351 research outputs found

    Federal, state, and district level English language learner program entry and exit requirements: Effects on the education of language minority learners.

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    Identification of a language minority learner for placement in a program for English Language Learners (ELLs), and the length of the support program, may have a significant effect on the student’s academic achievement. Widespread anecdotal evidence suggests that criteria used to make placement decisions vary widely across the U.S. This study systematically examines related federal laws and guidance, as well as published entry and exit criteria for ELL programs for the 10 states and 10 districts in the U.S. with the largest enrollment of ELLs. For the majority of placement decisions, a measure of English language proficiency is used. Very few states and districts rely on multiple sources of information for these decisions. The ramifications of these findings are discussed in light of the language and content demands of the mainstream classroom

    Béatrice Baumier, Tours entre Lumière et Révolution, pouvoir municipal et métamorphoses d’une ville (1764-1792)

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    Ce livre renouvelle en profondeur l’image de Tours à la fin de l’Ancien Régime et au début de la Révolution. Les travaux antérieurs étaient très peu nombreux à aborder cette histoire de la municipalité tourangelle. Pourtant, ce type d’étude n’est pas nouveau. En 1984, Jacques Maillard avait étudié la municipalité d’Angers ; en 1990, Philippe Guignet s’était penché sur les villes du Nord. D’autres chercheurs s’étaient lancés dans des travaux similaires, tel Guy Saupin, en 1996, pour la ville d..

    The role of oral language skills in reading and listening comprehension of text: A comparison of monolingual (L1) and bilingual (L2) speakers of English language

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    The study examined the role of oral language skills in reading comprehension and listening comprehension levels of 125 monolingual (L1) and bilingual (L2) English-speaking learners (M = 121.5 months, SD = 4.65) in England. All testing was conducted in English. The L1 learners outperformed their L2 peers on the measures of oral language and text comprehension, but the two groups performed at comparable levels on word-reading accuracy and speed. Oral language, indexed by vocabulary and morphosyntactic skills, emerged as the most powerful unique predictor of both reading and listening comprehension levels. Although there was a tendency of oral language to be more strongly related to L2 reading comprehension, its relationship with listening comprehension was comparable across the two language groups. Finally, individual differences in oral language skills emerged as the primary factor that explained the language group differences in text comprehension levels. Educational implications of these findings were discussed. © 2012 UKLA

    Cristallisation induite sous sollicitations cycliques dans les élastomères

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    Ce travail constitue une étude exploratoire sur la cristallisation sous contraintes du caoutchouc naturel. Nous avons poursuivi plusieurs objectifs que nous vous avons globalement atteints. En effet, nous avons identifié et validé un protocole mécanique qui permet de générer des cristaux dans ce matériau. Ce protocole est basé sur des sollicitations cycliques effectuées sur une machine DMA-TMA. Nous avons, par là même, mis en évidence l'influence des paramètres de sollicitation sur l'apparition et le cumul de cette cristallisation. Ce changement de structure est prouvé par la température de transition vitreuse (Tg) et par la densité du matériau qui, toutes les deux, augmentent avec la présence des cristaux. Enfin, nous avons vérifié que les cristaux jouent un rôle prépondérant dans la déviation d'une fissure de son trajet initiale de propagation (phénomène « Knotty tearing »)

    Birth weight as a risk factor for neonatal mortality: Breed-specific approach to identify at-risk puppies

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    Abstract: In numerous species, low birth weight is a risk factor for neonatal mortality. In the canine species, definition of a low birth weight is complex due to the huge interbreed variability in size. To identify puppies at higher risk of neonatal death, data from 6,694 puppies were analysed. The data were collected from 75 French breeding kennels, examining 27 breeds and totaling 1,202 litters of puppies. Generalised linear mixed models allowed to identify birth weight, birth weight heterogeneity within the litter, and size of the breeding kennel as significant risk factors for neonatal mortality. Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) and classification and regression tree (CART) analyses were combined to define breed specific thresholds for birth weight allowing the identification of puppies at higher risk of neonatal mortality. Due to differences in birth weights between breeds, including when belonging to the same breed size, analyses were conducted at the breed level. First, ROC analysis thresholds were successfully established for 12 breeds (area under the ROC ≥ 0.70; sensitivity ≥ 75%; specificity: 45–68%) and they ranged from 162 g in the Maltese to 480 g in the Bernese Mountain dog. Secondly, CART analysis thresholds from 22 breeds ranged from 105 g in the Maltese and 436 g in the Boxer. Puppies were grouped into three categories according to birth weight: low, moderate and high risk of neonatal mortality (higher than the ROC threshold, between ROC and CART thresholds, and lower than the CART threshold respectively). In the current study, 44% of the puppies were classified as at moderate risk and 5.3% for a high risk of neonatal mortality. Thresholds defined by CART analysis (and not ROC analysis) were used to define low birth weight puppies and were sometimes quite different between breeds with similar birth weight distributions suggesting a variable relationship between birth weight reduction and neonatal death. These results allow the identification of puppies at an increased risk of neonatal death, thus requiring specific nursing to improve their chances of survival. With these high risk puppies identified, both animal welfare and kennel productivity is predicted to improve

    Multiple Roles of Specialized Literacy Professionals: The ILA 2017 Standards

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    This article compares the ILA 2017 Standards for preparing specialized literacy professionals with the 2010 Standards. The authors also describe levels of emphases for each specialized literacy role and implications of the new Standards for those serving in the field and for those who prepare them

    Oral Health Disparities and Periodontal Disease in Asian and Pacific Island Populations

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    Introduction—While oral health disparities exist in many ethnic groups in Hawaii, the challenge of developing research and intervention programs is hampered by the lack of a dental school and adequate state resources. Objective—To use a collaboration model to establish a mentoring relationship with a researchintensive school of dentistry to reduce oral health disparities in Hawaii. Methods—Collaborative interactions with the University of Hawaii School of Medicine (UH) and the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry at Chapel Hill (UNC) included bimonthly teleconferences, on-site planning and mentoring sessions, yearly conferences in Hawaii open to the community using UNC faculty, and on-site skills training sessions. The community was asked to participate in determining priorities for research through focus-group interactions. Two pilot investigations were also conducted. Results—Both universities have been awarded grants to fund activities to support the combined intellectual and physical resources of multiple private, public, and community organizations to achieve the goal of improving the oral health status of the people of Hawaii. As a result of initial planning, two related grants have been submitted (one approved, one disapproved) to fund pilot studies on the oral health status of mothers and their babies in a rural community. These studies include both UH and UNC investigators. Conclusions—Health disparities occur among diverse ethnic groups in Hawaii, and links between general health and oral health continue to emerge. In spite of obstacles to designing effective research and intervention programs in Hawaii, UH fostered a collaborative relationship with a premiere dental research institution to develop competence in clinical research, conduct pilot studies, and obtain extramural funding for comprehensive studies. Direct involvement of community representatives in the research process is integral to the success of such studies and will continue to serve as the foundation of our community-based participatory research. The network partners have accomplished their primary goal of developing culturally appropriate methods for assessing determinants of oral health, oral health-related quality of life, and health outcomes in Asians and Pacific Islanders

    A Systematic Review of the Research on Vocabulary Instruction That Impacts Text Comprehension

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    Although numerous studies have identified a correlational relationship between vocabulary and comprehension, we know less about vocabulary interventions that impact reading comprehension. Therefore, this study is a systematic review of vocabulary interventions with comprehension outcomes. Analyses of 36 studies that met criteria are organized around (a) type of comprehension measure (i.e., comprehension of passages that included taught words or more generalized comprehension measures) and (b) type of intervention (i.e., direct teaching of word meanings or word‐learning strategies). The authors looked for patterns in characteristics of vocabulary instruction within these analyses. Their findings led to four major themes: (1) Teaching of word meanings supported comprehension of text containing the target words in almost all cases; (2) instruction that focused on some active processing was typically more impactful than a definition or a dictionary method for supporting comprehension of text containing the target words, but we do not know how much instruction is sufficient; (3) there is very limited evidence that direct teaching of word meanings, even long‐term, multifaceted interventions of large numbers of words, can improve generalized comprehension; and (4) there is currently no empirical evidence that instruction in one or two strategies for solving word meanings will impact generalized comprehension. However, studies that actively teach students to monitor their understanding of vocabulary and to use multiple, flexible strategies for solving word meanings are a promising area for future research. The authors discuss the implications of these themes, as well as critical avenues for future vocabulary research.Chinese虽然许多研究已经确定了词汇与阅读理解之间的相关关系,但在词汇干预教学对阅读理解的影响方面,我们所知道的则较少。因此,本研究针对词汇干预教学及其阅读理解学习成果,作一个系统性文献综述。符合标准的36个研究按其类别分两方面作分析:(a)阅读理解测验的类型(即,包含已教过的单字的文章阅读理解测验或较广义的阅读理解测验);(b)干预教学的类型(即,单字意义的直接教学或单字学习策略)。本文作者在这些分析中寻找词汇教学特点的模式,其分析结果带出四个主要主题︰(1)在几乎所有情况下,单字意义教学能支援含有目标单字的文本阅读理解;(2)就支援含有目标单字的文本阅读理解而言,侧重于一些主动性文本处理的教学,通常比单字定义教学或字典教学更有影响力,但本文作者不知道多少教学才足够; (3)单字意义的直接教学,甚至是长期性的,多方面的大量单字干预教学,均只有非常有限的证据证明可以提高广义的阅读理解; (4)目前还没有实证研究证据证明只教一两个解决单字义的学习策略就能对广义阅读理解产生影响。然而,在未来研究中,那些积极指导学生监控自己对词汇的理解和使用多样灵活的字义解决策略的研究,应是一个有希望的领域。本文作者最后讨论这四个主题的启示,以及未来词汇研究的关键途径。SpanishAunque numerosos estudios han mostrado una relación correlativa entre el vocabulario y la comprensión, no sabemos tanto sobre las intervenciones de vocabulario que impactan la comprensión lectora. Por ende, este estudio es una revisión sistemática de intervenciones de vocabulario que incluyen comprensión. Los análisis de 36 estudios que satisfacen dicho criterio fueron organizados de acuerdo a (a) la clase de comprensión medida (p. ej., la comprensión de pasajes que incluían palabras enseñadas o medidas de comprensión más generalizadas) y (b) la clase de intervención (p. ej., la enseñanza directa del significado de las palabras o estrategias para aprender palabras). Los autores buscaron patrones en las características de la instrucción de vocabulario dentro de estos análisis. Encontraron cuatro temas principales: (1) La enseñanza del significado de palabras apoya la comprensión de textos que incluyen dichas palabras en casi todos los casos; (2) la instrucción enfocada en algún procesamiento activo tiene típicamente un impacto mayor que una definición o el uso del diccionario para apoyar la comprensión del texto con las palabras indicadas, pero no sabemos cuánta instrucción se necesita; (3) hay poca evidencia de que la enseñanza directa del significado de las palabras, aún en intervenciones multifacéticas a largo plazo de muchas palabras, mejora la comprensión en general; y (4) actualmente no hay evidencia empírica alguna que la instrucción usando una o dos estrategias para resolver el significado de palabras impacta la comprensión general. Sin embargo, instrucción que les enseña activamente a los estudiantes a supervisar su propio entendimiento del vocabulario y a usar varias estrategias flexibles para encontrar el significado de las palabras prometen ser un área para investigaciones futuras. Los autores discuten las implicaciones de estos temas al igual que vías de vital importancia para futuras investigaciones sobre el vocabulario.Arabicعلى الرغم من أن العديد من الدراسات قد حددت العلاقة الارتباطية بين المفردات والفهم، لا تزال معرفتنا اقل بالنسبة لتدخلات المفردات التي تؤثر على القراءة والفهم. وبالتالي، فإن هذه الدراسة تراجع منهجية تدخل المفردات المؤثرة على الفهم. تم تنظيم التحاليل التي أجريت على 36 دراسة تلبي معايير (أ) نوع مقياس الفهم (أي: فهم المقاطع التي شملت الكلمات المدرسة أو تدابير الفهم الأكثر عمومية) (ب) نوع التدخل (أي التعليم المباشر لمعاني الكلمات أو استراتيجيات تعلم الكلمات). نظر المؤلفون عن أنماط خصائص تعليم المفردات ضمن هذه التحليلات. وأدت نتائجهم إلى أربعة محاور رئيسية هي: (1) تدريس معاني الكلمات التي تدعم فهم النص الذي يحتوي على الكلمات المستهدفة في جميع الحالات تقريبا، (2) التعليمات التي تركز على المعالجة الفعَّلة كانت عادة أكثر تأثيرا من تعريف الكلمة أو الأسلوب القاموسي لدعم فهم النص الذي يحتوي على الكلمات المستهدفة، لكننا لا نعرف ما هو الكافي من التعليمات. 3) هناك أدلة محدودة للغاية أن التعليم المباشر لمعاني الكلمات، وحتى على المدى الطويل، او التدخلات المتعددة الأوجه لأعداد كبيرة من الكلمات، يمكن أن يحسن الفهم العام. و (4) لا يوجد حاليا أي أدلة تجريبية أن التعليمات العملية في واحد أو اثنين من استراتيجيات تحليل معاني كلمة سيؤثر على الفهم العام. لكن، الدراسات التي تعلم الطلاب بنشاط مراقبة فهمهم للمفردات، واستخدام عدة استراتيجيات مرنة من أجل تحليل معاني الكلمات لها مبَشِّـرات للبحوث المستقبلية. يناقش المؤلفون الآثار المترتبة على هذه المحاور، وكذلك السبل الهامة في بحثوث المفردات المستقبلية.RussianМногочисленные исследования установили корреляцию между словарным запасом и пониманием текста, однако о лексических вмешательствах, которые дают положительный эффект для понимания прочитанного, известно немного. Поэтому был предпринят системный обзор подобных лексических интервенций. Анализ выбранных по определенному принципу 36 исследований сосредоточен на (a) критериях понимания (понимание абзацев, содержащих изученные слова, или критерии более общего характера) и (б) типе вмешательства (прямое обучение значениям слова или освоение стратегий работы с лексикой). В рамках данного обзора авторы пытались классифицировать полученные выводы. Выделены четыре лейтмотива: (1) почти всегда обучение значениям слова приводит к пониманию текста, содержащего целевую лексику; (2) обучение, связанное с активными лексическими упражнениями, как правило, более эффективно для понимания текста, содержащего целевую лексику, чем работа с определениями или словарями, но пока неясно, каков должен быть объем обучения; (3) существует совсем мало доказательств того, что прямое обучение значениям слова и даже долгосрочные, многогранные вмешательства, включающие большое количество лексики, улучшают общее понимание почитанного; (4) в настоящее время нет никаких эмпирических доказательств того, что обучение одной или двум стратегиям, позволяющим уловить смысл слова, положительно влияет на общее понимание прочитанного. Однако наиболее перспективным направлением для исследований представляется ситуация, когда школьников активно обучают самоконтролю при освоении лексики и дают им разнообразные гибкие стратегии для понимания смысла слов. В статье обсуждается значение полученных выводов, а также критически важные направления для будущих исследований.FrenchQuoique de nombreuses recherches aient mis en évidence une corrélation entre le vocabulaire et la compréhension, nous ne savons pas grand‐chose des interventions relatives au vocabulaire qui ont un impact sur la compréhension de la lecture. Cette étude est par conséquent une revue systématique des interventions en matière de vocabulaire et de leurs effets sur la compréhension. Les analyses des 36 études répondant aux critères sont organisées autour de (a) le type de mesure de la compréhension (i.e. la compréhension de passages qui incluent les mots enseignés ou des mesures plus générales de la compréhension) et (b) le type d’intervention (i.e. un enseignement direct de la signification des mots ou des stratégies d’apprentissage des mots). Les auteurs ont examiné les structures des caractéristiques de l’enseignement du vocabulaire au cours de ces analyses. Les résultats conduisent à quatre conclusions principales : (1) Enseigner la signification des mots est presque toujours bénéfique à la compréhension du texte contenant les mots cibles ; (2) un enseignement focalisé sur un processus actif a de façon typique un impact supérieur à une méthode qui donne la définition du vocabulaire pour améliorer la compréhension du texte contenant les mots cibles, mais sans pouvoir préciser quelle quantité d’enseignement est suffisante. (3) Il y a très peu de preuves qu’un enseignement direct de la signification des mots, et même que des interventions longues et multidimensionnelles d’un grand nombre de mots, puissent conduire à une compréhension générale ; et (4) on n’a actuellement pas de preuve empirique que l’une ou l’autre de ces deux stratégies de connaissance du sens des mots ait un impact sur la compréhension en général. Toutefois, les recherches qui enseignent aux élèves à diriger de façon active leur compréhension du vocabulaire et qui utilisent des stratégies multiples et souples de compréhension des mots sont un domaine prometteur pour les recherches à venir. Les auteurs discutent des implications de ces conclusions, ainsi que des voies pertinentes pour les futures recherches sur le vocabulaire.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136457/1/rrq163_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136457/2/rrq163.pd