12 research outputs found

    Collaborative database to track Mass Mortality Events in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Anthropogenic climate change, and global warming in particular, has strong and increasing impacts on marine ecosystems (Poloczanska et al., 2013; Halpern et al., 2015; Smale et al., 2019). The Mediterranean Sea is considered a marine biodiversity hotspot contributing to more than 7% of world\u2019s marine biodiversity including a high percentage of endemic species (Coll et al., 2010). The Mediterranean region is a climate change hotspot, where the respective impacts of warming are very pronounced and relatively well documented (Cramer et al., 2018). One of the major impacts of sea surface temperature rise in the marine coastal ecosystems is the occurrence of mass mortality events (MMEs). The first evidences of this phenomenon dated from the first half of \u201980 years affecting the Western Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea (Harmelin, 1984; Bavestrello and Boero, 1986; Gaino and Pronzato, 1989; Voultsiadou et al., 2011). The most impressive phenomenon happened in 1999 when an unprecedented large scale MME impacted populations of more than 30 species from different phyla along the French and Italian coasts (Cerrano et al., 2000; Perez et al., 2000). Following this event, several other large scale MMEs have been reported, along with numerous other minor ones, which are usually more restricted in geographic extend and/or number of affected species (Garrabou et al., 2009; Rivetti et al., 2014; Marb\ue0 et al., 2015; Rubio-Portillo et al., 2016, authors\u2019 personal observations). These events have generally been associated with strong and recurrent marine heat waves (Crisci et al., 2011; Kersting et al., 2013; Turicchia et al., 2018; Bensoussan et al., 2019) which are becoming more frequent globally (Smale et al., 2019). Both field observations and future projections using Regional Coupled Models (Adloff et al., 2015; Darmaraki et al., 2019) show the increase in Mediterranean sea surface temperature, with more frequent occurrence of extreme ocean warming events. As a result, new MMEs are expected during the coming years. To date, despite the efforts, neither updated nor comprehensive information can support scientific analysis of mortality events at a Mediterranean regional scale. Such information is vital to guide management and conservation strategies that can then inform adaptive management schemes that aim to face the impacts of climate change

    Regional and local environmental conditions do not shape the response to warming of a marine habitat-forming species

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    The differential response of marine populations to climate change remains poorly understood. Here, we combine common garden thermotolerance experiments in aquaria and population genetics to disentangle the factors driving the population response to thermal stress in a temperate habitatforming species: the octocoral Paramuricea clavata. Using eight populations separated from tens of meters to hundreds of kilometers, which were differentially impacted by recent mortality events, we identify 25 degrees C as a critical thermal threshold. After one week of exposure at this temperature, seven of the eight populations were affected by tissue necrosis and after 30 days of exposure at this temperature, the mean % of affected colonies increased gradually from 3 to 97%. We then demonstrate the weak relation between the observed differential phenotypic responses and the local temperature regimes experienced by each population. A significant correlation was observed between these responses and the extent of genetic drift impacting each population. Local adaptation may thus be hindered by genetic drift, which seems to be the main driver of the differential response. Accordingly, conservation measures should promote connectivity and control density erosion in order to limit the impact of genetic drift on marine populations facing climate change

    Regional and local environmental conditions do not shape the response to warming of a marine habitat-forming species

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    The differential response of marine populations to climate change remains poorly understood. Here, we combine common garden thermotolerance experiments in aquaria and population genetics to disentangle the factors driving the population response to thermal stress in a temperate habitatforming species: the octocoral Paramuricea clavata. Using eight populations separated from tens of meters to hundreds of kilometers, which were differentially impacted by recent mortality events, we identify 25 degrees C as a critical thermal threshold. After one week of exposure at this temperature, seven of the eight populations were affected by tissue necrosis and after 30 days of exposure at this temperature, the mean % of affected colonies increased gradually from 3 to 97%. We then demonstrate the weak relation between the observed differential phenotypic responses and the local temperature regimes experienced by each population. A significant correlation was observed between these responses and the extent of genetic drift impacting each population. Local adaptation may thus be hindered by genetic drift, which seems to be the main driver of the differential response. Accordingly, conservation measures should promote connectivity and control density erosion in order to limit the impact of genetic drift on marine populations facing climate change

    Marine heatwaves drive recurrent mass mortalities in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Climate change is causing an increase in the frequency and intensity of marine heatwaves (MHWs) and mass mortality events (MMEs) of marine organisms are one of their main ecological impacts. Here, we show that during the 2015-2019 period, the Mediterranean Sea has experienced exceptional thermal conditions resulting in the onset of five consecutive years of widespread MMEs across the basin. These MMEs affected thousands of kilometers of coastline from the surface to 45 m, across a range of marine habitats and taxa (50 taxa across 8 phyla). Significant relationships were found between the incidence of MMEs and the heat exposure associated with MHWs observed both at the surface and across depths. Our findings reveal that the Mediterranean Sea is experiencing an acceleration of the ecological impacts of MHWs which poses an unprecedented threat to its ecosystems' health and functioning. Overall, we show that increasing the resolution of empirical observation is critical to enhancing our ability to more effectively understand and manage the consequences of climate change

    Inequalities in screening policies and perioperative protection for patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic: Subanalysis of the ACIE Appy study

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    Inequalities in screening policies and perioperative protection for patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic: Subanalysis of the ACIE Appy study

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    Global attitudes in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 pandemic: ACIE Appy Study

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    Global attitudes in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 pandemic: ACIE Appy Study

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    676sinoneBackground: Surgical strategies are being adapted to face the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations on the management of acute appendicitis have been based on expert opinion, but very little evidence is available. This study addressed that dearth with a snapshot of worldwide approaches to appendicitis. Methods: The Association of Italian Surgeons in Europe designed an online survey to assess the current attitude of surgeons globally regarding the management of patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic. Questions were divided into baseline information, hospital organization and screening, personal protective equipment, management and surgical approach, and patient presentation before versus during the pandemic. Results: Of 744 answers, 709 (from 66 countries) were complete and were included in the analysis. Most hospitals were treating both patients with and those without COVID. There was variation in screening indications and modality used, with chest X-ray plus molecular testing (PCR) being the commonest (19·8 per cent). Conservative management of complicated and uncomplicated appendicitis was used by 6·6 and 2·4 per cent respectively before, but 23·7 and 5·3 per cent, during the pandemic (both P < 0·001). One-third changed their approach from laparoscopic to open surgery owing to the popular (but evidence-lacking) advice from expert groups during the initial phase of the pandemic. No agreement on how to filter surgical smoke plume during laparoscopy was identified. There was an overall reduction in the number of patients admitted with appendicitis and one-third felt that patients who did present had more severe appendicitis than they usually observe. Conclusion: Conservative management of mild appendicitis has been possible during the pandemic. The fact that some surgeons switched to open appendicectomy may reflect the poor guidelines that emanated in the early phase of SARS-CoV-2.noneIelpo B.; Podda M.; Pellino G.; Pata F.; Caruso R.; Gravante G.; Di Saverio S.; Ielpo B.; Podda M.; Pellino G.; Pata F.; Caruso R.; Gravante G.; Di Saverio S.; Gallo G.; Lui R.; Orengia A.; Chowdary A.; Kulkarni A.; Kuvvetli A.; Navarro A.; Pisanu A.; Smith A.; Ibiricu A.C.; Nacion A.J.D.; Alsaleh A.; Alhazmi A.; Elmabri A.; Wani A.; Rencuzogullari A.; Lasarte A.S.; Rubio A.V.; Bavikatte A.; Kumar A.; Jamiri A.-R.; Padilla A.M.A.; Cacurri A.; de San Ildefonso A.; Porcu A.; Sartori A.; Rocca A.; Yanez A.P.; Becaria A.; Solis-Pena A.; Sretenovic A.; Urbistondo A.; Bandin A.; Najar A.; De Luca A.; Boddy A.; Charalabopoulos A.; Tzivanakis A.; Amendola A.; de Velasco A.R.-G.; Yildirim A.C.; Frontali A.; Toure A.O.; Garcia-Granero A.; Roldan A.M.; Larrainzar A.S.; Ratnayake A.S.; Gonzalez-Ganso A.M.; Minaya-Bravo A.M.; Das A.; Bondurri A.; Costanzi A.; Lucchi A.; Mazzari A.; Musig A.; Peloso A.; Piano A.; Police A.; Mihailescu A.; Pouy A.; Romano A.; Iossa A.; Leonetti A.C.; Guariniello A.; Isaac A.; Bovi A.P.D.; Chessa A.; Tromba A.; Martinez A.A.; Brillantino A.; Caira A.; Castaldi A.; Ferronetti A.; Giuliani A.; Prestera A.; la Medina A.R.-D.; Tarasconi A.; Tornambe A.; Picciariello A.; Ioannidis A.; Leppaniemi A.; Khan A.; Rashid A.; Perez-Sanchez A.L.E.; Mittal A.; Mitul A.R.; Mehraj A.; Laharwal A.; Dorisme A.; Marinis A.; Iqbal A.; Moncada A.; Braccio B.; Alkhafaji B.; de Andres Asenjo B.; Martin-Perez B.; Perez B.S.; Creavin B.; Cali B.; Cali B.; Pascotto B.; Stubbs B.; Retes B.Z.; Jovanovic B.; Goh B.K.P.; Sensi B.; Biddau C.; Gazia C.; Vallicelli C.; Fagundes C.A.; Santacruz C.C.; Chirico C.; Diaz C.J.G.; Petrola C.; Rodriguez C.S.; Benitez C.Y.; Dammaro C.; Faro C.L.; Reinke C.; Paez C.D.; Oliva C.; Paranjape C.; Thomas C.; Chia C.F.; Kong C.K.; De Lucia C.; Chao C.O.; Arcudi C.; Guerci C.; Chia C.; Parise C.; Folliero C.; Varela C.; Ferguson D.M.; Camacho D.; Popowich D.; Lima D.S.; Rega D.; Delogu D.; Zigiotto D.; Vinci D.; D'Antonio D.; Parini D.; Merlini D.A.; Zimmerman D.D.E.; Moro-Valdezate D.; Pertile D.; Giusti D.M.; Keller D.S.; Tarik D.; Kalivaci D.; Mazingi D.; Maldonado-Pintado D.G.; Sasia D.; Linardoutsos D.; Osilli D.; Murrone D.; Russello D.; Rodas E.; Roa E.A.A.; Ricciardi E.; Rosso E.; Saladino E.; Flores-Villalba E.; Ajs E.R.; Smith-Singares E.; Baili E.; Kouroumpas E.; Bourmpouteli E.; Douka E.; Martin-Perez E.; Guaitoli E.; Samadov E.; Francone E.; Vaterlini E.; Morales E.; Pena E.; Zhao E.; Andres E.D.P.; Benzoni E.; Erdas E.; Pinotti E.; Colas-Ruiz E.; Aytac E.; Laterza E.; Agastra E.; Foianini E.; Moscoso E.; Laviano E.; Marra E.; Cardamone E.; Licardie E.; Mpaili E.; Pinna E.; Varo E.; Navarro F.M.; Marino F.; Medas F.; Romano F.; Maraska F.; Saliu F.; Madrid F.; Rosa F.; Mastella F.; Gheza F.; Luvisetto F.; Alconchel F.; Vieira F.M.; Pareja F.; Agresta F.; Luna F.; Bonilla F.; Cordera F.; Burdio F.; Mendoza-Moreno F.; Flores F.M.; Aranda F.P.; Taylor F.; Ramos F.L.; Fernandes F.; Tropeano F.P.; Balestra F.; Bianco F.; Ceci F.; Colombo F.; Di Marzo F.; Ferrara F.; Lancellotti F.; Lazzarin F.; Litta F.; Martini F.; Pizza F.; Roscio F.; Virdis F.; Antona F.B.; Ramirez F.C.; Fernandez F.M.; Llinares F.O.; Quezada F.; Schlottmann F.; Quezada F.; Herrera-Almario G.; Massaferro G.; Bislenghi G.; van Ramshorst G.; Gallo G.; Luglio G.; Bointas G.; Kampouroglou G.; Papadopoulos G.; Manrique G.A.; Calini G.; Nastri G.; Formisano G.; Galiffa G.; Palini G.M.; Colucci G.; Pagano G.; Pellino G.; Vanni G.; Pattacini G.C.; Gravante G.; De Paola G.; Lisi G.; Partida G.; Bellanova G.; De Nobili G.; Necchi G.S.; Sinibaldi G.; Tebala G.; Bagaglini G.; Izzo G.; Argenio G.; Brisinda G.; Candilio G.; Di Grezia G.; Esposito G.; Faillace G.; Frazzetta G.; La Gumina G.; Nigri G.; Romeo G.; Amatriain G.C.; Ortega G.; Martin-Martin G.; Stavrou G.A.; Gunadi; Ugon G.A.; Machain G.; Marcucci G.; Martinez-Mier G.; Machain G.M.; Nari G.; Calvo H.; Fathy H.; Hamilto; Ahmed H.; Faraj H.; Nava H.; Macias H.O.; Nikaj H.; Solano H.; Khan H.A.; Alarcon H.S.; Ebied H.; Giani I.; Ateca I.V.; Neri I.; Roman I.A.S.; Fidoshev I.; Rodriguez I.M.; Negoi I.; Ortega I.; Bernescu I.; Russo I.S.; Rodriguez I.V.; Palomares I.; Baltazar I.; Torrejimeno I.J.; Jurado I.M.C.; Reccia I.; Hussain I.; Toledo I.B.; Mora-Guzman I.; Dogaru I.; Romic I.; Balciscueta I.; Kenington J.C.; Sagolsem J.; Jang J.Y.; Olivier J.; Lammel-Lindemann J.; Dziakova J.; Villavicencio J.I.R.; Salinas J.; Parreira J.P.J.G.; Jovanovic; Perez J.R.; Reyes J.A.S.; Luque J.A.M.; Mak J.; Rodriguez J.S.; Kok J.H.H.; Krook J.; Diaz-Elizondo J.A.; Castell J.; Garcia-Flores J.E.; Navalon J.M.J.; Rodrigues J.M.S.; Pereira J.; Gomez J.T.C.; Luque J.B.; del Olmo J.C.M.; Salamea J.C.; Olivier J.F.C.; Laina J.L.B.; Ordonez J.M.; Gutierrez J.; Abba J.; Sofi J.A.; Sherafgan K.; Sahnan K.; Yanaga K.; Beatson K.; Asim L.; Alvarez L.; Siragusa L.; Farber L.; Ong L.; Athanasios L.; Garcia-Bruna L.; De Martino L.; Ferrario L.; Giordano L.; Gordini L.; Pio L.; Ponchietti L.; Moletta L.; Curella L.; Poggi L.; Taglietti L.; Bonavina L.; Conti L.; Goffredi L.; Ruiz L.A.G.; Barrionuevo L.; Fregoso L.E.; Cabrera L.F.; Rodriguez L.G.; Grande L.; Osoria L.G.; Gonzalez L.J.K.; Sanchez-Guillen L.; Tallon-Aguilar L.; Tresierra L.; Giavarini L.; Hasabelnabi M.; Odovic M.; Uemura M.; Khan M.; Artiles-Armas M.; David M.; Di Martino M.; Spampinato M.G.; Ribeiro M.A.F.; Viola M.; Angrisani M.; Calussi M.; Cannistra M.; Catarci M.; Cereda M.; Conte M.; Giordano M.; Pellicciaro M.; Marino M.V.; Vaterlini M.E.; Jimenez M.F.; Lolli M.G.; Bellini M.I.; Lemma M.; Chiarello M.M.; Nicola M.; Arrigo M.; Mejia M.C.; Manrique M.M.; Rodriguez-Lopez M.; Serradilla-Martin M.; Lara M.Z.; Martinez M.; Bagnall M.; Peter M.; Lara M.C.; Gomez M.J.; Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans M.; Gonzalez M.P.; Rutegard M.; Salo M.; Franceschilli M.; Silveri M.; Veroux M.; Pezzulo M.; Nardi M.; Rottoli M.; Tolonen M.; Ciro M.P.; Zuluagua M.; Cannavo M.; Cervellera M.; Iacobone M.; Montuori M.; Podda M.; Dominguez M.G.; Bingol-Kologlu M.; Tahir M.; Lim M.; Wilson M.S.; Wilson M.; Campanelli M.; Bisaccia M.; De Rosa M.; Maruccia M.; Paterno M.; Pisano M.; Torre M.; Trevino M.; Zuolo M.; Hernandez Bartolome M.A.; Farina M.; Pera M.; Calvo M.P.; Sotelo M.; Thway M.M.; Hassan M.; Hassan M.S.E.; Azfar M.; Bouhuwaish M.; Taha M.; Zaieem M.; Korkoman M.; Guraieb M.; Shalaby M.; Raza M.A.; Younis M.U.; Elhadi M.; Ali M.Z.; Quazi N.; Dudi-Venkata N.N.; Alselaim N.; Loria N.; Ramirez N.V.; Than N.W.; Smart N.; Trelles N.; Pinto N.; Allievi N.; Petrucciani N.; Antonacci N.; Cillara N.; Gica N.; Cristiana N.D.; Krystek N.; Falco N.; Pecorelli N.; Tamini N.; Dallas N.A.; Machairas N.; Brito N.; Fieturi N.A.; Ortega N.; Mercado O.A.; Irkorucu O.; Alsherif O.; Valles O.; Ioannidis O.; Palmas O.H.; Palmas O.I.H.; Guadarrama O.S.; Bozbiyik O.; Omelanczuk P.; Ottolino P.; Rodrigues P.; Ruiz P.; Campenni P.; Chiarade P.; Olivares P.P.; Baroffio P.; Panaccio P.; Wintringer P.; Di Fronzo P.; Talento P.; Favoriti P.; Sendino P.; Marsanic P.; Mifsut P.; Andrade P.; Ajawin P.; Abadia-Barno P.; Castaneda P.A.N.; Arevalos P.O.S.; Bellver P.P.; Koh P.S.; Souza P.; Major P.; Bali R.S.; Khattar R.M.; Melo R.B.; Ebrahiminia R.; Azar R.; Murga R.L.; Caruso R.; Pirolo R.; Brady R.; Davies R.J.; Dholakia R.; Rattan R.; Singhal R.; Lim R.; Angelico R.; Isernia R.M.; Tutino R.; Faccincani R.; Peltrini R.; Carrera-Ceron R.; Tejos R.; Kashyap R.; Fajardo R.; Lozito R.; Pareja R.M.; Garbarino S.; Di Saverio S.; Morales-Conde S.; Benli S.; Mansour S.; Flores S.; Suarez S.L.; Ben S.L.; Fuentes S.; Napetti S.; de Guzman S.O.; Awad S.; Weckmann Lujan S.A.; Gentilli S.; Grimaldi S.; Pizarro S.O.; Tayar S.; Nabi S.; Chan S.M.; Junaid S.; Rojas S.; Monetti S.; Garcia S.; Salvans S.; Tenconi S.; Shaw S.; Santoni S.; Parra S.A.; Cardenas S.; Perez-Bertolez S.; Chiappetta S.; Dessureault S.; Delis S.; Bonapasta S.A.; Rausei S.; Scaringi S.; Keswani S.; Ali S.M.; Cetinkunar S.; Fung T.L.D.; Rawashdeh T.; Lopez T.N.; De Campos T.; Duque T.C.; Perra T.; Liakakos T.; Daskalakis T.; Liakakos T.; Barnes T.; Koeter T.; Zalla T.; Gonzalez T.E.; Elosua T.; Campagnaro T.; Brown T.; Luoto T.; Oumar T.A.; Giustizieri U.; Grossi U.; Bracale U.; Rivas U.; Sosa V.; Testa V.; Andriola V.; Tonini V.; Balassone V.; Celentano V.; Progno V.; Raju V.; Carroni V.; Cavallaro V.; Katta V.R.; De Simone V.; Romaguera V.P.; Orozco V.H.G.; Luraschi V.; Rachkov V.; Turrado-L V.; Visag-Castillo V.; Dowling V.; Graham V.; Papagni V.; Vigorita V.; Fonseca V.C.; Carneros V.J.; Bellato V.; Goncalves W.; Powers W.F.; Grigg W.; Bechstein W.O.; Lim Y.B.; Altinel Y.; Golubovic Z.; Balciscueta Z.Ielpo, B.; Podda, M.; Pellino, G.; Pata, F.; Caruso, R.; Gravante, G.; Di Saverio, S.; Ielpo, B.; Podda, M.; Pellino, G.; Pata, F.; Caruso, R.; Gravante, G.; Di Saverio, S.; Gallo, G.; Lui, R.; Orengia, A.; Chowdary, A.; Kulkarni, A.; Kuvvetli, A.; Navarro, A.; Pisanu, A.; Smith, A.; Ibiricu, A. C.; Nacion, A. J. D.; Alsaleh, A.; Alhazmi, A.; Elmabri, A.; Wani, A.; Rencuzogullari, A.; Lasarte, A. S.; Rubio, A. V.; Bavikatte, A.; Kumar, A.; Jamiri, A. -R.; Padilla, A. M. A.; Cacurri, A.; de San Ildefonso, A.; Porcu, A.; Sartori, A.; Rocca, A.; Yanez, A. P.; Becaria, A.; Solis-Pena, A.; Sretenovic, A.; Urbistondo, A.; Bandin, A.; Najar, A.; De Luca, A.; Boddy, A.; Charalabopoulos, A.; Tzivanakis, A.; Amendola, A.; de Velasco, A. R. -G.; Yildirim, A. C.; Frontali, A.; Toure, A. O.; Garcia-Granero, A.; Roldan, A. M.; Larrainzar, A. S.; Ratnayake, A. S.; Gonzalez-Ganso, A. M.; Minaya-Bravo, A. M.; Das, A.; Bondurri, A.; Costanzi, A.; Lucchi, A.; Mazzari, A.; Musig, A.; Peloso, A.; Piano, A.; Police, A.; Mihailescu, A.; Pouy, A.; Romano, A.; Iossa, A.; Leonetti, A. C.; Guariniello, A.; Isaac, A.; Bovi, A. P. D.; Chessa, A.; Tromba, A.; Martinez, A. A.; Brillantino, A.; Caira, A.; Castaldi, A.; Ferronetti, A.; Giuliani, A.; Prestera, A.; la Medina, A. R. -D.; Tarasconi, A.; Tornambe, A.; Picciariello, A.; Ioannidis, A.; Leppaniemi, A.; Khan, A.; Rashid, A.; Perez-Sanchez, A. L. E.; Mittal, A.; Mitul, A. R.; Mehraj, A.; Laharwal, A.; Dorisme, A.; Marinis, A.; Iqbal, A.; Moncada, A.; Braccio, B.; Alkhafaji, B.; de Andres Asenjo, B.; Martin-Perez, B.; Perez, B. S.; Creavin, B.; Cali, B.; Cali, B.; Pascotto, B.; Stubbs, B.; Retes, B. Z.; Jovanovic, B.; Goh, B. K. P.; Sensi, B.; Biddau, C.; Gazia, C.; Vallicelli, C.; Fagundes, C. A.; Santacruz, C. C.; Chirico, C.; Diaz, C. J. G.; Petrola, C.; Rodriguez, C. S.; Benitez, C. Y.; Dammaro, C.; Faro, C. L.; Reinke, C.; Paez, C. D.; Oliva, C.; Paranjape, C.; Thomas, C.; Chia, C. F.; Kong, C. K.; De Lucia, C.; Chao, C. O.; Arcudi, C.; Guerci, C.; Chia, C.; Parise, C.; Folliero, C.; Varela, C.; Ferguson, D. M.; Camacho, D.; Popowich, D.; Lima, D. S.; Rega, D.; Delogu, D.; Zigiotto, D.; Vinci, D.; D'Antonio, D.; Parini, D.; Merlini, D. A.; Zimmerman, D. D. E.; Moro-Valdezate, D.; Pertile, D.; Giusti, D. M.; Keller, D. S.; Tarik, D.; Kalivaci, D.; Mazingi, D.; Maldonado-Pintado, D. G.; Sasia, D.; Linardoutsos, D.; Osilli, D.; Murrone, D.; Russello, D.; Rodas, E.; Roa, E. A. A.; Ricciardi, E.; Rosso, E.; Saladino, E.; Flores-Villalba, E.; Ajs, E. R.; Smith-Singares, E.; Baili, E.; Kouroumpas, E.; Bourmpouteli, E.; Douka, E.; Martin-Perez, E.; Guaitoli, E.; Samadov, E.; Francone, E.; Vaterlini, E.; Morales, E.; Pena, E.; Zhao, E.; Andres, E. D. P.; Benzoni, E.; Erdas, E.; Pinotti, E.; Colas-Ruiz, E.; Aytac, E.; Laterza, E.; Agastra, E.; Foianini, E.; Moscoso, E.; Laviano, E.; Marra, E.; Cardamone, E.; Licardie, E.; Mpaili, E.; Pinna, E.; Varo, E.; Navarro, F. M.; Marino, F.; Medas, F.; Romano, F.; Maraska, F.; Saliu, F.; Madrid, F.; Rosa, F.; Mastella, F.; Gheza, F.; Luvisetto, F.; Alconchel, F.; Vieira, F. M.; Pareja, F.; Agresta, F.; Luna, F.; Bonilla, F.; Cordera, F.; Burdio, F.; Mendoza-Moreno, F.; Flores, F. M.; Aranda, F. P.; Taylor, F.; Ramos, F. L.; Fernandes, F.; Tropeano, F. P.; Balestra, F.; Bianco, F.; Ceci, F.; Colombo, F.; Di Marzo, F.; Ferrara, F.; Lancellotti, F.; Lazzarin, F.; Litta, F.; Martini, F.; Pizza, F.; Roscio, F.; Virdis, F.; Antona, F. B.; Ramirez, F. C.; Fernandez, F. M.; Llinares, F. O.; Quezada, F.; Schlottmann, F.; Quezada, F.; Herrera-Almario, G.; Massaferro, G.; Bislenghi, G.; van Ramshorst, G.; Gallo, G.; Luglio, G.; Bointas, G.; Kampouroglou, G.; Papadopoulos, G.; Manrique, G. A.; Calini, G.; Nastri, G.; Formisano, G.; Galiffa, G.; Palini, G. M.; Colucci, G.; Pagano, G.; Pellino, G.; Vanni, G.; Pattacini, G. C.; Gravante, G.; De Paola, G.; Lisi, G.; Partida, G.; Bellanova, G.; De Nobili, G.; Necchi, G. S.; Sinibaldi, G.; Tebala, G.; Bagaglini, G.; Izzo, G.; Argenio, G.; Brisinda, G.; Candilio, G.; Di Grezia, G.; Esposito, G.; Faillace, G.; Frazzetta, G.; La Gumina, G.; Nigri, G.; Romeo, G.; Amatriain, G. C.; Ortega, G.; Martin-Martin, G.; Stavrou, G. A.; Gunadi, ; Ugon, G. A.; Machain, G.; Marcucci, G.; Martinez-Mier, G.; Machain, G. M.; Nari, G.; Calvo, H.; Fathy, H.; Hamilto, ; Ahmed, H.; Faraj, H.; Nava, H.; Macias, H. O.; Nikaj, H.; Solano, H.; Khan, H. A.; Alarcon, H. S.; Ebied, H.; Giani, I.; Ateca, I. V.; Neri, I.; Roman, I. A. S.; Fidoshev, I.; Rodriguez, I. M.; Negoi, I.; Ortega, I.; Bernescu, I.; Russo, I. S.; Rodriguez, I. V.; Palomares, I.; Baltazar, I.; Torrejimeno, I. J.; Jurado, I. M. C.; Reccia, I.; Hussain, I.; Toledo, I. B.; Mora-Guzman, I.; Dogaru, I.; Romic, I.; Balciscueta, I.; Kenington, J. C.; Sagolsem, J.; Jang, J. Y.; Olivier, J.; Lammel-Lindemann, J.; Dziakova, J.; Villavicencio, J. I. R.; Salinas, J.; Parreira, J. P. J. G.; Jovanovic, ; Perez, J. R.; Reyes, J. A. S.; Luque, J. A. M.; Mak, J.; Rodriguez, J. S.; Kok, J. H. H.; Krook, J.; Diaz-Elizondo, J. A.; Castell, J.; Garcia-Flores, J. E.; Navalon, J. M. J.; Rodrigues, J. M. S.; Pereira, J.; Gomez, J. T. C.; Luque, J. B.; del Olmo, J. C. M.; Salamea, J. C.; Olivier, J. F. C.; Laina, J. L. B.; Ordonez, J. M.; Gutierrez, J.; Abba, J.; Sofi, J. A.; Sherafgan, K.; Sahnan, K.; Yanaga, K.; Beatson, K.; Asim, L.; Alvarez, L.; Siragusa, L.; Farber, L.; Ong, L.; Athanasios, L.; Garcia-Bruna, L.; De Martino, L.; Ferrario, L.; Giordano, L.; Gordini, L.; Pio, L.; Ponchietti, L.; Moletta, L.; Curella, L.; Poggi, L.; Taglietti, L.; Bonavina, L.; Conti, L.; Goffredi, L.; Ruiz, L. A. G.; Barrionuevo, L.; Fregoso, L. E.; Cabrera, L. F.; Rodriguez, L. G.; Grande, L.; Osoria, L. G.; Gonzalez, L. J. K.; Sanchez-Guillen, L.; Tallon-Aguilar, L.; Tresierra, L.; Giavarini, L.; Hasabelnabi, M.; Odovic, M.; Uemura, M.; Khan, M.; Artiles-Armas, M.; David, M.; Di Martino, M.; Spampinato, M. G.; Ribeiro, M. A. F.; Viola, M.; Angrisani, M.; Calussi, M.; Cannistra, M.; Catarci, M.; Cereda, M.; Conte, M.; Giordano, M.; Pellicciaro, M.; Marino, M. V.; Vaterlini, M. E.; Jimenez, M. F.; Lolli, M. G.; Bellini, M. I.; Lemma, M.; Chiarello, M. M.; Nicola, M.; Arrigo, M.; Mejia, M. C.; Manrique, M. M.; Rodriguez-Lopez, M.; Serradilla-Martin, M.; Lara, M. Z.; Martinez, M.; Bagnall, M.; Peter, M.; Lara, M. C.; Gomez, M. J.; Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans, M.; Gonzalez, M. P.; Rutegard, M.; Salo, M.; Franceschilli, M.; Silveri, M.; Veroux, M.; Pezzulo, M.; Nardi, M.; Rottoli, M.; Tolonen, M.; Ciro, M. P.; Zuluagua, M.; Cannavo, M.; Cervellera, M.; Iacobone, M.; Montuori, M.; Podda, M.; Dominguez, M. G.; Bingol-Kologlu, M.; Tahir, M.; Lim, M.; Wilson, M. S.; Wilson, M.; Campanelli, M.; Bisaccia, M.; De Rosa, M.; Maruccia, M.; Paterno, M.; Pisano, M.; Torre, M.; Trevino, M.; Zuolo, M.; Hernandez Bartolome, M. A.; Farina, M.; Pera, M.; Calvo, M. P.; Sotelo, M.; Thway, M. M.; Hassan, M.; Hassan, M. S. E.; Azfar, M.; Bouhuwaish, M.; Taha, M.; Zaieem, M.; Korkoman, M.; Guraieb, M.; Shalaby, M.; Raza, M. A.; Younis, M. U.; Elhadi, M.; Ali, M. Z.; Quazi, N.; Dudi-Venkata, N. N.; Alselaim, N.; Loria, N.; Ramirez, N. V.; Than, N. W.; Smart, N.; Trelles, N.; Pinto, N.; Allievi, N.; Petrucciani, N.; Antonacci, N.; Cillara, N.; Gica, N.; Cristiana, N. D.; Krystek, N.; Falco, N.; Pecorelli, N.; Tamini, N.; Dallas, N. A.; Machairas, N.; Brito, N.; Fieturi, N. A.; Ortega, N.; Mercado, O. A.; Irkorucu, O.; Alsherif, O.; Valles, O.; Ioannidis, O.; Palmas, O. H.; Palmas, O. I. H.; Guadarrama, O. S.; Bozbiyik, O.; Omelanczuk, P.; Ottolino, P.; Rodrigues, P.; Ruiz, P.; Campenni, P.; Chiarade, P.; Olivares, P. P.; Baroffio, P.; Panaccio, P.; Wintringer, P.; Di Fronzo, P.; Talento, P.; Favoriti, P.; Sendino, P.; Marsanic, P.; Mifsut, P.; Andrade, P.; Ajawin, P.; Abadia-Barno, P.; Castaneda, P. A. N.; Arevalos, P. O. S.; Bellver, P. P.; Koh, P. S.; Souza, P.; Major, P.; Bali, R. S.; Khattar, R. M.; Melo, R. B.; Ebrahiminia, R.; Azar, R.; Murga, R. L.; Caruso, R.; Pirolo, R.; Brady, R.; Davies, R. J.; Dholakia, R.; Rattan, R.; Singhal, R.; Lim, R.; Angelico, R.; Isernia, R. M.; Tutino, R.; Faccincani, R.; Peltrini, R.; Carrera-Ceron, R.; Tejos, R.; Kashyap, R.; Fajardo, R.; Lozito, R.; Pareja, R. M.; Garbarino, S.; Di Saverio, S.; Morales-Conde, S.; Benli, S.; Mansour, S.; Flores, S.; Suarez, S. L.; Ben, S. L.; Fuentes, S.; Napetti, S.; de Guzman, S. O.; Awad, S.; Weckmann Lujan, S. A.; Gentilli, S.; Grimaldi, S.; Pizarro, S. O.; Tayar, S.; Nabi, S.; Chan, S. M.; Junaid, S.; Rojas, S.; Monetti, S.; Garcia, S.; Salvans, S.; Tenconi, S.; Shaw, S.; Santoni, S.; Parra, S. A.; Cardenas, S.; Perez-Bertolez, S.; Chiappetta, S.; Dessureault, S.; Delis, S.; Bonapasta, S. A.; Rausei, S.; Scaringi, S.; Keswani, S.; Ali, S. M.; Cetinkunar, S.; Fung, T. L. D.; Rawashdeh, T.; Lopez, T. N.; De Campos, T.; Duque, T. C.; Perra, T.; Liakakos, T.; Daskalakis, T.; Liakakos, T.; Barnes, T.; Koeter, T.; Zalla, T.; Gonzalez, T. E.; Elosua, T.; Campagnaro, T.; Brown, T.; Luoto, T.; Oumar, T. A.; Giustizieri, U.; Grossi, U.; Bracale, U.; Rivas, U.; Sosa, V.; Testa, V.; Andriola, V.; Tonini, V.; Balassone, V.; Celentano, V.; Progno, V.; Raju, V.; Carroni, V.; Cavallaro, V.; Katta, V. R.; De Simone, V.; Romaguera, V. P.; Orozco, V. H. G.; Luraschi, V.; Rachkov, V.; Turrado-L, V.; Visag-Castillo, V.; Dowling, V.; Graham, V.; Papagni, V.; Vigorita, V.; Fonseca, V. C.; Carneros, V. J.; Bellato, V.; Goncalves, W.; Powers, W. F.; Grigg, W.; Bechstein, W. O.; Lim, Y. B.; Altinel, Y.; Golubovic, Z.; Balciscueta, Z

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