80 research outputs found

    Influência do tratamento térmico frente aos compostos antinutricionais em feijão-caupi

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    The cowpea is a legume of economic and nutritional importance, being a cheap source of protein for people in developing countries. However, the presence of antinutritional factors influences the bioavailability of nutrients. Thermal processing leads to a reduction of these factors. The objective of this study was to verify the influence of heat treatments on the antinutritional levels present in cowpea beans. This is an integrative review with search of scientific data in indexed databases, Web of Science, Scopus, Scielo, and Portal de Periódicos da Capes, with the combined descriptors: "heat treatment" and "antinutritional factors" and "cowpea". Of the 245 articles found, 11 were selected to compose the results, where 10 evaluated the trypsin inhibitors, 8 the tannin content, 8 the phytic acid, 3 the oligosaccharides, 3 the hydrogen cyanide, 2 the polyphenols and 2 the hemagglutinins. Cooking was the most used process, followed by autoclaving, steaming, roasting, pressure cooking, frying and extrusion. In 9 studies there was a significant reduction of the antinutritionals and in 2 the complete elimination, being the wet heat treatment the most effective. The effects of heat treatments on these compounds may vary according to the cultivar, antinutrient content, type of processing and exposure time.O feijão-caupi é uma leguminosa de importância econômica e nutricional, sendo uma fonte barata de proteína para população nos países em desenvolvimento. No entanto, a presença de fatores antinutricionais influência na biodisponibilidade dos nutrientes. O processamento térmico leva a redução desses fatores. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a influência dos tratamentos térmicos nos teores antinutricionais presentes no feijão-caupi. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa com busca de dados científicos em bases indexadas, Web of Science, Scopus, Scielo, e Portal de Periódicos da Capes, com os descritores combinados: “heat treatment” and “antinutritional factors” and “cowpea”. Dos 245 artigos encontrados, 11 foram selecionados para compor os resultados, onde 10 avaliaram os inibidores de tripsina, 8 o teor de taninos, 8 o ácido fítico, 3 os oligossacarídeos, 3 o cianeto de hidrogênio, 2 os polifenóis e 2 as hemaglutininas. O cozimento foi o processo mais utilizado, seguido da autoclavagem, vapor de água, torração, cozimento sobre pressão, fritura e extrusão. Em 9 trabalhos houve redução significativa dos antinutricionais e em 2 a eliminação completa, sendo o tratamento térmico úmido o mais eficaz. Os efeitos dos tratamentos térmicos sobre estes compostos podem variar conforme a cultivar, teor de antinutrientes, tipo de processamento e tempo de exposição

    Estudo epidemiológico do rastreamento e diagnóstico do Câncer do Colo do Útero no estado do Piauí

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    O câncer cervical é o quarto câncer mais comum e a quarta principal causa de morte por câncer entre mulheres em todo o mundo, com 604.127 novos casos e 341.831 mortes anualmente. O câncer do colo do útero (CCU) é um importante problema de saúde pública. O presente estudo tem como objetivo conhecer e identificar o perfil epidemiológico das pacientes que realizaram o exame de citologia para rastreamento do câncer de colo de útero no estado do Piauí no ano de 2019. O Ministério da Saúde aconselha que o exame citopatológico seja realizado sobretudo em mulheres de 25 a 65 anos, devido a isso é verificado uma baixa incidência e mortalidade pelo CCU fora desta faixa etária. É de suma importância que o diagnóstico seja realizado na fase inicial da doença para que de tal modo possa ser estabelecido o tratamento induzindo a paciente a cura. Pode-se concluir que o programa de rastreamento câncer de colo uterino do Piauí apresentou uma maior cobertura com o passar dos anos o que destaca a oferta adequada de exames. Somado a isso é de extrema necessidade que ocorra uma maior qualificação dos profissionais da atenção primária à saúde, responsáveis pelo rastreamento da neoplasia - incluindo a coleta do exame -, bem como dos profissionais dos laboratórios, encarregados da leitura das lâminas com intuito de garantir uma melhor qualidade nas amostras coletadas

    Differential effects of the second SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine dose on T cell immunity in naive and COVID-19 recovered individuals

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    The rapid development of mRNA-based vaccines against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) led to the design of accelerated vaccination schedules that have been extremely effective in naive individuals. While a two-dose immunization regimen with the BNT162b2 vaccine has been demonstrated to provide a 95% efficacy in naive individuals, the effects of the second vaccine dose in individuals who have previously recovered from natural SARS-CoV-2 infection has not been investigated in detail. In this study, we characterize SARS-CoV-2 spike-specific humoral and cellular immunity in naive and previously infected individuals during and after two doses of BNT162b2 vaccination. Our results demonstrate that, while the second dose increases both the humoral and cellular immunity in naive individuals, COVID-19 recovered individuals reach their peak of immunity after the first dose. These results suggests that a second dose, according to the current standard regimen of vaccination, may be not necessary in individuals previously infected with SARS-CoV-2.Funding: Research reported in this publication was supported in part by the National Cancer Institute of the NIH (5R01HD102614-02; R01CA249204 and R01CA248984) and an ISMMS seed fund to E.G. The authors gratefully acknowledge use of the services and facilities of the Tisch Cancer Institute supported by a NCI Cancer Center Support Grant (P30 CA196521). M.S. was supported by a NCI training grant (T32CA078207). This work was supported by an ISMMS seed fund to J.O.; Instituto de Salud Carlos III (COV20-00668) to R.C.R.; the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (COVID-19 research call COV20/00181) co-financed by the European Development Regional Fund ‘‘A way to achieve Europe’’ to E.P.; the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain (COV20/00170); the Government of Cantabria, Spain (2020UIC22-PUB-0019) to M.L.H.; the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI16CIII/00012) to P.P.; the Fondo Social Europeo e Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil YEI (Grant PEJ2018-004557-A) to M.P.E.; and by REDInREN 016/009/009 ISCIII. This project has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programs VACCELERATE and INsTRuCT under grant agreements 101037867 and 860003

    Differential effects of the second SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine dose on T cell immunity in naive and COVID-19 recovered individuals

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    The rapid development of mRNA-based vaccines against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) led to the design of accelerated vaccination schedules that have been extremely effective in naive individuals. While a two-dose immunization regimen with the BNT162b2 vaccine has been demonstrated to provide a 95% efficacy in naive individuals, the effects of the second vaccine dose in individuals who have previously recovered from natural SARS-CoV-2 infection has not been investigated in detail. In this study, we characterize SARS-CoV-2 spike-specific humoral and cellular immunity in naive and previously infected individuals during and after two doses of BNT162b2 vaccination. Our results demonstrate that, while the second dose increases both the humoral and cellular immunity in naive individuals, COVID-19 recovered individuals reach their peak of immunity after the first dose. These results suggests that a second dose, according to the current standard regimen of vaccination, may be not necessary in individuals previously infected with SARS-CoV-2.Research reported in this publication was supported in part by the National Cancer Institute of the NIH (5R01HD102614-02; R01CA249204 and R01CA248984) and an ISMMS seed fund to E.G. The authors gratefully acknowledge use of the services and facilities of the Tisch Cancer Institute supported by a NCI Cancer Center Support Grant (P30 CA196521). M.S. was supported by a NCI training grant (T32CA078207). This work was supported by an ISMMS seed fund to J.O.; Instituto de Salud Carlos III (COV20-00668) to R.C.R.; the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (COVID-19 research call COV20/00181) co-financed by the European Development Regional Fund “A way to achieve Europe” to E.P.; the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain (COV20/00170); the Government of Cantabria, Spain (2020UIC22-PUB-0019) to M.L.H.; the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI16CIII/00012) to P.P.; the Fondo Social Europeo e Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil YEI (Grant PEJ2018-004557-A) to M.P.E.; and by REDInREN 016/009/009 ISCIII. This project has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programs VACCELERATE and INsTRuCT under grant agreements 101037867 and 860003.S

    Skin color and severe maternal outcomes: evidence from the brazilian network for surveillance of severe maternal morbidity

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    Taking into account the probable role that race/skin color may have for determining outcomes in maternal health, the objective of this study was to assess whether maternal race/skin color is a predictor of severe maternal morbidity. This is a secondary analysis of the Brazilian Network for Surveillance of Severe Maternal Morbidity, a national multicenter cross-sectional study of 27 Brazilian referral maternity hospitals. A prospective surveillance was performed to identify cases of maternal death (MD), maternal near miss (MNM) events, and potentially life-threatening conditions (PLTC), according to standard WHO definition and criteria. Among 9,555 women with severe maternal morbidity, data on race/skin color was available for 7,139 women, who were further divided into two groups: 4,108 nonwhite women (2,253 black and 1,855 from other races/skin color) and 3,031 white women. Indicators of severe maternal morbidity according to WHO definition are shown by skin color group. Adjusted Prevalence Ratios (PRadj - 95%CI) for Severe Maternal Outcome (SMO=MNM+MD) were estimated according to sociodemographic/obstetric characteristics, pregnancy outcomes, and perinatal results considering race. Results. Among 7,139 women with severe maternal morbidity evaluated, 90.5% were classified as PLTC, 8.5% as MNM, and 1.6% as MD. There was a significantly higher prevalence of MNM and MD among white women. MNMR (maternal near miss ratio) was 9.37 per thousand live births (LB). SMOR (severe maternal outcome ratio) was 11.08 per 1000 LB, and MMR (maternal mortality ratio) was 170.4 per 100,000 LB. Maternal mortality to maternal near miss ratio was 1 to 5.2, irrespective of maternal skin color. Hypertension, the main cause of maternal complications, affected mostly nonwhite women. Hemorrhage, the second more common cause of maternal complication, predominated among white women. Nonwhite skin color was associated with a reduced risk of SMO in multivariate analysis. Nonwhite skin color was associated with a lower risk for severe maternal outcomes. This result could be due to confounding factors linked to a high rate of Brazilian miscegenation.2019CNPQ - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico402702/2008-


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    Em razão da falta de material específico de consulta que consolide as principais referências científicas e o acúmulo do conhecimento técnico sobre as metodologias de amostragem, coleta e análise de dados relativos aos quelônios continentais brasileiros, materializou-se este trabalho, há muito almejado pela sociedade interessada no assunto. Houve um grande esforço para compatibilizar metodologicamente as particularidades das espécies e ambientes em áreas com lacunas de amostragem, cujos parâmetros se adequam prioritariamente aos inventários e, em áreas com ocorrência conhecida de espécie(s) alvo de estudos de maior duração, aos monitoramentos populacionais. Sendo assim, essencialmente, este guia metodológico ou manual técnico inédito se constitui em roteiros de procedimentos fundamentados pela consolidação do estado da arte do conhecimento técnico-científico e pelas perspectivas, harmonizadas, dos principais grupos de pesquisa e entidades conservacionistas que atuam com esses animais. Essa iniciativa é oportuna, pois favorecerá a tão esperada padronização instrumental e analítica, segundo orientações validadas pelas experiências práticas dos autores, a serem adotados de forma consonante por diversas instituições ou grupos de pesquisa. Em consequência, poder-se-á integrar diferentes bancos de dados, compilar informações de séries históricas de dados de projetos correlatos, e assim, desenvolver análises comparativas das variáveis decorrentes dos componentes de pesquisa e conservação realizados de forma sistematizada por espécie, família, região, bioma etc., por meio de diferentes fontes de informação. E ainda, esta publicação tem o propósito de estimular a realização de estudos de caracterização do estado de conservação do grupo animal foco, especialmente em áreas protegidas, por meio da promoção de pesquisas básicas relativas à dinâmica de suas populações

    As particularidades clínicas da otite média: Clinical features of otitis media

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    A otite média é um processo inflamatório de evolução abrupta, acompanhado pelo quadro clínico típico de inflamação na orelha média, sendo sua incidência prevalente em crianças, culminando em leves repercussões clínicas, mas que deve ser adequadamente diagnosticada e tratada. Este evento clínico pode ser agudo, subagudo ou crônico com aparições típicas, evolução e manejo clínico diferenciados. O seguinte artigo é uma revisão narrativa de literatura que visa analisar a respeito das principais particularidades clínicas da Otite Média. Diante das informações coletadas, pode se elucidar que a otite média é o fator causal para implicações negativas e antibioticoterapia em crianças, logo é essencial medidas para diagnose precoce para evitar repercussões na saúde destes

    Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences

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    The question whether taxonomic descriptions naming new animal species without type specimen(s) deposited in collections should be accepted for publication by scientific journals and allowed by the Code has already been discussed in Zootaxa (Dubois & Nemésio 2007; Donegan 2008, 2009; Nemésio 2009a–b; Dubois 2009; Gentile & Snell 2009; Minelli 2009; Cianferoni & Bartolozzi 2016; Amorim et al. 2016). This question was again raised in a letter supported by 35 signatories published in the journal Nature (Pape et al. 2016) on 15 September 2016. On 25 September 2016, the following rebuttal (strictly limited to 300 words as per the editorial rules of Nature) was submitted to Nature, which on 18 October 2016 refused to publish it. As we think this problem is a very important one for zoological taxonomy, this text is published here exactly as submitted to Nature, followed by the list of the 493 taxonomists and collection-based researchers who signed it in the short time span from 20 September to 6 October 2016

    Farmacologia clínica da doença de Parkinson: Clinical pharmacology of Parkinson's disease

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    As patologias neurodegenerativas cursam com depleção progressiva e irreversível dos neurônios existentes em regiões específicas do cérebro. A Doença de Parkinson (DP) é um protótipo, na qual o extravio neuronal do hipocampo e do córtex resulta em déficit de memória e disfunção cognitiva. O seguinte artigo objetivou descrever de modo narrativo as considerações clínicas da doença de Parkinson que justifiquem a ação farmacológica dos fármacos empregados em sua terapêutica. Atualmente, a intervenção farmacológica e a cirúrgica não são capazes de reverter o quadro clínico, mas evitam a progressão da morbimortalidade da DP. O tratamento é individual, baseado na reação específica, o quadro clínico, resposta farmacológica e aspectos socioeconômicos, ocupacionais e emocionais. A finalidade se baseia em perpetuar a autonomia e funcionalidade, o máximo de tempo possível. A escolha dos fármacos mais apropriados para cada paciente e o início do tratamento e o acompanhamento ao longo da evolução são etapas difíceis. Devido a cronicidade, o tratamento deve continuar por toda a vida, considerando que os fármacos e suas doses mudam com o tempo, o surgimento de efeitos adversos

    Impact of COVID-19 on cardiovascular testing in the United States versus the rest of the world

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    Objectives: This study sought to quantify and compare the decline in volumes of cardiovascular procedures between the United States and non-US institutions during the early phase of the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the care of many non-COVID-19 illnesses. Reductions in diagnostic cardiovascular testing around the world have led to concerns over the implications of reduced testing for cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality. Methods: Data were submitted to the INCAPS-COVID (International Atomic Energy Agency Non-Invasive Cardiology Protocols Study of COVID-19), a multinational registry comprising 909 institutions in 108 countries (including 155 facilities in 40 U.S. states), assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on volumes of diagnostic cardiovascular procedures. Data were obtained for April 2020 and compared with volumes of baseline procedures from March 2019. We compared laboratory characteristics, practices, and procedure volumes between U.S. and non-U.S. facilities and between U.S. geographic regions and identified factors associated with volume reduction in the United States. Results: Reductions in the volumes of procedures in the United States were similar to those in non-U.S. facilities (68% vs. 63%, respectively; p = 0.237), although U.S. facilities reported greater reductions in invasive coronary angiography (69% vs. 53%, respectively; p < 0.001). Significantly more U.S. facilities reported increased use of telehealth and patient screening measures than non-U.S. facilities, such as temperature checks, symptom screenings, and COVID-19 testing. Reductions in volumes of procedures differed between U.S. regions, with larger declines observed in the Northeast (76%) and Midwest (74%) than in the South (62%) and West (44%). Prevalence of COVID-19, staff redeployments, outpatient centers, and urban centers were associated with greater reductions in volume in U.S. facilities in a multivariable analysis. Conclusions: We observed marked reductions in U.S. cardiovascular testing in the early phase of the pandemic and significant variability between U.S. regions. The association between reductions of volumes and COVID-19 prevalence in the United States highlighted the need for proactive efforts to maintain access to cardiovascular testing in areas most affected by outbreaks of COVID-19 infection