52 research outputs found

    T Lymphocytes Transduced with a Lentiviral Vector Expressing F12-vif Are Protected from HIV-1 Infection in an APOBEC3G-Independent Manner

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    The viral infectivity factor (Vif) is an essential component of the HIV-1 infectious cycle. Vif counteracts the action of the cytidine deaminase APOBEC3G (AP3G), which confers nonimmune antiviral defense against HIV-1 to T lymphocytes. Disabling or interfering with the function of Vif could represent an alternative therapeutic approach to AIDS. We have expressed a natural mutant of Vif, F12-Vif, in a VSV-G-pseudotyped lentiviral vector under the Tat-inducible control of the HIV-1 LTR. Conditional expression of F12-Vif prevents replication and spreading of both CXCR4 and CCR5 strains of HIV-1 in human primary T lymphocyte and T cell lines. T cells transduced with F12-Vif release few HIV-1 virions and with reduced infectivity. Several lines of evidence indicate that HIV-1 interference requires the presence of both wild-type and F12-Vif proteins, suggesting a dominant-negative feature of the F12-Vif mutant. Surprisingly, however, the F12-Vif-mediated inhibition does not depend on the reestablishment of the AP3G function

    606. Identification of a 45-aa Domain of the F12-Vif Mutant Possessing Anti-HIV Activity

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    Our previous results have demonstrated that T-cell lines and primary T lymphocytes transduced with a Tat-dependent HIV-based lentiviral vectors expressing the mutant isoform of the vif gene, F12-vif, are protected from HIV-1 infection. F12-Vif is a 192-aa natural variant polypeptide owing 14 unique amino acid substitutions. The substitutions are randomly scattered along the entire sequence with the exception of a 5-aa cluster located at positions 127, 128, and 130|[ndash]|132. None of the 14 aa substitutions is present in the SOCS box that recruits the E3 ubiquitin ligase responsible of APOBEC3G (AP3G) degradation during HIV infection. In line with this notion, we have shown that the antiviral function of F12-Vif is not due to a dominant negative feature of the mutant in regards to the Vif-mediated degradation of AP3G rather to some other unknown means. Therefore, in the effort to elucidate the F12-Vif mechanism of action, we started to identify the protein domain of F12-Vif responsible of HIV-1 inhibition. To this end, we have constructed three chimeric genes (Chim1, Chim2 and Chim3) composed by wild-type and F12-vif regions. T cell lines and cord blood derived CD4+T lymphocytes were transduced with the lentiviral vectors expressing the chimeric genes and then challenged with both X4 and R5 HIV-1 strains. We show that 45 amino acids in the C-terminal domain of the F12-Vif mutant are sufficient to exert anti-viral effect in transduced cells. In contrast to F12-Vif, Chim3 does not allow the rescue of the replication of a vif-deficient HIV-1 in the context of either X4 or R5 tropism in non permissive cells. This specific feature renders Chim3 a truly dominant negative protein more suitable than F12-Vif for an anti-HIV gene therapy approach

    The Evolving Role of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treatment

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of most common cancers and the fourth leading cause of death worldwide. Commonly, HCC development occurs in a liver that is severely compromised by chronic injury or inflammation. Liver transplantation, hepatic resection, radiofrequency ablation (RFA), transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE), and targeted therapies based on tyrosine protein kinase inhibitors are the most common treatments. The latter group have been used as the primary choice for a decade. However, tumor microenvironment in HCC is strongly immunosuppressive; thus, new treatment approaches for HCC remain necessary. The great expression of immune checkpoint molecules, such as programmed death-1 (PD-1), cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4), lymphocyte activating gene 3 protein (LAG-3), and mucin domain molecule 3 (TIM-3), on tumor and immune cells and the high levels of immunosuppressive cytokines induce T cell inhibition and represent one of the major mechanisms of HCC immune escape. Recently, immunotherapy based on the use of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), as single agents or in combination with kinase inhibitors, anti-angiogenic drugs, chemotherapeutic agents, and locoregional therapies, offers great promise in the treatment of HCC. This review summarizes the recent clinical studies, as well as ongoing and upcoming trials

    Heterogeneity of Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription Binding Sites in the Long-Terminal Repeats of Distinct HIV-1 Subtypes

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    HIV-1 can be subdivided into distinct subtypes; the consequences of such a genomic variability remain largely speculative. The long terminal repeats (LTR) control HIV transcription and reflect the major differences of distinct viral subtypes. Three regions in the HIV-1 subtype B LTR are close matches to the Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT) consensus sequence. Here, we show heterogeneity in these putative STAT binding sites among HIV-1 LTR subtypes A through G. Transfection of constitutively activated STAT5 lead to transcriptional activation of HIV-1 expression in 293T cells transfected with a reporter assay driven by HIV-1 LTR subtype B. Constitutively activated STAT5 transactivated the LTR of various subtypes in U937 cells with different potency. These findings support and expand the potential relevance of STAT5 activation in HIV infection and may bear relevance for a differential regulation of latency and expression of different subtypes of HIV-1

    Curcumin and Andrographolide Co-Administration Safely Prevent Steatosis Induction and ROS Production in HepG2 Cell Line

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an emerging chronic liver disease worldwide. Curcumin and andrographolide are famous for improving hepatic functions, being able to reverse oxidative stress and release pro-inflammatory cytokines, and they are implicated in hepatic stellate cell activation and in liver fibrosis development. Thus, we tested curcumin and andrographolide separately and in combination to determine their effect on triglyceride accumulation and ROS production, identifying the differential expression of genes involved in fatty liver and oxidative stress development. In vitro steatosis was induced in HepG2 cells and the protective effect of curcumin, andrographolide, and their combination was observed evaluating cell viability, lipid and triglyceride content, ROS levels, and microarray differential gene expression. Curcumin, andrographolide, and their association were effective in reducing steatosis, triglyceride content, and ROS stress, downregulating the genes involved in lipid accumulation. Moreover, the treatments were able to protect the cytotoxic effect of steatosis, promoting the expression of survival and anti-inflammatory genes. The present study showed that the association of curcumin and andrographolide could be used as a therapeutic approach to counter high lipid content and ROS levels in steatosis liver, avoiding the possible hepatotoxic effect of curcumin. Furthermore, this study improved our understanding of the antisteatosis and hepatoprotective properties of a curcumin and andrographolide combination

    Mutational analysis of the HIV-1 auxiliary protein Vif identifies independent domains important for the physical and functional interaction with HIV-1 reverse transcriptase

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    The HIV-1 accessory protein Vif plays a dual role: it counteracts the natural restriction factors APOBEC3G and 3F and ensures efficient retrotranscription of the HIV-1 RNA genome. We have previously shown that Vif can act as an auxiliary factor for HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT), increasing its rate of association to RNA or DNA templates. Here, by using seven different Vif mutants, we provide in vitro evidences that Vif stimulates HIV-1 RT through direct protein–protein interaction, which is mediated by its C-terminal domain. Physical interaction appears to require the proline-rich region comprised between amino acid (aa) 161 and 164 of Vif, whereas the RT stimulatory activity requires, in addition, the extreme C-terminal region (aa 169–192) of the Vif protein. Neither the RNA interaction domain, nor the Zn++-binding domain of Vif are required for its interaction with the viral RT. Pseudotyped HIV-1 lentiviral vectors bearing Vif mutants deleted in the RNA- or RT-binding domains show defects in retrotranscription/integration processes in both permissive and nonpermissive cells. Our results broaden our knowledge on how three important functions of Vif (RNA binding, RT binding and stimulation and Zn++ binding), are coordinated by different domains

    Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for kidney function.

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    Reduced glomerular filtration rate defines chronic kidney disease and is associated with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. We conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), combining data across 133,413 individuals with replication in up to 42,166 individuals. We identify 24 new and confirm 29 previously identified loci. Of these 53 loci, 19 associate with eGFR among individuals with diabetes. Using bioinformatics, we show that identified genes at eGFR loci are enriched for expression in kidney tissues and in pathways relevant for kidney development and transmembrane transporter activity, kidney structure, and regulation of glucose metabolism. Chromatin state mapping and DNase I hypersensitivity analyses across adult tissues demonstrate preferential mapping of associated variants to regulatory regions in kidney but not extra-renal tissues. These findings suggest that genetic determinants of eGFR are mediated largely through direct effects within the kidney and highlight important cell types and biological pathways

    Caratterizzazione e funzioni di proteine non strutturali dei tombusvirus

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    Dottorato di ricerca in protezione delle colture. 7. ciclo. A.a. 1992-95. Relatore G. P. Martelli. Correlatori M. Castellano e D. GallitelliConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal