265 research outputs found

    Pemodelan Lahan Basah Potensial Berdasarkan Indeks Topografi di Bretagne, Prancis

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    Wetlands represent an important natural resource which supports natural biodiversity. In France, in mentioned wetlands, it called potential wetlands, which have potential in its use.Topography and geomorphology play a major role for the development of wetlands and are decisive factors for modeling wetlands extension.The importance of identifying wetlands, can be used as a basis for determining the development priorities that will be based on technical and socioeconomic aspects The objective of this research was to predict the spatial extent of potential wetlands in Brittany, France from a topographic index calibrated on a set of 10 detailed soil maps. In identifying potential wetlands, it based on soil hydromorphwhich conducted by method 4 criteria. The following four stages of analysis were respectively categorized: (a) identification hidromorphy, (b) calculation topographic index, (c) calculation of threshold, (d) validation.A threshold method was conducted between soil maps and topographic index to indicate the similarity condition. We use for threshold and validation a new way using 120 combination of soil maps. The result oftopographic index was 4.7 and it was applied for all Brittany

    DFT Calculations as a Tool to Analyse Quadrupole Splittings of Spin Crossover Fe(II) complexes

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    Density functional methods have been applied to calculate the quadrupole splitting of a series of iron(II) spin crossover complexes. Experimental and calculated values are in reasonable agreement. In one case spin-orbit coupling is necessary to explain the very small quadrupole splitting value of 0.77 mm/s at 293 K for a high-spin isomer

    Association of plasma Aβ40/Aβ42 ratio and brain Aβ accumulation: testing a whole-brain PLS-VIP in individuals at risk of Alzheimer's disease

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    Molecular and brain regional/network-wise pathophysiological changes at preclinical stages of Alzheimer's disease (AD) have primarily been found through knowledge-based studies conducted in late-stage mild cognitive impairment/dementia populations. However, such an approach may compromise the objective of identifying the earliest spatial-temporal pathophysiological processes. We investigated 261 individuals with subjective memory complaints, a condition at increased risk of AD, to test a whole-brain, non-a-priori method based on partial least squares, in unraveling the association between plasma Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio and an extensive set of brain regions characterized through molecular imaging of Aβ accumulation and cortical metabolism. Significant associations were mapped onto large-scale networks, identified through an atlas and by knowledge, to elaborate on the reliability of the results. Plasma Aβ42/40 ratio was associated with Aβ-PET uptake (but not FDG-PET) in regions generally investigated in preclinical AD such as those belonging to the default mode network, but also in regions/networks normally not accounted - including the central executive and salience networks - which likely have a selective vulnerability to incipient Aβ accumulation. The present whole-brain approach is promising to investigate early pathophysiological changes of AD to fully capture the complexity of the disease, which is essential to develop timely screening, detection, diagnostic, and therapeutic interventions

    Traffic Instabilities in Self-Organized Pedestrian Crowds

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    In human crowds as well as in many animal societies, local interactions among individuals often give rise to self-organized collective organizations that offer functional benefits to the group. For instance, flows of pedestrians moving in opposite directions spontaneously segregate into lanes of uniform walking directions. This phenomenon is often referred to as a smart collective pattern, as it increases the traffic efficiency with no need of external control. However, the functional benefits of this emergent organization have never been experimentally measured, and the underlying behavioral mechanisms are poorly understood. In this work, we have studied this phenomenon under controlled laboratory conditions. We found that the traffic segregation exhibits structural instabilities characterized by the alternation of organized and disorganized states, where the lifetime of well-organized clusters of pedestrians follow a stretched exponential relaxation process. Further analysis show that the inter-pedestrian variability of comfortable walking speeds is a key variable at the origin of the observed traffic perturbations. We show that the collective benefit of the emerging pattern is maximized when all pedestrians walk at the average speed of the group. In practice, however, local interactions between slow- and fast-walking pedestrians trigger global breakdowns of organization, which reduce the collective and the individual payoff provided by the traffic segregation. This work is a step ahead toward the understanding of traffic self-organization in crowds, which turns out to be modulated by complex behavioral mechanisms that do not always maximize the group's benefits. The quantitative understanding of crowd behaviors opens the way for designing bottom-up management strategies bound to promote the emergence of efficient collective behaviors in crowds.Comment: Article published in PLoS Computational biology. Freely available here: http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.100244

    Age and sex impact plasma NFL and t-Tau trajectories in individuals with subjective memory complaints: a 3-year follow-up study

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    BACKGROUND: Plasma neurofilament light (NFL) and total Tau (t-Tau) proteins are candidate biomarkers for early stages of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The impact of biological factors on their plasma concentrations in individuals with subjective memory complaints (SMC) has been poorly explored. We longitudinally investigate the effect of sex, age, APOE ε4 allele, comorbidities, brain amyloid-β (Aβ) burden, and cognitive scores on plasma NFL and t-Tau concentrations in cognitively healthy individuals with SMC, a condition associated with AD development. METHODS: Three hundred sixteen and 79 individuals, respectively, have baseline and three-time point assessments (at baseline, 1-year, and 3-year follow-up) of the two biomarkers. Plasma biomarkers were measured with an ultrasensitive assay in a mono-center cohort (INSIGHT-preAD study). RESULTS: We show an effect of age on plasma NFL, with women having a higher increase of plasma t-Tau concentrations compared to men, over time. The APOE ε4 allele does not affect the biomarker concentrations while plasma vitamin B12 deficiency is associated with higher plasma t-Tau concentrations. Both biomarkers are correlated and increase over time. Baseline NFL is related to the rate of Aβ deposition at 2-year follow-up in the left-posterior cingulate and the inferior parietal gyri. Baseline plasma NFL and the rate of change of plasma t-Tau are inversely associated with cognitive score. CONCLUSION: We find that plasma NFL and t-Tau longitudinal trajectories are affected by age and female sex, respectively, in SMC individuals. Exploring the influence of biological variables on AD biomarkers is crucial for their clinical validation in blood

    Plasma β-secretase1 concentrations correlate with basal forebrain atrophy and neurodegeneration in cognitively healthy individuals at risk for AD

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    BACKGROUND: Increased β-secretase 1 (BACE1) protein concentration, in body fluids, is a candidate biomarker of Alzheimer's disease (AD).We reported that plasma BACE1 protein concentrations are associated with the levels of brain amyloidβ (Αβ) accumulation in cognitively healthy individuals with subjective memory complaint (SMC). METHODS: In 302 individuals from the same cohort, we investigated the cross-sectional and longitudinal association between plasma BACE1 protein concentrations and AD biomarkers of neurodegeneration (plasma t-tau and Neurofilament light chain (NfL), fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET), brain volumes in the basal forebrain [BF], hippocampus, and entorhinal cortex). RESULTS: We report a positive longitudinal correlation of BACE1 with both NfL and t-tau, as well as a correlation between annual BACE1 changes and bi-annual reduction of BF volume. We show a positive association between BACE1 and FDG-PET signal at baseline. CONCLUSIONS: The association between plasma BACE1 protein concentrations and BF atrophy we found in cognitively healthy individuals with SMC corroborates translational studies, suggesting a role of BACE1 in neurodegeneration

    An integration of enhanced social force and crowd control models for high-density crowd simulation

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    Social force model is one of the well-known approaches that can successfully simulate pedestrians’ movements realistically. However, it is not suitable to simulate high-density crowd movement realistically due to the model having only three basic crowd characteristics which are goal, attraction, and repulsion. Therefore, it does not satisfy the high-density crowd condition which is complex yet unique, due to its capacity, density, and various demographic backgrounds of the agents. Thus, this research proposes a model that improves the social force model by introducing four new characteristics which are gender, walking speed, intention outlook, and grouping to make simulations more realistic. Besides, the high-density crowd introduces irregular behaviours in the crowd flow, which is stopping motion within the crowd. To handle these scenarios, another model has been proposed that controls each agent with two different states: walking and stopping. Furthermore, the stopping behaviour was categorized into a slow stop and sudden stop. Both of these proposed models were integrated to form a high-density crowd simulation framework. The framework has been validated by using the comparison method and fundamental diagram method. Based on the simulation of 45,000 agents, it shows that the proposed framework has a more accurate average walking speed (0.36 m/s) compared to the conventional social force model (0.61 m/s). Both of these results are compared to the real-world data which is 0.3267 m/s. The findings of this research will contribute to the simulation activities of pedestrians in a highly dense population

    Calcium- and polyphosphate-containing acidic granules of sea urchin eggs are similar to acidocalcisomes, but are not the targets for NAADP

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    Acidocalcisomes are acidic calcium-storage compartments described from bacteria to humans and characterized by their high content in poly P (polyphosphate), a linear polymer of many tens to hundreds of Pi residues linked by high-energy phosphoanhydride bonds. In the present paper we report that millimolar levels of short-chain poly P (in terms of Pi residues) and inorganic PPi are present in sea urchin extracts as detected using 31P-NMR, enzymatic determinations and agarose gel electrophoresis. Poly P was localized to granules randomly distributed in the sea urchin eggs, as shown by labelling with the poly-P-binding domain of Escherichia coli exopolyphosphatase. These granules were enriched using iodixanol centrifugation and shown to be acidic and to contain poly P, as determined by Acridine Orange and DAPI (4′,6′-diamidino-2-phenylindole) staining respectively. These granules also contained large amounts of calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium and zinc, as detected by X-ray microanalysis, and bafilomycin A1-sensitive ATPase, pyrophosphatase and exopolyphosphatase activities, as well as Ca2+/H+ and Na+/H+ exchange activities, being therefore similar to acidocalcisomes described in other organisms. Calcium release from these granules induced by nigericin was associated with poly P hydrolysis. Although NAADP (nicotinic acid–adenine dinucleotide phosphate) released calcium from the granule fraction, this activity was not significantly enriched as compared with the NAADP-stimulated calcium release from homogenates and was not accompanied by poly P hydrolysis. GPN (glycyl-L-phenylalanine-naphthylamide) released calcium when added to sea urchin homogenates, but was unable to release calcium from acidocalcisome-enriched fractions, suggesting that these acidic stores are not the targets for NAADP

    Aspects of the breeding biology of Janaira gracilis Moreira & Pires (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota)

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    The biological aspects of incubating females of Janaira gracilis Mbreira & Pires, are described. The marsupium is formed by 4 pairs of oostegites arising from pereopods I-IV. The oostegites appear for the first time at the post-marsupial stage 7 (preparatory stage 1), growing successively at each moult until stage 9 (brooding stage 1), when they reach fully development. The sizes of the eggs increase with the body size of the females. The number of eggs, per female, is a linear function of the body volume, i.e., the fecundity increases with the female's body size. The number of eggs, embryos and juveniles decrease during the marsupial development. This decrease in brood number is higher between the last two marsupial stages, i.e., from stage C to D, than between the preceding marsupial stages. The average and overall brood mortality rate is of 38.95%.São descritos, no presente trabalho, vários aspectos relacionados à biologia de fêmeas grávidas de Janaira gracilis Moreira & Pires. O marsúpio é formado por 4 pares de oostégitos, que partem dos pereópodos I-IV. Os oostégitos, que surgem pela primeira vez no estádio 7 do desenvolvimento pós-marsupial (estágio preparatório 1), crescem nas sucessivas mudas, atingindo no estágio 9 (estágio reprodutor 1) seu pleno desenvolvimento. O tamanho dos ovos é proporcional ao tamanho das fêmeas. O número de ovos, por fêmeas, e proporcional ao volume das fêmeas, isto é, a fecundidade é mais elevada nos exemplares de maior comprimento. O número de ovos, embriões e jovens decresce com o desenvolvimento marsupial, sendo este decréscimo maior entre os dois últimos estágios marsupials (i.é., entre os estágios C e D) do que entre os estágios precedentes. A taxa média de mortalidade marsupial é de 38.95%