2,225 research outputs found

    The Roosevelt – Rondon expedition marmoset (Mico marcai) : unveiling the conservation status of a data deficient species

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    The Roosevelt-Rondon Expedition marmoset, Mico marcai, was collected in 1914 and to date, all information on this species comes from three skins brought back by the Expedition and two additional skins collected in the 1990s. It is no surprise then that M.marcai has been classified as Data Deficient (DD). Given that Mico marcai’s suspected range sits on the path of the advancing Brazilian “Arc-of-Deforestation”, it is urgent that relevant data be collected to assess this taxon. Here we present the first comprehensive field data on the distribution, population size and threats on M. marcai with the goal of removing the species from the DD category. From 2012 to 2015, we surveyed for the species in 11 localities, in and around the Marmelos-Aripuanã interfluve, and estimated density using distance sampling on 10 transects. We also used spatial predictive modelling to project the amount of habitat that will be lost within its range in 18 years under different deforestation scenarios. We found marmosets in 14 localities and calculated its Extent of Occurrence to be 31,073 km2. We walked 271 km and detected 30 marmoset groups, allowing us to estimate their density to be 8.31 individuals/km2 and a total population of 258,217.71 individuals. By a “Business as usual” scenario, 20,181 km2 of habitat will be lost in three marmoset generations (~18 years), compromising 33% of the species’ range. Accordingly, M. marcai should be classified as globally Vulnerable under category A3c. Following our study, we propose the Amazonian marmosets, genus Mico, should undergo similar re-assessment as their ranges all fall in the path of the Arc-of-Deforestation. Keywords: Amazonian marmosets, Conservation Status, Data Deficient, Habitat Loss, Southern Amazoni

    Molecular landscape of esophageal cancer: implications for early detection and personalized therapy

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    Esophageal cancer (EC) is one of the most lethal cancers and a public health concern worldwide, owing to late diagnosis and lack of efficient treatment. Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) and esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) are main histopathological subtypes of EC that show striking differences in geographical distribution, possibly due to differences in exposure to risk factors and lifestyles. ESCC and EAC are distinct diseases in terms of cell of origin, epidemiology, and molecular architecture of tumor cells. Past efforts aimed at translating potential molecular candidates into clinical practice proved to be challenging, underscoring the need for identifying novel candidates for early diagnosis and therapy of EC. Several major international efforts have brought about important advances in identifying molecular landscapes of ESCC and EAC toward understanding molecular mechanisms and critical molecular events driving the progression and pathological features of the disease. In our review, we summarize recent advances in the areas of genomics and epigenomics of ESCC and EAC, their mutational signatures and immunotherapy. We also discuss implications of recent advances in characterizing the genome and epigenome of EC for the discovery of diagnostic/prognostic biomarkers and development of new targets for personalized treatment and prevention

    Critical flux pinning and enhanced upper-critical-field in magnesium diboride films

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    We have conducted pulsed transport measurements on c-axis oriented magnesium diboride films over the entire relevant ranges of magnetic field 0 \alt H \alt H_{c2} (where \hcu is the upper critical field) and current density 0 \alt j \alt j_{d} (where jdj_{d} is the depairing current density). The intrinsic disorder of the films combined with the large coherence length and three-dimensionality, compared to cuprate superconductors, results in a six-fold enhancement of Hc2H_{c2} and raises the depinning current density jcj_{c} to within an order of magnitude of jdj_{d}. The current-voltage response is highly non-linear at all fields, resulting from a combination of depinning and pair-breaking, and has no trace of an Ohmic free-flux-flow regime. Keywords: pair, breaking, depairing, superconductor, superconductivity, flux, fluxon, vortex, mgb

    Essential oils as antibacterial agents against food-borne pathogens: are they really as useful as they are claimed to be ?

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    Original articleMost studies evaluating the use of essential oils (EO) as antibacterial agents focus mainly on minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) rather than minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBC). In this work, we compared MICs and MBCs of EO from condiment plants commonly used in Mediterranean Europe, namely Origanum vulgare, Salvia lavandulaefolia, Salvia officinalis, Salvia sclarea and Rosmarinus officinalis, aiming to evaluate their application as disinfecting agents in minimally processed produce. Outbreaks-related pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Yarrowia lipolytica were used. Results showed that all EO were able to reduce bacterial growth in all bacterial strains tested, particularly O. vulgare. However, fewer EO exhibited bactericidal activities, and were only effective against one or two bacterial strains, hence eliminating the possibility to use them as broad range disinfectants. Furthermore, the necessary concentrations were too high for food application. Hence, our work suggests the need to evaluate MBC rather than MIC and questions EO usefulness in controlling undesired microorganisms. Overall, and despite the large volume of data published on EO, results obtained were not very encouraging for a realistic application on produce and question the viability of EOs as disinfecting agents in foodinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Atlantic circulation and ice sheet influences on upper South Atlantic temperatures during the last deglaciation

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    © The Author(s), 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Umling, N. E., Oppo, D. W., Chen, P., Yu, J., Liu, Z., Yan, M., Gebbie, G., Lund, D. C., Pietro, K. R., Jin, Z. D., Huang, K., Costa, K. B., & Toledo, F. A. L. Atlantic circulation and ice sheet influences on upper South Atlantic temperatures during the last deglaciation. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 34(6), (2019): 990-1005, doi:10.1029/2019PA003558.Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) disruption during the last deglaciation is hypothesized to have caused large subsurface ocean temperature anomalies, but records from key regions are not available to test this hypothesis, and other possible drivers of warming have not been fully considered. Here, we present the first reliable evidence for subsurface warming in the South Atlantic during Heinrich Stadial 1, confirming the link between large‐scale heat redistribution and AMOC. Warming extends across the Bølling‐Allerød despite predicted cooling at this time, thus spanning intervals of both weak and strong AMOC indicating another forcing mechanism that may have been previously overlooked. Transient model simulations and quasi‐conservative water mass tracers suggest that reduced northward upper ocean heat transport was responsible for the early deglacial (Heinrich Stadial 1) accumulation of heat at our shallower (~1,100 m) site. In contrast, the results suggest that warming at our deeper site (~1,900 m) site was dominated by southward advection of North Atlantic middepth heat anomalies. During the Bølling‐Allerød, the demise of ice sheets resulted in oceanographic changes in the North Atlantic that reduced convective heat loss to the atmosphere, causing subsurface warming that overwhelmed the cooling expected from an AMOC reinvigoration. The data and simulations suggest that rising atmospheric CO2 did not contribute significantly to deglacial subsurface warming at our sites.We thank H. Abrams, G. Swarr, and J. Watson for technical assistance. This work was funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation grant OCE15‐558341, the Investment in Science Fund at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT140100993). The data are included in the supporting information and are available online (https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/26530)

    Developments in nanoparticles for use in biosensors to assess food safety and quality

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    The following will provide an overview on how advances in nanoparticle technology have contributed towards developing biosensors to screen for safety and quality markers associated with foods. The novel properties of nanoparticles will be described and how such characteristics have been exploited in sensor design will be provided. All the biosensor formats were initially developed for the health care sector to meet the demand for point-of-care diagnostics. As a consequence, research has been directed towards miniaturization thereby reducing the sample volume to nanolitres. However, the needs of the food sector are very different which may ultimately limit commercial application of nanoparticle based nanosensors. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd

    Interplay between liver and blood stages of Plasmodium infection dictates malaria severity via γδ T cells and IL-17-promoted stress erythropoiesis

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    © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Plasmodium replicates within the liver prior to reaching the bloodstream and infecting red blood cells. Because clinical manifestations of malaria only arise during the blood stage of infection, a perception exists that liver infection does not impact disease pathology. By developing a murine model where the liver and blood stages of infection are uncoupled, we showed that the integration of signals from both stages dictated mortality outcomes. This dichotomy relied on liver stage-dependent activation of Vγ4+ γδ T cells. Subsequent blood stage parasite loads dictated their cytokine profiles, where low parasite loads preferentially expanded IL-17-producing γδ T cells. IL-17 drove extra-medullary erythropoiesis and concomitant reticulocytosis, which protected mice from lethal experimental cerebral malaria (ECM). Adoptive transfer of erythroid precursors could rescue mice from ECM. Modeling of γδ T cell dynamics suggests that this protective mechanism may be key for the establishment of naturally acquired malaria immunity among frequently exposed individuals.We would like to acknowledge Freddy Frischknecht (Integrative Parasitology Center for Infectious Diseases, Heidelberg) for providing the Plasmodium berghei lisp2− parasite line, Immo Prinz (Hannover Medical School, Hannover) for providing genetically modified mouse lines, Ana Parreira (iMM-JLA, Portugal) and Geoff McFadden’s lab (School of BioSciences, University of Melbourne, Australia) for mosquito rearing and infection with Plasmodium parasites, Helena Pinheiro (iMM-JLA, Portugal) for assistance with graphical design, Inês Bento and Miguel Prudêncio for critically reviewing this manuscript, and the Flow Cytometry and Rodent Facilities teams (iMM-JLA, Portugal) for their assistance. Work at iMM-JLA was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. Portugal (PTDC/MED-IMU/28664/2017) and the “La caixa” Banking Foundation, Spain (HR17-00264-PoEMM) grants attributed to Â.F.C. and M.M.M., respectively. Work at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, The University of Melbourne, Australia, was funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia (1113293, 1154457) and the Australian Research Council, Australia (CE140100011). Â.F.C., S.M., J.L.G., M.I.M., R.M.R., and K.S. were supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal (DL57/2016/CP1451/CT0004, DL57/2016/CP1451/CT0010, PD/BD/139053/2018, PD/BD/135454/2017, PTDC/MAT-APL/31602/2017, and CEECIND/00697/2018, respectively), P.L. was supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tenológico, Brazil (SN/CGEFO/CNPQ 201801/2015-9), and A.T.T. was supported in part by Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship (FG-2020-12949).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Migraine aura: retracting particle-like waves in weakly susceptible cortex

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    Cortical spreading depression (SD) has been suggested to underlie migraine aura. Despite a precise match in speed, the spatio-temporal patterns of SD and aura symptoms on the cortical surface ordinarily differ in aspects of size and shape. We show that this mismatch is reconciled by utilizing that both pattern types bifurcate from an instability point of generic reaction-diffusion models. To classify these spatio-temporal pattern we suggest a susceptibility scale having the value [sigma]=1 at the instability point. We predict that human cortex is only weakly susceptible to SD ([sigma]<1), and support this prediction by directly matching visual aura symptoms with anatomical landmarks using fMRI retinotopic mapping. We discuss the increased dynamical repertoire of cortical tissue close to [sigma]=1, in particular, the resulting implications on migraine pharmacology that is hitherto tested in the regime ([sigma]>>1), and potentially silent aura occurring below a second bifurcation point at [sigma]=0 on the susceptible scale

    Inter-hemispheric EEG coherence analysis in Parkinson's disease : Assessing brain activity during emotion processing

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is not only characterized by its prominent motor symptoms but also associated with disturbances in cognitive and emotional functioning. The objective of the present study was to investigate the influence of emotion processing on inter-hemispheric electroencephalography (EEG) coherence in PD. Multimodal emotional stimuli (happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, and disgust) were presented to 20 PD patients and 30 age-, education level-, and gender-matched healthy controls (HC) while EEG was recorded. Inter-hemispheric coherence was computed from seven homologous EEG electrode pairs (AF3–AF4, F7–F8, F3–F4, FC5–FC6, T7–T8, P7–P8, and O1–O2) for delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma frequency bands. In addition, subjective ratings were obtained for a representative of emotional stimuli. Interhemispherically, PD patients showed significantly lower coherence in theta, alpha, beta, and gamma frequency bands than HC during emotion processing. No significant changes were found in the delta frequency band coherence. We also found that PD patients were more impaired in recognizing negative emotions (sadness, fear, anger, and disgust) than relatively positive emotions (happiness and surprise). Behaviorally, PD patients did not show impairment in emotion recognition as measured by subjective ratings. These findings suggest that PD patients may have an impairment of inter-hemispheric functional connectivity (i.e., a decline in cortical connectivity) during emotion processing. This study may increase the awareness of EEG emotional response studies in clinical practice to uncover potential neurophysiologic abnormalities