodemographic and lifestyle variables. The consumption of toddler and young children milk formulas, enriched and fortified milk within the Spanish pediatric population is increasing, and there is a lack of evidence whether the consumption of this type of milk is causing an impact on nutrient intakes and if they are helping to reach the nutrient recommendations. Within the Nutritional Study in the Spanish Pediatric Population (EsNuPI), we considered two study cohorts and three different age groups in three year-intervals in each of them. The study cohort included 740 children in a representative sample of the urban non-vegan Spanish population and 772 children in a convenience cohort of adapted milk consumers (AMS) (including follow-on formula, toddler’s milk, growing up milk, and fortified and enriched milks) who provided information about sociodemographics, lifestyle, and dietary habits; a food frequency questionnaire was used for the latter. Principal component analysis was performed to identify DPs from 18 food groups. Food groups and sociodemographic/lifestyle variables were combined through a hierarchical cluster algorithm. Three DPs predominated in every age group and study sample: a palatable energy-dense food dietary pattern, and two Mediterranean-like DPs. However, children from the AMS showed a predominant dietary pattern markedly related to the Mediterranean diet, with high consumption of cereals, fruits and vegetables, as well as milk and dairy products. The age of children and certain lifestyle factors, namely level of physical activity, parental education, and household income, correlated closely with the dietary clusters. Thus, the findings provide insight into designing lifestyle interventions that could reverse the appearance of unhealthy DPs in the Spanish child populationThis research was funded by Instituto Puleva de Nutrición (IPN)S

    Dietary and Lifestyle Patterns in the Spanish Pediatric Population (One to <10 Years Old): Design, Protocol, and Methodology of the EsNuPI Study

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    The interest in a healthy diet and lifestyle during the early stages of life increased, pointing out its role in the development of noncommunicable chronic diseases throughout adult life. Dietary habits and dietary patterns begin to be established in early childhood and persist during adulthood. Therefore, the EsNuPI (“Nutritional Study in Spanish Pediatric Population”) study aims to depict the dietary patterns, physical activity, and sedentary behaviors in Spanish children aged from one to <10 years old. This prospective, cross-sectional, observational study recruited a total of 1514 children from Spanish cities with >50,000 inhabitants, stratified by Nielsen areas. Participants were involved in one face-to-face survey, followed by a telephone survey after at least one week. Information about dietary intake and habits was obtained using a quantitative food frequency questionnaire and two 24-h dietary recalls. Physical activity and sedentary behaviors were registered using a specific questionnaire based on a seven-day record. Data were processed and stratified by categorical variables to be statistically analyzed in order to meet the study objectives. This study is the first of its kind in a Spanish reference population of this age range and the first to evaluate whether the consumption of adapted milk formulas and dairy products is associated with healthier dietary patterns and better diet quality and lifestyles in this group.This research was funded by Instituto Puleva de Nutrición (IPN)

    Efficacy of Anakinra in Refractory Adult-Onset Still's Disease: Multicenter Study of 41 Patients and Literature Review

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    Adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD) is often refractory to standard therapy. Anakinra (ANK), an interleukin-1 receptor antagonist, has demonstrated efficacy in single cases and small series of AOSD. We assessed the efficacy of ANK in a series of AOSD patients. Multicenter retrospective open-label study. ANK was used due to lack of efficacy to standard synthetic immunosuppressive drugs and in some cases also to at least 1 biologic agent. Forty-one patients (26 women/15 men) were recruited. They had a mean age of 34.4 ± 14 years and a median [interquartile range (IQR)] AOSD duration of 3.5 [2-6] years before ANK onset. At that time the most common clinical features were joint manifestations 87.8%, fever 78%, and cutaneous rash 58.5%. ANK yielded rapid and maintained clinical and laboratory improvement. After 1 year of therapy, the frequency of joint and cutaneous manifestations had decreased to 41.5% and to 7.3% respectively, fever from 78% to 14.6%, anemia from 56.1% to 9.8%, and lymphadenopathy from 26.8% to 4.9%. A dramatic improvement of laboratory parameters was also achieved. The median [IQR] prednisone dose was also reduced from 20 [11.3-47.5] mg/day at ANK onset to 5 [0-10] at 12 months. After a median [IQR] follow-up of 16 [5-50] months, the most important side effects were cutaneous manifestations (n = 8), mild leukopenia (n = 3), myopathy (n = 1), and infections (n = 5). ANK is associated with rapid and maintained clinical and laboratory improvement, even in nonresponders to other biologic agents. However, joint manifestations are more refractory than the systemic manifestations

    The extinct Sicilian wolf shows a complex history of isolation and admixture with ancient dogs

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    The Sicilian wolf remained isolated in Sicily from the end of the Pleistocene until its extermination in the 1930s–1960s. Given its long-term isolation on the island and distinctive morphology, the genetic origin of the Sicilian wolf remains debated. We sequenced four nuclear genomes and five mitogenomes from the seven existing museum specimens to investigate the Sicilian wolf ancestry, relationships with extant and extinct wolves and dogs, and diversity. Our results show that the Sicilian wolf is most closely related to the Italian wolf but carries ancestry from a lineage related to European Eneolithic and Bronze Age dogs. The average nucleotide diversity of the Sicilian wolf was half of the Italian wolf, with 37–50% of its genome contained in runs of homozygosity. Overall, we show that, by the time it went extinct, the Sicilian wolf had high inbreeding and low-genetic diversity, consistent with a population in an insular environmen

    Presentación de "Science for policy"

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    Datos técnicos: 187 minutos, color, español. Ficha técnica: Gabinete de Presidencia CSIC y Departamento de Comunicación. Emitido en directo el 28 jun 2023El Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) presenta este miércoles, 28 de junio, en su sede central en Madrid, los informes Ciencia para las Políticas Públicas (Science For Policy). Elaborados por equipos de investigadores del CSIC, tienen el objetivo de servir de puente entre los centros de investigación y los decisores políticos para contribuir a la definición de políticas públicas basadas en la evidencia científica.Peer reviewe