300 research outputs found

    Proteinuria Is Associated with Quality of Life and Depression in Adults with Primary Glomerulopathy and Preserved Renal Function

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    BACKGROUND: There is no information about HRQoL, depression and associated factors in adult with nephrotic syndrome-associated glomerulopathy. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Patients with primary glomerulopathy where compared with age and sex-matched hemodialysis patients and healthy subjects. Laboratory data, medical history, comorbid conditions were collected to evaluate factors associated with HRQoL (SF-36) and Depression (Hamilton Depression Rating Scale-HAMD). Glomerulopathy patients had low HRQoL in all eight SF-36 domains and two composite scores (physical and mental) in comparison with healthy subjects. HAMD score also was elevated and there was high depression prevalence. Overall, these data were comparable between glomerulopathy and hemodialysis patients. Using multiple regression analysis, factors associated with low HRQoL physical composite score were: last 24 h-urine protein excretion (-0.183, 95%CI -0.223 to -0.710 for each gram of proteinuria, p = 0.01) and cyclosporine use (-15.315, 95%CI -25.913 to -2.717, p = 0.03). Low HRQoL mental composite score was associated with last 24 h-urine protein excretion (-0.157, 95%CI -0.278 to -0.310 for each gram of proteinuria, p = 0.03) and HMAD score was independently associated with age (0.155, 95%CI 0.318 to 0.988 for each year, p = 0.04), female sex (4.788, 95%CI 1.005 to 8.620, 0 = 0.03), disease duration (0.074, 95%CI 0.021 to 0.128 for each month, p = 0.01) and last 24 h-urine protein excretion (0.050, 95%CI 0.018 to 0.085 for each gram of proteinuria, p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Nephrotic-syndrome associated glomerulopathy patients have low HRQoL and high prevalence of depression symptoms, comparable with those of hemodialysis patients. Last 24 h-protein excretion rate is independently associated with physical and mental HRQoL domains in addition to depression

    Motor cortex excitability and BDNF levels in chronic musculoskeletal pain according to structural pathology

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    The central sensitization syndrome (CSS) encompasses disorders with overlapping symptoms in a structural pathology spectrum ranging from persistent nociception [e.g., osteoarthritis (OA)] to an absence of tissue injuries such as the one presented in fibromyalgia (FM) and myofascial pain syndrome (MPS). First, we hypothesized that these syndromes present differences in their cortical excitability parameters assessed by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), namely motor evoked potential (MEP), cortical silent period (CSP), short intracortical inhibition (SICI) and short intracortical facilitation (SICF). Second, considering that the presence of tissue injury could be detected by serum neurotrophins, we hypothesized that the spectrum of structural pathology (i.e., from persistent nociception like in OA, to the absence of tissue injury like in FM and MPS), could be detected by differential efficiency of their descending pain inhibitory system, as assessed by the conditioned pain modulation (CPM) paradigm. Third, we explored whether brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) had an influence on the relationship between motor cortex excitability and structural pathology. This cross-sectional study pooled baseline data from three randomized clinical trials. We included females (n = 114), aged 19-65 years old with disability by chronic pain syndromes (CPS): FM (n = 19), MPS (n = 54), OA (n = 27) and healthy subjects (n = 14). We assessed the serum BDNF, the motor cortex excitability by parameters the TMS measures and the change on numerical pain scale [NPS (0-10)] during CPM-task. The adjusted mean (SD) on the SICI observed in the absence of tissue injury was 56.36% lower than with persistent nociceptive input [0.31(0.18) vs. 0.55 (0.32)], respectively. The BDNF was inversely correlated with the SICI and with the change on NPS (0-10) during CPM-task. These findings suggest greater disinhibition in the motor cortex and the descending pain inhibitory system in FM and MPS than in OA and healthy subjects. Likewise, the inteThis research was supported by grants and materials support from the following Brazilian agencies: (grants to; AD, JAD-S, FC) and material support. National Council for Scientific and Technological Development-CNPq (grants to ILdST, WC). Postgraduate Program in Medical Sciences at the School of Medicine of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (material support). International Cooperation Program-CAPES-PGI-project (023-11). CAPES 129/2013 material support and grant for FP as visiting professor (AD, WC, PP). Postgraduate Research Group at the Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre-PIPE HCPA (material support). Foundation for Support of Research at Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS) (material support). Brazilian Innovation Agency (FINEP) process number-1245/13 (ILdST, WC). Research grant: National Council for Scientific and Technological Development-CNPq (ILdS 302345/2011-6 and WC-301256/2013-6)

    Evidence of niche partitioning under ontogenetic influences among three morphologically similar siluriformes in small subtropical streams

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    Ontogenetic influences in patterns of niche breadth and feeding overlap were investigated in three species of Siluriformes (Heptapterus sp., Rhamdia quelen and Trichomycterus poikilos) aiming at understanding the species coexistence. Samplings were conducted bimonthly by electrofishing technique from June/2012 to June/2013 in ten streams of the northwestern state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The stomach contents of 1,948 individuals were analyzed by volumetric method, with 59 food items identified. In general Heptapterus sp. consumed a high proportion of Aegla sp., terrestrial plant remains and Megaloptera; R. quelen consumed fish, and Oligochaeta, followed by Aegla sp.; while the diet of T. poikilos was based on Simuliidae, Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera. Specie segregation was observed in the NMDS. Through PERMANOVA analysis feeding differences among species, and between a combination of species plus size classes were observed. IndVal showed which items were indicators of these differences. Niche breadth values were high for all species. The niche breadth values were low only for the larger size of R. quelen and Heptapterus sp. while T. poikilos values were more similar. Overall the species were a low feeding overlap values. The higher frequency of high feeding overlap was observed for interaction between Heptapterus sp. and T. poikilos. The null model confirmed the niche partitioning between the species. The higher frequency of high and intermediate feeding overlap values were reported to smaller size classes. The null model showed resource sharing between the species/size class. Therefore, overall species showed a resource partitioning because of the use of occasional items. However, these species share resources mainly in the early ontogenetic stages until the emphasized change of morphological characteristics leading to trophic niche expansion and the apparent segregation observed

    Validity of the Katz Index to assess activities of daily living by informants in neuropathological studies

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE To analyze the evidences of construct validity of the Katz Index for the retrospective assessment of activities of daily living (ADL) by informants, to assist neuropathological studies in the elderly. METHOD A cross-sectional study analyzed the functional ability of ADL measure by the Katz Index, of 650 cases randomly selected from the Brazilian Brain Bank of the Ageing Brain Study Group (BBBABSG) database. Sample was divided in two subsamples for the analysis (N=325, each) and then stratified according to cognitive decline assessed by the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR). Factor analyses with calculations of internal consistency and invariance were performed. RESULTS Factor analysis evidenced a unidimensional instrument with optimal internal consistency, in all subgroups. Goodness of fit indices were obtained after two treatments of covariance, indicating adequacy of the scale for assessing ADL by informants. The scale is invariant to cognitive decline meaning that it can be used for subjects with or without cognitive impairment. CONCLUSION Katz Index is valid for the retrospective assessment of basic ADL by informants, with optimal reliability

    Search for continuous gravitational waves from 20 accreting millisecond x-ray pulsars in O3 LIGO data

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    The population of merging compact binaries inferred using gravitational waves through GWTC-3

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    We report on the population properties of 76 compact binary mergers detected with gravitational waves below a false alarm rate of 1 per year through GWTC-3. The catalog contains three classes of binary mergers: BBH, BNS, and NSBH mergers. We infer the BNS merger rate to be between 10 Gpc3yr1\rm{Gpc^{-3} yr^{-1}} and 1700 Gpc3yr1\rm{Gpc^{-3} yr^{-1}} and the NSBH merger rate to be between 7.8 Gpc3yr1\rm{Gpc^{-3}\, yr^{-1}} and 140 Gpc3yr1\rm{Gpc^{-3} yr^{-1}} , assuming a constant rate density versus comoving volume and taking the union of 90% credible intervals for methods used in this work. Accounting for the BBH merger rate to evolve with redshift, we find the BBH merger rate to be between 17.9 Gpc3yr1\rm{Gpc^{-3}\, yr^{-1}} and 44 Gpc3yr1\rm{Gpc^{-3}\, yr^{-1}} at a fiducial redshift (z=0.2). We obtain a broad neutron star mass distribution extending from 1.20.2+0.1M1.2^{+0.1}_{-0.2} M_\odot to 2.00.3+0.3M2.0^{+0.3}_{-0.3} M_\odot. We can confidently identify a rapid decrease in merger rate versus component mass between neutron star-like masses and black-hole-like masses, but there is no evidence that the merger rate increases again before 10 MM_\odot. We also find the BBH mass distribution has localized over- and under-densities relative to a power law distribution. While we continue to find the mass distribution of a binary's more massive component strongly decreases as a function of primary mass, we observe no evidence of a strongly suppressed merger rate above 60M\sim 60 M_\odot. The rate of BBH mergers is observed to increase with redshift at a rate proportional to (1+z)κ(1+z)^{\kappa} with κ=2.91.8+1.7\kappa = 2.9^{+1.7}_{-1.8} for z1z\lesssim 1. Observed black hole spins are small, with half of spin magnitudes below χi0.25\chi_i \simeq 0.25. We observe evidence of negative aligned spins in the population, and an increase in spin magnitude for systems with more unequal mass ratio

    Constraints on the cosmic expansion history from GWTC-3

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    We use 47 gravitational-wave sources from the Third LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog (GWTC-3) to estimate the Hubble parameter H(z)H(z), including its current value, the Hubble constant H0H_0. Each gravitational-wave (GW) signal provides the luminosity distance to the source and we estimate the corresponding redshift using two methods: the redshifted masses and a galaxy catalog. Using the binary black hole (BBH) redshifted masses, we simultaneously infer the source mass distribution and H(z)H(z). The source mass distribution displays a peak around 34M34\, {\rm M_\odot}, followed by a drop-off. Assuming this mass scale does not evolve with redshift results in a H(z)H(z) measurement, yielding H0=687+12kms1Mpc1H_0=68^{+12}_{-7} {\rm km\,s^{-1}\,Mpc^{-1}} (68%68\% credible interval) when combined with the H0H_0 measurement from GW170817 and its electromagnetic counterpart. This represents an improvement of 17% with respect to the H0H_0 estimate from GWTC-1. The second method associates each GW event with its probable host galaxy in the catalog GLADE+, statistically marginalizing over the redshifts of each event's potential hosts. Assuming a fixed BBH population, we estimate a value of H0=686+8kms1Mpc1H_0=68^{+8}_{-6} {\rm km\,s^{-1}\,Mpc^{-1}} with the galaxy catalog method, an improvement of 42% with respect to our GWTC-1 result and 20% with respect to recent H0H_0 studies using GWTC-2 events. However, we show that this result is strongly impacted by assumptions about the BBH source mass distribution; the only event which is not strongly impacted by such assumptions (and is thus informative about H0H_0) is the well-localized event GW190814