799 research outputs found

    3. Safety Assessment of SIN LVs Harboring Chromatin Insulators in the Sensitive Cdkn2a-/- In Vivo Genotoxicity Assay Show Enhancer-Blocking Activity of Specific Insulator Sequences

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    Chromatin insulators (CI) have been proposed as safety features to increase the safety of self-inactivating (SIN) lentiviral vectors (LV) for gene therapy applications.By taking advantage of an in vivo genotoxicity assay based on the systemic injection of LVs in newborn tumor-prone Cdkn2a-/- mice we were able to measure vector-induced genotoxicity as an accelerated tumor onset that was proportional to the genotoxic potential of the tested LV. Importantly, we took advantage of integration sites (IS) analysis to qualitatively characterize CI that were shown by other in vitro and ex vivo studies to function as insulators. Recently we showed for the first time that a CAAT-box binding Nuclear factor 1 (CTF/NF1)-based CI, when cloned in the LTRs of a SIN.LV with a strong SFFV enhancer-promoter in internal position, significantly reduced the frequency of tumors harboring integrations activating Map3k8 oncogene accompanied by a marked skewing towards tumors harboring inactivating insertions targeting Pten.Here by using this stringent in vivo genotoxicity assay and IS analysis in tumors we expanded our studies towards other CI sequences whose function is regulated by the binding of the CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF), the best characterized insulator protein in vertebrates.Each CTCF-based insulating cassette was cloned in the LTRs of a LV construct containing the SFFV promoter in internal position (CTCF.SIN.LVs) and injected in Cdkn2a-/- mice. Interestingly, mice treated with some of the CTCF.SIN.LVs tested displayed an increased median survival time (ranging from 193.5 to 214 days) compared to mice treated with the uninsulated parental SIN.LV (186 days). Importantly, our preliminary IS analysis in tumors (881 IS) showed that two CTCF.SIN.LVs did not target Map3k8 oncogene while Pten was often disrupted by exonic insertions, an escape genotoxicity mechanism on which CI cannot act.These data confirm that the inclusion of two novel CTCF-based CIs of human origin completely abrogated the formation of tumors caused by enhancer-mediated activation of an oncogene in vivo.The ability of these two new insulator elements to block the crosstalk between powerful vector enhancers and cellular regulatory elements increase the safety of SIN LVs and justify their prompt adoption in future gene therapy applications

    |Delta B|=1 Weak Effective Lagrangian in the Minimal Flavor Violation Supersymmetry

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    To evaluate the weak decays of b-hadrons, the ΔB=1\Delta B=1 weak effective Lagrangian is the foundation. Any new physics beyond the standard model (SM) would contribute to the effective Lagrangian through the loop integration at the weak scale and evolution from the weak scale down to the hadronic scale. In this work we present a systematic analysis on the effective Lagrangian which mediates hadronic ΔB=1|\Delta B|=1 processes in the framework of the minimal flavor violation supersymmetry as well as a numerical evaluation of the Wilson coefficients in the effective theory.Comment: Latex,16 pages plus 5 figures, PRD versio

    Non-destructive optical measurement of relative phase between two Bose condensates

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    We study the interaction of light with two Bose condensates as an open quantum system. The two overlapping condensates occupy two different Zeeman sublevels and two driving light beams induce a coherent quantum tunneling between the condensates. We derive the master equation for the system. It is shown that stochastic simulations of the measurements of spontaneously scattered photons establish the relative phase between two Bose condensates, even though the condensates are initially in pure number states. These measurements are non-destructive for the condensates, because only light is scattered, but no atoms are removed from the system. Due to the macroscopic quantum interference the detection rate of photons depends substantially on the relative phase between the condensates. This may provide a way to distinguish, whether the condensates are initially in number states or in coherent states.Comment: 26 pages, RevTex, 8 postscript figures, 1 MacBinary eps-figur

    T Cell Responses to Human Endogenous Retroviruses in HIV-1 Infection

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    Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) are remnants of ancient infectious agents that have integrated into the human genome. Under normal circumstances, HERVs are functionally defective or controlled by host factors. In HIV-1-infected individuals, intracellular defense mechanisms are compromised. We hypothesized that HIV-1 infection would remove or alter controls on HERV activity. Expression of HERV could potentially stimulate a T cell response to HERV antigens, and in regions of HIV-1/HERV similarity, these T cells could be cross-reactive. We determined that the levels of HERV production in HIV-1-positive individuals exceed those of HIV-1-negative controls. To investigate the impact of HERV activity on specific immunity, we examined T cell responses to HERV peptides in 29 HIV-1-positive and 13 HIV-1-negative study participants. We report T cell responses to peptides derived from regions of HERV detected by ELISPOT analysis in the HIV-1-positive study participants. We show an inverse correlation between anti-HERV T cell responses and HIV-1 plasma viral load. In HIV-1-positive individuals, we demonstrate that HERV-specific T cells are capable of killing cells presenting their cognate peptide. These data indicate that HIV-1 infection leads to HERV expression and stimulation of a HERV-specific CD8+ T cell response. HERV-specific CD8+ T cells have characteristics consistent with an important role in the response to HIV-1 infection: a phenotype similar to that of T cells responding to an effectively controlled virus (cytomegalovirus), an inverse correlation with HIV-1 plasma viral load, and the ability to lyse cells presenting their target peptide. These characteristics suggest that elicitation of anti-HERV-specific immune responses is a novel approach to immunotherapeutic vaccination. As endogenous retroviral sequences are fixed in the human genome, they provide a stable target, and HERV-specific T cells could recognize a cell infected by any HIV-1 viral variant. HERV-specific immunity is an important new avenue for investigation in HIV-1 pathogenesis and vaccine design

    A LysM and SH3-Domain Containing Region of the Listeria monocytogenes p60 Protein Stimulates Accessory Cells to Promote Activation of Host NK Cells

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    Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) infection induces rapid and robust activation of host natural killer (NK) cells. Here we define a region of the abundantly secreted Lm endopeptidase, p60, that potently but indirectly stimulates NK cell activation in vitro and in vivo. Lm expression of p60 resulted in increased IFNγ production by naïve NK cells co-cultured with treated dendritic cells (DCs). Moreover, recombinant p60 protein stimulated activation of naive NK cells when co-cultured with TLR or cytokine primed DCs in the absence of Lm. Intact p60 protein weakly digested bacterial peptidoglycan (PGN), but neither muropeptide recognition by RIP2 nor the catalytic activity of p60 was required for NK cell activation. Rather, the immune stimulating activity mapped to an N-terminal region of p60, termed L1S. Treatment of DCs with a recombinant L1S polypeptide stimulated them to activate naïve NK cells in a cell culture model. Further, L1S treatment activated NK cells in vivo and increased host resistance to infection with Francisella tularensis live vaccine strain (LVS). These studies demonstrate an immune stimulating function for a bacterial LysM domain-containing polypeptide and suggest that recombinant versions of L1S or other p60 derivatives can be used to promote NK cell activation in therapeutic contexts

    Production of Embryonic and Fetal-Like Red Blood Cells from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

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    We have previously shown that human embryonic stem cells can be differentiated into embryonic and fetal type of red blood cells that sequentially express three types of hemoglobins recapitulating early human erythropoiesis. We report here that we have produced iPS from three somatic cell types: adult skin fibroblasts as well as embryonic and fetal mesenchymal stem cells. We show that regardless of the age of the donor cells, the iPS produced are fully reprogrammed into a pluripotent state that is undistinguishable from that of hESCs by low and high-throughput expression and detailed analysis of globin expression patterns by HPLC. This suggests that reprogramming with the four original Yamanaka pluripotency factors leads to complete erasure of all functionally important epigenetic marks associated with erythroid differentiation regardless of the age or the tissue type of the donor cells, at least as detected in these assays. The ability to produce large number of erythroid cells with embryonic and fetal-like characteristics is likely to have many translational applications

    C-tactile afferents: Cutaneous mediators of oxytocin release during affiliative tactile interactions?

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    Low intensity, non-noxious, stimulation of cutaneous somatosensory nerves has been shown to trigger oxytocin release and is associated with increased social motivation, plus reduced physiological and behavioural reactivity to stressors. However, to date, little attention has been paid to the specific nature of the mechanosensory nerves which mediate these effects. In recent years, the neuroscientific study of human skin nerves (microneurography studies on single peripheral nerve fibres) has led to the identification and characterisation of a class of touch sensitive nerve fibres named C-tactile afferents. Neither itch nor pain receptive, these unmyelinated, low threshold mechanoreceptors, found only in hairy skin, respond optimally to low force/velocity stroking touch. Notably, the speed of stroking which c-tactile afferents fire most strongly to is also that which people perceive to be most pleasant. The social touch hypothesis posits that this system of nerves has evolved in mammals to signal the rewarding value of physical contact in nurturing and social interactions. In support of this hypothesis, in this paper we review the evidence that cutaneous stimulation directly targeted to optimally activate c-tactile afferents reduces physiological arousal, carries a positive affective value and, under healthy conditions, inhibits responses to painful stimuli. These effects mirror those, we also review, which have been reported following endogenous release and exogenous administration of oxytocin. Taken together this suggests C-tactile afferent stimulation may mediate oxytocin release during affiliative tactile interactions

    Dissociable Influences of Auditory Object vs. Spatial Attention on Visual System Oscillatory Activity

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    Given that both auditory and visual systems have anatomically separate object identification (“what”) and spatial (“where”) pathways, it is of interest whether attention-driven cross-sensory modulations occur separately within these feature domains. Here, we investigated how auditory “what” vs. “where” attention tasks modulate activity in visual pathways using cortically constrained source estimates of magnetoencephalograpic (MEG) oscillatory activity. In the absence of visual stimuli or tasks, subjects were presented with a sequence of auditory-stimulus pairs and instructed to selectively attend to phonetic (“what”) vs. spatial (“where”) aspects of these sounds, or to listen passively. To investigate sustained modulatory effects, oscillatory power was estimated from time periods between sound-pair presentations. In comparison to attention to sound locations, phonetic auditory attention was associated with stronger alpha (7–13 Hz) power in several visual areas (primary visual cortex; lingual, fusiform, and inferior temporal gyri, lateral occipital cortex), as well as in higher-order visual/multisensory areas including lateral/medial parietal and retrosplenial cortices. Region-of-interest (ROI) analyses of dynamic changes, from which the sustained effects had been removed, suggested further power increases during Attend Phoneme vs. Location centered at the alpha range 400–600 ms after the onset of second sound of each stimulus pair. These results suggest distinct modulations of visual system oscillatory activity during auditory attention to sound object identity (“what”) vs. sound location (“where”). The alpha modulations could be interpreted to reflect enhanced crossmodal inhibition of feature-specific visual pathways and adjacent audiovisual association areas during “what” vs. “where” auditory attention

    Anatomy and Phenomenology of FCNC and CPV Effects in SUSY Theories

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    We perform an extensive study of FCNC and CP Violation within Supersymmetric (SUSY) theories with particular emphasis put on processes governed by b->s transitions and of their correlations with processes governed by b->d transitions, s->d transitions, D0Dˉ0D^0-\bar D^0 oscillations, lepton flavour violating decays, electric dipole moments and (g-2)_mu. We first perform a comprehensive model-independent analysis of Delta F=2 observables and we emphasize the usefulness of the R_b-gamma plane in exhibiting transparently various tensions in the present UT analyses. Secondly, we consider a number of SUSY models: the general MSSM, a flavour blind MSSM, the MSSM with Minimal Flavour Violation as well as SUSY flavour models based on abelian and non-abelian flavour symmetries that show representative flavour structures in the soft SUSY breaking terms. We show how the characteristic patterns of correlations among the considered flavour observables allow to distinguish between these different SUSY scenarios. Of particular importance are the correlations between the CP asymmetry S_psi phi and B_s->mu^+\mu^-, between the anomalies in S_phi K_S and S_psi phi, between S_phi K_S and d_e, between S_psi phi and (g-2)_mu and also those involving lepton flavour violating decays. In our analysis, the presence of right-handed currents and of the double Higgs penguin contributions to B_s mixing plays a very important role. We propose a "DNA-Flavour Test" of NP models including Supersymmetry, the Littlest Higgs model with T-parity and the Randall-Sundrum model with custodial protection, with the aim of showing a tool to distinguish between these NP scenarios, once additional data on flavour changing processes become available.Comment: 87 pages, many figures; v2: comments and references adde