8 research outputs found

    Behandlung des in der Klärwasseranlage entstandenen Belebtschlammes durch Kompostierung

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    U današnje vrijeme porastom broja stanovnika te razvojem industrije globalno raste količina nastalih otpadnih voda koje je potrebno obraditi. U postupku biološke obrade otpadnih voda generira se aktivni mulj kojeg je potrebno zbrinuti na odgovarajući način. U ovom radu ispitana je učinkovitost obrade mulja s uređaja za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda (UPOV) grada Vrgorca procesom kompostiranja, odnosno odredio se optimalan omjer mulja (M) i supstrata (S) na temelju maksimalne konverzije, trajanja termofilne faze i temperature. U tu svrhu ispitani su različiti omjeri mješavine S i M (SP – samo biootpad, P1 – S/M = 2,5:1 ; P2 – S/M = 5:1 ; P3 – S/M = 7:1) u reaktorima radnog volumena, Vr = 1 L. U pokusima SP, P1, P2 i P3 postignuta je konverzija od 43 %, 64 %, 56 % te 53 %, maksimalna temperatura iznosila je 57,1 °C, 58,3 °C, 61,4 °C odnosno 62,8 °C, a termofilna faza trajala je 3, 13, 7, i 5 dana. Najučinkovitiji pokus (P1) prenesen je u veće mjerilo, u reaktor radnog volumena Vr = 10 L, gdje se proveo pokus P4. U pokusu P4 postignuta je konverzija od 56 % s maksimalnom temperaturom od 57,48 °C i trajanjem termofilne faze od 4 dana.At present, due to population growth and industrial development, there is a global increase in generated wastewater quantities that require treatment. Active sludge generated in the biological procedure of wastewater treatment requires adequate disposal. The paper examines the efficiency of sludge treatment at the Vrgorac wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) using the composting process. The optimal ratio of sludge (M) and substrate (S) was determined based on maximum conversion, thermophilic stage duration and temperature. To this end, different ratios of the S and M mixture were tested (SP – only biowaste, P1 – S/M = 2.5:1 ; P2 – S/M = 5:1 ; P3 – S/M = 7:1) in reactors of working volume Vr = 1 L. In the tests SP, P1, P2 and P3, the achieved conversion ranged from 43 %, 64 %, 56 % to 53 %, respectively, maximum temperature was 57.1 °C, 58.3 °C, 61.4 °C and 62.8 °C, while the thermophilic stage lasted 3, 13, 7 and 5 days. The most efficient test (P1) was transferred to a larger scale, in the reactor with working volume Vr = 10 L, where the test P4 was conducted. In the test P4, the achieved conversion equalled 56 %, with maximum temperature of 57.48 °C and thermophilic stage duration of 4 days.Mit der Steigerung der Einwohnerzahl und der industriellen Entwicklung wächst auch die Menge der zu behandelnden Abwässer. Im Laufe der biologischen Behandlung der Abwässer entsteht Belebtschlamm, der auf entsprechende Weise entsorgt werden muss. In dieser Untersuchung wurde die Wirksamkeit der Behandlung des in der Klärwasseranlage der Stadt Vrgorac entstandenen Belebtschlammes durch Kompostierung geprüft. Außerdem wurde das optimale Verhältnis zwischen Schlamm (M) und Substrat (S) auf Grund der maximalen Umwandlung, der Dauer der thermophilen Phase und der Temperatur festgestellt. Zu diesem Zwecke wurden unterschiedliche Verhältnisse von S und M (SP – nur Bioabfall, P1 – S/M = 2,5:1 ; P2 – S/M = 5:1 ; P3 – S/M = 7:1) in den Reaktoren mit Betriebsvolumen Vr = 1 L untersucht. In den Versuchen SP, P1, P2 und P3 wurde die Umwandlung von 43 %, 64 %, 56 % bzw. 53 % erzielt, die maximal gemessene Temperatur betrug 57,1 °C, 58,3 °C, 61,4 °C bzw. 62,8 °C, und die thermophile Phase dauerte 3, 13, 7 bzw. 5 Tage. Der wirksamste Versuch (P1) wurde in einen größeren Maßstab übertragen, nämlich, in den Reaktor mit Betriebsvolumen Vr = 10 L, wo der Versuch P4 durchgeführt wurde. In diesem Versuch wurde die Umwandlung von 56 % mit maximaler Temperatur von 57,48 °C und der Dauer der thermophilen Phase von 4 Tagen erreicht

    Behandlung des in der Klärwasseranlage entstandenen Belebtschlammes durch Kompostierung

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    U današnje vrijeme porastom broja stanovnika te razvojem industrije globalno raste količina nastalih otpadnih voda koje je potrebno obraditi. U postupku biološke obrade otpadnih voda generira se aktivni mulj kojeg je potrebno zbrinuti na odgovarajući način. U ovom radu ispitana je učinkovitost obrade mulja s uređaja za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda (UPOV) grada Vrgorca procesom kompostiranja, odnosno odredio se optimalan omjer mulja (M) i supstrata (S) na temelju maksimalne konverzije, trajanja termofilne faze i temperature. U tu svrhu ispitani su različiti omjeri mješavine S i M (SP – samo biootpad, P1 – S/M = 2,5:1 ; P2 – S/M = 5:1 ; P3 – S/M = 7:1) u reaktorima radnog volumena, Vr = 1 L. U pokusima SP, P1, P2 i P3 postignuta je konverzija od 43 %, 64 %, 56 % te 53 %, maksimalna temperatura iznosila je 57,1 °C, 58,3 °C, 61,4 °C odnosno 62,8 °C, a termofilna faza trajala je 3, 13, 7, i 5 dana. Najučinkovitiji pokus (P1) prenesen je u veće mjerilo, u reaktor radnog volumena Vr = 10 L, gdje se proveo pokus P4. U pokusu P4 postignuta je konverzija od 56 % s maksimalnom temperaturom od 57,48 °C i trajanjem termofilne faze od 4 dana.At present, due to population growth and industrial development, there is a global increase in generated wastewater quantities that require treatment. Active sludge generated in the biological procedure of wastewater treatment requires adequate disposal. The paper examines the efficiency of sludge treatment at the Vrgorac wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) using the composting process. The optimal ratio of sludge (M) and substrate (S) was determined based on maximum conversion, thermophilic stage duration and temperature. To this end, different ratios of the S and M mixture were tested (SP – only biowaste, P1 – S/M = 2.5:1 ; P2 – S/M = 5:1 ; P3 – S/M = 7:1) in reactors of working volume Vr = 1 L. In the tests SP, P1, P2 and P3, the achieved conversion ranged from 43 %, 64 %, 56 % to 53 %, respectively, maximum temperature was 57.1 °C, 58.3 °C, 61.4 °C and 62.8 °C, while the thermophilic stage lasted 3, 13, 7 and 5 days. The most efficient test (P1) was transferred to a larger scale, in the reactor with working volume Vr = 10 L, where the test P4 was conducted. In the test P4, the achieved conversion equalled 56 %, with maximum temperature of 57.48 °C and thermophilic stage duration of 4 days.Mit der Steigerung der Einwohnerzahl und der industriellen Entwicklung wächst auch die Menge der zu behandelnden Abwässer. Im Laufe der biologischen Behandlung der Abwässer entsteht Belebtschlamm, der auf entsprechende Weise entsorgt werden muss. In dieser Untersuchung wurde die Wirksamkeit der Behandlung des in der Klärwasseranlage der Stadt Vrgorac entstandenen Belebtschlammes durch Kompostierung geprüft. Außerdem wurde das optimale Verhältnis zwischen Schlamm (M) und Substrat (S) auf Grund der maximalen Umwandlung, der Dauer der thermophilen Phase und der Temperatur festgestellt. Zu diesem Zwecke wurden unterschiedliche Verhältnisse von S und M (SP – nur Bioabfall, P1 – S/M = 2,5:1 ; P2 – S/M = 5:1 ; P3 – S/M = 7:1) in den Reaktoren mit Betriebsvolumen Vr = 1 L untersucht. In den Versuchen SP, P1, P2 und P3 wurde die Umwandlung von 43 %, 64 %, 56 % bzw. 53 % erzielt, die maximal gemessene Temperatur betrug 57,1 °C, 58,3 °C, 61,4 °C bzw. 62,8 °C, und die thermophile Phase dauerte 3, 13, 7 bzw. 5 Tage. Der wirksamste Versuch (P1) wurde in einen größeren Maßstab übertragen, nämlich, in den Reaktor mit Betriebsvolumen Vr = 10 L, wo der Versuch P4 durchgeführt wurde. In diesem Versuch wurde die Umwandlung von 56 % mit maximaler Temperatur von 57,48 °C und der Dauer der thermophilen Phase von 4 Tagen erreicht

    An overview of anti-diabetic plants used in Gabon: Pharmacology and Toxicology

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Ethnopharmacological relevance: The management of diabetes mellitus management in African communities, especially in Gabon, is not well established as more than 60% of population rely on traditional treatments as primary healthcare. The aim of this review was to collect and present the scientific evidence for the use of medicinal plants that are in currect by Gabonese traditional healers to manage diabetes or hyperglycaemia based here on the pharmacological and toxicological profiles of plants with anti-diabetic activity. There are presented in order to promote their therapeutic value, ensure a safer use by population and provide some bases for further study on high potential plants reviewed. Materials and methods: Ethnobotanical studies were sourced using databases such as Online Wiley library, Pubmed, Google Scholar, PROTA, books and unpublished data including Ph.D. and Master thesis, African and Asian journals. Keywords including ‘Diabetes’ ‘Gabon’ ‘Toxicity’ ‘Constituents’ ‘hyperglycaemia’ were used. Results: A total of 69 plants currently used in Gabon with potential anti-diabetic activity have been identified in the literature, all of which have been used in in vivo or in vitro studies. Most of the plants have been studied in human or animal models for their ability to reduce blood glucose, stimulate insulin secretion or inhibit carbohydrates enzymes. Active substances have been identified in 12 out of 69 plants outlined in this review, these include Allium cepa and Tabernanthe iboga. Only eight plants have their active substances tested for anti-diabetic activity and are suitables for further investigation. Toxicological data is scarce and is dose-related to the functional parameters of major organs such as kidney and liver. Conclusion: An in-depth understanding on the pharmacology and toxicology of Gabonese anti-diabetic plants is lacking yet there is a great scope for new treatments. With further research, the use of Gabonese anti-diabetic plants is important to ensure the safety of the diabetic patients in Gabon.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Investigation of the high input signal amplitude influence on the impedance testing of protective coating systems

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    Zaštita metalnih površina ključna je za održivi razvoj društva. Potreba za što većim količinama metala javlja se iz dana u dan i ako ne osiguramo ispravnu zaštitu već postojećih metalnih konstrukcija može doći do značajnih šteta na imovini kao i do ugrožavanja sigurnosti ljudi i okoliša. Sastav i nanošenje organskih premaza imaju veliki značaj u zaštiti metalnih površina od korozije, ali također karakterizacija i konstantno praćenje ponašanja premaza igra veliku ulogu. Elektrokemijska impedancijska spektroskopija (EIS) kao metoda na bazi izmjenične struje ne narušava zaštitna svojstva sustava i omogućuje karakterizaciju stanja premaza pomoću ekvivalentnih električnih krugova. Kako bi dobili ispravne rezultate važno je obratiti pozornost na utjecaj smetnji, odnosno, elektromagnetskih interferencija koje djeluju induktivnim putem. Električni vodovi ili izvori napajanja najčešći su izvori elektromagnetskih smetnji koji mogu utjecati na točnost i preciznost EIS mjerenja. U ovom istraživanju provedena su ispitivanja utjecaja povećanja amplitude ulaznog signala na EIS mjerenja, pri različitima razinama interferencija, u laboratoriju i na terenu. Provedena su ispitivanja na tri istovrsne slijepe ćelije s četiri električna kruga različitih kombinacija kapaciteta i otpora. Laboratorijska ispitivanja provedena su u elektromagnetski izoliranim uvjetima – Faradayevom kavezu, a terenska ispitivanja provedena su u trafostanici, pored željeznice na izmjeničnu vuču i u laboratoriju van Faradayevog kaveza.The protection of metal surfaces is crucial for the sustainable development of society. The need for as much metal as possible arises from day to day, and if we do not ensure proper protection of already existing metal structures, there can occur significant damage to the property as well as endangering the safety of people and the environment. The composition and application of organic coatings are of great importance in protecting metal surfaces from corrosion, but also the characterization and constant monitoring of the behavior of the coatings plays a major role. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) as a method based on alternating current does not impair the protective properties of the system and allows the characterization of the coating state by means of equivalent electrical circuits. In order to obtain correct results, it is important to pay attention to the influence of electromagnetic interference that act trought induction. Power lines or power sources are the most common sources of electromagnetic interferences that can affect the accuracy and precision of EIS measurements. In this study, the effect of increasing the amplitude of the input signal on EIS measurements under various leveles of interferencewas investigatedin laboratory and field conditions. Tests were performed on three simultaneous dummy cells with four electrical circuits of different combinations of capacitance and resistance. Laboratory tests were conducted under electromagnetically isolated conditions - Faraday's cage, field tests were conducted in the power substation, iclose to the AC traction rail and in the laboratory outside the Faraday cage

    Investigation of the high input signal amplitude influence on the impedance testing of protective coating systems

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    Zaštita metalnih površina ključna je za održivi razvoj društva. Potreba za što većim količinama metala javlja se iz dana u dan i ako ne osiguramo ispravnu zaštitu već postojećih metalnih konstrukcija može doći do značajnih šteta na imovini kao i do ugrožavanja sigurnosti ljudi i okoliša. Sastav i nanošenje organskih premaza imaju veliki značaj u zaštiti metalnih površina od korozije, ali također karakterizacija i konstantno praćenje ponašanja premaza igra veliku ulogu. Elektrokemijska impedancijska spektroskopija (EIS) kao metoda na bazi izmjenične struje ne narušava zaštitna svojstva sustava i omogućuje karakterizaciju stanja premaza pomoću ekvivalentnih električnih krugova. Kako bi dobili ispravne rezultate važno je obratiti pozornost na utjecaj smetnji, odnosno, elektromagnetskih interferencija koje djeluju induktivnim putem. Električni vodovi ili izvori napajanja najčešći su izvori elektromagnetskih smetnji koji mogu utjecati na točnost i preciznost EIS mjerenja. U ovom istraživanju provedena su ispitivanja utjecaja povećanja amplitude ulaznog signala na EIS mjerenja, pri različitima razinama interferencija, u laboratoriju i na terenu. Provedena su ispitivanja na tri istovrsne slijepe ćelije s četiri električna kruga različitih kombinacija kapaciteta i otpora. Laboratorijska ispitivanja provedena su u elektromagnetski izoliranim uvjetima – Faradayevom kavezu, a terenska ispitivanja provedena su u trafostanici, pored željeznice na izmjeničnu vuču i u laboratoriju van Faradayevog kaveza.The protection of metal surfaces is crucial for the sustainable development of society. The need for as much metal as possible arises from day to day, and if we do not ensure proper protection of already existing metal structures, there can occur significant damage to the property as well as endangering the safety of people and the environment. The composition and application of organic coatings are of great importance in protecting metal surfaces from corrosion, but also the characterization and constant monitoring of the behavior of the coatings plays a major role. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) as a method based on alternating current does not impair the protective properties of the system and allows the characterization of the coating state by means of equivalent electrical circuits. In order to obtain correct results, it is important to pay attention to the influence of electromagnetic interference that act trought induction. Power lines or power sources are the most common sources of electromagnetic interferences that can affect the accuracy and precision of EIS measurements. In this study, the effect of increasing the amplitude of the input signal on EIS measurements under various leveles of interferencewas investigatedin laboratory and field conditions. Tests were performed on three simultaneous dummy cells with four electrical circuits of different combinations of capacitance and resistance. Laboratory tests were conducted under electromagnetically isolated conditions - Faraday's cage, field tests were conducted in the power substation, iclose to the AC traction rail and in the laboratory outside the Faraday cage

    Investigation of the high input signal amplitude influence on the impedance testing of protective coating systems

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    Zaštita metalnih površina ključna je za održivi razvoj društva. Potreba za što većim količinama metala javlja se iz dana u dan i ako ne osiguramo ispravnu zaštitu već postojećih metalnih konstrukcija može doći do značajnih šteta na imovini kao i do ugrožavanja sigurnosti ljudi i okoliša. Sastav i nanošenje organskih premaza imaju veliki značaj u zaštiti metalnih površina od korozije, ali također karakterizacija i konstantno praćenje ponašanja premaza igra veliku ulogu. Elektrokemijska impedancijska spektroskopija (EIS) kao metoda na bazi izmjenične struje ne narušava zaštitna svojstva sustava i omogućuje karakterizaciju stanja premaza pomoću ekvivalentnih električnih krugova. Kako bi dobili ispravne rezultate važno je obratiti pozornost na utjecaj smetnji, odnosno, elektromagnetskih interferencija koje djeluju induktivnim putem. Električni vodovi ili izvori napajanja najčešći su izvori elektromagnetskih smetnji koji mogu utjecati na točnost i preciznost EIS mjerenja. U ovom istraživanju provedena su ispitivanja utjecaja povećanja amplitude ulaznog signala na EIS mjerenja, pri različitima razinama interferencija, u laboratoriju i na terenu. Provedena su ispitivanja na tri istovrsne slijepe ćelije s četiri električna kruga različitih kombinacija kapaciteta i otpora. Laboratorijska ispitivanja provedena su u elektromagnetski izoliranim uvjetima – Faradayevom kavezu, a terenska ispitivanja provedena su u trafostanici, pored željeznice na izmjeničnu vuču i u laboratoriju van Faradayevog kaveza.The protection of metal surfaces is crucial for the sustainable development of society. The need for as much metal as possible arises from day to day, and if we do not ensure proper protection of already existing metal structures, there can occur significant damage to the property as well as endangering the safety of people and the environment. The composition and application of organic coatings are of great importance in protecting metal surfaces from corrosion, but also the characterization and constant monitoring of the behavior of the coatings plays a major role. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) as a method based on alternating current does not impair the protective properties of the system and allows the characterization of the coating state by means of equivalent electrical circuits. In order to obtain correct results, it is important to pay attention to the influence of electromagnetic interference that act trought induction. Power lines or power sources are the most common sources of electromagnetic interferences that can affect the accuracy and precision of EIS measurements. In this study, the effect of increasing the amplitude of the input signal on EIS measurements under various leveles of interferencewas investigatedin laboratory and field conditions. Tests were performed on three simultaneous dummy cells with four electrical circuits of different combinations of capacitance and resistance. Laboratory tests were conducted under electromagnetically isolated conditions - Faraday's cage, field tests were conducted in the power substation, iclose to the AC traction rail and in the laboratory outside the Faraday cage

    Composting of activated sludge in adiabatic reactor

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    U današnje vrijeme porastom broja stanovnika te razvojem industrije globalno raste količina nastalih otpadnih voda koje je potrebno obraditi. Biološkom obradom otpadnih voda, koja je zbog svoje jednostavnosti i ekonomske isplativosti jedna od prihvatljivijih obrada, zaostaje aktivni mulj kojeg je potrebno zbrinuti na odgovarajući način. Danas postoje razni načini zbrinjavanja aktivnog mulja, poput mehaničkih, bioloških i fizikalnih procesa. Aktivni mulj je bogat organskom tvari te je zbog toga pogodan za kompostiranje, a produkt – kompost se može odložiti na poljoprivredno tlo ukoliko zadovoljava uvjete koji su propisani pravilnikom. U ovom radu istraživana je mogućnost zbrinjavanja aktivnog mulja procesom kompostiranja. U cilju dobivanja optimalne mješavine aktivnog mulja (AM) i biootpada (S) ispitani su različiti omjeri mješavine supstrata i aktivnog mulja (SP – biootpad, P1 – S/AM = 2,5:1 ; P2 – S/AM = 5:1 ; P3 – S/AM = 7:1) u reaktorima radnog volumena, Vr = 1 L. Proces kompostiranja u adijabatskom reaktoru radnog volumena Vr = 10 L (P4) proveden je s mješavinom koja je pokazala najbolje rezultate u pokusima koji su se provodili u manjem reaktorskom mjerilu (P1). Proces kompostiranja trajao je 16 dana te su praćeni sljedeći parametri: temperatura, ukupan broj mikroorganizama, C/N omjer, udio vlage, udio hlapive tvari, pH supstrata i kondenzata, volumen kondenzata,udio nastalog CO2 i NH3, koncentracija amonijevih iona i konverzija. U pokusima SP, P1, P2, P3 i P4 postignuta je konverzija od 39,81 %, 44,35 %, 49,72 %, 48,85 %, te 42,21 %. Ukupna koncentracija CO2 u pokusima SP, P1, P2, P3 i P4 iznosila je 644,72 g kgHT0^-1,660,13 g kgHT0^-1, 511,79 g kgHT0^-1, 565,38 g kgHT0^-1, te 344,42 g kgHT0^-1. Maksimalna temperatura u pokusima SP, P1, P2, P3 i P4 iznosila je 57,1 °C, 58,3 °C, 61,4 °C, 62,8 °C i 57,48 °C. Termofilna faza u pokusima SP, P1, P2, P3 i P4 trajala je 3, 13, 7, 5 i 4 dana.Today, with the increase in population and the development of industry, the amount of wastewater that needs to be treated is growing globally. The biological treatment of wastewater, which is one of the more acceptable treatments due to its simplicity and economic viability, legs behind the activated sludge that must be disposed appropriately. There are various ways of treating activated sludge, such as mechanical, biological and physical processes. Active sludge is rich in organic matter and therefore is suitable for composting, and the product – compost can be disposed on the agricultural soil if fulfill the conditions prescribed by the ordinance. The aim of this work was to examine the possibility of treatment of activated sludge by composting process. In order to obtain the optimal mixture of activated sludge (AM) and biowaste (S), different ratios (SP, P1, P2, P3) of substrate and activated sludge were tested (SP - biowaste, P1 - S / AM = 2.5: 1; P2 - S / AM = 5: 1; P3 - S / AM = 7: 1) in reactors with working volume of Vr = 1 L. The composting process in adiabatic reactor with working volume of Vr = 10 L (P4) was performed with the mixture that provided the best results in experiments conducted at a smaller reactor scale (P1). The composting process lasted 16 days and the following parameters were monitored: temperature, CFU, C/N ratio, moisture content, volatile matter content, substrate and condensate pH, condensate volume, CO2 and NH3 content, concentration of ammonium ion and conversion. In experiments SP, P1, P2, P3 and P4, a conversion of 39,81 %, 44,35 %, 49,72 %, 48,85 % and 42,21 % was achieved, respectively. Total CO2 concentration in experiments SP, P1, P2, P3 and P4 was 644,72 g kgVM0^-1,660,13 g kgVM0^-1, 511,79 g kgVM0^-1, 565,38 g kgVM0^-1 and 344,42 g kgVM^0-1, respectively. The maximum temperatures in SP, P1, P2, P3 and P4 experiments were 57,1 °C, 58,3 °C, 61,4 °C, 62,8 °C and 57,48 °C, respectively. The thermophilic phase in the SP, P1, P2, P3 and P4 experiments lasted 3, 13, 7, 5 and 4 days, respectively

    Water for all : proceedings 8th International Conference Water for all

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    The 8th International Conference WATER FOR ALL was held on the 21th and 22th March 2019 in Osijek, on Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Osijek on the occasion of World Water Day and with the aim of gathering and exchanging experiences of scientists and experts in the field of water management, environmental protection and preservation of water resources. The Conference included plenary lectures, oral lectures, poster presentations, and the presentations of sponsoring companies. 8th International Conference WATER FOR ALL was organized by the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek and Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Osijek, Croatian Chamber of Economy, Croatian Water - VGO, Croatian Chamber of Health Professionals, Croatian Water Pollution Control Society, Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek, Department of Biology of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Chemistry of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, University of Bihać, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology University of Mostar, Faculty of Health Studies University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology University of Zagreb, Faculty of Technology University of Tuzla, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy University of Skopje, Faculty of Health Sciences University of Ljubljana, Nature Park “Kopački rit”, Public Institution for nature protection in Osijek- Baranja County, Public Health Institute of the Osijek-Baranja County, Health Center Osijek, Vodovod-Osijek d.o.o. and Alumni Association of former students and friends of the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek - TehnOS. The international co- organizers of the Conference were International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH), European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG) and Danube Parks. The theme of World Water Day 2019 and 8th International Conference WATER FOR ALL was "Water for all – Leaving no one behind!". At the 8th International Conference WATER FOR ALL participated 359 authors from 10 countries (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Republic of Kosovo, Turkey, Norway, Mexico and Brazil) with presentation of in total 112 paper, from which of them 41 were presented orally, and were presented 71 as poster presentation. Abstract of the mentioned papers were published in the Book of Abstracts of the 8th International Conference WATER FOR ALL. The Scientific Committee of 8th International Conference WATER FOR ALL received 35 full papers for publication and 17 of them became the part of the this Proceedings, while 18 papers were accepted and publicated in following international scientific journals: Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek - e-GFOS, Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology, Technologica Acta, The Holistic Approach to Environment and Environmental Engineering - Inženjerstvo Okoliša. Special contributions to the quality of this Proceedings of the 8th International Conference WATER FOR ALL were given by 49 reviewers, mostly university professors and professionals, from 10 countries and over twenty international universities, faculties and institutions. On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committee of the 8th International Conference WATER FOR ALL we cordially thank all the authors, participants, reviewers and sponsors for their contribution to the quality of the 8th International Conference WATER FOR ALL