9 research outputs found

    Viabilidade do cultivo biosseguro de camarões em Santa Catarina com controle da mancha-branca

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    Abstract: The application of biosecurity measures was evaluated in shrimp farming for protection against white spot disease in two 0.6 ha ponds. One pond was covered with liner and another not, and both were populated with post-larvae free of virus at a density of 41.6 shrimps/m2. Ponds were filled with sterile water with 30 ppm chlorine. Shrimps were farmed without water changes in the pond with liner and with water replacement in the pond without liner. Mortalities and clinical signs of white spot disease were observed in the pond without liner after 67 days of rearing. In the pond with liner, harvest occurred after 82 days without mortality or detection of the virus. Biosecurity shrimp farming was economically viable, with net revenue of US12,000.00/ha/yearandnetincomeofUS 12,000.00 / ha / year and net income of US 1,92/ kg of shrimp.Resumo: Como alternativa ao combate do vírus da mancha-branca numa região produtora de camarões marinhos, avaliou-se a aplicação de medidas de biossegurança em dois viveiros com áreas de 0,6ha. Os viveiros, um revestido com geomembrana e outro não, foram povoados com pós-larvas livres de vírus na densidade de 41,6cam m-2 em água esterilizada com 30ppm de cloro. Os cultivos foram sem trocas de água no viveiro revestido e com reposição no viveiro sem revestimento. Observaram-se mortalidades e sinais clínicos da enfermidade da mancha-branca no viveiro sem revestimento aos 67 dias de cultivo. No viveiro revestido a colheita ocorreu após 82 dias, sem mortalidades ou detecção do vírus. Verificou-se a viabilidade econômica do cultivo biosseguro, com receita líquida de R30.000,00ha1ano1elucrodeR30.000,00 ha-1 ano-1 e lucro de R4,80 por quilograma de camarão.

    Cultivation parameters and the white spot disease in shrimp farms in Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a relação entre parâmetros físico-químicos e biológicos do cultivo de camarão com a enfermidade causada pelo vírus da síndrome da mancha-branca (WSSV). Foram avaliadas a mortalidade, as características físicas e químicas da água e do solo, e foram realizados os exames e as análises microscópicas a fresco, presença de víbrios na hemolinfa, além do diagnóstico histopatológico e molecular (PCR) do WSSV, em viveiros de oito fazendas de Santa Catarina, entre 2008 e 2009. O vírus foi detectado em cinco fazendas com registros da enfermidade em ciclos anteriores. A temperatura da água foi semelhante entre as fazendas com e sem WSSV, e a mortalidade ocorreu a intervalos ascendentes entre 24,6 e 29,3ºC. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas nos parâmetros de análises microscópicas a fresco, tempo de coagulação e presença de víbrios na hemolinfa e sinais clínicos, entre viveiros com e sem WSSV. As concentrações de nitrito, sílica, fenol e alcalinidade na água e pH do solo apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os viveiros afetados ou não por WSSV. Os valores de nitrito, sílica e pH do solo estavam dentro dos limites recomendados para o cultivo de camarões, no entanto, isto não ocorreu com a alcalinidade e a concentração de fenol, o que sugere uma relação dos últimos com a manifestação da enfermidade da mancha-branca.The objective of this work was to evaluate the relationship among physicochemical and biological parameters in shrimp cultivation with the disease caused by the white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). The occurrence of mortality, physical and chemical characteristics of water and soil were evaluated, and clinical and microscopic analyses and the presence of vibrio in hemolymph, were performed as well as the histopathological and molecular diagnosis (PCR) of the WSSV in ponds of eight farms in Santa Catarina, Brazil, between 2008 and 2009. The virus was detected in five farms, which had displayed the disease in previous cycles. The temperature of the water was similar among farms independently of the presence of the virus, and mortality occurred at ascendant temperature intervals, between 24.6 and 29.3ºC. No significant differences were found for the parameters of microscopic analyses among ponds either with or without the virus. Nitrite, silica, phenol and water-alkalinity concentrations, as well as soil pH values, showed significant differences among the ponds affected or not by the WSSV. Nitrite, silica and pH values were within the recommended limits for shrimp cultivation, however this did not occur for the alkalinity and phenol concentrations, wich suggests a relationship of the latter parameters with manifestation of the white spot disease

    Elementos traço e parasitismo em tilápia do nilo cultivada no sul do Brasil

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    This study evaluated the trace elements and parasitological indices in Nile tilapia examined from two different facilities, named as swine-consorted, using pig manure, and monoculture. For trace element analysis, the fish muscle tissue was collected individually in each facility. Each portion was weighed, dried in a stove at 60°C for 48 h and analyzed by Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (EDXRF). Parasitological analysis followed the routine method for parasites collection, quantification and identification. The predominant element was zinc (Zn) followed by iron (Fe) and arsenic (As) in fish from both facilities. Fish from swine-consorted system had greater values of abundance and mean intensity of trichodinids and fish from monoculture showed higher abundance and mean intensity of monogeneans. Nevertheless, no signs of damage to fish production was observed. The contents of the elements Zn, Fe, As, cooper (Cu) and mercury (Hg) were above of the maximum permitted limits recommended by the Brazilian legislation. © 2016, Instytut Technologii Drewna. All rights reserved

    ATLANTIC EPIPHYTES: a data set of vascular and non-vascular epiphyte plants and lichens from the Atlantic Forest

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    Epiphytes are hyper-diverse and one of the frequently undervalued life forms in plant surveys and biodiversity inventories. Epiphytes of the Atlantic Forest, one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world, have high endemism and radiated recently in the Pliocene. We aimed to (1) compile an extensive Atlantic Forest data set on vascular, non-vascular plants (including hemiepiphytes), and lichen epiphyte species occurrence and abundance; (2) describe the epiphyte distribution in the Atlantic Forest, in order to indicate future sampling efforts. Our work presents the first epiphyte data set with information on abundance and occurrence of epiphyte phorophyte species. All data compiled here come from three main sources provided by the authors: published sources (comprising peer-reviewed articles, books, and theses), unpublished data, and herbarium data. We compiled a data set composed of 2,095 species, from 89,270 holo/hemiepiphyte records, in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay, recorded from 1824 to early 2018. Most of the records were from qualitative data (occurrence only, 88%), well distributed throughout the Atlantic Forest. For quantitative records, the most common sampling method was individual trees (71%), followed by plot sampling (19%), and transect sampling (10%). Angiosperms (81%) were the most frequently registered group, and Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae were the families with the greatest number of records (27,272 and 21,945, respectively). Ferns and Lycophytes presented fewer records than Angiosperms, and Polypodiaceae were the most recorded family, and more concentrated in the Southern and Southeastern regions. Data on non-vascular plants and lichens were scarce, with a few disjunct records concentrated in the Northeastern region of the Atlantic Forest. For all non-vascular plant records, Lejeuneaceae, a family of liverworts, was the most recorded family. We hope that our effort to organize scattered epiphyte data help advance the knowledge of epiphyte ecology, as well as our understanding of macroecological and biogeographical patterns in the Atlantic Forest. No copyright restrictions are associated with the data set. Please cite this Ecology Data Paper if the data are used in publication and teaching events. © 2019 The Authors. Ecology © 2019 The Ecological Society of Americ

    Berçário de tilápias-do-nilo em sistema de bioflocos: avaliação de diferentes densidades de estocagem

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Aquicultura, Florianópolis, 2019.O estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho zootécnico e osparâmetros hematológicos de tilápias-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus)linhagem GIFT, utilizando diferentes densidades de estocagens emsistema de criação em bioflocos. O experimento foi conduzido emtanques circulares (400 L), com peixes invertidos sexualmente, pesando6,74 ± 0,37 g, em um período de 35 dias. Foi utilizado um delineamentoindividualmente casualisado com cinco tratamentos e três repetiçõescada. Os tratamentos foram o T1(200 peixes m-3); T2 (300 peixes m-3);T3 (400 peixes m-3); T4 (500 peixes m-3) e T5 (600 peixes m-3). Ospeixes foram arraçoados quatro vezes ao dia, seguindo a tabela dealimentação específica para a espécie, com ajustes pelas biometriassemanais. Dentre os parâmetros de qualidade de água, o nitrogênioamoniacal total (TAN) e a amônia não-ionizada (N-NH3) foram,numericamente, mais elevados no T4 e T5. A alcalinidade foisignificativamente maior nos tratamentos com maiores densidades (T4 eT5). Dos parâmetros hematológicos, a quantidade de trombócitos foimais elevada no T5 em relação aos demais tratamentos. A concentraçãode hemoglobina foi significativamente menor no T5 em relação ao T3.O melhores índices produtivos foram encontrados no T4, apresentandobiomassa final de 9915,16 ± 14,80 g m-3, taxa de conversão alimentaraparente de 1,11 ± 0,02, sobrevivência média de 95,75 ± 0,75 % e ganhomédio diário de 0,43 ± 0,07 g. O berçário de tilápia-do-nilo apresentoumaior crecimento individual até 300 peixes m-3 e aumento deprodutividade até 500 peixes m-3.Abstract : The aim of this trial was to evaluate the growth performance andhematological parameters of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) strainGIFT, using different stock densities on nursery phase using bioflocsystem. The experiment was conducted in circular tanks (400 L) withsexually reversed fish, weighing 6.74 ± 0.37 g, over a period of 35 days.Five treatments with three replication each one were used in acompletely randomized design. The treatments were: T1 (200 fishes m-3); T2 (300 fishes m-3); T3 (400 fishes m-3); T4 (500 fishes m-3) and T5(600 fishes m-3). The fishes were fed four times a day, following a feedtable for the specie, with adjustments according to the fish biomass.Among the water quality parameters, total ammoniacal nitrogen (TAN)and non-ionized ammonia (N-NH3) were numerically higher in T4 andT5. Alkalinity was significantly higher in treatments with higherdensities (T4 and T5). For the hematological parameters, the number ofthrombocytes was higher in T5. The hemoglobin concentration wassignificantly lower in T5 than T3. The best productive indexes werefound in T4, presenting final biomass of 9915.16 ± 14.80 g m-3, theapparent feed conversion rate of 1.11 ± 0.02, the mean survival of 95.75± 0.75% and daily mean gain of 0.43 ± 0.07 g. The Nile tilapia nurseryshowed higher individual growth at densities of up to 300 fishes m-3 andincreased productivity up to 500 fishes m-3

    Characterisation of microbial attack on archaeological bone

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    As part of an EU funded project to investigate the factors influencing bone preservation in the archaeological record, more than 250 bones from 41 archaeological sites in five countries spanning four climatic regions were studied for diagenetic alteration. Sites were selected to cover a range of environmental conditions and archaeological contexts. Microscopic and physical (mercury intrusion porosimetry) analyses of these bones revealed that the majority (68%) had suffered microbial attack. Furthermore, significant differences were found between animal and human bone in both the state of preservation and the type of microbial attack present. These differences in preservation might result from differences in early taphonomy of the bones. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved