34 research outputs found

    Sünnitusjärgse depressiooni skaala EPDS ja sünnitusjärgse sotsiaalse toetuse küsimustiku PSSQ eestikeelsete versioonide kasutamine naise depressiivsuse, ärevuse ja tajutud partneripoolse sotsiaalse toetuse hindamisel

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    Taust. Sünnitusjärgne depressioon (SD) on levinud vaimse tervise probleem, mis lisaks naise tervisele võib mõjutada ka teiste pereliikmete heaolu. Partneripoolse sotsiaalse toetuse kvaliteet on üks peamine naise SDga seotud tegur. Eesmärk. Uurimuse eesmärk oli a) töötada välja Edinburghi sünnitusjärgse depressiooni skaala (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, EPDS) ja sünnitusjärgse sotsiaalse toetuse küsimustiku (Postpartum Social Support Questionnaire, PSSQ) partneripoolse toetuse eestikeelne versioon ning b) leida seos depressiivsuse ja ärevuse ning tajutud partneripoolse sotsiaalse toetuse vahel. Metoodika. Valim koosnes 1096 naisest, kelle lapse sünnist oli möödas kuni 12 kuud. Andmete kogumiseks kasutati veebipõhist (E-formular) kirjalikku küsitlust. EPDSi ja PSSQ struktuuride kontrollimiseks kasutati eksploratiivset ning konfirmatiivset faktoranalüüsi. Tulemused. EPDSil eristusid ärevuse ja depressiivsuse ning PSSQs instrumentaalse ja emotsionaalse toetuse alaskaalad. Leiti, et naiste ärevus oli suurem võrreldes depressiivsusega. Lisaks selgus, et depressiivsus on võrreldes ärevusega tugevamalt seotud tajutud partneripoolse sotsiaalse toetusega ning naised tajuvad enam instrumentaalset toetust võrreldes emotsionaalse toetusega. Järeldused. 1. Uurimuse praktiliseks väärtuseks on skriininguskaala EPDSi ja PSSQ partneripoolse toetuse skaala eestikeelsete versioonide väljatöötamine, mis võimaldab mõõdikuid kasutada edasistes uurimistöödes, mille tulemused on informatiivsed ka kliinilise praktika valdkonnas. 2. Kuna depressiivsus ja ärevus on seotud naise tajutud partneripoolse sotsiaalse toetusega, on vaja nii empiirilistes teadustöödes kui ka kliinilises praktikas pöörata tähelepanu a) ärevuse ja depressiivsuse hindamisele ning b) naise ja mehe psühholoogilisele heaolule ja sünnitusjärgsele paarisuhte kvaliteedile

    Sünnitusjärgse depressiooni sümptomaatika hindamine: sünnitusjärgse depressiooni sõeluuringu skaala EPDSi eestikeelne versioon

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    Taust ja eesmärk. Sünnitusjärgne depressioon (SD) on levinud vaimse tervise häire, millega kaasneb vaimse tervise risk nii naisele kui ka tema pereliikmetele. SD esinemine emal on seotud ka lapse sagedasema haigestumise ning haiglaravi vajadusega tema esimesel eluaastal. Seega on nii ennetustöö kui ka varane meeleoluhäire märkamine ja õigeaegne abi kõikide pereliikmete heaolu tagamisel oluline. SD sümptomaatika mõõtmiseks soovitatakse kasutada sünnitusjärgse perioodi spetsiifikat arvestavaid hindamisvahendeid. Edinburghi sünnitusjärgse depressiooni skaala (EPDS) on sõeltest, mida on enim kasutatud SD sõeluurimisel. Kuna Eestis puudub SD spetsiifikale kohandatud tõenduspõhine depressiooni sõeltest, oli uurimuse eesmärk tutvustada sünnitusjärgses perioodis kasutatavat sõeltesti EPDS ning leida selle lõikepunkt.Metoodika. Valim koosnes 389 naisest, kelle lapse sünnist oli möödas kuni 12 kuud. EPDSi lõikepunkti valideerimiseks kasutati emotsionaalse enesetunde küsimustiku (EEK-2) depressiooni alaskaalat. Sobivaima lõikepunkti määramisel kasutati spetsiifilisuse ja tundlikkuse hindamisel ROC-kõverat ning Youdeni indeksit.Tulemused. Läbiviidud analüüs näitab, et EPDS on sõeltestina kasutatav depressiivsete naiste eristamiseks naistest, kes seda ei ole. Optimaalne lõikepunkt saadi EPDSi skoori ≥ 11 juures, kus spetsiifilisuse ja tundlikkuse suhe on kõige parem.Järeldused. EPDSi eestikeelne versioon võimaldab anda tõenduspõhise sõeltestina esmase hinnangu sünnitusjärgse perioodi vaimsele tervisele ning toetada depressiooni varast diagnoosimist. Lisaks aitab SD-temaatika käsitlemine parandada teadlikkust tõenduspõhistest võimalustest vaimse tervise hindamisel ning nii naise kui ka pere heaolu toetamisel

    Measurement of psychological entitlement in 28 countries

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    This article presents the cross-cultural validation of the Entitlement Attitudes Questionnaire, a tool designed to measure three facets of psychological entitlement: active, passive, and revenge entitlement. Active entitlement was defined as the tendency to protect individual rights based on self-worthiness. Passive entitlement was defined as the belief in obligations to and expectations toward other people and institutions for the fulfillment of the individual’s needs. Revenge entitlement was defined as the tendency to protect one’s individual rights when violated by others and the tendency to reciprocate insults. The 15-item EAQ was validated in a series of three studies: the first one on a general Polish sample (N = 1,900), the second one on a sample of Polish students (N = 199), and the third one on student samples from 28 countries (N = 5,979). A three-factor solution was confirmed across all samples. Examination of measurement equivalence indicated partial metric invariance of EAQ for all national samples. Discriminant and convergent validity of the EAQ was also confirmed

    Cultural Dimensions of Entitlement (Kulturowe wymiary postaw roszczeniowych)

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    W oparciu o dane z prób studenckich z 27 krajów (N = 6192) sprawdzano uniwersalność trójwymiarowego modelu postaw roszczeniowych - zarówno w obrębie badanych prób krajowych, jak i na poziomie ponadkulturowym. W artykule przedstawiamy model teoretyczny umożliwiający porównania międzykulturowe w odniesieniu do postaw roszczeniowych oraz związki wyróżnionych postaw ze wskaźnikami rozwoju socjoekonomicznego społeczeństw (w tym funkcjonowania demokracji i gospodarki) oraz wartościami kulturowymi Schwartza. Uzyskane wyniki omawiamy w odniesieniu do modelu ekokulturowego Berry’ego oraz teorii rozwoju ludzkiego Ingleharta.On the basis of findings obtained from students samples from 27 countries (N = 6192) applicability of three-dimensional entitlement model on individual and cultural level were tested. In the article we present theoretical model allowing for cross-cultural comparisons of entitlement attitudes and its relations to socioeconomic development of societies (including functioning of democracy and economy) and cultural values by Shalom Schwartz. Obtained results are discussed in the terms of John Berry’s eco-cultural model and Ronald Inglehart’s human development theory

    Anger and disgust shape judgments of social sanctions across cultures, especially in high individual autonomy societies

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    Perceptions of the appropriate response to norm violation in 57 societies

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    An Author Correction to this article: DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-22955-x.Norm enforcement may be important for resolving conflicts and promoting cooperation. However, little is known about how preferred responses to norm violations vary across cultures and across domains. In a preregistered study of 57 countries (using convenience samples of 22,863 students and non-students), we measured perceptions of the appropriateness of various responses to a violation of a cooperative norm and to atypical social behaviors. Our findings highlight both cultural universals and cultural variation. We find a universal negative relation between appropriateness ratings of norm violations and appropriateness ratings of responses in the form of confrontation, social ostracism and gossip. Moreover, we find the country variation in the appropriateness of sanctions to be consistent across different norm violations but not across different sanctions. Specifically, in those countries where use of physical confrontation and social ostracism is rated as less appropriate, gossip is rated as more appropriate.Peer reviewe

    Changes in social norms during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic across 43 countries

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    The emergence of COVID-19 dramatically changed social behavior across societies and contexts. Here we study whether social norms also changed. Specifically, we study this question for cultural tightness (the degree to which societies generally have strong norms), specific social norms (e.g. stealing, hand washing), and norms about enforcement, using survey data from 30,431 respondents in 43 countries recorded before and in the early stages following the emergence of COVID-19. Using variation in disease intensity, we shed light on the mechanisms predicting changes in social norm measures. We find evidence that, after the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, hand washing norms increased while tightness and punishing frequency slightly decreased but observe no evidence for a robust change in most other norms. Thus, at least in the short term, our findings suggest that cultures are largely stable to pandemic threats except in those norms, hand washing in this case, that are perceived to be directly relevant to dealing with the collective threat

    Anger and disgust shape judgments of social sanctions across cultures, especially in high individual autonomy societies

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    When someone violates a social norm, others may think that some sanction would be appropriate. We examine how the experience of emotions like anger and disgust relate to the judged appropriateness of sanctions, in a pre-registered analysis of data from a large-scale study in 56 societies. Across the world, we find that individuals who experience anger and disgust over a norm violation are more likely to endorse confrontation, ostracism and, to a smaller extent, gossip. Moreover, we find that the experience of anger is consistently the strongest predictor of judgments of confrontation, compared to other emotions. Although the link between state-based emotions and judgments may seem universal, its strength varies across countries. Aligned with theoretical predictions, this link is stronger in societies, and among individuals, that place higher value on individual autonomy. Thus, autonomy values may increase the role that emotions play in guiding judgments of social sanctions


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    The aim of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the Transformational Leadership Behaviour Inventory (TLBI) (Podsakoff et al. 1990) and the Leader Reward and Punishment Questionnaire (LRPQ) (Podsakoff et al. 1984) as one transformational-transactional leadership instrument in the Estonian context. The sample group (N=797) consisted of military (N=373) and non-military (N=424) personnel who completed the Estonian versions of the TLBI & LRPQ scales. Both exploratory (EFA) and confi rmatory factor (CFA) analyses were used to analyse the data. The results validated the use of the original ten-dimensional structure: Articulating a Vision, Providing an Appropriate Model, Fostering the Acceptance of Group Goals, High Performance Expectations, Individualized Support, Intellectual Stimulation from the transformational leadership side and Contingent Reward behaviour, Contingent Punishment behaviour, Non-Contingent Punishment behaviour, Non-Contingent Reward behaviour from the transactional leadership side